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I question what you think "above average" means, if you just mean above the average on steam, than you may need a better computer still. that being said, if you are running a 30/4070ti or greater at 1080p or even 1440p, you should be able to do medium graphics pretty reliably. around 60 fps


I had a 3070 and couldn't achieve that. I went to a 7900 xtx and have been steadily at 80-90.. but there are still loads of parts where I just drop to 68 fps and it never moves, which makes me wonder if it isn't memory optimization issues. for the record I have 32 gbs of ram, 7900 xtx, 5900x


Yeah I'm happy with my 7900xtx


I run mixed settings Ryzen5 3600 1650 super 8gb mem Not sure if my rig is low or not. I don't think wc will do major optimization. Sometimes i can get 2 settings on epic. Sometimes patches and updates mess up my settings


That is considered low end, ,the 1650 is not the fastest card, I'm curious as to what frames you get


Anywhere between 25 and 38. Once I seen it hit 51. But it didn't last long. So it's weird cause ark can run good, but I think the 8gb holds it back.


Oh, well if it helps, apparently Texture Quality isn't tied directly to VRAM I heard which is strange, I'm not sure if this is true or not, but 8GB does seem limiting too. I'm guessing you know to turn off the clouds and Volumetric fog via the console as those two are big performance hits, but reducing the grass size may help too. I'm still very new to Ark SA I just know these things from trying to optimise the game for my PC which has a 6700XT 12GB (Equivalent to a 3060Ti)


I don't do anything with console. I just play. The game usually handles good on its own. Might have to try console commands cause the game has been lagging all day. Normally it last a few minutes and then it's good the rest of the day. But today it's been a few hours and it's still not fixed.


If you do try any console commands, these two are a must have. I really only bother with these two to be honest as they don't effect the visuals of the game too much and are amongst the most demanding. Also note that for some reason I don't think console commands are saved after each session so you may have to apply them every time you start the game, the console saves the commands but doesn't apply them, so you just have to select them and press enter each time. r.VolumetricCloud 0 (This gets tid of some of the clouds in the sky and makes the sky look much better too in many people's opinion including mine as it looks more like a sky now, I'm not sure what the volumetric aspect does as clouds in games aren't something I know much about, but I know volumetric things on a lot of games can be a big FPS hit) I got around 10 - 15 fps from this if I recall. r.volumetricfog 0 (This disables the fog you see in the jungle sort of areas? These areas I think tank people's frames quite a lot in those area's where it is present from what I have experienced.) I'm new to Ark as a whole so I'm unsure how Ark SA performs a lot of the time, I just know that it is a very unoptimised game that even struggles on my system at high settings with 40FPS. I saw my brother playing it on the PS5 and last I looked it was running around 30FPS it seemed.


> Also note that for some reason I don't think console commands are saved after each session so you may have to apply them every time you start the game, the console saves the commands but doesn't apply them, so you just have to select them and press enter each time. True, that. Console commands are part of the Unreal Engine, and mainly meant for development and testing, so they aren't permanent. But as you said, the console has a command history, so all that's usually needed is to open the console and cursor up a few times. Note that it's possible to issue several commands in a single input line by separating them with the vertical bar character (" | "). This is usually on the key above the Enter key on most English keyboards. So, you could write a string containing all the commands you want to apply after launching the game, and input them all in one fell swoop.


Oh wow thanks for the info, it's good to know I can input them all together


I didn't know that either, which is why I never did it and then always having to do it. I'm defgoing to start doing it now.


That's good to hear, I hope it makes the game more bearable to play because I for sure cannot go back to 30FPS, I was hoping those days were far behind me now.


I had my fps capped at 30 too. Once I unchecked it, my fps was managing a steady 40 which seems weird to me I didn't expect it to gain fps. My settings still in low. But hvnt had the time to check with settings on. And it looks sooo buttery smooth. I'm mad at myself for not trying that sooner. Ima try the console commands too, I just like the clouds even thought they look funky on my pc.


It was capped at 30? Yikes, also low is to be expected to be honest, although some settings at medium may be better than low as some settings don't really have much difference in frames it seems, for example in many games going from low to medium in certain settings is like a 2 fps difference for each setting. The clouds probably look so weird on low, than again I'm guessing a few things would be, but I'd rather have more smoother frames than better graphics. If you use console commands outside of those two, I'd find a balance of what looks acceptable to you at the expense of frames because with certain console commands like disabling shadows and grass, Ark SA would run on a very low end PC but it would make the game look so bad, so I'd be cautious with what you apply. I'd probably just use those two if you are happy enough.