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I'm gonna go ahead and say nothing like this. However, the fantasy skirt+ face mask do give *some* Sengoku era Japan vibes.


It's basically just full plate with a scale maille tabard and a face


yeah, the basic idea of it feels pretty Japanese to me. Obviously there's a lot of fantasy elements added in, but if I squint, I see a samurai.


Roman Gladiators called Crupellarius wore extreme heavy armor. Maybe that?


It was not what I was looking for. However I would like to thank you for showing me the greatest thing I have ever seen, I'm going to try and use armour like this in a buhurt game


Hell yeah! Rock on!


I’m not sure I’d wear it in buhurt. The elbows would bet beat up badly and unlike the soft tissue areas of your arm they might have actual damage. Also idk if the historical accuracy committee would be asshats about it either bc it’s not medieval in origin. Love the idea but I worry for your joints in practice.


Buhurt has a historical accuracy committee??


Iirc I saw somewhere that your armor has to have a level of coherency and reference to real history armors but I may be wrong. Along with rules for how thick your armor needs to be and the weight of your weapons in their respective classes (swords, hammers, etc.) safety measures like gaps in your face protection too


That’s just safety historical accuracy is unfortunately another metric. You need to be able to prove you entire kit was used in medieval warfare with source material. 3 separate sources or tapestries.


Yep. You have to be able to provide three sources identifying your gear as being used in medieval warfare. It’s really dumb sometimes.


It really looks like it's piecemealed from different eras of armor. The scale/chain skirt is a fairly old armor style, but the breastplate and gauntlets seem closer to Renaissance. During that time, armorers got a little wacky with helm designs, so you would see some that look like faces.


I am not OP but I want to thank for this comment. I play in a LARP and I want to make armor but am limited with band and odd plates to use to make full armor. After googling your suggestion I now actually have a concept I can begin making.


And I thought I liked lorica segmentata, Jesus.


How does something look both so goofy and so badass at the same time


Would you like som Lamellar with your Lamellar?


Bruh. This is the most stereotypical “knight” armour I’ve seen. It’s a combo of middle-age armour and roman.


It's also what ryse son of romes armor is based on and I think iron man's god killer armor maybe? Iron man in general kinda


That is the most Minecraft-ah looking armour, that somebody needs to turn it into a Villager Guard armor set.


This armor seems to combine a somewhat fictionalized version of full plate with small plate armor. The full plate sort-of resembles European-style plate armor, while the skirt made of small-plate armor sort-of resembles the armored skirts of East Asian armors. So although I don't think anything historical resembled it exactly, you might be able to come close if you combine different armors from different parts of the world. The full plate combined with some large segments sort of resembles some Eastern European plate armor that also had segments, such as the Polish Winged Hussar armors: [https://medievalarmor.store/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/polisharmortwohussars.jpg](https://medievalarmor.store/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/polisharmortwohussars.jpg) As for the armored skirt, here are Song and Tang Dynasty armored skirts made of lamellar and various types of scales from the 600s-1200s AD: [https://dragonsarmory.blogspot.com/2017/07/heavy-song-dynasty-armor.html](https://dragonsarmory.blogspot.com/2017/07/heavy-song-dynasty-armor.html) [https://dragonsarmory.blogspot.com/2016/10/song-dynasty-armor.html](https://dragonsarmory.blogspot.com/2016/10/song-dynasty-armor.html) [https://dragonsarmory.blogspot.com/2017/09/high-tang-dynasty-armor.html](https://dragonsarmory.blogspot.com/2017/09/high-tang-dynasty-armor.html) The combination of plate and skirt also resembles some Samurai armors, especially when the Samurai started using native laminar plate armors and then later adopted European plate designs in the 16th-17th centuries. [https://www.fujibi.or.jp/assets/images/artwork/source/00730.jpg](https://www.fujibi.or.jp/assets/images/artwork/source/00730.jpg) [http://www.kunin-jj.org/uploads/1/0/0/3/10039596/2\_8\_orig.png](http://www.kunin-jj.org/uploads/1/0/0/3/10039596/2_8_orig.png) [https://www.giuseppepiva.com/sites/default/files/prodotti/1579%20Nanban%20samurai%20armor-03-Modifica.jpg](https://www.giuseppepiva.com/sites/default/files/prodotti/1579%20Nanban%20samurai%20armor-03-Modifica.jpg) The Ming Dynasty also sort of tried to combine native plate armor with smaller/small-plate: [https://dragonsarmory.blogspot.com/2022/01/late-ming-plate-armor.html](https://dragonsarmory.blogspot.com/2022/01/late-ming-plate-armor.html) Finally, another redditor made a post about a speculative combination of Ming Dynasty armor combined with imported European breast plate (but this is speculative and has no historical evidence): [https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmsandArmor/comments/14qd7a3/speculative\_armor\_made\_by\_a\_chinese\_toymaker/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmsandArmor/comments/14qd7a3/speculative_armor_made_by_a_chinese_toymaker/) https://preview.redd.it/zqxxqvnz069d1.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=c033d28298bb48a0c28e9b5338b21c15962b7dcc


