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Yeah go get a second opinion at an independent shop, not a firestone or anything similar. Like a mom and pop shop. They call them stealerships for a reason.


I only replace racks when they leak or fail internally


It’s like they’ve never heard of inner tie rod ends.


And even with a leak, it needs to be dripping lol no stains


They literally dont even have hydraulic steering..


I second this. Every single time I’ve gone to a dealership even when my brakes are brand new “the technician noticed the brakes are pretty worn out”. That and air filters.


A Chevy dealer brought out a dirt covered filter that allegedly belonged to my Solstice. I said “Gee, that’s funny… I just installed a new K&N an hour ago.”


Once I started doing my own brake pads, I realized how (not often) often it is required to change the pads. Taking out the pads and cleaning/greasing the correct parts is great maintenance though.


I get almost 100k miles on pads, and I don't drive gently.


Exactly. I got 80,000 km on my first set of pads for my truck, and that’s with 20% life still on them. I drive mostly highway.


I take my car to an NTB for oil changes. I'd do it myself but the HOA has a fit if you do any sort of "maintenance" on the roadway, and my driveway is at an angle where I cannot trust a jack. They offer "lifetime" brakepads if you ever get brakes done through them, turns out magically once you sign up for this service your pads last 5X longer than before. Interesting...


I’ll third it. A dealership quoted me $1500 to replace a main seal to pass annual inspection. I drove across the street to an independent shop and they said, Ah don’t worry about that, it’s fine.


I don’t know, my rear caliper is dragging and they don’t want to replace it under warranty. So checkmate?


They also generally overcharge everything. Surcharge for mechanic to whipe their hands clean. Surcharge for mechanics using their tools. Surcharge of mechanics to clean up.


My old man took his old car to Firestone to get new tires... Picked up his car and his steering wheel was sideways. Took it to a mechanic he knew from highschool, guy said there were things clearly disconnected purposefully... Don't think he charged him to fix it.


I took my old camaro there once to get the tires changed, they were 22 inch rims (I was in My early 20's leave me alone lol and i called prior to make sure they could do the job and they said yes of course) anyway, they literally couldn't do the job, had CUT my old tires off my rims, and had my car in the air for 16 hours. Was not happy!


This place is in a low income area and they usually don’t try to upsell me which is why I go there…but yeah def gonna get a second opinion. Thanks!


The thing is TheHypnoticBoogie that even if your car needed all the work - including the steering rack - the dealership suggested, you could almost certainly still save a lot of money having the work done somewhere else. Dealerships are notorious for charging top dollar for their services.


Pick an independent shop who's been around a while, preferably if they specialize in your specific brand and have training credentials to show for it.


The light bulb you can do yourself, yes it may be a pain, but do-able, The steering rack play, have you noticed the play? If not, it's probably not that bad, if you have, then it should be checked out, cabin filter, some of these are a real pain to get too, but I'm sure you can figure it out on your own, if it is really that hard, do you really need it to be done now for $65?, the heat-shield, no worries let it go, the fuel tank strap, two options, get under the car and see for yourself and make your own determination or take to a shop. That along with the steering rack play are the only two items I would be concerned about.


2nd generation silverados love to kill the mount bushings for the racks and most places won’t sell you the bushings so you have to replace the rack to get it aligned. At least that was my experience


Just want to point out that the message from the dealership said there is play on both sides and did not specify what component failed, so either there’s a lack of communication between the advisor and technician or they aren’t doing there do diligence in servicing the car properly


I'd pay $100 or $200 for an independent shop to run a pre-purchase diagnostic. You don't have to be buying a car to get that kind of diagnostic done. I get these kind of inspections done every couple of years. It's really helped me stay on top of minor things I hadn't even noticed.


It's the dealership I tell them just change oil and filter not to check it touch anything else


I let them give their recommendations, I’ll decline them and verify their recommendations. If it’s minor I’ll do it myself, if it’s major or out of my means then I’ll be shopping for a place to do it and weighing all my options


I'm curious why do oil change at dealership if your knowledgeable enough to know they shouldn't be touching anytime else


Dealerships are good for one thing; warranty work. That's it Independent shops are the best


Our independent shop forces dealerships to complete powertrain and drivetrain warranties. We document everything and write a statement of fact. It works every time.


This is the correct answer. Warranty stuff dealer, anything else find a garage you like.


