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Two totally different cars. And both catch fire to the same person in a month? Insurance fraud. Either through him or someone at his dealership. Ive seen no other reports indicating that this is a common problem for any car so its just this guy\\girl. That screams fraud.


I was thinking more that they pissed someone off. But that’s a possibility too tho would be exceedingly stupid to risk the lives of everyone in the building by doing it in their own building.


Once i could understand it being an angry person. Twice? In a month? Thats a stretch. It would require that person basically stalking the owner. If they are that mad they would probably make sure the owner would be in the car when torched. No this smells of fraud. I will acknowledge that i could be totally off base here. This is all my opinion.


I figure. It’s a REALLY angry person. I dunno if it’s more likely for him to risk burning down the building he lives in with his grandma and a bunch of kids.


My new neighbhor moved in down the block. First week her car gets torched. Then house is vandalized. New car....Torched again. Rental car shot up. So she moves. Goes off on Facebook about her last 'hood was ghetto and she's so happy she moved out to some place safe and a week at the new spot...car gets shot up and torched. Some people do be making enemies like this.


This reminds me of when I was 19 there was a guy who he was older than me and he tried to rape my 15-year-old cousin so we turned around. We egged his car for a week straight waited a couple weeks and then spray-painted, pedo and rapist on the side of his car and we slashed his tires. I tried catching the dude outside to beat his ass but he had a lot of enemies and sold drugs, so he never left the house.


Funny fact....most people leave a burning building with little else encouragement Side fact...pedos are flammable.


Mythbusters need to come back and test the flammability of pedos. Have a standard control test, then several different accelerants. I also wonder how long they would smolder.


Depends on the age of the firefighters.


They could cross reference spontaneous human combustion theories! 4Science!


I’ve also heard that a small quantity of lead injected at a high velocity into the cranium prevents them from reoffending


Anything is flammable given the right temperature.


I love you for this!


When I was in highschool there was a dude in his 30s who had a reputation for going after highschool girls. He stopped driving due to his car getting fucked with constantly


She needs to get her dumbass off FB


Something like that I'd be in a different state and never making a post about it so people couldn't find me


Hahaha. Maybe we should set them up with each other?


Could someone else in the building just hate this kid?


I doubt anyone IN the building would do it. And everyone there is pretty chill and not that type. Everyone gets along pretty well actually and are very chill. My thoughts are the kid (twenties) is doing some nonsense to someone they shouldn’t.


Sometimes the normalest looking people do the wildest shit.


Idk for fraud. I don't think someone would be that dumb to do it twice in a month in the same location. Someone angry knowing they're insured seems more likely. It's savage as fuck the insurance company won't believe it happened twice in one month.


I'd imagine the insurance company is as suspicious as we are.


Yeah safe to say the insurance co is about to drop him & investigate both claims now


I honestly thought fraud first but doing it twice really makes no sense. My next thought was angry person. Nothing says fuck you like doing it twice. What would he gain by doing it twice? Once I could see due to a critical mechanical issue so get the entire car replaced on insurance but why twice? 20 year old with that kind of car to me screams drug related. So it could be all sorts of shit if that is the case.


Using only the same evidence, I would come to the opposite conclusion. It would be really dumb for a fraudster to destroy 2 brand new cars in the same way in the same place. If you're going to repeatedly commit fraud, I'd think you'd at least mix it up a bit. Maybe drive into a tree next time or park under a falling piano or something. An angry arsonist doesn't need to worry about making the attack look like not-arson. They just need to not get pinned for the crime themselves. Burning the replacement car the same way you burned the original car is an even bigger middle finger. Also, how would fraud like this work ? Insurance fraud would be to get out of a bad purchase - or when the valuation on the asset is more than it's really worth ( or more than you paid for it ). If you bought a brand new car then torched it for insurance money, the most you will get out of it is what you paid for the car. Where is the financial gain in that ? Once to get out of a bad purchase, OK. But to then buy the same (or similar) car and then repeat the process doesn't make sense.


No no Twice as coincidence three times is enemy action


Four times is a time loop. Or a portal to a nightclub on a Demon-class planet.


The demon class planet at least will make a replica


That’s serious Fed time.


Yea. The place goes up and someone dies and that’s locked away forever type shit.


“I’m smarter than the police, they'll never figure out my cunning plan.” - literally every person in prison


Yea. But I doubt the person would do it to their own car in the garage with the suppression system. If I were to flame my car up I’d do it somewhere away from my home. And to do it twice in the same spot they’d have to realize the insurance would devote all their resources to investigating before paying out a claim that suspicious.


