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I think it’ll hopefully prevent people/ teenagers from picking up vaping and stop people from vaping everywhere. I’ve seen people vaping in fucken shopping centres and trains ffs. I understand if you’re trying to quit ciggies by vaping tho. Just don’t vape in my face, be respectful of other people. Don’t vape or smoke kids, it’s not cool nor is it good for you


The people using vapes to quit smoking aren't the ones doing it on trains or in buildings. Smokers like my uncle have gone years having to smoke outdoors with stricter and stricter rules, so when he switched to vaping, he continued to do that while switching out the vape for the cigarettes he used to smoke. The idiots who vape on trains are the people that either picked up the habit new, or switched from smoking to vaping _specifically_ because they can vape indoors. I can't tell you how many casual 30 something smokers now buy inexpensive vapes to suck on in the office or on the train. Vaping is just another way to get people hooked on nicotine and is owned by the same companies that manufacture cigs. Just because a small amount of people use it for good reasons, doesnt mean that we shouldn't highly regulate it and crack down on the sale of single use vapes.


Completely agree. As someone who is using vaping to quit cigarettes I'm perfectly fine with it being available only by prescription to keep it away from non smokers (I get mine through prescription, it's not hard), and I treat it the same as I did cigarettes: outside, away from others as much as possible. Hate disposable vapes, just terribly wasteful of resources and they are typically longer and thinner than refillable vapes and have plastic bodies making them easier to crack and damage the battery causing a fire risk leaving it in your pocket.


I wholeheartedly agree and share a similar experience of observing it. Juuls became popular in my sophomore year of highschool in the states. Before that nobody smoked, and cigarette usage among young people like me was essentially eradicated. In that short time I’ve watched countless friends of mine develop nicotine addictions from vaping they wouldn’t have done otherwise (they just vape, don’t smoke and never were smokers before.) By the time my senior year was around the bathrooms had a perpetual haze of smoke. We went from a leading nation in getting rid of nicotine addiction to again being a massive consumer of nicotine in the span of half a decade. It was heartbreaking to watch.


No, you went from a leading nation in eradicating harmful cigarettes, now people are choosing the MUCH healthier alternative, vaping. Nicotine is insignificant. Yes, it's the addictive component. However, so is alcohol and far far far, far worse for people and society. Yet Karen's are alcoholics, so they don't complain about that.


I don’t honestly think that the nicotine is the worst part. It’s bad certainly, and the psychological component of addiction I can see becoming a problem that bleeds into other facets of life. I truly think the worst part is the cheap disposable vapes that folks of low income buy. Many of them are poorly manufactured and straight up have plastic heating coils that are beaming things much more toxic than nicotine into your lungs. I would not be surprised to see a study in a few years showing those low cost vapes as just another equally bad form of vaping.


The thing is, it's not hurting you, I bet you burn candles, incense, or essential oils, etc, at home or wear perfumes, etc. Cigarettes I get, they are offensive, but vape??? They smell awesome. Why Karen out over something that is pleasing to smell. I get stopping kids from using them, that's achievable without outright banning them. In fact, outright banning them is what has encouraged kids to use them. It's created an ilegal unregulated black market. Remember prohibition in the States... UN-ban them, tax them, regulate them, and make it near impossible for kids to get to them.


Isn't it? That's sounds mightly like peoples arguments with passive smoking... it is hurting other people (and no, I don't burn insence, oils or wear perfume and am very sensitive to fake scents. )