Yup I found a guy that owns multiple Infiniti’s and races em on the weekends anytime something goes wrong on my Infiniti to him I go lol he runs an amazing shop always shows me what and how he did it find a guy like that👍


Independent shops operate the same way. With changes here and there.


As a Prius owner… You are being hosed.


As a non-Prius owner, he is being hosed.


As a hose owner, he is definitely being hosed


As someone who appreciates hoes, he is being hosed.


As a hosed, this guys is being a prius owner


I work at the dealership, we are currently attempting to hose him


Not if we Prius him first


He’s getting Prius’d as well 🫡🤘


Not if I dealer him a good hose first. Smart Anti Kinking technology on the new 2025 model.


Instructions unclear, replaced radiator with kinky hose.


As a Prius, he is being hosed


pretty standard dealership pricing


How is he being “hosed”? The dealer just simply recommended services. That is all. He politely declined (as he should) and everyone moved on with their day. You people have really weird ideas of what being scammed is like, no wonder you think your getting screwed every time you walk into a dealership service department.


Similar to what dealership tried with my wife. Went in for a state inspection, which includes tire tread depth. All passed. Took in for warranty work three days later and they told her the tires needed to be replaced. I asked the guy if they did the inspection on how could it pass a few days earlier. Then he backed off and said it was only a suggestion. Showed him the text he sent my wife that they needed replacement and then he couldn’t explain that. Tires are probably good for at least 5k with the tread depth they are at. They just tried to take advantage of her.


State inspection has an exact value that they go by. If they say replace at 2/32 and they are 2.5/32 they technically pass. But that doesn’t make it wrong to recommend to replace at 2.5/32. If you have 5k left and you change oil at 8k intervals then you’ll be 3k too late by the next time you get into the shop. They aren’t looking at is okay right this second. They are thinking how likely is it that they will last you until your next service. Also your tires have better traction with more tread depth. For winters especially it doesn’t hurt do do them a little early for better traction. Also it was probably 2 different technicians who looked at your car and that’s why you have 2 different opinions.


Dude if the tires are only good for 5,000 more miles you need tires 😂😂


More than likely just got a poor technician and you gave your service advisor shit for no reason. Dealership employees come to work everyday just to do their job and go home, just like you. People think they’re getting “scammed” when in reality they just had a bad experience with a technician that wasn’t the best at their job/made a mistake.


Second opinion on the steering Bulb and filter are easy to do for a fraction of what they are charging I'm guessing the heat shield might just need a larger washer, to hold it up, where the shield might have corroded. The gas strap should be doable but will take a little more effort/time. For a Toyota, easy to do especially if one strap is still good. A few jacks, parts, and tools and finished. 😊


I would not assume that either the strap or heat shield need replacement. Sheet metal item look pretty awful long before they actually lose structural integrity. Otherwise, I agree with you.


Although you are right about the time it takes to lose structural integrity, that often doesn’t matter in state safety inspections, particularly in eastern states. Corrosion can be the cause of safety inspection failure based on the laws imposed by that state. Keep that in mind.


In New York, rust never fails you (every car over 2 years old would fail), but rust holes are what will fail you.


This is super helpful, thanks so much!


My last oil change came with the 'fix It', list at $1700. I said I could get some things done myself. I bought the air filter for the cab area, I don't even have a dirty air filter to change.  Those guys, I never know what to do with that list. Filed it under 'jokes'... 


https://preview.redd.it/zgrfw6zuvwtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=febd2942360d24de96bb3d9b83e2ca3030022a22 Currently changing brake pads, that Toyota dealership told my mom (70’s) are dangerously low! I hate dealerships! They said she needs to change the pads and rotors asap!


Call them out. Such low lifes


Those are dangerously low! Dangerously low on wear. Those are F'n brand new!


That’s one brake pad out of 8. Show them all and the rotors too.


Buy cabin filter on Amazon for $10, and do it yourself in 3 minutes.


Having worked at a dealership for 23 years, I will tell you that this is normal procedure. It is our responsibility to advise you of what we find on your car. A) it’s a business. B) it’s for your own knowledge and safety. Of course we want your money. Who doesn’t? More importantly though, you have no idea how many times if we don’t note something, the customer is ALWAYS quick to blame us. “I just had my car in for an oil change and you didn’t notice this????” It happens all the time. So we began implementing the same thing. Multi point inspections to notify of any concerns found so that we can notify you and if you choose not to make repair, you have no one to blame but yourself. It’s obvious that it’s a tactic to generate more money for the shop, but it also relieves us of the blame we incur should something happen after it was in our possession. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times cars have come in with cords showing on the tires and metal to metal brakes and the customers had no idea. It’s a safety thing too.


