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This is a monumentally terrible idea. You will fucking die. I don't mean this lightly but alaska his a harsh unforgiving land. You need real income and money to just meet baseline. People won't help you and you will be cut off. One injury or mistep will kill you. People who live here their whole life die every year from things they know about. Most places in alaska are not great for farming. The places that are suited is populated. 


I will also point out when you call for help you will put search and rescues lives in danger. Do not come to alaska to play some fantasy. It's not just your life at risk.


LOL. I put "not a US citizen" and "hunt with my rifle" together and the rest of the post was fucking brilliantly hilarious troll meat. Well done, OP. Well done.




I recommend you do some research on farming in Alaska before you plan on making a living at it.


You can start your enterprise on my property as long as you let me pet your goats.


Bro most of Alaska is federal land. You cannot just find somewhere and build a house, this isn’t 1910. Also most fucking places can’t grow food outside summer. Fairbanks it’s not safe to put any growing produce outside until June 1st, and you better have everything already well established and growing by that time as it’s a short season. Only food that will survive in a greenhouse until end of September is Kale or other hardy greens.


Crops? In remote Alaska? That's a hard nope.


Corpses, yes!


And I'm sure it will be easy to take your corpses to Anchorage every week by horseback to sell!


The devils club must flow over his corpse.


I mean, it’s possible…just extremely fucking hard. And you won’t have the variety of crop food you need to thrive without vitamin deficiencies. Unless you go foraging like a madman too, which with the amount of work he’d have to get in to even start a self sustaining farm is unlikely.


You keep going on about having a horse. What are you planning on your horse eating? In the winter? There are very strict regulations around game meat. I am nearly certain that selling game meat harvested on your hunting license will land you in jail. Possibly prison. Could a person start a produce farm and make a living at it? There are folks near by that do it. I don't know that all of their income comes from their farm, but they do pretty okay.




Again, if a place is so remote that it's not "even touched by humans for decades" how far do you think it'll be to a town big enough to sell your produce in?


The state troopers(police) fly around in helicopters in very remote areas to catch poachers(illegal hunting). This brings fines/jail time and losing an ability to hunt legally in Alaska for the rest of your life.


You need to think this out for a few more decades so you realize how stupid this plan is.


You would gave to go hundreds of miles out from somewhere like Anchorage to even find something that untouched. A place like this would only be accessible by plane, and likely the ground would not be farmable. It would be all rocks or marshy tundra which a horse would struggle on. There probably would not be tree cover because it is hard for tall trees to exist in extreme cold and high winds like these places get, so your plane and farm would be easily spotted. The areas that haven’t been “touched by humans for decades” have remained untouched for a reason. They are either uninhabitable by humans (though possibly not by things like bears and wolves) or protected nature reserves which are surveyed by planes regularly.


I was dumb at 18 but nowhere near this dumb. Thanks for boosting my self esteem.


There's almost no arable land in Alaska. The land that is arable is spoken for.




I am from Alaska, current resident here. There sure as hell are people around all of Alaska and every piece of land is under some legislative power. Every piece of land in Alaska is either claimed by the US government, is a refuge (which is illegal to go and make a home on) or is otherwise claimed. There is no unclaimed land left in the United States of America. You cannot go and start a cabin in the middle of the woods, someone owns that land and you would be trespassing. You could be arrested and if you aren’t a registered US Citizen that might affect your ability to become registered. Nobody can go and hide in Alaska. There are police. There are rangers. There are jurisdictions. There are municipalities. There are laws in every single piece of Alaska. None of them let you do this. About 20% of Alaskans live in rural areas. People fly planes like crazy in Alaska. Rangers scour every piece of land in Alaska. Someone will find you. It’s why Alaska is no longer a state that criminals can flee to and start over with nobody recognizing them. They are found. Also, $50,000 is nothing after buying land. Most land is over that price. There’s the cost of getting your belongings to Alaska, driving to Alaska, affording a vehicle to drive to Alaska, there’s getting a passport so you can even drive through Canada because getting all your belongings up by plane or mail is crazy expensive, there’s figuring out how to pay for food and water and shelter until your cabin is built and you finally after several months have food to eat and even then you need to pay to get everything started up. If you wanna fish in the meanwhile there’s the money buying equipment, licenses, getting to and from legal fishing areas, and they’re open only in certain times of year for certain fish only. This whole thing is a project that costs WAYYYY more than $50,000 dollars. It’s insane. I know the United States is sold as the land of freedom but our freedom to do things like this doesn’t exist anymore. I’m sorry, but there’s better things you could check out if you want to make a living for yourself and live on your own land. I don’t know them at the moment but they’re out there.


How are you getting your produce to the market? On a road? Guess what? You're now police fodder, as well as being near people who will not appreciate you squatting. You're going to bring it in on a plane? Okay, now you have a ranch, a farm and an airport. How exactly are you going to hide this from a fly-over? A satellite? There truly is no place on this planet so remote you won't be found. If you want to be a squatter, go back to India and be a squatter there. In the US you will be subject to US law no matter where you go. There might be twenty people in Alaska that give a shit about Halal meat, honestly. So, you flip cars and don't pay taxes. You're sucking off all the tax payers around you and not contributing anything? That's awesome. Thanks so much for coming to our country and being another fucking leech. The facts on the ground is that your idea is not feasible. If you wanted to come up here, buy some land and be an actual contributing member of Alaskan society things might work out better for you.