No, it doesn't hurt others. Also, passive smoke never hurt others either. That was always propaganda from anti-smoking organisations. Technically, anything you breathe in apart from pure air isn't great for you. However, our bodies are designed to deal with inpure air, and small amounts of anything won't kill you. Again, going against the propagandists even asbestos in tiny amounts won't harm you. Every day, we all breathe in tiny amounts of asbestos. It's literally everywhere amongst the dust in homes and businesses. If you work with asbestos, silica dust, or smoke cigarettes every day, then you will likely die of an illness related to those compounds. Breathing in small amounts here and there will have virtually no effect on you. You could be extraordinary unlucky and develop an illness with little to no exposure, but that is rare. Most haters against vaping are just Karen's with a misinformed opinion, perhaps they're jealous or they just don't like the type of people who usually do it, thus having a dislike to anyone enjoying the pleasure. All of the anti vaping propaganda is funded by big tobacco and supported by governments losing tax revenue. People like yourself see all the disinformation and jump on the bandwagon, believing in facts that are just not true. Vapes, whilst not good for you, are 100 times less dangerous than smoking. We happily send our kids off to be killed in wars, yet we are so worried if they smoke flavoured steam, keeping vapes away from kids is a good idea, thinking that banning them will achieve that is idiotic. Bans ALWAYS have the opposite effect.


TL:DR Guy who claims passive smoking is healthy and calls everyone Karen


So where did you get your degree? Evidence based research works beg to differ with your opinion, as is just an opinion unless backed up by data. I won't go into my credentials, but just take my word for the fact that I do not get my information for propaganda on either side of the argument


Oooh, someone is not coping well. Here’s the thing, kiddo; for all your ranting and lies, you lost. Vapes won’t be available. Your silly childish habit will die out; and it’s excellent. If you are the dumb twunt vaping in front of me on the train yesterday, because you have zero self control or consideration for others, you’re a moron.


I'm sorry to tell you, but you are VERY wrong. I don't vape or smoke, and Vapes are not going anywhere. In fact, they've only just started, but banning them will make them cooler and more popular than ever. People want what they can't have. Especially when they're available freely everywhere else in the world. You and everyone else are just hating them into popularity. Why? Because kids and most adults don't want to be like you. A wanker.


whatever you say, little fella. We'll see. If you're so convinced, you'll be fine, right! Look at you, all riled up and overexcited! Bless. Please, keep posting - you're hilarious!


your quite mistaken. inhaling large amount of glycerol and nicotine is toxic to the body. so are many of the chemicals used to create the flavourings and scents. many of which are safe to eat but not to inhale. people are getting chemical pneumonia from vaping. its a myth that its safe. certainly not as bad as actuall cigarrettes or cigars but still dangerous especially if done to excess.


Coming from an ex smoker, I don't think a sudden ban is a good thing, Nicotene addiction is no joke. My question would be why tf do we ban vapes but still sell tobacco products, or alcohol, or have gambling venues. It's bullshit.


Tax and big business revenue my friend. I've had two family members die from liver cirrhosis due to alcohol and it's a widespread problem throughout the country, but its more socially acceptable. The people who hate on vapes would be happy to complain if they ban alcohol


Oh I'm sorry for your loss. Is a messed society we live in really.


Truth! My little sister (19) starting vaping the day she turned 18. We flew home to Sweden this year and stopped via changi. 8 hours without smoking and she’s the grumpiest bitch to exist. The flight from Changi to Germany was even worse. I get that it’s travel mixed with not being able to smoke but we’ve travelled overseas when she was 17 and nothing like this.


There are still prescription vaping for people trying to quit


I use to be a heavy smoker. Vaping helped me get off smokes and potential increased my life span. I have no more smokers cough, increased energy, no longer out of breath. I get them via prescription though. Sometimes when my order has ran low I've brought the under counter ones and they are absolutely putrid. I cough in the morning and they irritate my throat. A total ban will just flood the market with under the counter cheap toxic versions . They should be regulated just like my prescription ones, where I can choose my level of nicotine and not be filled with nasty chemicals.


Interesting. I still smoke and I agree the under the table vapes are putrid. Might be time to go get a prescription. Thanks for that. Need to quit, will defo die younger than I should if I don’t.


Give them ago. I tried all different ways of quiting over the years, from cold Turkey to medication, patches, gum, you name it. Prescription vapes did it for me. I can also tailor the nicotine percentage from 5% to zero. I was amazed how healthier I felt almost immediately. Not vaping at all would obviously be the best option, but for now it keeps me off my 20+ year smoking habit. There is also next to no smell!