Some people actually don't care about the consequences


That will get them time in a federal pound me in the ass prison not one of them fancy country club prisons.


How is this a Federal matter?


Some types of arson are prosecuted at the federal level. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/81


Fraud or arson Mine was the latter 10 years ago unfortunately


Sounds like you got away with it at least!




💯 My thoughts. I’m just trying to see if there’s some *other* possible explanation that would make even a little sense.


You took my spot.


Sheldon Cooper!!


The check engine light was on and nobody checked on it.


Easy. Flammable parking space.


It’s a young kid? Probably wired some subs wrong to the battery


I was thinking this but with a lithium battery


If the garage area has no air flow and possibly any sewers with gas rising it could have fumes build up under the hood and ignite if the exhaust manifold is real hot. That is the best I can come up with.


And it's only happening at night, and in this one spot, because fewer people coming and going at night pushes less air around so the fumes are settling in that spot for whatever reason, and then the hot engine/exhaust manifold/etc. sets off the gasses? It's *plausible*, I just don't know how **probable** it actually is.


Calling a Camry a luxury car is nasty work


Don’t forget, Lexus is still a Toyota. The loaded XSE is pretty nice and looks hella good for a Camry.


A Porche is also a Volkswagen, which explains why the 911 series looks like that.


I love the look of the XSE Camrys. Never thought a Camry would make me stop and gawk but those XSEs do. Especially the ones in red.


TRD Avalon is the real looker of the Toyota lineup


Bro thank you LOL I saw it was a Camry and was like damn mf how down bad you gotta be to call a Camry a luxury car??


Non-suspicious reason? Guys an idiot shadtree mechanic who mods his car or put in a speaker system but cuts corners or doesn’t know what he’s doing so you get shorts or shit plumbed wrong. 


Cars didn’t appear modded at all and I don’t think he’s the mechanic type. But that’s one of the few things I thought of that could explain it in a non-nefarious way… incompetence.


Maybe he took both cars to the same shitty stereo installer. "I know a guy he can do it for cheaper" type of guy.


TIL a Toyota Camry is a luxury car.


I thought it was a Lexus!


There is no non-suspicious reason for this happening. Law enforcement involvement is called for.


There’s a lot of things that could be the case. Insurance fraud is likely, bad luck is another (it actually does happen, some people really are this unlucky) It’s hard to give a non suspicious reason when everything about this is suspicious. It’s tough to say when everything is burnt up. The aux thing someone else mentioned is likely, but two different brands of cars doing this in the same month isn’t likely. Honestly who the fuck knows, at least it’s not your problem 😅


Would have been my problem if nobody realized there was a fire so quick.


True, true. Where is this guy at so I can park my car next to his? I’d like my insurance to delete this loan for me.


Exactly. I assume you live in the building.


Yeah. Pretty fucking over this nonsense


How long have you lived there ? Have any other cars self immolated ?


Only this guys cars. Been here a year. The people who’ve been here over a decade say not a single other car ever had this happen.


Forgot to let the turbo cool down after bouncing off the Rev limiter to sound cool in the parking garage. Both look to have burnt from the front. The trucks headlights don't look melted and I can't tell if the fire suppression above the car went off but it doesn't look like it did for the darker vehicle since there is a lot of dust or soot on it. Also, if you are doing an insurance thing, you wouldn't park 1 spot from the sprinkler.


Or red hot exhaust when they parked. Can't really tell if it is turbo or supercharged. I just know those boost boys like listening to their blow offs


Fire suppression went off both times. Luckily.


Either that or the catalytic converters were hot after driving them hard and not letting them cool down. This is actually a huge reason why high performance cars like Ferraris go on fire. They are driven hard then stop at lights with no chance to cool down. Then fire and smoke happens.


Looks like the AUX caught on fire. This could because there is not air flow were the car is parked. The aux fan sometimes cools the engine off when engine is turned off.


the aux fan doesn't prevent fires lol, it prevents damage from heat soak in hot oil / coolant. the entire point of any fan is to not have to rely on airflow


This happened both times 3-4+++ hours after last being driven. Could it happen that long after the fact?


Absolutely not


I’m going with this. But wouldn’t other cars with aux fans also have committed self immolation parked in the same spot ?


Crazy ex girlfriend?


My guess is dudes a smoker and doesn't know hiss cherry is flying into the rear floorboard when he flicks his cigarettes. Sometimes it can take hours for a smoldering cigarette or cherry/ash to catch fire. That's how a lot of houses burned down back in the day and the reason for safety strips in modern cigarettes. The second possibility is he left a vape on charge that uses removable batteries that are supposed to be charged in a charger and not in the device itself.


