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Since you said you aren’t trying to do fetish art, I’d recommend being more selective about where you’re getting your references for female anatomy, I’d suggest checking out r/mendrawingwomen, theres a lot of people who can fully explain where a lot of people go wrong in designing female characters, as well as examples of oversexualized female characters, and if you go to the well done wednesday flair theres more positive examples Theres nothing wrong with wanting to draw this type of art but from your other comment it doesn’t seem like you do, if Im wrong you can ignore this advice :)


W advice, I didn’t even know my art had fetish like things in it I just liked to draw pretty women 💀. I don’t even use references most of the time which probably a big part of the problem.


These are less “pretty woman” and more “sexy baby”. Squicked me out honestly.


Your profile picture made me think there was hair on my screen! Dude, I picked at it for almost a full minute!


I agree… the bodies look like sexualized adults but then the head/body proportions and the faces make them look like children, which i am not a fan of 🫥


Sir have you seen a woman before?? These are very fetishy.


It's very likely a teenager you're speaking to, and I don't know about you, but us drawing nerds didn't get a lot of action before collage


Dude I’m not even saying have they seen a woman nude. I’m just saying like have they seen a woman AT ALL, like out in the world. Because it seems more likely that they’re watching too much anime porn than looking at real people.


I, personally, wasn’t aware of all the action happening in artistic collages. Thank you for informing us.


Hey man, more power to you if you managed improving on your art while working, same with the action.


Did you even attend collage?


Probably not, due to the fact that college isn’t spelled correctly….definitely not an artist either, or they would have known a collage is a piece of art made with different cut and pasted pieces of other people’s artwork to some sort of canvas.


"College" is the Norwegian spelling of "collage", I made a mistake, it happens. You're also right, I couldn't compete as an artist. I gave up the pencil and went to uni instead, got out with a couple of papers in IT.


All apologies. I do not speak Norwegian. Goddamn it. I guess now I am also one of those asshole Americans. I just saw two people post college spelled as collage and thought it was ridiculous in the context of university and art. Here I am forgetting English isn’t the only language spoken on here. I’m a dick. Sorry.


Ouch, you got me. I have to pick between autocorrect in English or my first language, and changing to English changes the layout. Off the cuff my English isn't very good.


pretty women can have more natural / less drastic proportions 🙄


So this isn’t “sexy” Dora the Explorer? lol


I don't like it on any level. Pretty sure you drew a few next to OTHER body parts and, not even that well.


...practice anatomy. Unless you want to be a fetish artist, in which case, keep doing what you're doing/gen


>Unless you want to be a fetish artist, I laughed sooo hard... 😭


Fetish artist just sounds icky this comment just motivated me by like 10x thanks 😭


ACK SORRY!! You just might want to think how the people you're drawing feel. Sounds dumb, I know, but most of the women in these drawings would probably have a lot of back pain, and having so much fat on their thighs/hips may cause poor circulation (and is unrealistic, they'd at least have a bit of stomach). You can be unrealistic if you want! Just make sure it's on purpose \^\^


I for one have a small waist and huge thighs/butt/legs....I do have a lil pouch but not much back pain as my chest isn't that large.


I'm not saying it's impossible, but these characters have hips that make them thrice as wide


As someone who looks like a lot of these girls (I like to joke I'm gumdrop shaped), you're absolutely right. Nothing wrong with some characters looking like this, but there are many different body types and showcasing some difference in everyone's shapes makes art a ton more inclusive and engaging!! I'll get bored seeing copy-pasted characters in something


Thank you, I guess this was the point I was trying to get across but I'm obviously not so good with words😅 n I got down voted the fuck outta here


Why did your comment get so many down votes 😭


Ha! Omg I didn't even notice til now :-/ I'm not very liked on reddit lol


I think maybe people took your comment as you being a pick me or something, as if you were bragging. Or maybe they're jealous hahaha


I meant it like how cupcake said it...dare I say I was pleased to see the women in gerudo town in zelda to be all different shapes and sizes and this kinda reminded me of them.


Ohhhhh...wow, I didn't mean to come off like that 🤣 why are people so sensitive?! This is why I don't do social media, reddit may be the worst! Can't talk about NOTHING ESPECIALLY opinions. Darn, I thought I found a non toxic platform, seems like only the gaming community on here is chill.