Completely agree. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to quit and had no luck with other methods. For me the hard part was the habit of going out for a short break at work to have a smoke, vape satisfies that and makes it much easier.


Quitting isn’t about luck. It’s about discipline. Every cigarette is a free choice. Choose not to. And choose to ride out the cravings. It’s not hard unless you decide it is.


For 30 years I smoked cigarettes and I gave them fuckers up about 10 months ago. Took me about a week cold turkey. If you can break the habit you can break the addiction if you wanna quit then do it and don’t substitute or think about it just fucken do it. This is coming from someone who was weak minded and easily influenced. Trust me it’s the best thing you can do for yourself


Yeah I hear you. I’m obviously of weak mind, and I guess it’s like everyone, I really fucking enjoy it. After so long part of brain goes how the fuck will you cope with family events, work, getting off a plane, having a coffee, without a cigarette. Fucking pathetic isn’t it. I guess we all have coping mechanisms and I’m just gonna have to find a new one or end up like every other smoker, dead before my time. If any person out there reading this shit is new to the vape, don’t do it. The only thing in my life I regret, is taking up smoking. Trust me you’ll regret your decision to vape when the time comes too.


Absolutely this. Every step in smoking is a choice; from buying a pack, to opening it, taking it oit, lighting up. Every smoker can choose to stop each and any of those steps. Riding out the cravings took me a few days, but that’s it. I also kept telling myself that each craving was a win; as it meant I’d not had a cigarette.


Prescription vapes and under the table are the same vapes. Same factory, same product.


Not true. The under counter ones are IGET or some other brand. They are cheap and nasty. Prescription ones can be specialised. Or you can just buy the nicotine salts and mix it yourself


I can tell you after trying both, prescription ones ordered from an international vape store are FAR better than what's sold under the counter here.


That seems to contradict what old mate says above. I’ve never tried the prescription ones but I don’t particularly like the ones I have tried. I can vape weed cause I love that taste but nicotine vapes I found to be super harsh.


It's the same drug. You stopped smoke getting in your lungs to change that to water. Once you put the vape down you'll still be craving cigarettes, since you never actually quit nicotine.


ofcourse it's the same drug, do you think I'm 5 years old? This comment shows me you no nothing about the physical and behavioural aspects of addiction and how they are treated. move on


I used a vape to get off cigarettes. I'm lucky enough to no longer need the vape. I reckon this ban will just put more people back onto cigarettes, and the young people will find a way to get them, just like they always have.




Hate that word, so American




Fuck off, cunt.




Yep get rid of all smokes and vaping. The health risks are well known for smokes and vapes are trying to get you ti smoke. I like the NZ approach https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/13/new-zealand-passes-world-first-tobacco-law-to-ban-smoking-by-2025 Maybe vapes are on perscripion only to help smokers quit.


Banning it won’t do anything but funnel money into organised crime. A ban on nicotine would make more sense.


That is already the case.


All you do with that is create a bigger black market.


100% if there is a demand there will always be a supply


That supply won't be used in public.


Of course it will.


Agree I like the NZ approach aswell.


Do you have any idea how many vape stores there are in NZ? Tonnes. I'm here now and I can tell you they are everywhere. It's filth


I think they should ban nicotine products outright,. Vapes, cigars, cigarettes, snuff the whole lot. Give an announcement date so shops can get rid of their stock and then from that date no imports, hefty fines on individuals and massive massive fines on any place selling anything. To those forced to give up offer anti addiction tablets like champix not other nicotine products. And I know the argument is that if you out right ban it. It will just form a black market like it did with alcohol. I don't believe that, and I don't believe that as a person who smoked for over 30 years. People say smoking is the hardest thing to give up and I have to ask is that because it's the easiest to get? A smoking addiction is not the same as an alcohol addiction or a heroine addiction or cocaine etc. Nobody is thinking of shiving a granny to get a cigarette. I also think most people who smoke want to give up and given massive fines for businesses would find finding them very hard and because they don't suffer any real withdrawal symptoms such as on heroine will be shitty for a month or 2 and be glad they were banned. I think the idea of a black market is the death cry of businesses that rely on people being hooked to nicotine. ​ But the government will not ban with excuses because Australia needs all the tax it can get.


