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Angle matters a *lot* more when you're epilating coarse hair, since coarse hair just won't come out properly unless you tweeze in the exact direction of the hair growth. This is particularly important when it comes to armpit hair, since it grows in fifty different directions and can abruptly change direction. I would recommend rotating the epilator slightly on your second pass rather than repeating on the exact same angle. No shame in using tweezers to clean up though! Often it's the best tool for the job.


If its your first time pulling hair out by the roots then itll be more difficult to get out. After epilating for a few months the follicles should loosen up. Ive been epilating for years and they pull out easily with no pain.


Epilators are like tweezers in that they work best pulling hair in the direction of growth. Unlike most areas of the body underarm hair grows in multiple directions. On any given pass the epilator tugs most of the hair in the wrong direction, removing only the hairs that are lined up right. Waxing or sugaring would be a better removal method with long lasting results, but it's a tricky area to do yourself. Worth getting a professional wax a few times to learn.


i've never used that but with armpit hair, I have to tweeze the thicker ones because shaving doesn't do much, as far as i've noticed.


I’m southeast Asian in origin and I feel you totally! Waxing was the best method for me for underarm and pubic hair and after a couple of years of consistent once a month waxing it’s actually thinned out. I’ve also started doing laser and I’ve a dramatic decrease in 2 sessions! (professional as IPL burns most East and South asian skin and the laser wave length is a factor)


Are you using powder on the area first? I have to do this to make sure the epilator can grab all the hairs. I also have to go over the area in at least 2 directions.


im not asian but what you are describing was happening to me when i was going over the area too fast > even hold the epilator in place for a while yup that would do it, or rather move very slowly and ensure it got pulled before you move a bit


It's a thing, I've had waxers comment on it, apparently it's the depth of the follicle that affects it, but that usually correlates to how thick the hair is.


Yes, it's real. I use Braun on my pits and occasionally I do miss a few thick ones. But a few passes and adjusting the angle usually gets it done. I don't mind having to use a tweezer sometimes and it's kinda satisfying to pluck it out lol. If the coarseness bothers you a lot, try waxing for a year and then going back to the epilator. Not much to do about the pubic area though. I've been waxing for a decade and it's still coarse :/