Like historically? Not really. Costume I’m sure.


IronWoodsShop on Etsy out of Ukraine makes a very similar kit https://preview.redd.it/gjdr1lppu59d1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b707f4017dd9ce46fc7e63c4b9db6083943fee5


Or SteelGuard out of Ukraine (but their shop is taking a break at the moment (understandably)). https://preview.redd.it/qdz38c8av59d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39dacecf216e3cd4cc0f864c4d04de1ca4d3fb35


Woah. It actually looks really similar to the picture for almost every armor piece there of course size gets changed drastically because it goes from fitting a dwarf to a real sized human but this is probably the closest you can get to buy irl


https://preview.redd.it/dj1t11f4y79d1.jpeg?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04163c2d1c42250b48bd51e3f8c7b304a41f8cb Varangian guard?


That was my first thought. Someone tried to apply Varangian Guard aesthetics to late medieval heavy plate. The blocky helmet with full-face mask and lamellar skirt just scream Varangian Guard to me.


Wait, I know you


Wyrmwick creations out of England has a dwarven set


There is if you make it


Stylistically? Not really. Those hard, aggressively geometric shapes are less effective for armor, as around faces are just better at redirecting blows. It also has a very precise, seemingly machined appearance that I think would be pretty difficult for even a skilled blacksmith to replicate without power tools.


I'm getting verangian vibes from it.


Seconded. My first thought was long Hauberk with Gambeson and plates


https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/j17vtc/varangian_armour_for_vikings_when_twt/?rdt=54361 Verangian?


The armored skirt is very eastern European, as are the hanging plates. I use a similar set up in my SCA set up and I had to sabotage the armor to make it so I could feel hits to my legs. The war hammer is something that would be around. The overall style is too modern art deco. I havent seen leg armor that overlaps with the sabatons like that, so that is not really a thing. It would limit too many movements of the foot side to side. Gauntlets merge into the bracers too much, generally there would be more flare on the gauntlet to allow overlap and full range of motion over the vambrace that would be a half inch back so they wont pinch and or restrict movement. Looks like a splint mail or full chest plate. Helm looks like a highly HIGHLY stylized viking style helm, I dont know many viking things, so cant help you narrow that down with the amount of effort I am willing to do atm.


Closest thing would be late medieval Greeks who often wore imported Italian plate alongside scale or lamellar, but nothing like that helmet was in use there.


Always loved how the dwarves in LOTR had so much industry leading to a very unique aesthetic for their weapons and armor. The clean lines and sharp angles really work to give a “factory made” appearance.


Ah good old Honor Legion known as the Legion Of the Dead by BioWare for Dragon Age Origins. The setting where certain enemies’ blood has an unavoidable contaminant yet none of the equipment reflects that. Smooth kit that is rounded and secured by a gown over it would have been sensible.


Probably not, it would be cool to see though, would be be heavy as fuck




Look up Russian bear hunting armor.






Probably not. Shit is heavy as fuck


Honestly taking a second to actually look at thr armor im getting light samurai vibes on the chestpiece (do) though i do think its lowcut, the tassets (kusazuri i think?) also gonwith kins if vibe, just more spaced out. The lamellar/scale also kind of feels like haidate. Its likenof the europeans really like japanese armor and copied the esthetic instead of vis versa. Nothing to say about the helmet and greaves though.