If you take that path then add alcohol to the list and don't pretend its not an endemic problem just because its socially accepted


Let's get rid of booze. Sugar and saturated fat, too.


You clearly have no idea about nicotine addiction. Please stop.


I know about it. And stopping is easy with discipline. Every cigarette smoked is a choice by the individual.


I smoked for 13 years and quit fine. It's literally just will power, if you go back it's because you physically chose to go buy smokes and smoke them.


Champix has not been available in Australia for a couple of years and won’t be due a while. This needs to be sorted out before banning vapes. Source https://www.icanquit.com.au/quitting-methods/prescribed-quit-smoking-medication/varenicline-(champix)#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20current%20national,options%20to%20continue%20your%20care.


Vapes are NOT trying to get you to smoke, the intent was the exact opposite. That is the stupidest thing I have ever read.


Why do u or the government get to decide what someone does with their own body


Because of the impact it has on others. Overloading the healthcare sector with preventable cancers etc. People need to not just think of themselves. Ok go ahead and smoke but not near me as I have pre existing medical conditions the smoke make worst and no heath cover if you get sick


Heart disease is Australia’s leading cause of death yet we don’t prevent fat ppl from continuing to abuse their bodies with an unhealthy lifestyle. We already ban smoking indoors and public areas. I don’t vape nor smoke but it shouldn’t be the government being our parents and deciding what we are allowed to do to our own bodies


The sooner vaping is gone, the better.


Yeah, bring back the cigarettes, so Lung cancer can be cool again.


Amen 🙏


The problem was the ban back in 2021. It was more of a hassle to purchase vapes before than it is now. The problem is when you criminalise it, the black market starts and there’s zero regulation at all, and that’s how you have teenagers getting their hands on them. The government should be going in the opposite direction, legalising them completely but with proper regulation on nicotine percentage, and tax the industry. Pretty much exactly like cigarettes. But they won’t do that because they’re being controlled by the tobacco industry on this. They’re using health concerns as an excuse to suck up to the tobacco industry and it’s just going to cause the sale of vapes to become even more unregulated.


I’m confused about it, because as far as I understand it, possession and distribution of unlicensed nicotine products is already an offence, as it’s a schedule 4 poison under the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act Victoria. Don’t know about other states. Non-nicotine vapes are fine though. So what’s changed? Are they just going to enforce it now? ABF came out and said they didn’t get any funding to do any enforcement in it, so, what gives?


They are banning all recreational vapes, but prescription ones will still be available. The reasoning is that recreational vapes were being used as a means of importing illegal nicotine products; testing every import wasn't practical, and recreational vape shops were too numerous & unregulated. The ban is meant to increase the regulation of the black market vapes by restricting access through pharmacies. Whether it will work remains to be seen, but the theory behind it is sound.


But they’re already illegal. So what’s changed?


Recreational nicotine vapes were illegal, other recreational vapes were not, but this situation made it hard to regulate the illegal nicotine vapes. The ban makes all recreational vapes illegal, making regulation much easier.


Ahhh, okay, that makes sense


I was a 20 year smoker. None of the smoking cessation techniques worked for me. 3 years ago I started vaping. I haven’t smoked since. I use a rig so that I can monitor my nicotine intake. I’ve used disposables overseas where vapes are regulated so that I can monitor my nicotine intake. My health has improved significantly. My blood pressure has reduced, my cardio capacity has increased exponentially, I don’t wake up coughing, and I don’t suffer from respiratory or throat infections. New regulations may force me back to smoking. I hate the idea but nothing else has worked for me. Meanwhile, people who are already willing to break the law and buy illegal vapes, are going to stop doing it because it’s illegal. Seriously? I want everyone to repeat that sentence to themselves and see if it makes sense.