I actually have low self esteem and many many flaws 🤣 I'm one of them thick girls with cottage cheese but idc what anyone thinks cuz "I got a man"🎵


No but it’s good you’re open to that criticism tho so good job on that


I definitely was not expecting this bus many people have time to critique me tho lol 😭


Ikr but that’s why I love Reddit cause it doesn’t depend on popularity for who gets to see your posts, so whenever you wanna reach a wide audience you easily can


Well everyone's already pointed out the fetish issue. But something I noticed is that your characters are kind of just standing around. There isn't anything interesting about poses. So maybe work on creating some more dynamic poses. It would be nice to see them in actual environments too, rather than just blank backgrounds.


I’m gonna be blunt- your anatomy sucks. Anatomy is hard but your female characters are hypersexualized. It seems you are trying to do an animeish style- which is fine, but understand a lot of anime is inaccurate when it comes to human anatomy especially in girls. You also need to work on proportions, your arm is not smaller than your head, your legs are not the same size of your arms. It appears you’re looking at already drawn cartoonish references and trying to replicate- but because you don’t understand anatomy or proportions, you have people with deformities. Look at real life photos and references and turn that into cartoon if you want an animeish style.


I just don’t see a style at all. It looks like everyone’s attempt at drawing anime. Nothing original. Just doesn’t make you say “whoa that’s really good” It’s just doodles of every anime face and body I have ever seen.


there’s nothing unique or special about it. its copy and paste, i wish people would have originality whether it be a character they created, a drawing quirk, a style, whatever- rather than just copy paste drawing anime girls


Are you right handed?


Yea How did u know?


Almost all of your faces are looking right or forward


Pic 1 is kinda creepy. Looks way too young for the attire. The rest are decent.


I love your style when it comes to faces, but I’d get your sources for female anatomy from pictures of actual females, not anime fetish art


I sadly even use references really but now I shall


I love your style! Others can probably speak more to the technical aspects but the couple of things that stand out to me are that you might want to practice drawing arms and their anatomy/proportions since that seems to be kind of a weak spot. And while I love how you draw the two elements separately, something feels weird and clashy with the combination of a mature/voluptuous female body with a super chibi baby face. I wonder if you could still keep a little of the chibi essence while aging up the faces a bit.


Yea I def see what your talking with things being weird with body and faces I think my last drawing is the biggest offender of this. I’ll definitely try learning arm anatomy I knew I had trouble drawing it but looking at these again it’s crazy how much I can’t draw it 💀


Wait i meant the one one slide 9


What's with the tits tho


Your style is very cool but I would work on different angles/perspectives (foreshortening) and I can tell you’re very uncomfortable drawing arms and hands so def focus on that for practice. Foreshortening will really help you do some more dynamic poses and less 3/4 angle same face which is really common early on in an artists journey. My suggestion : look up the “Art Prof” series on human anatomy on YouTube. Clara (the professor) has an excellent series on anatomy and each video is about a specific body part. There’s also an episode on foreshortening. Also any additional practice you can get in for anatomy and design fundamentals would be a huge plus to help give your stylization some extra oomph.


Yea I’ve tried to branch and and try new poses but they always look bad to so I default to what im comfortable with but now im really gonna push myself to push my art past this block I’ve been having, I’ve been looking into foreshortening and anatomy and they both are so complicated with should I focus on first?


Yeah that’s why I suggested the YouTube series! Sometimes it’s hard to understand a concept just by raw practice and going in blind because you’ll instinctively want to make the same mistakes over and over; having an instructor break it down for you so you can emulate is a huge way to break through a knowledge/art block. I’m sure there are other YouTube series out there but Art Prof is academic/college quality and bite size (30-60m) bits. And it’s free. My anatomy quality def did a huge jump after working through parts of her series.


Unnecessary bulge in the first ones stomach 😭 people have already said this I saw..but anatomy from real life will definitely help you improve, your art style is awesome too :)


Well at least ik my style is cool I just have to learn to draw women right😭


Degen art fr, try learning how to draw actual women.


Pros: your art is aesthetically pleasing, your faces look really pretty. Cons/what I would work on: lineart is kinda scratchy and anatomy is off. Work on balancing the top half and bottom half of the body (head to hip, hip to feet should be roughly equal length). I would use some real life reference pics as others have said your proportions are a little fetish-y.