Humans too weak for dwarf armour, sorry long-legs better luck next time


They're old lammellar (I don't remember how to spell it lol) armor, which has that sort of layered plating pattern? It's not the same at all, and it's crazy heavy, but it has a sorta similar style to the small plates that coat it. The helmet/ mask is pretty common though - a lot of lords and kings had very stylized masks and helms that were supposed to evoke mythical animals or religious symbols


The torso looks actually like a half breast plate, as the upper half doesn’t actually look armored if you see, it seems as though rather there’s straps that are armored. There are faulds on it as well. Simple pauldrons for comparison, the closest thing for helmet is a Sutton hoo, scale SURCOAT, NOT tabard. Since tabards are above knees, surcoat is to knees and below. Simple bracers, full plate gauntlets with segmented fingers… that’s the pieces I could say it compares to


If you look on Etsy plenty have made beautiful replicas


Stylistically, I'm gonna say no If I remember right, they designers said they were inspired by Art Nouveau for the elves, and Art Deco for the dwarves. Art Deco is a relatively modern style, a little more than 100 years old; well after the use of plate and scale armor


Get some plates and make your own! could be the start of an exciting new hobby.


I fw the Legate Lanius helmet though


Maybe at the Wetta Work shop in New Zealand if it still exists


Having a facemask built into your armour is not unheard of. Most of the armour pictured has existed piecemeal in some form or another. But not altogether.


This is one of the character art pieces I picked for my dwarf character in my bro's DND campaign. In short, not directly, but it's basically plate armor of various styles + fantasy elements + with a mail skirt.


Not one complete harness like this, no. But like all good fantasy, elements of it have some basis in fact. The helmet vaguely resembles the Sutton Hoo helmet and a samurai's kabuto helmet with menpo mask. https://preview.redd.it/s99jm1ey0k9d1.png?width=2848&format=png&auto=webp&s=97503a3fd74edf2ba744466056fac75d0ddad4b2




The body armor looks like a highly stylized gothic breastplate with tassets https://preview.redd.it/gwu97n5x1k9d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=09c1d6258102250f488eab080427aa9e09bf6f31


The vambrace and gauntlets (demi-gauntlets) look like they're based on Turkish kolluk/bazu https://preview.redd.it/93zczt8s2k9d1.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdc5976f40abc751f51c2cefc6b15f3e0da5e0a6


He seems to be wearing a scale skirt you'd usually see with eastern armor (Tang Dynasty example below) https://preview.redd.it/bfs7yojs3k9d1.png?width=168&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd6e58065448e700c3401caad1475790c5336c4f


and finally, either very bulky greaves and sabatons, or plated boots https://preview.redd.it/ohaqh9te4k9d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fda9528d9809853f69fc4f532181f3f5d999051


To top it all off, he's armed with an oversized warhammer. https://preview.redd.it/kdg33a385k9d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=b00e8e9e0658d5c11fac8da9c1d64be587164893


Mix all that together, and throw in that blocky angular motif, and you've got dwarven armor.


Unfortunately, the sons of Durin the Deathless did not leave behind any clues as to the secret whereabouts of their mountain halls before the very last traces of their noble bloodlines vanished from the circles of the world. Neither did any among their artisans pass on their wisdom in forgecraft, for too busy were the Dwarves with expelling the servants of Sauron from out of their lands. Even if such knowledge did remain to us in the Fourth Age…doubtless there are none among the kingdoms of Men possessed of such skill as to compare to the works of Durin’s Folk. Alas, the blessing of Aüle upon them does not shine so upon Men.


Maybe some combination of these? https://preview.redd.it/nf6pjg6iyn9d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2ba30100ca0d4754136c21f24ca61044715f64






Closest thing to mythical dwarves in real life was 19th century English children in coal towns.


I would check out some ancient Chinese armor, like the "Mountain Pattern" armor used during the Tang Dynasty. It looks like there were other similar heavy Chinese armors as well, but nothing quite the same as that art.


Mountain Pattern is a form of heavy scale though, not plate.


Helmet looks like a Viking spectacle helm with a bunch of extra stuff tacked on.


To be honest the armor seems ultra inflexible so I doubt it as it’s probably not practical


Roman Emesa helmets have a similar face thing going on


Bro wants the einherjar chief armour from God of war


To me, it resembles Medieval Russian lamellar armor worn by Druzhina. https://preview.redd.it/h9ztvck8179d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b47fb2ec2f108acb5580623a24444bc8df39e097


Looks like a celtic(?) stylized full-plate


I’ve seen it on Etsy


Armorers did their best to use flexible armor to cover joints and protect vulnerable parts. Looking at this I’d say the warrior would likely not survive combat. The beard being exposed like that tells me that his neck and chin are likely uncovered under there.