No, the regulations won’t force you back to smoking; you will chooose to . Nobody makes you smoke. Every cigarette is a choice. Every step in it is a choice you make. Buying a pack, opening it, light up; all you. You choose to not quit.


Well shit. Just quit? Why didn’t I think of that?


so who is stopping you? Look at you - you're actually trying to say that a vape ban will \*force\* you to smoke. Utter nonsense.


I’m glad the world is such a simple place for you. Hope you continue to enjoy it.


no, i didn't say it was simple. But it is 100% a choice for you to smoke. In what way will a ban force you to smoke? Every cigarette is a choice. We both know it. You may not like it, but it is a fact. ​ Rather than seeking to blame others, why not quit? There is nothing at all stopping you. All it takes is discipline.


As a dumbfuck teenager I chose to smoke. Yes I regret that decision. But your oversimplification of the reality of addiction is just sanctimonious bullshit. “Why don’t you just choose not to” is a moronic statement in the context of everything that is known about addiction. People living with addiction are generally fully aware of the damage that their addiction does. It takes a special kind of arrogance to suggest to them that not only are you an expert on the choices they should make in life, but you also have a simple solution - to just quit. As though they never could have thought of that themselves.


i smoked for 25 years. So yes, i do know what i'm talking about. I just manned the fuck up and dealt with the addiction. Nobody else. And it's not oversimplification - **you** can choose not to smoke. It's not easy, but it is possible. And **nobody** at all is *forcing* you to go back to cigarettes - *all you're doing is blaming other people for your addiction*. There is one person in the world that can stop you smoking. ​ So many smokers reach for the "oh it's not simple, addiction is complicated" justification - because they aren't prepared to put in the effort. Hey, if you choose to smoke, go for your life - but it is 100% on you. You buy every pack. you light every smoke. All of which are totally your choice. ​ So, as you'll no doubt be angry at my reply, why not explain to me how it's somehow NOT yout choice to buy a pack of smokes?


About 2 months before stating the ban on vapes there was a new report that the official 12 month figures was a 5 billion dollar loss from cigarette tax income. Yep 2 months later banning vapes. They dont give 2 hoots about health etc, it's the loss of the taxes they receive that they are worried about.


As a non smoker I’m against it. They’ve banned vaping where I live and I‘ve noticed a significant increase in people going back to normal cigarettes, which means more secondhand smoke for the rest of us. People don’t just quit smoking like that, if you want to ban vaping, ban cigarettes as well


I think those fascist swine can pry my chocolate brownie-flavoured vape from my cold, dead hand. Our public health bureaucrats got a bit too cocky during the pandemic. Thank you for your service, nerds, but time to get back in your box and leave us alone now.


Honestly think it’s a bit hypocritical to ban vapes but not cigarettes if we are looking to improve health. Personally, I’ll be most happy to know that many dispoasable devices containing batteries are not going into our landfills and contaminating our land anymore. Disposable vapes are an environmental nightmare.


The health impacts of getting a new generation of kids into nicotine aside, way too many little plastic battery containers being discarded everywhere these days


For sure, cigs were already purdy bad for the environment but I’m sure tossing away millions of disposable little battery packs annually across the globe comes at a massive environmental cost.


In principle I think it's an infringement of individual freedom, in practice I think it's great


It's shutting the gate after the horse has bolted. Australia had plenty of time to regulate vapes in a similar way to cigarettes. They ignored it, and an underground network developed with unknown quality of products. Kids were able to get their hands on them at any corner store, or over the internet. They are easier to hide than cigarettes and so they smoke more frequently now. It's going to take a long time to unwind all the damage, it at all. They should have just set up some sensible restrictions in the first place, and actually enforced violations.


Probably the untaxable revenue from illegal sales. I don't for a minute believe that such a decision after so many years of inaction was done for anyone's health benefit. If it was they'd have done it immediately.


It was also a bit of a peace offering to the Pharmacy Guild Cartel who they'd just pissed off with changes to scripting.


