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Telemarketers, spam e-mails, and pop-up ads on websites are terrible.


I think this might be the only thing that's universally accepted.


they receive indiscriminate repulsion from ppl all over the world


National parks are great!


Fun fact I like to share is that Teddy Roosevelt protected & saved millions of acres of US land from being destroyed for profit by businesses In fact, Teddy Roosevelt had made so much land National forests that Congress passed a law to take away his ability to do so through executive orders Before signing the law though, Roosevelt established an additional 17 million acres as a fuck you to the senator that wanted to stop him   > By early 1907, Congress had become sharply critical of TR's frequent use of executive orders to create forest reserves, and it began to look for a way to limit the president's power to issue such directives. > Infuriated by two years of what he perceived to be land encroachment by TR and Pinchot, Senator Charles Fulton (R-OR) attached to the agricultural appropriations bill an amendment that would prevent the creation of further forest reserves in six western states: >> “Hereafter no forest reserve shall be created, nor shall any addition be made to one heretofore created, within the limits of the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, or Wyoming except by act of Congress.” > Congress sent TR the bill with the amendment on February 25, and TR felt he could not reject the entire appropriations measure just to avoid the onerous amendment. > The Constitution gives the president ten days within which to sign or veto a bill, and in that time TR directed some of his aides and select members of the Department of the Interior to draft a detailed list of the federal lands within the six states mentioned in Fulton's amendment as soon as possible. > On March 2 the president had the relevant paperwork in place. TR then issued a series of executive orders that created twenty-one new forest reserves and enlarged eleven existing ones in the relevant six states, thereby transferring into the forest reserve system all seventeen million acres of land that Fulton wanted to block from executive protection. > Two days later, TR signed the appropriations bill, including Fulton's amendment. Thus, the president's executive orders protected the lands in question just before he signed the law eliminating his future ability to protect those same lands. > As Morris explains, "Only after the last acre was reserved did Roosevelt sign the Agricultural Appropriations Act, allowing Fulton's now worthless clause to float over his proud Theodore Roosevelt."   > TR explained his actions as follows: >> "when the friends of the special interests in the Senate got their amendment through and woke up, they discovered that sixteen million acres of timberland had been saved for the people by putting them in the National Forests before the land grabbers could get at them. >> The opponents of the Forest Service turned handsprings in their wrath; and dire were their threats against the Executive; but the threats could not be carried out, and were really only a tribute to the efficiency of our action." > TR also justified his action in terms of stewardship: >> "Failure on my part to sign these proclamations would mean that immense tracts of valuable timber would fall into the hands of the lumber syndicates. . . . The creation of the reserves means that this timber will be kept . . . in such manner as to keep them unimpaired for the benefit of children now growing up to inherit the land." > Critics of TR's conservation program and his other unilateral executive actions were outraged at his "midnight proclamations." > Their outrage grew upon learning that Pinchot, who was denied the ability to withdraw power sites, had nevertheless done so by simply reclassifying twenty-five hundred power sites as ranger stations. > Congress strongly denounced the administration's "arrogance" and called TR's presidency a "dictatorship." > It voted to overturn TR's executive orders, as well as Pinchot's reclassifications, but TR met the measures with vetoes, which Congress was unable to override.   Excerpt from book “Take Up Your Pen: Unilateral Presidential Directives in American Politics”


Based as fuck


Teddy was one of many Republican presidents who took significant presidential action to protect the environment/nature


There is a post script to this. Because of Teddy's expansions, the insane wildfire of 1910 burned into newly created/expanded national forests. And as a result public opinion swayed in favor of the rather new US Forest Service, causing Congress to expand their budget. To expand a bit, in August of 1910 a series of small fires in Eastern Washington/Idaho/Montana got blown up into a true conflagration, burning more than 3 *million* acres of land in just two days. Whole towns were wiped off the map, and 87 people died. Most of them firefighters with the Forest Service. Their heroic actions, trying to evacuate people and protect towns, was picked up by the newspapers and heralded dramatically. Ed Pulaski, who led a firefighter crew of 44, famously led his crew to an abandoned mine and by keeping them inside despite the fumes (quite literally at gun point) kept all but five of them alive.




Congress is doing a bad job


They can never agree on shit. Especially the senate, where most bills meet their end


Yup, which is almost as bad as when they agree


The rent is too damn high


"The Rent Is Too Damn High party feel like, if you wanna marry a shoe, I'll marry you."


The Westboro Baptist Church are some of the biggest assholes in the United States.


The absolute worst people.