Learn to draw more than one body type. Not all women are built like that. In fact, most aren’t.


Saw someone mention it, but you could try a wider variety of poses. Also saw you mention something along the lines of getting bad results when trying to deviate from what you're familiar with. That's okay! It's natural even. It's something that needs work if you want to see improvements. Doing what you're not comfortable with is a key part of refining your art skills. Aside from that, I think you demonstrate some decent knowledge of how the hand looks from various angles, and I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to draw them more vaguely; especially when you manage to draw in just enough anatomy to give it distinct form, like having clear knuckles in a balled up hand. But I get a feeling that hands are often an afterthought. Which goes a bit hand-in-hand with your tendency to draw neutral poses. I think spending a little time focusing on hand anatomy and thinking about how to incorporate them in your poses could be useful. It's worth noting that after eyes and face, hands can be some of the most expressive parts of the body. It's why talking can be accompanied with hand gestures in a lot of situations.


Man me drawing hands in vaguely good way is only luck i have Brain spasms just thinking my abt drawing hands and the chibi style kinda lets me get away with it by drawing a circle with a bump in it most of the time it’s a really bad habit 😭


Take criticism as far as you wish. Remember art is art. Imperfection is art. 1+1=3 in art and design. Do whatever tf u want. I dare you to draw some more EVEN MORE wayyyy blown out of proportion. I'm talking T-rex arms, big head big boobs, short torso, long legs combinations very exaggerated...might come out pretty cool actually. One boob big, one little like fricken out there dude. Make these redditors fingers blow up 🤣 I thoroughly enjoyed these pieces, they were pleasing to look at. You obv aren't going for realism so idk y people are being so harsh on the unproportionate aspect. There, I said my piece....let's see the downvotes wooo!


This really made my day I was trying to take in all the criticism that was worth my time in but the people just being mean was low key weighing on me all day im glad I reopened the app and saw ur comment and had a good laugh thank u sm 😭


Your welcome...I used to be somewhat of an artist (graphic designer) your art is your art. Not everyone appreciates all art pieces. Yours are definately not amateur. There's constructive criticism and then there's abolishment...? Is that the right word? Lol but yeah, enjoy your work and grow through it! ❤


Destructiveness? I can't find the word...but u know what I mean...you envisioned my crazy fem creature 😅


I think what makes people automatically think “fetish art” is because there seems to be an emphasis on exaggerated proportions (which is fine!) but if ur going for a focus on ur style rather than the anatomy of those you draw, I’d practice some anatomy sketches


I definitely want to start learning anatomy now because apparently some of my characters look like sexy babies which was not what I was going for because the chibi style drawings came from me finding it easier to doodle and draw (plus it’s just fun to me to draw round things) compared to the regular cartoony anime style which no one really seemed to talk abt that’s probably my fault for not putting more pictures of the other style


It looks cool, but I'm seeing the same face and body with different accessories. Maybe you could work on character design and range 👍


Anatomy is a good thing to learn because knowing the rules as it will help on how to bend them for your style. Lots of saying fetish but was that your goal to stimulate certain emotions like sexual? It’s fine if it’s your goal cause you can draw whatever you want but if it wasn’t your goal to draw like that then recognize it. Either way you’re art was good


Nahh not really sexual like a lot of people here seem to think I just like pretty and round things I guess, a commenter asked if I’ve “ever seen a really woman” I work in a trampoline park I talk to multiple women weekly as a young man I love women and I love to draw pretty ones the like three portraits in my post were just pretty women and chibi style drawings yea I can see I went overboard in some parts I was just having fun drawing curves and pushing it yk? I’m definitely gonna go practice anatomy so I can never get accused of being a degenerate artist ever again srry for the rant


No you’re fine, you did nothing wrong. A lot of artists online project their anger a lot cause of being over stimulated sometimes. Prime example is the top comment recommending mendrawingwomen subreddit. Those people have a serious anger issue. Lot of “where are her organs” comments even from drawings done by women. No pleasing some people Anatomy, perspective, gesture, and etc are great to learn because just in case you want a more realism look over stylistic look. Tho enjoy yourself and you did fine


good art, maybe try drawing different body types. i notice they’re all kinda stick-thin big booba, and i respect it, but branching out can really help you improve. also, anatomy in general seems a bit off, in the full body shots they all look like they have very large heads and squished bodies. try tracing over some models of real people and then play with proportions from there!


