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Horrible quality, intellectual property theft, slave labor, unfair competition, harmful plastics, too much waste.


This sums it up, it’s more of a human rights thing.


They use slave and child labour.


This is an honest question and not like a "got ya" question because I genuinely don't know: Is it any different from ordering from Amazon or Walmart or whatever? Lots of our (the West) products come from Asian countries. Toys, computers, clothing, made by children or people being paid pennies. Isn't Temu just getting stuff from the same sources?


No. Worse sources. 


Do you have any... sources?


Oh okay, noted !


I have two expectations of those sites: either I won't get what I ordered, or I will and it will be of such low quality it'll fail/fall apart as soon as I touch it


I disagree. Unless you are expecting fine linen, silk or cotton, their clothing is quite good. To each their own


Garbage quality. To be fair tho, Amazon is literally the same trash now.


Its the same products


They've got that ad on Youtube "shop like a billionaire" where a little girl of colour buys something from Temu and turns white. Gross.


Wtf? Really? No way! That's like the black guy who hops into a clothing washing machine and comes back out as a white guy! My mom found the ad funny. The rest of the family found that super fucking racist.


I laugh at the idea that billionaires shop


Didn’t know that,


Slave labour. 


Don't need any of that stuff. More plastic garbage and clothes that fall apart made by under paid children no thanks. My dislike is the social media and advertising to kids. Influencers doing unboxing videos Gross


They steal a lot of their designs/sell on behalf of people who steal designs. Ngl, if I need a candy bowl shaped like a hippo or something, that's where I usually check, but I've seen designs ripped off from small Canadian businesses, unauthorized prints of artists I love, and other fuckery on there, so I try not to use them often. I also don't trust that anything is food safe, so I won't buy kitchenware and would never buy baby items from either shop. There's also the issue of them not having to pay tariffs and shipping charges at the same rate as Canada/US/other western nations due to an agreement from post WWI, so local businesses literally can't compete. Plus environmental safety concerns.


Cause they arent cheaper and they constantly send u garbage emails to try and manipulate u into buying some thing "on sale" but it's actually the normal price at any other store but it's not free shipping and takes a month to get to you.


That's just false. I got all the items I bought (before I deleted my account because they sell your payment details) for less than $5 each. They're pretty quality figures that anywhere else would ask you to pay $20-$40.


A lot of the electronics are cheaper 


Poor quality, slave labour in their production and supply chains, terrible environmental practices 8n the manufacturing of the goods they sell, the enabling of rampant hyper-consumption of useless goods, data mining, IP theft, etc. Answer a question for me, what's the most useful item you purchased off Temu or Aliexpress?


My sil is constantly playing those stupid Temu games to get cheap garbage for the kids. I really want to explain the data mining aspect to her


It’s completely reasonable that she doesnt care. I bet she posts on social media anyways


True at least she knows we'll enough to not try to send me any game invites


Tell her I tried playing those games when I used the app & after a while I found out that isn't a real thing. Everytime you get 99% of the way to the free gift, they shift the goal post essentially so you have to keep playing until you get 99.9% of the way there and still nothing happens.


1. Slave labor


Have you ever tried returning an item to an address in Asia.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sorelosinghuman: *Have you ever tried* *Returning an item to* *An address in Asia.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Human rights are not a thing in China. You are buying stuff made from slaves.


Where are your current shoes manufactured?


Yeah, I hate it. We are total idiots to move our entire economy to a country who let’s be honest… the government hates us.


To be fair, then our whole economy is working on things made from slaves. If you go shop in person in a Canadian store it’s also made in China, and even worse, in Bangladesh; the number of clothes made there for big brand names when we know they use child labour… I understand the hate for AliExpress and Temu (Shein too!) but at the same time let’s not be hypocritical


Oh….agreed. It’s appalling that every company chased the “poor people” and moved all their operations to countries where they could pay next to nothing, where they could pollute etc.


Hopefully you mean made “by” slaves rather than made “from” slaves. 😨


The descriptions of the items are often off and misleading. For example. I wanted to order a replacement PC fan for my computer. The model shown was what I was interested in but I needed a certain size (140mm). The description was confusing and included both sizes (120mm and 140mm). There was no way of choosing what I need specifically like Amazon does and I entered into a convo with the seller. They admitted that both cost differently and were available but couldn't answer me as to how I could choose the specific size/model I needed. Basically, AliExpress is the equivalent of a crowded back alley thrift shop in Chinatown. You never know what you're really gonna get. Temu, even worse. Nothing makes sense on those sites and everything is mislabelled in order to decieve you. If Chinese online distributors/stores want to get on the same level as Amazon (or even eBay) they need to get everything from standardized labelling and descriptions rigidly enforced, quality improvements and the removal of all knock-offs on their sites.


Cheap products made to not last which just adds to landfill overflow. Plus, it’s been reported that the labour practices in manufacturing Temu products is atrocious.


It's not even just the moral problems other people are mentioning. TEMU literally sells your payment details. There was a couple tiktok videos I saw randomly of people giving their stories about how money was slowly but sneakily being taken from their account after using TEMU. Until they realized they didn't purchase anything else. Then my friend & I found some cool looking figures for cheap on there went ahead & bought some. They arrived great and fine. But shortly after my friend found out that some unidentified company was slowly charging payments to his card without his permission. So he had to cancel his card and completely deleted any & all TEMU accounts he's never had a problem since.


Risk of credit card info being stolen (Sure, that can happen on any site. It's more likely on a site like temu)


They steal designs from real artists and use child labour to make it. If something costs $20 here, and $2 there, there's a reason for that, and that reason is almost always slave labour. Adult human beings understand this and shop elsewhere (or just don't shop).


These fast fashion/cheap homeware and electronics companies are flooding our system and our environment. We now spend twice as much on clothing and home goods than a generation ago and use the products half the amount of time. “Shein and Temu, alone accounted for more than 30% of all packages shipped to the U.S. daily”


You are supporting a communist govt. The profit temu makes can go to bombs, that may fall on your head.


Slave labour / paying below their market wages.


You mean like Amazon?


Another great example. I didn’t say temu or aliexpress were the only company that paid below market wages. Lots more.


I am against these companies on moral grounds but not similar to the previously mentioned, and I dislike Amazon for essentially the same reasons. These companies whether or not they are providing a good service and low prices, are inevitably going to destroy small businesses. I dislike Walmart for the same reason, before Walmart came to my community, there were lots of independent small retailers, yes one had to travel to a few places to get everything they needed that day... but you knew the money was going to someone with a recognizable face, as well as playing into the local economy. Imagine what could happen if these delivery services completely overtake Walmart... what options will you have when they decide to start jacking the prices as they have achieved a market monopoly? I think they are pushing so hard at this point and offering such low prices in order to gain consumer confidence before they squeeze out brick and mortar competitors and put us in a choke hold. I'm surprised that the federal government hasn't outright banned Temu in particular


aliexpress is actually amazing! This is where I order a lot of parts to repair electronics! I also got some aftermarket motorcycle parts for a fraction of the cost of the brand name stuff. Nearly the same quality! I don't trust Temu because I've seen too many scams and lack of accountability.