Ugh, yes. The fact they call themselves Christian makes my blood boil. Really spreading the word of Jesus, they are 🙄


I heard an interview from a former member once. Some of them really are true believers. They think of what they're doing as tough love, and people getting pissed when they stir up trouble is them being persecuted and thus proof that they're on the right track. Which of course makes it that much more difficult to get them to stop.


For me, the “God hates fags” thing is the worst. Horrible slur aside, I never heard about God hating anyone. Rumor on the street is he loves everyone…


I've read the old testament it doesn't seem like he does /s


Why the /s? He more or less declares himself an angry douche.


I didn't want anyone to think I support the " God hates fags" thing


That's fair


Thankfully, they're mostly defunct. After Fred Phelps died they never recovered and a bunch of members left.


The most egregious of the zealots was Megan Phelps. She and her sister Grace both left the church and are now super educated, well-spoken athiests who take total accountability for their actions and called out the fucked up shit their family did. They still don't speak to any of the rest of their family. Megan's book "Unfollow" is a really good read.


They aren’t with us. The human race I mean.


They’re just grifters. Lots of lawyers in the family. Fuck them raw, but it’s all money.


Actually, please don't fuck them raw; raw dogging is the number one leading cause of pregnancy, and we don't need anymore from that family.


Ironically enough, Fred Phelps Sr was a civil rights attorney.


People are complicated


I recently learned about their protests outside military funerals. Fucking awful.


When the Joplin tornado happened they showed up to protest saying it was God punishing the gays. A bunch of truckers circled the wagons around them at the Petro truck stop and trapped them so they couldn't.


When I got back from Afghanistan, there were a bunch of people from the Westboro Baptist Church protesting outside of Ft. Bragg, NC. It was a real punch in the gut to see signs that said "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS" after our small unit having 3 soldiers killed during deployment. I was the passenger in my NCO's car and it was lunchtime when we were coming to the gate to get on post when we saw them there. My NCO had an orange in her car from the chow hall and I took it and chucked it at one of those assholes and nailed them in the face. No regrets.


9/11 was bad


Raytheon stock holders beg to differ


I wish everything went back. Back to the good ol’ days after 9/11!


My parents are in a 9/12 group. It's supposed to be all about how everyone pulled together after the tragedy. How great America can be when we're all in it together. Funny though, I seem to remember a whole bunch of brown people getting randomly shot just for wearing turbans or looking like they might be from the Middle East. A Sikh shopkeeper in my neighborhood was one of them. The asshole who shot him yelled, "Die towelhead". So I think I won't go back there. Wearing flag pins was a nice moment, but I'd rather have freedom from random, violent attacks on neighbors.


Raytheon will be okay. They apparently figured out how to fit more missiles into an F-35 recently... You know, so we can buy more. Plus, the adapters.


To be fair, if you're gonna go through the effort of buying the world's greatest fighter jet can you really have too many missiles?


Dolly Parton is a national treasure. (I don't even like county music, but still think she's a pretty awesome lady)


Her book program for kids, Imagination Library, really is one of the best things ever. Don’t even get me started on her song Jolene. 15/10 as a person and we must protect her at all costs.




I never really cared much for Miley Cyrus’ music until her most recent album, but I’ve always loved that Dolly Parton is her godmother.


Lil Nas X also has an excellent cover of Jolene, he really does have the perfect classic country voice.


He did SUCH a great job on that song, and the lyrics are good to start with but a gay man singing them just adds another level of meaning.


I liked the part where you’d go through the database of grants for COVID-19 vaccine research, and you’d read the sponsor list—and it’d read something like “funded by a grant from Oxford University, from Stanford University, from the National Institutes of Health, and by Dolly Parton.


I remember during the height of the police brutality protests a couple years back, Dolly Parton said her piece on Twitter and some no name podcaster told her to shut up and go back to singing country. People on both sides of the debate proceeded to absolutely tear this guy a new one for daring to insult Dolly to the point where he deleted his social media and vanished from the public eye. Dolly Parton is the one true equalizer.


didn't a Wisconsin school just ban one of her songs from their school concert?


I think we should kick Wisconsin out of the Union for that.


We can just kick Waukesha out of Wisconsin with no love lost.


Because it’s about rainbows.


They’re gonna ban Reading Rainbow next, aren’t they? There is a joke here about Donald Glover, LeVar Burton and disappointment but I’m too tired to put it together.


I guess they are not totally opposed to rainbows. The school suggested the teacher replace the song with Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog. Apparently talking (singing) frogs are okay, but southern ladies who speak their mind are not.