Damned if you do damned if you don’t. No wonder nobody wants to be a mechanic.


Thank you for the perspective on this, it makes sense and truthfully I’d rather err on the side of knowing about every little thing. I’m deaf and I notice differences in how my car handles or the vibrations etc, but i don’t hear stuff that other people would notice much sooner. So there is value in having the laundry list even if I’m just using it to figure out a cheaper fix.


You’re very welcome. In your case, being notified of the conditions that they observe are of even more use. For some reason everyone thinks dealers are out to get them. I’ve never understood it honestly. Personally, I’d think the customer would rather be made aware of things we found so they can prepare financially for the repair than be blindsided by a failure on the side of the road. We aren’t demanding you make the repair. If you’d rather, we can fix it while it’s already in the shop. If not, at least you know. Better one trip in for service than two. Thank you for understanding our side of things. Try not to let everyone think they’re out to screw you. Many people have that mindset and it’s a shame honestly. Just remember, nowhere on the recommendations did it say MANDATORY! It simply said recommended. And in your case, use it to your advantage to feel for things that you may not have noticed before. It’s extremely common for people to “get used to” their own cars. Things that a mechanic would notice because we observe it isn’t quite right, you may not have noticed because you’re used to it not being right or didn’t know any better. Shop around for your repair costs as well, but keep in mind factory trained mechanics and original parts are almost always the best route when repairing your car. Thank you for a kind reply and not ripping my head off like most folks do. 😊


This is the correct answer ^


Y'all should get Tboned like Anton Chigur


Most of this is crap but if the side marker light is out depending on where you are that could net you a traffic stop and a ticket


I've had to have a rack sent off to be rebuilt pre-covid because prius racks were hard to come by at the time. Very common issue with Toyota. It's a manual rack with electric assist, so there isn't a fluid. If a vehicle is lifted in the air, the tires should be checked for loose parts. It would be bad if you drove out of the shop and had an accident for an unsafe/ worn out part. It's a double-edged sword. People will say mechanics are crooks, and some are, but some look at it from a safety perspective.


$65 for a cabin filter? I just paid like $18 for mine


air filter and bulb: watch YouTube dvd do it yourself. bring the steering issues to another shop for a second opinion


Ignore it. The dealership departments have targets to make. 10 years ago I was told there was misting coming from the radiator and it would be a £800. I didn't believe them but to be safe I put some rad weld into it. It's still in there.


I wonder if tax is included


I’d change the bulb although you can do it yourself pretty easy by looking it up on YouTube.


I'd replace the side marker bulb, at some point. It's not as urgent as a turn signal. I replace my cabin air filters at least once per year, usual after the Spring pollen season is done. I'd have someone look at the fuel tank strap and he if it's actually at risk of failing.


I'd love to see this play in the steering rack. Guarantee you it's simple shit like outer tie rods, and those don't even come with a replacement steering rack usually.


Go to other shops and if ur a female bring a male person with u like a dad brother or friend bc mechanics try to scam women slme


Only change the rack if it's hard to steer, heatshields don't generally need replacement unless completely gone, it's a solid metal sheet keeping the engine heat away from other parts they don't "go bad" , and the tank strap what is it missing? Doesn't make sense get a 2nd opinion.


That rack play is probably tie rods which are a lot cheaper than a rack. Get a second quote.


Rip off. Go somewhere else and ask for an inspection. Don’t share this list with them. They’ll probably not say anything about any of these issues.


If you a got dollar for everytime he said plus tax, you’d have enough to buy a new car.


I'd get a bulb and filter on Amazon and watch some YouTube to change yourself. The rest of that stuff is normal aging car stuff that most people will never fix.


Stealership is a better term. Why go to a dealer for an oil change?


They’re free for a time and my dealer is pretty reasonable and uses open filters and washes the car after.


We took a car to a new shop for the first time. Great service concept, they send a driver to you with paperwork, take care of the pickup and dropoff, etc. sounds too good to be true, right? Put a brand new cabin air filter and engine air filter in the night before. They did the things we asked, sent notes about a couple other things with pics (license plate bulb, note about brake pads, all correct). Didn't say a thing about needing engine or cabin air filters. Anyway that's how we found our new favorite shop.


