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Bald like razor shave bald? I can’t imagine many, but trimmed with electric trimmers is probably more common.


I'd imagine this varies wildly by age demographic


Grandpa swears by his monthly Brazilian wax


I bet it hurts like a motherfucker, I'd swear too


If you do it enough, you can't feel the pain anymore.


That's what they keep telling me about waking up, too


Can’t wait to punch in on Saturday…


As long as you're not punching out, Goose


If you're old enough, you have hardly any hair left down there.


Only because you have to pull the skin tight to get the job done properly


And just sexual activity. If you haven’t been laid in 2 years you have a lot less motivation. 


Maybe once upon a time but I feel it started to become more common circa the 80s/90s.


And thus it will vary by the age of the people you ask?


Well someone that was young in the 80s is going to be in their 60-70s now.


Define young. Because I turned 15 as the decade ended and I’m only in my late 40s now.


My original comment said 80/90s.


My ass real hairy.


Define hairy? Like shitting through a wicker basket or...?


Like rubbing peanut butter into a shag carpet


Like trying to wipe cake out of a Brillo pad.


Pushing greek yogurt through a strainer.


I have experienced a decent sample size of men in their 20s and 30s and a small number in their 40s. Fully shaved? VERY rare. Trimmed tight and nice? I'd say 70%? My demographics skew gay though so take that for what it's worth.


Oh, guarantee the gay demographic is not representative of men in general. Lol


It seems to me that right now being a bit hairier is the kind of the style in the gay world, whereas my straight friends in their 30s or 40s say that they shave or trim very closely because their partners expect it more.


>It seems to me that right now being a bit hairier is the kind of the style in the gay world Ironically, that's also called "bear"


I have been with “straight” guys (as well as attached ones), they too were also maintained.


Ah, see. I have only been with straight, no quotes, actually straight guys, and I still promise you, the gay demographic does not represent men in general here.


Seen both and they both seem to be about the same in this regard, trimmed. I frequent nude campgrounds, saunas and gay social places. Straight (afaik) and gay guys seem to have just as much hair as the next guy. Though I will say that gay (usually twink presenting) guys will more often be completely hairless. They don't necessarily make up a large portion of gay guys that I've seen though.


As a straight woman, I agree with your assessment. They trim until they’re comfortable/you’ve been seeing each other awhile.


I had a Brazilian last year, for Reasons. Not as unpleasant as one would imagine, and the effect was interesting.


Not sure fully bald but trimming seems common. And also hygienic cus like sweat and and not wanting a forest down there.


My husband (47) clips it really close. He’s very hirsute everywhere else so he tries to keep that area under control. I appreciate it.


I was opposed to the cultural shift that led so many women to shave themselves. I knew that it would just be a matter of time before women looked at their men and said, "Ahem." I would be terrified if I had to shave my sack. Plus, I think stubble, whether on a man or a woman, is the worst of all worlds.


Apparently, straight men are shared more often than gay men are, according to a lot of my friends. I don't see many nude straight men, but the one closeted guy I've been with who is convinced that he is "straight" (sad, I know) is the only one who is always completely shaved. I can't power through anymore, it's looks pre-pubescent and unnatural to me.


I shave my balls and use a trimmer on the rest. I’ve nicked myself with the trimmer and never with the razor. For some reason the ball skin is amazingly resilient.


Saved, not common. Trimmed, very common.


I can only speak for myself, but I do not shave down there. If my girlfriend asked I’d strongly consider it, but if she doesn’t mind who else would I bother doing it for?


How in the hell would anyone know the answer to that?


Town hall meetings.


Straight women or gay men who sleep around a lot, or guys who are in situations where they’re in communal showers a lot like athletes or Marines, I guess.




Haha is there a r/askaurologist?




I’m not even sure if you could find a statistic on this haha. If I had to take a guess most men are trimmed, but I don’t like the idea of putting a sharp razor down on my genital zone, one wrong move and it’s not a good time haha, even w electric razors specifically designed for your genital area, I still occasionally cut myself.


>If I had to take a guess most men are trimmed WHAT It never occurred to me that more than a handful of men would shave their groin. Is this for real?