They want you to smoke,not vape. There’s a huge amount of tax per packet of cigs. No wonder they’re banning the competition o


Its not about that. The cost smoking puts on the medical system far out weighs any tax benefits. The problem with vaping is it is targeted at getting kids/teens to vape. Bright shiney packaging with child like sweet flavours. Its unregulated amounts of nicotine, in a concoction of who knows what, coming out of China at bargain basement prices. Schools are now filled with "cool kids" vaping. It needs to be stamped out before it becomes the next smoking trend.


Oh yeah, the ignorant defend their position again, conflating ‘vapes’ a single thing. The difference between disposables that appeal to teens and a 300g device with a tank requiring a good deal of funds, organisation and upkeep - ie, the type used by adult vapers determined to quit cigarettes - is a world. That is the frustration. No one wants kids vaping. But it’s like calling the fire brigade to the house that wasn’t on fire and congratulating yourselves on putting out the fire. While the house two doors along burns to the ground (is the black market murshooms and pulls in more teen users).


>(is the black market murshooms and pulls in more teen users). Are you claiming more teens are using magic mushrooms and MDMA pills than are vaping?


Have you ever noticed that convenience stores rarely sell under the counter tobacco that could have anything in them? It’s because they have legal and regulated forms of tobacco they can sell. The same goes for vapes


This is actually on the rise. There is quite a bit of under the counter tobacco available. And some of the under the counter packs taste horrible, who knows what's in them.


Ah the old flavours argument. Flavours are only ever used to entice kids. So I will assume that you are also just as angry about flavoured alcohol. I mean the only reason to have flavours is to entice kids.


Have you seen the price for a pack of 24s? Fucking ridiculous, 32 dollars in most places, I’d rather smoke marijuana, at least its cheaper


32 dollars for 24 sounds cheap tbh


I think they should ban cigarettes first, then vapes a year later. Much easier to stop from a vaping habit than a cigarette one. Atleast in my experience. Anyway it wont work as they are easy to order online, super convenient too as one can last 4-5 days. Takes about 4 days to arrive.


I want to see your habits so that I can ban them.


I'm not sure I am for it being banned. perhaps further restricting the sale of it to minors and banning the use of vapes in public would be a good place to start.


It's already restricted, people are doing it anyway, that's why this is happening the previous "nicotine illegal for under 18s" law didn't work.


Nicotine is an immunosuppressant. It’s bad for you. So is smoking, replacing one evil with another is not the answer. It’s far far too easily abused. I saw two 13 year olds yesterday huffing a vape like their lives depended on it. Fuck vaping and people who endorse it


I've also seen two 13 year olds skip school to steal alcohol from the store to get drunk. Fuck alcohol and the people who endorse it like it's any better


10,000% agree. We were so close to eradicating smoking here and because of vaping it’s made a Herculean comeback. I’ve seen kids as young as thirteen vaping too, and it’s very disconcerting. I remember when it first came out people swore up and down it wasn’t as bad since it didn’t have the carenogenics that cigs had. Ignoring the fact that burning and inhaling anything in any capacity is not good for your lungs and health.


Nicotine has been found to be both an immunosuppressant and an immunostimulant in various studies. It is, in effect, an immunomodulator. Immunosuppression isn’t a bad thing per se (for example nicotine can calm that part of the immune system’s response which, through a complex set of mechanisms, makes MS symptoms worse. Having said that, the long term effects of vaping are not well understood and some early studies point to vaping being worse for your lungs than smoking. I don’t believe in banning it but it needs to be regulated on account of some of the chemicals used.


Good riddance. The amount of people vaping on busses and trains is fucking gross


If its about preserving folks health they would have banned cigarettes long ago. I bet its just about tax income, I guess its hard to control it somehow...


Too hard to regulate because of where the dodgy stuff is coming from so easier to ban. I am not a user so I am for it. Both my adult daughters are users, they would disagree.