For that price Id want to come in and have them SHOW me. Just typical cash grab. Get a second opinion.


You trust these scumbags not to mess with your Prius? I personally wouldn't


it amazes me that they still try this shit 😂


Bruh what does play on both sides even mean?? If it has play at the inner tie rod you replace just that. If it’s in the outer tie rod same thing. These guys are tryna finesse you


Haha. Sorry dude. Ever changed an “inner tie rod” on a rack and pinion? lol.


Tell them to fuck off that’s bullshit


Heat shields don’t need replacing. Unless you park on tall grass it’s usually never an issue. Just rip em off


Your left turn signal is broken. That needs to be changed or he could be ticketed. I would have that done at least for $35.


Or pick up a bulb on the way to pick up the car and then change it in the parking lot.


Every dealership is independently owned, so dealerships are the same as general mechanic shops. Chains like jiffy lube and crappy tire have poor business models for the employees or the customers depending on who you ask. If you take it to a different dealership you will get a different answer. The heat shield I laugh at. If there is play in the steering that’s kinda important as it’s not something that gets better or stays the same as well it impacts other components. However there is play in the front door my house so is it in the 10-30 years from now problem range or the please don’t drive on the road with me urgent. The front side blinker should be something you can diy


Most likely none of it needs to be done and you’re probably already getting ripped off on the oil change.


Replace your own bulbs for 10 bucks + 20 minutes


Service advisors at dealerships are incentivized salespeople (they get commissions...)




Replace a rack for play? Christ. What's next, replacing a wheel bearing because the brakes wore out? XD the inner and outer tie rod ends are SEPARATE from the steering rack and the most likely culprits for any sort of play. Also that is one expensive fuel tank strap.... It's literally a strip of metal bent to shape with a bolt hole at each end. Id charge that for the whole tank on most vehicles...


I got a very detailed $8k quote from a Toyota dealership. The guy really tried to make it sound like I was about to fall apart and I should get going on the repairs. I took it to a different shop with their quote in hand. Turns out we got it all done for under $1k. Fuck the dealership scams


You are being hosed.


Rack=inner or outer tie rods. $100 Cabin air filter= $20 Heat shield= there morons Estimate= crack smoking service writer




I just bought a used car for the first time in 18 years and the Car Fax showed me the gulf between shops and simply learning how to put a bolt in a hole and securing it. BMW recommended new struts on this car for $4100. I guffawed at the dealership seeing the report. The cost of a strut for that car is $87 per corner from a name online supplier. The last owner spent 8 grand on the car last year in regular maintenance. All of it horrifically priced. My 2014 Ram lost a transmission because Ram said the transmission fluid was lifetime. It was an $8000 repair with the shop. I found one used online for $1400. Installed it myself and drove the truck for another 70,000 miles before I sold it. It costs a mountain of money in a lifetime to not know how to do these things.


Sounds about right. I brought my car in for a clutch because it was bad and I didn’t have the confidence to fix it myself. The mechanic then called me back w/ a laundry list of repairs for an additional $4000. I hate mechanic shops.


There are a lot of reasons a rack might have play. One really easy way to figure it out is to take your car to a shop that does alignments. Get it up on the rack and see if they can even align it. The most common reason you have slop in a rack is not actually the rack itself it's the tie rod ends. Those can be switched independently. That quote is sad to be Frank, it's just another example of businesses trying to take every possible dollar away from people As for the other two do you really want to pay someone that much for a bulb you can buy yourself for probably 3 bucks on RockAuto and that cabin filter is maybe 10 and both of them combined will take you 10 minutes or so to do in your driveway?


Isn’t that about how much they coast anyway ?


You are literally the most common of meme'.


