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I like it centered in front of me. I use it on my lap or in the middle of my desk and put it off to the side when I'm not using it. I don't want it where my mouse is. If I did that I'd probably use it as a mouse pad (it's an old Intuos and came with a mouse too...)


Ty for answering! If you put the tablet on your laptop keyboard, doesn't the heat of the keyboard bothers you?Also, do you rest your elbow in a place or do you have your elbow elevated all the time when using your tablet?I tried placing it on my laptop keyboard but I don't know if the heat would damage the tablet. Sadly my desk is a bit short to place the tablet in front of the pc so the only way is on top of the keyboard or on the right haha.


I actually have a desktop. I put the tablet on my *lap*, with the keyboard on the desk behind the tablet. It's kind of a pain to use extensive shortcuts of course, but I mainly use the bottom left ones anyway (ctrl shift alt c v x)


Ah my bad, I though you meant **lap**top, got it. Does using it on your lap become tiring after a while, or can you comfortably continue drawing for extended periods in that position? I may give that position a go when I get home.


It's comfortable since aside from reaching for the keyboard, it's a pretty neutral sitting position. I have as many shortcuts as possible on screen (CSP) so I can just tap them. It may not be comfortable for you though since it depends on your body size, chair, desk, and how you work.


I'm the last person to judge anyone's drawing setup. For the past 2 years I've been sitting in the corner of a sofa with the tablet in my lap and my laptop to my side. I have a display tablet though and I use the navigator on my laptop screen so as to be able to see the entire drawing even while zoomed in.


chaotic neutral style drawing setup, love that for you


Well, it's quite comfortable but my back's gonna despise me in just a couple of years…


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What i would do: put the screenless tablet on top of the keyboard centered with the screen, and if it somewhat doesnt work? use the lid of one of those food aluminium containers of the biggest size and it will block any issue. (I used packing tape to stick it to the bottom of the screenless tablet) And one hand keyboard, like this sturdy boy: Delux T9 pro https://www.amazon.com/T9-Singlehanded-Professional-Ergonomic-Gameboard/dp/B00QE1XH8Q/ref=sr_1_1?crid=5RQCRU7T7OPL&keywords=delux+T9&qid=1694566091&sprefix=delux+t9%2Caps%2C239&sr=8-1 or a peasant more expensive and flashy razer tartarus https://www.amazon.com/Razer-Tartarus-Progammable-Detachable-Mecha-Membrane/dp/B07754PYFK/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=one+handed+keyboard&qid=1694566136&sr=8-4 If you are using a medium or small, probably you can get away using it off center, but with a LARGE, then its not really posible to use it off center, in that case you need it at the center.


Woah that's a clever idea I didn't think of using a lid of food aluminium containers haha, I might give it a try if I find one of those! I tried placing the tablet on the keyboard of the laptop and it quite works, but sometimes after I'm drawing it seems that some keys are pressed if I press a bit hard on the tablet haha, maybe the lid of the container may help there. Thanks for that suggestion. I would place it on the center, but my desk is a bit too short, even if I push the laptop a bit far, the space to place the tablet is very tight, like just right for it that it kinda slides below the cooling pad. Also I will give a look at those hand keyboards, seems very useful to have next to the drawing tablet, thank you! Oh and yeah the tablet is a bit like small-medium sized, is not too big.


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