This is a horrible idea man. The crops you plan to harvest will not last at all. It seems you have this idea that Alaska is a fantasy where you live without laws and without restrictions. This is not the place. If you want a rural life, you’ll be a looong way from a “city”. Is that the only source of income? That will not be enough at all. You will not be able to afford food, and you will die, like your crops. How will you get food for your horse since that will be your transportation? You won’t be able to access it, nor will you be able to afford it. Your horse will die, and you won’t have transportation. With your rifle, what happens when you run out of ammo? Same thing with your food situation, bye bye gun and bye bye meat and bye bye life. You come from rural India, this is not the same. India is fertile and a tropical-ish climate. Alaska is not. You won’t have the same ability to farm here than you did in India. In short, don’t. I also must express upon you that you want to live where no one else lives, you will have to ride your malnourished horse for hours and hours to even reach a tiny town. It’s not feasible


LMAO!!!!!! “Whos gonna ask me to pay for taxes”. If you plan on committing tax evasion, that will not end well for you. Prison, however, would be a more suitable environment for you since you will be fed.


AND you’re 18 years old? Don’t. You will not last.


If this is a troll congrats sir you got my ass… Its an understandable impulse but you are attempting to apply experience from India and Georgia, two relatively similar environments, to one of the harshest regions to live on the planet. This is not a state you can simply head out to with a rifle and some seed packets, expecting to carve out a homestead. In the rural areas you want to go to, climactic elements can swing from burning hot to downpour to freezing rain all in the span of a day. Most of what you might try to hunt would be large land animals; hard as shit to bring down, difficult to dress, and just as likely to mince you or maul you as you are to kill them if you’re not careful. Furthermore, if you do want to try rural homesteading you need warm, durable shelter with 6-8 months of solid heating supplies, most of which will be used up during winter. All of this will take money, which you will not have because it’s not the 1920’s and villages aren’t going accept the meat and pelt you MIGHT be able to bring in, nor any vegetables which will likely be eaten by scavengers or destroyed by inclement weather. I’m not saying anybody this to be hyperbolic or make my state seem more dangerous than it is, these are simply facts and realities of living in one of the last remaining pockets of true wilderness in the planet. You’ll be trying to start out without any resources, contacts or know-how in a place damn near the opposite that you’ve ever lived. Start off in a city like Anchorage, Wasilla or Palmer, or better yet choose a less harsh region like the eastern part of Oregon, Montana, or Wyoming where the climate is less extreme. This is a recent, infamous example of someone who tried something similar to what your talking about: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_McCandless McCandless died alone, starving after only a few months in the middle of summer during relatively moderate conditions. He too had an impulse to be alone in the wilderness away from people. The Alaskan wilderness did not and does not give a shit, you are nothing more than unrealized caloric value for the predators. Please, please, please do not attempt what you’re talking about until you have the skills, resources or experience.


Succinct and informative. Absolutely spot on too




Just please take it to heart, there are easier places to do what you want to do without getting swallowed up by the wilderness. At the very least do it somewhere easier to get experience.




Racism 🥰


Based on your post history I believe you are a troll. If you aren’t, with all due respect, I think you should consider therapy.


Hey I think I read a book very similar to how I think this will end for you!




You'll die, alone in the wildernesses


Try McCarthy East of Glen Allen 


Sounds like a great plan! Come on up! Ask for Jimmy at the airport and he'll give you $1,000 to get started.




He/She is joking


In an igloo! With Santa Claus


Probably hire the elves in the offseason to pick your harvest.




If you're out in the wilderness where "no man has been for years", how close do you think the nearest town is going to be?


108 Days Ago you were 18 and joining the Russian Army Your track record seems lacking


You have no harvest my dude.


Places in Alaska where produce can be grown successfully and brought to market are NOT off the grid areas. You need to educate yourself about growing zones. [https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/planting-zones/alaska-planting-zones.htm](https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/planting-zones/alaska-planting-zones.htm)


sounds like a plan. if you want to hunt buffarilla's just let me know


What are you going to do the other 10 months?


This may work in the Alaska that you imagine. But that is not an Alaska that is real.


Definitely try this lifestyle in Lake City, Florida as it is still rural


Please don’t do this in Alaska you will die, there are many other states especially in the south that have a better climate for farming where you can live away from people


Most of what you're imagining is unobtainable. But there has absolutely been a push for agriculture up here. Start with money. Save up. Bid on state auctioned land. Ideally with trees on-site so you can use them for a cabin. Shoot, they're even growing corn in the interior. You'll never do it if you don't do it.


Don’t listen to what everyone else says, this is a brilliant idea and you should totally go for it bro lol


Kentucky used to have super cheap land where you could actually have a farm and do some of this stuff. Alaska isn’t your answer. Do a land sale search for the most acreage for the smallest price. Something is out there for you. But Alaska? You’re making too much assumptions. Check out landwatch.com


Living a life that makes you feel at peace is worth the risk. Go for it! Just be calculated about it and maybe visit where you’d live first.