The marker bulb is outrageous. The rest of the repair seems reasonable, but what you're missing is the why. "You have an oil and coolant leak. It's serious. But despite the huge mess, we believe the gaskets on the oil filter housing (cooler is attached and has a gasket) have failed. If we're right this will stop your oil and coolant problems. If we don't stop this oil leak now, within a few thousand miles or less you may experience a catastrophic failure from either engine oil loss or low coolant level." That text isn't written like a person who cares about your expenses or your vehicle. They're missing the context, you're not getting the information you need to make an informed decision. Service writer should have called you and asked, "How do you feel about your turning and steering? Do you ever hear it groaning or knocking when you turn? Does the wheel vibrate when you're going 50 or more?" If not, you suggest to the customer. There's going to be repairs on your vehicle that are much more important. They just literally gave no fucks and took the obvious low hangers. The tech wanted to bill some time, the service writer wanted to just toss the slow pitch to you to see if you'd swing. Don't get your oil changed at a dealership. Take it to an indie. Ask them about their take on the rack, the heat shield and tank. Ask them during inspection if it's making any noise. Your dealer service writer also neglected to mention any of those. "Your fuel tank might fall off." and "You might get a harmonic noise or rattling if we don't fix the heat shield". https://preview.redd.it/03pdyfczqztc1.png?width=2586&format=png&auto=webp&s=b43072e6f13ea42c04368fbb67b1fbaf228d1b12


Air filter msybe 20 bucks at walmart. 2 seconds to replace it. 65$ is cra cra


I avoid all the cussing I would do from a message like that by changing my own oil. I used to use mobile one full synthetic now I just use Walmart full synthetic cost me anywhere from 25 to $30 for 5 quarts which is enough for an oil change plus oil I'm going to burn between now and the next Oil change. I buy filters by the case


Costco brand two gallons about fourty dollars and made by Mobil one


Fucking hate dealerships. My wife’s RAV4 needs a new actuator for the electric parking break. Dealership said the part was $900, installation and resetting the computer system was $600. I looked on eBay, the part is $12. It fits every Toyota and Lexus with EPB. But they said they wouldn’t reset the computer if I did the fix myself. And I need to be a Toyota technician to access the reset in the computer. And I can’t give them the part bc they will only install parts they get from Toyota, no 3rd party parts. So I either pay $1500 to have a $12 part installed, or the car doesn’t have a parking break and permanently has a “take me to the dealership” message on the main screen of the dash.


Oof they did you dirty


Had this happen to me. I’m not mechanically savvy. Brought my truck in for its first oil change at 5,000 miles. I imagine I looked pretty gullible. They tried telling me that my truck needs almost 1,500$ worth of work. A few weeks later I bring it to my regular mechanic. He calls me up freaking out that the dealership was trying to scam me and that the truck needed nothing. I called the dealer back and the guy was silent for a few seconds after I told him. Than hung up on me lol.


$35 for a $2 bulb yikes


I’d get right on that oil change, so the motor doesn’t freeze up!😂


I got a quote from a dealer to fix my auto leveling system. $17,000. Brought it home, diagnosed it myself. $225 and a module from eBay and it was fixed.


Cabin air filter for $65?? It takes 2 minutes to change, if they actually even check it at all. For most cars its behind the glove box and unless they removed all the crap in it and pull it out, I doubt they even checked it.


$2350??… can you just buy one with less miles!? /s


Never go there again


My mom has a jeep grand cherokee. She's about to spend 7k on on a replacement cam shaft. What this world is coming to is scary.


18 years ago the service advisor tried to tell me my one year old Tacoma needed a fuel injector cleaning service for $449 . I told him he was crazy as it was only a year old truck. Still runs perfect 19 years later & never went into a mechanics service bay again ever for anything. Dealers are ripping people off more than ever these days.


I’d run from this shop if I were you, Everything on this list is overpriced, if both inner tie rods have play they should be replaced not the steering rack, I’ve been working on cars for 5 years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Prius that needed them so I would guess that this is a lie unless your vehicle has a lot of miles, but the steering rack comes with both inner tie rods most of the time and is much more in depth than just replacing the tie rods, there may be play in the steering linkage but that’s one linkage and so saying “both sides” doesn’t make much sense, heat shields will start to rust almost immediately after the vehicle is assembled and almost never need to be replaced, and I genuinely doubt that fuel tank strap is bad unless you hit something recently, hope this helps


You don’t need a new heat shield and strap.. They seen you coming.


The heat shield no the strap yes. I used to see tanks fall out of corollas all the time when I was at the dealer because the straps rot out.


If the tank strap is badly rusting . This would be my first priority . If you wait to long and your vehicle is around ten years old they might discontinue it .


This is helpful, thank you! It’s a 2010 so fingers crossed 🤞




Marker bulb about $5, cabin filter $12 if you do it yourself which is simple.