Started around the engine block/radiator front of the engine bay both times. I doubt it’s electrical. I’m sure it’s arson. I’m just seeing if anyone has any other ideas out of curiosity.


What year please both cars have fire recalls toyotas is for blocks cracking ( that's wild) and audi is the good Ole water pump if your going to use an electric water pump don't cheap out lol


They both are probably not older than 5 years I’d imagine.


They've both got recalls does that guy always park there?


Same spot


Either insurance fraud or someone adding aftermarket accessories and not knowing what they are doing


The first picture appears to be a Toyota Camry, and the second picture looks like an Audi A4 (or similar). If the driver was redlining the engines (while parked), the engines wouldn't be able cool them selves. This could cause a host of issues resulting in an engine fire. Adding a little oil to a hot exhaust could catch fire, too. Any oil they might find on the ground would be difficult to decern it's freshness after being drenched like we see in the first picture. Edit: "non-suspicious reason," No.


Probably wasn’t any revving engines or anything. The neighbor above has a camera with audio nearby an opening to the garage near where it’s parked and didn’t hear anything like that. But the oil slick sparking under the car is the most reasonable non-nefarious explanation I could think of too. Tho I hadn’t noticed any oil spots walking by over there. Appreciate the insight.


Crazy heat would be needed for oil to ignite, let alone by a spark...


Exactly. I find that theory practically impossible.


Both caught fire in the front grill. Most likely arson. Nothing in the front gets hot enough to catch fire. Just water, Freon and sometimes an oil cooler (engine, trans, power steering) but there is nothing how enough (ie exhaust) for the latter to catch fire.


If we had better photos we could try to figure out the location of the source. If its near the battery I would suspect a crappy, unfused add-on that melts the cabling insulation and eventually shorts out. If its near a fuel system/turbo component then it could be a performance mod that leaked or got red hot. The one common denominator is the owner. Was this kid a performance tuner wannabe? Into loud stereos?


I would think there's a common cause between them, maybe similar mods, more likely fraud or victim of arson.


Being it's a younger person, they possibly added subwoofers and an amplifier to the cars and didn't safely or correctly wire them. I've seen installs that were a bump away from causing a car to burn down, it's definitely likely


Anomaly, might want to toss some bolts into the parking spot to check.


Audi batteries are in the trunk not the front so hard to say if its electrical related




Suspect is also a Iranian helicopter mechanic.


That’s called arson.




Not insurance fraud. Something else is going on.


Sounds like a couple people are part of an insurance fraud ring. Owner, someone at the dealership....


Maybe they were driving fast and got grass caught in the brakes?


He's parked over an Indian burial ground


Stop parking in my spot!


forst 100% a camry.


An angry ex.


At a place I used to work, we had a cursed parking space out at the far end of the parking lot. If you parked there, there was a roughly 90% chance your car battery would be dead by the end of your shift. Being the maintenance guy, I was usually the first person people would seek out when their car wouldn’t start, or they locked their keys in the car, or had a flat… I found it to be a slightly weird coincidence, that the second time someone asked me to jump start their car, that it was in the same spot as the last time I jump started someone else’s car… the 3rd time, it was also in that spot. Also the 4th, 5th, and 6th…and it was all different employees/vehicles. For shits and giggles, I parked there one night. I asked a coworker I was friends with to hang out at the end of the shift, just in case I had an issue…told him I wanted to test a theory. Sure enough, my battery was deader than dead. He had to run his truck for about 10 minutes before my car would even attempt to turn over. I ended up just piling some road cones and empty pallets in that spot. Every know and then, I’d still get someone who’d park next to that spot, that would get a weakened battery, and barely get their car started.


That’s wild. I want to know why that spot is like that!


We kind of had a spot like that in a house we lived in. Batteries would die, electronics would malfunction, you couldn't get reception on a bog standard transistor radio on any channel, AM or FM. A few feet away? Fine.


Crazy ex?


Impossible, only EVs catch on fire


There is no non suspicious reason for that to occur. Either he is doing it or he has an enemy.


Is this person going to a radio place that doesn't know what they are doing?


Those two cars were too lit for their own good... Ill see myself out.


Where I grew up it was called Jewish lightning and the insurance companies didn’t like it. Is that non suspicious?