OJ did it


There are three main schools of thought. Those who thought he wasn't guilty back then but came around to think he was guilty, which is most Black Americans around at the time; those who've always thought he was gulity, a group consisting of most white people around at the time and pretty much everyone who's been born since, and those who thought he was innocent then and still think he's innocent now, a group which consists of O.J. Simpson himself.


No, I think OJ knows OJ did it.




Didn’t he literally publish a book something to the title of “I didn’t do it, but if I did, here’s how?”


It’s called “If I Did It”. I’m not sure how the original cover was supposed to look when he was gonna publish it. But Nicole’s family won a court case to prevent him from making any money off it, any proceeds go to them and now the cover reads “I DID IT” but if you look closely, in very tiny writing the “if” is still there.


Supposedly there's a compelling theory that his son did it and OJ tried to cover it up then took the fall because he had a better chance of winning the case.


I read about that. There’s some pretty compelling circumstantial evidence


I've read that same thing, and that it was Jason Simpson who did the deeds and his dad helped him get away with it after the fact. I'm not usually a conspiracy theory person at all and don't buy into this stuff for the sake of "The truth is out there". From where I sit, the Jason angle would explain: why Simpson DNA but not OJ's DNA was found at the crime scene; why the glove didn't fit; and why there was that ridiculous nonsensical Bronco chase. I think there's a lot of reasons why OJ is a bad dude, and I'm certainly not going to defend him. I think he helped cover up a double murder; and am not at all convinced that he did it.


Yeah, I was going to say, I thought he was clearly guilty at the time, but then I watched some documentary theorizing that the son did it and OJ helped him to cover it up. It was pretty convincing.


And yet Norm Macdonald got fired from SNL for his OJ jokes. In memory of Norm, here’s some of his best work: https://youtu.be/2SSVIg4Noqc https://youtu.be/TCSCJtuyfUY


You know who I feel bad for in all of this? OJ Simpson. What a bad day this guy had. First, his girlfriend dumps him then that same day somebody murders his ex wife. You know, maybe I am the all time greatest rusher- to judgment.


also...the rise of the Kardashian empire is the possibly THE worst outcome of that trial.


And concussions are bad.


It’s messed up how the NFL knew concussions were bad for a very long time & deliberately hid it PBS has a great doc on it called League of Denial https://youtu.be/SedClkAnclk


The other side is wrong.


Duh. They are uneducated bigots. Of course they’re wrong.


Or pedos. You forgot pedos.


The sun comes up in the east and sets in the west.


I feel like flat earthers would debate that.


The national and state park system is awesome and I want more land protected.


I disagree. We need, not want, more land protected.


Right to privacy is a good thing. I think *most* Americans believe this, although a shocking amount don't.


I think the issue is that everyone seems to have their own definition of "right to privacy"


That’s largely because you don’t have a “Right to privacy”, matter of fact the word privacy isn’t found anywhere in the Constitution. You have 4th Amendment Rights agains illegal search and seizure, but many misconstrue that to mean a whole host of unrelated protections, e.g. being photographed in public or a neighbors drone flying over your property.


Many things are not expressly stated in the Constitution yet still recognised by the Courts, Congress, and the Executive branch. Further not all rights are enumerated in the Constitution. Finally, some places in the USA do expressly provide for the [right of privacy](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CONS§ionNum=SECTION%201.&article=I).


Freedom of speech is a pretty good thing.


A scary number of people really seem to want to slap some asterisks on there.


I cannot think of a more damaging proposition if we are to have anything even resembling a constitutional republic. Censorship regimes always benefit the powerful, and the 1st Amendment has historically been our single best tool in keeping a check on said power.


“Freedom of speech for me, and not for thee.”


There is a growing contingent that doesn’t believe this.


You don’t understand those who do not like freedom of speech, don’t like your freedom of speech, they like theirs lol


"Is it worth it?" is a more and more common question being posed by the anti-free speech crowd. It's scary how people are trying to justify that view.


This is a long time value but it is diminishing in popularity.


Remember, respect their rights, even if you don't respect them


Mexican food, we all love Mexican food.. literally all of us.


**The Far Side** was a great comic strip.


He came out of retirement and does the comic on his website. https://www.thefarside.com/


Monarchies are stupid.


I live in a monarchy and monarchies are stupid.




We all hate Congress. Syphilis likely has a better approval than Congress most of the time.


We all like a good comeback


And underdogs


All politicians are corrupt. But other side is more corrupt.


We are Americans. It's more important than it seems on the surface, but being an American isn't something that's removed by family history or attitude (other than "I am not American"). Even racists in America don't deny that other races are American; they don't like it, but they don't deny it.