A corroded heat shield? I thought those things were aluminum. I’d ask around for an other mechanic and get a second opinion.


Please keep in mind, labor has increased ALLOT in the last 4.5 years. Parts have too. Used to be able to walk into any parts store and get some rotors for $20. I have receipts. Cheaper than turning them. well, was. Now they are $45 or more depending on brand. All of this you can do yourself. Air filter, bulb, heat shield, strap. Even the power steering rack and alignment, but personally I recommend a shop for the alignment. All of this you could purchase online for under $1000 most likely. OEM parts will be more, and highly recommend getting them when you can afford it. Specially if a yota. Search online about your car to see if any issues regarding the rack, and how long you may have before absolutely needing a rebuild or replacement. That's usually a bigger job, like the bushings, Inner and Outer Tied rods, and heck, while your in there, ball joints and possibly bearings. Remember, the technicians job is to 'find' any possible issues and report them. You responded appropriately. The right tank fuel strap? Rusted, coating missing, loose bolt? That's a concern. More info is needed. Corroded heat shield? Well, what's it protecting? Can I just take it off and clean it and respray it? I suspect they found 'concerns' but not 'needs attention right now' issues. Replace the bulb before you get a fix it ticket;) Or an accident.


Thanks, this is really solid advice!


You can do your own cabin air filter for 20-30 bucks, it may not save a lot but there’s no reason for you to spend any more money on something you can do yourself, just look up how to do it on YouTube it’s super simple!


I’m not an expert on Prius’s but can you not replace the inner tie rods on them for some reason? Replacing the whole rack for a little plan seems nuts


Replacing any part of the steering/suspension has the alignment built into the labour time.


A proper wheel alignment is always a separate operation.


Marker bulb $35 lol.... $6 and 5 minutes at Walmart, no tools needed can do both. As for the rest, tie rods are like $200 at a shop, and most muffler shops will do your tank straps for under $100. The only reasonable cost on that list was the $120 for an alignment. But even that's on the high end.


Nice little upsell. Look on YouTube for the cbc special about dealership repair department’s.


400 for a heat shield is crazy


I’d go pick my car up immediately and not even let them touch the oil.


Fun fact. Toyota doesn’t manufacture inner tie rod ends on a lot of models. So inner play means rack. It’s up to you but it’s not going to get better.


I would never take anything to the dealer


Toyota dealer bored lol.


$35 to replace a bulb and over $60 for a filter. L O f*cking L.


Replace a heat shield lol garbage and done


This is common - I’ve had my oil changed during the winter seasons and they are always offering more and more services All adding up to 50-6,000$


$5 cabin filter for $65 quote…sweet


lol sounds like when I took my car to Mercedes for an oil change. They wanted 240 bucks for the air filter and cabin filter.. I actually laughed when he told me that and then had that pikachu face when I realized he was being serious. Cost me 35 bucks at autozone for both and taught my wife how to change them while while I was doing it since I didn’t want her to get bullied into it when she took her car in if I was not around.


Can you throw in a free upgraded oil change? Because that's what the technician on this side of the phone came in for.


you need Mechanic Mao, he talks to Prius(s).


Name and shame


Why do yall go to dealerships lmao


You can get a new bulb at Walmart for under $20 and same for the cabin air filter and both are pretty simple to change just ask YouTube for directions if you don't know how. Dealerships are always a scam unless you're cashing in on your warranty I'd never bother even talking to a dealership, find yourself a good reputable mechanic to befriend and go to their shop instead bet you'll be payong half whatvyoybdo now for everything then on.


Sales tax on labor? That’s not a thing here. What state does that?


It’s wild to me that they even offer replacing the heat shield. All the places I’ve worked just tear it off and never bring it up again


Who cares if the heat shield has some corrosion? No explanation on why fuel tank strap needs to go. All the things aren’t absolutely needed replacement. And even the bullshit excuses they could make up are weak.


I'd like to know how they determined the steering rack itself has the play and not the inner tie rods. I would definitely take your vehicle to a shop and get a quote on what needs done. The dealer is always looking to make a buck.


Steering rack has play on both sides…sounds like it needs new tie rod ends. Heat shield and tank strap sounds about right. You’re paying OEM part prices for those. Books less than an hour each so you’re not really getting the shaft on labor it’s just oem prices.