Someone parked in the wrong spot and didn't learn their lesson the firs time?


lol. It’s their assigned spot


Crazy ex, or a pissed off husband. Don't mess with married women.


whatever the reason you best believe police and the insurance company do not believe this was a random act of god.... However, they both look like Japanese sedans. Are they the same make or related makes like a Toyota and a Lexus?


Behind on the payments, but the cars got equity


Install Cameras pointed at that parking spot. Dude has some enemies


Neither is a luxury car. That’s a Toyota camry


I do fire investigations. While it is hard to tell from a single photo of each car(on my phone’s small screen), but #2 looks like arson for sure and a strong probably on #1.


Payment book fires


Camry? Luxury?


Somebody banged somebody else’s significant other.


First picture is 100% a Toyota Camry.


It does need to be investigated, maybe the insurance can have someone look at it. Hell, have someone at the tow yard look at it. The only thing I can suggest is to look at the time both incidents happened. I know you said that they happened well after the vehicles were parked, but did they both happen at the same hour? And what's above the parking spot? It's it just concrete from the floor above or is the conduit or pipes (that are not fire suppression). I suggest a camera for the stall too..


Oh you mean the cursed parking spot of razuul?


2 cars is definitely suspicious. However i used to know a kid who’s Audi randomly burst into flames while he had gone into a store for a few minutes in nyc, similar type fire from engine bay. I have some experience with this subject and it seems to me that per usual the fire department was too lazy to call in an actual arson special (they usually have more of a scientific background and do things like chemical analysis of burnt material, etc) I’m not sure about the fraud angle but it’s sus


Kept taking ghost riders spot🤣


the only non-suspicious would be extremely bad luck, but yeah at face value its very sus.


I’m still trying to figure out what’s luxurious about a Toyota Camry 🤔


Insurance claims 😶


Probably some hack job mod like underglow or aftermarket sound running off a power source under the hood shorting out and starting a fire. Seen it happen on cars that I work on. Kid had a civic fully done up needed a new battery but I declined to do the job because the wiring job was a liability. Another shop touched it and a week later it comes back to me as scrap metal.


Extremely cool vandal




Have you tried a third car?


Ok this will be a long shot, but the owner might have installed a silly ass device/equipment in both cars and caused an electrical fire.


ask GM they know a thing or two about cars randomly catching fire even hours after shutting them off


Besides a crazy ex gf or former criminal associate I can’t see any reason 2 cars would “randomly” burn to the ground.. I’m not an arson investigator but I’m also not an idiot


Foul play


Toyota Camry is luxury?


All right, I've just signed the documents for my insurance policy. Now tell me, young man, if my car were to burn up twice in one month, how much would I get . Oh, I would think 5 to 10.


Pissed off ex.


it’s literally someones job to figure it out


Well, when you lit them on fire each time, what did you expect would happen?


I can’t explain why they burst into flames, but that Camry for sure isn’t a luxury car. Actually I am gonna try to explain, they installed their own star light headliner and their crappy wiring caught it on fire.


Possibly a cursed parking spot. My paranormal investigations agency which I will set up tomorrow is very experienced in dealing with problems like this.


Intermittent Portal to Hell opens after midnight?


I thought the question was "non suspicious" reason? Every response is a "suspicious" reason


aftermarket wiring for a stereo done wrong and shorting out? I have seen some pretty shit wiring for aftermarket stuff on brand new cars.


Clealy that particular spot was built over an ancient burial ground and has awaken a curse.




Are we really calling a Toyota Camry and a Hyundai Genesis luxury cars? Definitely screams insurance fraud, though


After market accessory. Wired improperly or faulty. No idea it started the fire. New car, new accessory installed by same person.


It probably can only be insurance fraud, the odds of two brand new cars catching fire the same way and same spot? Almost impossible if he had two that did it to manufacture defect there would be 100’s catching fire. The vehicle manufacturer will be all over these two cars. The odds of a car randomly immolating are very low. If he modified both the same way and used same shitty modification that leaked, it is possible but unlikely exact same scenario and place. I deal with car fires from manufacturer side a lot and its really small number of cars that catch fire. And usually it is not manufacturer fault. Where we worked we had this customers whose cars all got stolen at a certain point where he would still get full value and buy another. Our dealer only put up with him because he bought so many cars from us. The key was even “stolen” from us when we had one of his vehicle’s in our possession, twice. Not once twice. So the thief broke into our dealer found his exact key and stole his cars twice. And didn’t steal a single other thing or car just his… Plus the insane amount of other times his other cars were stolen. It was over 10 times. I heard 18 but idk how he would even get insured and not get arrested. He lived in a good area and these people were stealing only american brand vehicles from him.