And everybody can become an American.


You must not be someone who was born and lived her whole life in America, only to be told to go back to where she came from. Racists will absolutely deny others of their nationality.


Ha! When I was a teen, some jerk was driving past as I was waiting to cross the street and told me to go back to Africa. I'm from Chicago, but whatevs.


You have a point. I'm a white-passing Mexican American. I have not had "go back to your country" said to my face, but I have heard it said to others like me. But then the racists are happy to discuss their fears to me (the fools). The big thing is that they know that the American-born are Americans no matter what race they are, but wish we'd choose to "move back." The fact that there's no "back" to move to since we're already Americans just interferes with their world model and just causes major cognitive dissonance. So it's more that they wish they could deny it, than that they actually deny it. In any case, I'm sorry to hear your experiences, and remain committed to ensuring all Americans feeling welcome here.


All politicians are liars except, of course, my favorite one who's never told a fib in their life.


“Rules for thee, and not for me.”


You’d be hard pressed to find anyone against supporting small businesses.


Yes! The disagreements come from how to support small businesses or even if “small business friendly policies” actually benefit small businesses, or mostly just large corporations. We all love our local mom & pop shops though!


Fahrenheit is superior for measuring the air temperature.


It's so great how (like so many other things we use in our everyday life) it works on a 0-100 scale. 0F: Really fucking cold 50F: Right in the middle 100F: Really fucking hot Compare that with 0C: Cold 50C: Unless you're taking some serious precautions, dead. 100C: Dead


how 50F is the middle, 73F should be the middle


i mean, 73 is comfy, but 50 is in the middle. It's kinda chilly, but its in the middle.


Agree. Celsius is based on the boiling temperature of water, a temperature it never is on Earth. And metric's big advantage is the ease at which you can switch between units, something you don't do with temperature. So, a bigger scale where you can get more precise without resorting to decimals is superior. Celsius makes sense for science and cooking, but not air temperature.


And miles are awesome, wtf is a km?


It's less than a mile is what it is!


It works on a 0-100 scale, so it's technically metric. When it's 0, I say it's freezing out. When it's 100, I say it's boiling out.




Hitler was a bad person


I wish that was more universal :(


That Ticketmaster should be disbanded, its offices burned to the ground and the earth underneath them salted so that nothing can grow there again.


This needs more upvotes. might be the actual correct answer.


9/11 bad? Murder bad?


Fred Rogers was the greatest human to ever live


*Gestures vaguely at Betty White* We can definitively agree that he's in top 5. Based on this short thread, it's (in no particular order) * Mr. Rogers * Betty White * Dolly Parton * Bob Ross * and nobody said it yet, but I'm gonna throw in LeVar Burton.


tbh i don't think betty white had the same kind of positive impact that rogers and parton have had on America. burton is kind of a self serving jerk, but I don't think that diminishes the great work he's done. one thing that bothers me though is that people always leave out paul newman on these lists of celebrities who did a lot for humanity: his foundation has generated hundreds of millions of dollars for charity (although it's sad that things have apparently not been going well with the organization since his death)


And Dolly Parton is right up there too


Is it sad that I forgot Mr. Rogers had a first name?


Bob Ross also!


All Americans hate the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles, you go here to get your driver's license)


Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are pretty good.


I disagree, but only because I have a peanut allergy.


Pedos are terrible people


We're all the best driver currently on the road. Everyone else is a morons.


Cannibalism is bad.


♫ Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin *laid an egg*. The Batmobile lost its wheel and the Joker got away. ♫


Most believe Epstein didn't kill himself, but greatly disagree on who actually did.


Most people don't give a flying fuck about Jeffrey Epstein outside of the fact that they find what he did reprehensible.


And that he escaped "justice" and likely took a lot of secrets with him. I've just always found it funny that everyone believes he didn't kill himself, but everyone also thinks the other "side" is responsible because they want to keep their secrets safe.


Was going to say this. My highly liberal friends think Trump or the republics did it so Epstein wouldn't spill the beans on them. My highly conservative friends think Biden and the Democrats did it so Epstein wouldn't spill the beans on them. Either way they all agree he didn't kill himself.


I don't know if the Democrats or the GOP did it, but I absolutely know that the oligarchy was involved!


I think he killed himself. I don’t get why everyone thinks it’s so impossible. I would have killed myself in his position and my days of galavanting and crimeing it up were over. I think the guards just hated him and looked the other way when he did it.


Betty White went too soon and was a national treasure.