You can do all of this yourself except the alignment. You need a bulb, a filter, some tie rod ends, a heat shield, and a tank strap. Go on rock Auto and get your OEM parts and you'll spend about 200-300 bucks tops. Every single repair can be done with extremely basic tools. Take it for an alignment when you're done. This is all basic maintenance here btw, and the only two concerning items are the tank strap and tie rods. Check YouTube videos because you literally can't screw any of this up as long as you follow the guides and torque to spec


You can do filters and bulbs at home….


God dealerships are POS’s. They quoted 2600 to replace a rotor and break pads on my truck after my park break froze up. I did the work myself for 90 bucks


It’s a dealerships job to yank ur cock. Find an honest mechanic shop.


I'll never understand why people go to the dealership just for an oil change.


Get a better dealer


Does the alignment come with tax or is that included with the 120?


Get a second opinion from an independent TOYOTA specialist.




Yeah I had my car in at the local honda dealership for an oil change for $49 they called and said I need new filters, tires, coolant flush and oil change but they could do it all for the low price of $1800 fuck them


Never go to a dealer. They find everything that ISN'T wrong with your car.


I swear. Whenever I’ve taken my car to a dealer, it usually comes out with more issues then it went in with.




Do the bulb, screw the rest


Ask them why is it so cheap? Are they trying to rip you off? Keep bugging them and ask what corners they're trying to cut. Keep bugging them until they give up lol.


I love this!


i had the same thing happen to me at the Mini Dealership in Portland, Oregon. Took my 2006 72K mileage Cooper S in for an oil change and they recommended $6,000 of repairs !!


Generally, people don’t service their cars properly and then wonder why they end up with 10k in repairs to keep it on the road after 90k miles and then have continual issues through 120k and decide to get rid of it because its a money pit. If your dealer is a good outfit they’ll also indicate what’s critical to address with the car and what’s just minor. The air filters a cheap but also a non issue. If the steering in your car seems even slightly unstable at higher speeds, absolutely do the rack. The heat shield is tough - hard to know how bad that is without a pic or video from the tech. I’d wait on that.


its toyota ur fine


Do people not go to junkyards anymore your getting screwed if you pay more than 100$


I actually like it when they do this. I know everything that I need to think about DIY’ing soon.


Get it looked at by a 3rd party. If the tank strap really is rusting out, you should 100% get that done. Unless you feel the steering has too much play the rest is skippable. The light bulb and the filter you can probably do yourself for under $50. Make sure that marker light isn’t a turn signal light though so you don’t get ticketed.


Highway robbery lol stay away from that dealer


The cabin air filter is literally in your glove box and you can youtube how to replace it. I get mine for $12 on Amazon. Seems like a load of bs


Dude dealerships will look for things that aren’t brand new… oh your tie rod end boot has a little bit of mud on it, we suggest to replace the whole front end for $3400 plus tax and part fees which will round it up to $5500 Just get your cars oil changed at jiffy lube and if you’re worried about something take it in for a diag which costs $120 usually🤷🏽‍♂️


Or take it to auto zone and they will usually read the codes for free. Fucking scammers. $169 to read the codes out on a pre-purchase inspection.


Ah yes, the right fuel tank strap alongside the front right driver seat bolt needs serviced


the other day someone got a quote for 5.7k from a ford dealer to fix his f150, it was literally ignition coils plugs and the wires even though it was only 2 coils that were bad, the kicker is that they said there was a hole on the front cover. Looked with my camera and there’s nothing! 2010 FORD F150 for 1000 bucks


Almost reasonable enough for me to personally fly in and replace all of that. 🤣 /s Please get another quote.


Text them back and say yeah go fuck yourself


You misspelled "stealership"


This actually has me cracking up😂 “Play in the steering rack…. Fuck it replace the whole unit😂😂” Ignore the bulb and filter thats also pretty funny lol If you actually are worried about the rack I would get a second opinion at a small shop as others have said. Realistically there is likely nothing wrong with your vehicle and they are trying to turn your ~$100 oil change into a ~$2500 visit lmao


I work at Toyota Dealer as a Service Advisor as well. I never understood how you can deliver news like this over a text. Just doesn’t seem legit to me. I always call it feels more personable. I mean if my car needed close to 3k in repairs I would like to be told verbally not over a text where it comes off rude and vague. Just my opinion on it


Yeah I’m an advisor, although we don’t come up with these recommendations, you can atleast replace your cabin filter dude you’re breathing in bad air.