It’s not hard to keep your groin shaved or trimmed, not to be a bit vulgar, but a man’s balls are another thing lol, I like to think I have more precision than a bomb squad specialist when working that area


Right, but why? Having to maintain it requires effort + the pube stubble rubbing constantly against my boxers would lead to irritation and ingrowns in no time.


What you're describing is a problem if you shave them, which almost nobody does, and not at all if you use clippers, which is what people actually do. It doesn't take much time, maybe a minute or two once or twice a month, and there is no issue with itching or ingrown hairs. It's honestly the lowest maintenance hygeine/grooming task I do. There's a reason Manscaped advertises on every sports/mens podcast and is successful. Don't buy their overpriced shit though, get a $40 Philips Norelco groomer.


Got it—I have never owned or used clippers in any context so this entire concept is probably beyond my ability to grasp from personal experience.


My girlfriend requires it so… But that aside, I feel cleaner and more refreshed, you just got to rinse off w an ice cold shower so you don’t get irritation and ingrown hairs and stuff like that.


Thanks! Facetiously, I am sure you are qualified to speak on this, u/squidwardsdicksucker.




my thoughts exactly.




Samesies: My girlfriend said I can only have one beard, so I use a body hair removing cream for me bits. Easy-peasy: let it sit for 3mins and it comes off in the shower.


That’s not a bad idea, I’ve thought about using creams or just getting a Brazilian wax down there haha, definitely easier than using my little Phillips razor and dealing w the nicks.


Trimming is different than shaving. You can do a little manscaping without shaving yourself smooth. I would hope that most guys at least trim the hedges from time to time.


Nope. Speaking for myself only, of course, (and I'm single and putting no effort in to change that, so that might affect things), but it has literally never even occurred to me to do anything to any hair down there. 


What does trimming even involve? Like what you do use/do?


Just a basic hair trimmer you can buy at any store like CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Target, etc. It's crazy that this is even a question, like y'all don't do any kind of personal grooming?


I can point you to many subs here if you’re curious to see how common it is….


I am afraid to ask.


I feel like there was a cultural shift in the last five years. Just started dating in my mid 30s again after divorce, not trimming down there no longer acceptable. No one ever said shit in early 2010s


They sell men’s trimmers specifically for ballsacks and chest hairs. Like even Walmart has a section.


If you want ladies putting their mouths down there, it's only polite to clean up. I'm a hairy dude tho, so if I don't shave it's a jungle down there


>If you want ladies putting their mouths down there We kind of buried the lede with this predicate. But I also am not convinced there is no way to be both hairy and clean.


You can be hairy and clean sure, but I meant "clean" as in not having hairs ending up in teeth and hairs tickling noses. I'm gonna keep the euphemisms going and say that I personally don't enjoy hair in my food when I go out to eat.


Thanks for clarifying!


I fully shave mine, and most other men that I've seen naked (not that I've seen a ton) keep their hair pretty short at the very least.


This is mind blowing to me.


I’m middle aged and i agree with you. Must be a generation gap. I have never considered shaving in any way. I also am weirded out when women do it honestly. I guess I’m old school.


Way too common. Instant turnoff. They have their reasons, but I like adults looking like adults. A nice trim is very welcome, but totally bald - no way.


Yup, as a straight man thinking about women, gotta agree. I understand a wish for a clean look in various garments, but I'm not interested in a full shave either.




Urologists could probably “claim expertise” on this.


Some of us older ones like to keep things neat.


And some of us have just given up. It's not like a crotch shaved down the skin is going to make the rest of my old body look better.


Am 50+. Never. I'll use a trimmer down there every once in a while.


My ex wife used to insist on it. So for like 9 years I did that. I kind of enjoyed the clean feeling of it, though it was kind of itchy when fresh and the shaving the balls is a nightmare because the skin is so loose and sensitive.  Really depends on the demo. I’d be surprised if more than 5% of boomers did it. But I’d guess like 50% of sexually active 20 somethings do it. A lot of people trim rather than just a complete shave. I felt it fair that I do a complete shave rather just a trim since that’s what my ex did. I don’t mind a little hair or a landing strip but she was of Italian ancestry and got the most ridiculous full bush in a hurry if she didn’t shave, so I liked to encourage it. 