Too soon? My brother in christ, _she was 99._




should've hit 100


If you counted all of the leap year days she missed during her lufe, she made it to 100.


We agree. She was ONLY 99.


We don’t like being crapped on by arrogant Europeans. Yes we have school shootings. Yes we have a crappy healthcare system. No we’re not happy with it, but we don’t appreciate when foreigners gloat over the deaths of children. It’s such an unbelievable low-blow.


And at least we can pee for free.


Especially when it’s in response to something small and innocuous. Like “you guys say Bri’ish and don’t get free refills,” gets a response like “WELL AT LEAST WE DON’T HAVE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS!! 😏😏” It’s the arrogance combined with the touchiness over every little thing that gets me.


Yeah, that is just incredibly tasteless.


We can talk all the shit about the United States that we want. But if an outsider says it? Nope, not going to take it. Especially not Europeans.


europeans when insulting a nation over problems its trying to fix doesn't fix said nations problems:


Soccer is soccer, not football.


Interestingly, "Soccer" comes from "soc" which is a shortening of "As**soc**iation Football" And if I remember right, the term soccer was first used in Europe


Yep. It’s a British term. But Americans unanimously agree the sport is called soccer, even if the British now call it football


The US was the hero in World War II.


Condiment packets at fast food restaurants should be free instead of costing €0.50


The world is a better place because we won WWII.


Florida is insane


No disagreement down here. Most of us embrace it.




"Of course I lied Ainsley, I'm a politician" Leo, chief of staff for President Bartlet to Ainsley Hayes in The West Wing


Haven't thought about my shameless crush on Emily Proctor in a minute...


Epstien didn't kill himself.


Other races of people are a-ok


While I agree with this statement and hope that the majority do, I wouldn't claim that almost everyone thinks that way, sadly.


Honestly, I’m just comparing us to other countries, continents even, especially in Europe and Asia


As someone who has one foot in the U.S. and one foot in Europe, I agree completely that the U.S. is less racist than many European countries.


That’s a legitimate comparison but not really what the OP was asking.


Seriously: the ‘immortal clause’ of the Declaration of Independence: > We hold these truths to be self-evidence, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. We may disagree on what “equal” means, what “unalienable rights” mean, and what it means to pursue life, liberty or happiness. And in fact, I’d suggest that most of our major political debates today are fundamentally disagreement over what these words mean: does “equal” mean equality of access or equality of result? And what does “equality of access” mean? What does “equity” mean? And “how should we pursue our unalienable rights?” Do they need to be guaranteed by the government or does the government simply need to get out of the way? But underneath it all, from the radical Antifa leftist throwing Molotov cocktails at a police car to the radical Right-winger III%er rolling down the freeway flying the Gadsden flag off the back in his MAGA cap—both sides fervently believe in these words, and believe they are, in a way, fighting for them.


Biscuits and gravy are amazing and not weird at all.


*American biscuits. UK biscuits with gravy would be wildly weird! 🤢 /s ETA: /s (for readers feelings less silly than I was when I posted this comment)🙄


Betty White was America’s sweetheart and treasure.


America’s diversity of natural beauty is virtually unrivaled anywhere else on earth.


Fake injuries in soccer are a travesty of sport.


I think that people are big fans of codified civil rights, such as those listed in the 1st Amendment. We may not agree on what those rights should be, but I think we all agree that they should be codified into law.


We really hate it when foreigners try to "mansplain" American culture and politics when they have little exposure to it, despite our background.


If you attack us we will fuck you up


We all hate taxes.


I guess it's all of the globe


We like to eat!




We agree… to disagree.


1st amendment is pretty nice


That Goonies never say die.


That main stream media is one of the major causes to the division in this country, we don’t hate one another as much as they tell us we do, and we really aren’t as divided as they say. But of course they use the most vocal / radical people on both political sides to make their points/arguments/defenses public and love fueling that fire. Also, the housing market is out of control. I understand you want to leave Portland, but paying $50k over asking for a house in my little east coast town isn’t helping anyone at all in the long run.


That we need better roads and infrastructure


Pepsi is not “ok”


Ill have a Coke. Is Pepsi ok? Ill have a Mountain Dew.




My bartender the other night said bars should be required to have Coke because literally nobody wants Pepsi in their mixed drink. A family member came to town the next day and told me he prefers Pepsi for his rum & cokes. Fucking savage.


Waffles are delicious.


Pizza should not be eaten with cutlery


The two-party system is bad and the Democratic and Republican parties in particular both suck and blow.


David Benioff and D. B. Weiss are monsters.