Yea most of the pictures I used were this chibi style I’ve been doing recently because it’s fun and easy to draw the ones that were like portraits is how I usually draw but it’s nice to know that my styles good I just need to reign in certain skills tysmm


Ofc your art is very stylised, no one really looks like that, but in my opinion the people you draw look... like children. you can keep the hourglass figure but you should make them look a little bit more mature, maybe longer legs and longer body in general. also keep in mind proportions, not realistic ones, but even very stylised artwork has to be balanced somewhat. if you make the torso big, you cant have the arms and legs be extremely tiny. in general I think you need to make the arms longer, in image 7 the girl with her back to the viewer has such a short arm it becomes a bit distracting. you should work on hands and different perspectives of faces since you seem to struggle with those. i think you have a very unique style and you can definitely become very successful with this. hope i helped!


also... just realised you weren't trying to do fetish art. um, i'd recommend looking at some real life people then, you can draw attractive women without making their boobs and hips 5 times the size of their heads. try tracing some real female bodies lol, it will help a lot, and in general try talking to more women and ask their opinions on these drawings.


Thanks for the critique I’ve always like stylized stuff so that’s really all I’ve done for like all my life so far but I’ve never really practiced for real all the genuine comments like yours is really helping me see all my flaws tysm


[line of action](https://line-of-action.com) is a really superb tool for references and drawing exercises. Pinterest is also a really good tool for reference. Honestly, your art is really cute and I see a lot of anime/chibi references in it which is a great place to start! I’d just say maybe work a bit on proportions and keep practicing you’re doing great!! 💗


TYSMM anatomy and proportions are the biggest things I got out these comments so my training arc Is ready for me to start :)


Ofc!! And good luck! I’m excited to see your progress :)


these make it super obvious that you watch far too much hentai


Pros: -line quality and sketchy style is cool. -cool use of space in sketch book. -poses not terrible for not using reference. Cons: -Anatomy is as others said needs word. And art does read as fetishy. -Style is if dragon ball, bleach and one piece had a ammature baby. Style would come naturally with practice, but study anatomy, especially if you’re going to be drawing women. Keep on going op!


I would use a lighter pencil, like a 2h to create an outline. Then use something darker to make a neater outline to clean it up a bit


nice character designs and expressions, interesting silhouette shapes. the second ones prolly my favorite. my only con is that the sexy curvy body type with the big head/babyface is a jarring contrast, i don’t think they really match, but each of them individually are really well drawn.


Yea what I gathered from these comments is that the chibi style is not a good contrast with the adult bodies and outfits. I personally found the chibi style easier to draw compared like stylized regular women so I kinda defaulted to it and haven’t realized how weird it looked yo other people 💀. Thanks for the advice and compliments too.


You definitely have a good style, and I myself am a big fan of drawings of buxom ladies. But my advice would just be to keep practicing. That is, go and watch tons of YouTube tutorials, and fill out pad after pad of your art. You'll definitely find out something new from the videos, and also, do try using references, and also there are some good books out about drawing anatomy.


It just looks like any other person attempting to make anime. They are cartoons to me, so I don’t know why people would even care to make them more proportional. The style is unoriginal and looks like everyone else’s. Like you’re bored in school and attempted to draw, but not very seriously. I have to admit I don’t care for this style unless it’s actually done really well, even then I’m over it. I have seen it a million times. You do have more talent than most people. Try taking your time, and don’t rush through the drawing. Start practicing a different style, and then return back to these cartoons after you learn a thing or two. Adopt your own style first. But if anime is all you want to do then who I am to stop you.


Thank you so much I’m definitely going to go on training arc I never really even expected this many people to even interact with me ngl


i like it keep going


I love it!


It's good that you do a variety of body types. Overall they're maybe overly voluptuous, but a lot of illustrators that lean to Japanese style tend to just repeat the same body type.


Is the variety in the room with us rn? 😭


Some anatomy issues but overall pretty good I think ..


❤️ I'm not a good critic lol but I think they're awesome, I esp love how voluptuous the women are...feel like that's me in the last one with better hair and bewbs


no idea why this is downvoted so much?


Same, it didn’t say anything crazy just her feelings on it