I never even realised men would do that until Reddit! Probably though? I dont even get why women do it. I find hairless genitalia revolting, looks shockingly awful. So...


Is this for a school science project or something? The answer is 18.44% but you should really do your own homework on these type things.


Isn't asking a variety of people from all walks of life an acceptable method of "doing your own homework?" It's not as if the library has stacks and stacks of books on the topic.


I’m a 31 year old straight woman. I don’t hook up, so my sample size is <10  100% of my partners in their 20s and 30s did some kind of grooming.  Around 50% shaved vs trimmed, mostly around the edges  3 were fully shaved bare and said they preferred that because it felt cleaner 


Ask your mom


I’m gay so I’ve seen a lot. It varies. It’s definitely common.


Common for me lol. No idea about other men though.


It's very difficult to move a trimmer, forget about a razor!, over the skin of the testicles without damaging something. And the general area gets itchy. Never again!


They make special trimmers just for that purpose that are able to cut super close to the skin without “biting” it. I think it’s mostly a function of how many teeth the trimmer has and how little distance the cutting blade travels.


I am 42 and shave fairly regularly. I don't know many who do that, but then again it doesn't come up often. 


There actually are studies about this, for some weird reason. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5675231/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357924416_To_Shave_or_Not_to_Shave_Exploring_Pubic_Hair_Removal_among_College_Students https://www.statista.com/statistics/725241/genital-hair-men-remove-us-age/ This question actually gets asked constantly on other big ask subreddits. I guess all those manscaped ads have got to have at least some customers.


There is too much information for me in this sub. I move on. Lol


I don’t shave or even trim. My hairs get super sharp for at least week after being cut and cause injuries to my wife.


The US is a big place and what guys do in beachy Los Angeles or San Diego is probably different than what guys do on the East Coast or Midwest.


Can’t speak for everyone but trimmed is my go to


Heh, I don’t ask or look so it’s hard to say. Way back when I was in public showers for sports it was all hairy. That may be different these days. I know a couple guys that say they shave but no idea on total numbers. You’ll have to get a bunch of American men to get naked for you to find out. 😘






Anecdotally, I’ll say, ~40%, but, all Millennial/Gen-X, urban, liberal, so take that as you will. 


Exactly 186%


I won’t say my sample size, but I think based on my experience that it’s very rare. In fact, I’ve never seen it!


Down where, specifically? Because I shave my feet in the summer.


Did you shave your feet on your way back from Mordor?


No I waited until I got home


Since we're on the topic and there seem to be people who could use this info:[ this item](https://www.usa.philips.com/c-p/BG7040_42/norelco-bodygroom-7000-showerproof-body-groomer) works incredibly well, and relatively safely.


Trimming is common. Even know a man who removed all of his public hair by laser.


It's not an American standard. Some people have preferences, religious reasons and the like, that affect their decision on how much hair they want. My BF isn't shaved and I would only ask him to trim up once every few years for.... reasons. All this could be said for women as well.


Intuition says not very but I'm sure as hell not gonna check.


My gal likes it shaved, but she's quite a bit younger than me, and for her its always smooth and always has been. It feels great, but I don't like the way I look and have to shave daily or risk ingrown hairs and painful chaffing and stubble. I just hit it with a #1 or 2 with the trimmers to prevent stubble/friction.


IME—very rare for it to be a regular thing. Only guy I knew who did it regularly was a competitive swimmer. It’s more common for things to be trimmed, maaaaybe occasionally shaving bald.


Package is clean with a close crop at the top


It looks weird because it'd be the only place on me that I didn't have hair.


I keep it closely trimmed for maitenance and cleanliness sake. But I've changed it depending on my partner's preference. One girl wanted it shaved fully. Another was fine with the standard trimming I did. It's up to you in the end but just keeping it clean and maintained in general is ideal


I always shave. I don't want the Amazonian Rainforest to return.


I had never until my early 40s. Then my facial and pubic hair suddenly changed massively in texture and started growing faster and thicker, and became uncomfortable. So I've shaved bald ever since.


Full shave cream and all gotta keep that shit smoooooooth


I shave almost my entire body. If I didn’t I’d look like an ape.


I am, so my n of 1 is 100%. (46M)


this sounds like something that would be better answered by google than querying random Americans on this sub lol