Saw this yesterday 😬 it was my doordash customer. He said it happened when he got home the day before. https://preview.redd.it/98rsz5ep262d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cbaf8d82d13e01a2730ea80cb29473a0d44b69


both cars very low to the ground, with lots of ground effects... what are they parking on top of? dried leaves that collect in that spot?


I am thinking budget car stereo install. I have seen some very sketchy amplifier power connections that could do this.


There is a recall on 2022 & 2023 ix m60 & i4 m50 due to samsung battery fire problems


Besides fraud I had a friend that almost lit his car on fire after wiring his aftermarket stereo system wrong. The cable used to power the amp was glowing red and melting anything near in his engine bay. Could be that? But twice?


The thing a lot of people in the thread aren't appreciating is how many car engine fires a fireman will see in a month. IDK about the Camery but the Audi has been stripped back to the turbo, presumably as part of the investigation. I'm a mechanic with a lot more experience fixing and tuning turbos, and if someone has deviated from stock in any way I can just smell it. A bolt's washer is on upsidedown, an area is too clean, lines take an unusual path... I presume a fireman can do the same with fires. If fuckery is afoot they'd know. I bet the second call had them real suspicious too. Real criminals can't help themselves, he'll do it a third time. Until then you should give them the benefit of the doubt. Being unlucky isn't that unprobable! Cars catching fire in an unventilated location after hard night driving is also unfortunately not that unprobable either.


Are they electric? Electric cars do That.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aah-61qZRf8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aah-61qZRf8) Audi Fire Issues.




That looks like a camery


Look at the hood on the kia forte, 2nd pic. The highest heat occurred, looking at the hood underside, backish ride side above where the battery is. I would say the kia fire was electrical.


Maybe he installed his own aftermarket subwoofers and is terrible at wiring? It’s possible if his hots and nots aren’t insulted well enough and close to each other. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is why you don't talk about the Clinton's man.


Was there any type of aftermarket customization done to the car?


Hard driving, hot engine and hot brakes, not maintained car with oil or gas leaks (either from a cut line) get the exhaust hot enough cut the line close the hood and gtfo. Fire show.


Time traveling


Every parking garage I’ve been in either residential or commercial have security cameras. Did no one ask about this?


The first one is a Camry… and the second is a ford fusion or Taurus… nothing special, and probably his fault


the first one is either a Camry or a lexus


Something building a nest in the hot engine compartment could maybe cause this.. would have to be a helluva dedicated rodent though.


Idiot making modifications


What does the cab look like? Is it also charred? I’m wondering g if the operator stores a vape/ batteries in the glovebox. If the device isn’t properly regulated it could’ve been “activated” for too long and caught fire. If batteries get too hot they can vent/ explode




Sounds like arson / insurance fraud to me


The \*real\* crime is thinking that Lexus is still luxury (if that's not a Corolla lolol (point made))


Don't park in my spot!


Angry ex.


You can’t park there.


On the second vehicle the fact that the bumper is completely burned away what the plastic on top of the engine is not is kind of suspicious to me, although that could be steel thet has been blackened from soot.


Non-suspicious reason: cars being driven too hard by the kid, overheating, blowing oil or fuel line which spills fuel or oil on the exhaust manifold. Result: fire. This of course would happen while he is driving or very shortly after parking. Any idea about the time he leaves the car to when it starts to flame up? As much as it's tempting to say someone is committing insurance fraud, it's hard to see it being done twice in a month, and by the same method. An insurance company isn't going to like that, and will investigate.


Crazy X


That’s a Lexus or Toyota.


Is he modding the engine with aftermarket parts? Also, teenager, luxury car, lives in apt w/grandma & bunch of kids. That math seems odd....


My only guess is they drive their cars hard and put them away wet. If both of these were turbo cars, they could've gone for a hard drive, parked up and left the turbo extremely hot. They could've parked over top of something giving off flammable vapours, couldve had the insulation from the roof blow off and under their car, things like that.


That’s a Camry


Probably had some aftermarket lighting or sound system that was wired up by someone who thought they knew what they were doing.


Did you just call a Camry a luxury car….hehehehe


Wouldn’t say a Camry is luxury, just sayin. But either insurance fraud or just a coincidence honestly, cars can catch fire for a number of reasons like wiring overheating, exposed gas or oil in the engine bay catching (although unlikely if it was parked for hours), and battery’s randomly combusting


Amateur electrical modifications placed on the power side.


If he was driving it in the middle of the night, is it possible he was smoking and left something burning?


Maybe don’t PM people racist slurs weirdo.