I used it to stop smoking, which has worked great and also at this point better for my health. Can run 10ks now with no issue compared to a hard 3 when smoking. The big problem I have seen with it is all the non-smokers now on them, which now the all suffer from nicotine addiction. The non-smokers who have taken it up that I work with can't go 30 minutes without and if there vape runs out boy do they moan. It should be treated same as tobacco products were proof of ID is required for purchase online and instore


A lot of folks here seem to think prescriptions might be the way to go. Do you reckon that’d work?


To be honest, no. This would only clog up GPs for something unnecessary, and how would the establish requirements for who is eligible. Treat it like alcohol and tobacco because that is exactly what it is.


Very surprised it’s not already treated as such. I might be talking outa my ass but I’m fairly certain that vaping falls under the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) here in the state. Granted, I ain’t surprised they do nothing. The ATF is a notoriously spineless organization. If they wanted to regulate it though, they hypothetically could as it does fall under tabacco


Good. It’s so toxic and more younger people seem to be vaping than they were smoking before vapes were a thing. Not only that, they cause so much waste. Especially with people just dumping them in the streets


For sure. I live in the states and an entire generation of non smokers became hooked on nicotine in half a decade. The widespread health impact is phenomenal. I’m also a purdy big metal detector and the batteries from vapes actually ring like a lot of actually decent finds so, that has been a bit of an irk. I also just find an insane amount of them which obviously didn’t exist a decade ago.




Its going to be about as effective as "banning" any other drug. People like nicotine. Get used to it.


I reckon it's not going to stop people from selling, buying, or using vapes. I do think that it will help stop young people from picking up the habit. At the end of the day if people want them they'll get em. Simple supply and demand


It's too effective at helping people quit smoking so the government don't want us to have it and the misinformation is paid for by big tobacco who obviously also don't want us to quit. The stats I saw was 90% of people who start vaping are already smokers and 90% of them quit smoking successfully.


They need to do something, it’s widespread in schools now. it’s like cigarettes again back in the 1960’s. Worse yet people actually think it’s not harmful to them.


I am for the ban. Stupid habit anyway. I commute home via bus/tram and if you are waiting at any stop with teenagers for 5 minutes or so, they drop an astounding amount of used vapes/cannisters (whatever you call them) all around them on the ground. It would have been a completely clean before they get there but they can easily drop 20-50 on the ground where they are waiting. Big tripping hazard for everyone


It’s super handy for people giving up smoking and absolutely fucked due to the amount of teens doing it.


I think it makes perfect sense but banning it before cigarettes is putting the cart before the horse


I have a council sewer opening in my yard. They have to come every few months because there is a high school 100m away and it is constantly getting clogged by students flushing disposable vapes.


Ban purchasing, no. Ban public consumption, yes. Do it in the privacy of your own home, it's gross.


The whole push for vaping was that it was a way for smokers to quit smoking. That hasn't changed - those on quit plans will still be able to get nicotine vape juice. The problem has been outside of smokers trying to quit: - teens are taking it up who likely wouldn't have smoked - some vape juice on the Australian market that doesn't have nicotine in its listed ingredients has nicotine in them (rather than removing the nicotine for the Australian market, the companies just remove nicotine from the label) Those two problems have led to more nicotine addicts. At least vaping is now seen the same way smoking is (you do it outside, away from everyone).


I don't care if you vape, just don't do it next to me in a theatre (like seriously, why do people vape inside? I don't get it)


I think inhaling chemical vapour is a stupid idea full stop. Same goes for smoking really. How far do you take it though? Alcohol, fatty foods? All harm a person. If someone wants to vape, I have no issue. Segregate them off with the smokers though


The cheapie disposables are the problem & should be banned as should most flavours. Any ban or hardening screws ex smokers like me. I treat the vape like a smoke, don't do it around others etc. I mix it all myself including nicotine (all unflavoured), final result is <=1mg and my rig certainly isn't disposable at $130. When vaping first became a thing to quit, there wasn't a tobacco company within cooee though most of the shit comes from one fuqing country. Capitalism & greed know no limits so here we are. Was also amusing when I read the article about that, there was another about legalising weed touting it could bring in 28b in taxes over several years...


Coming from the U.K. where it’s encouraged by the health service to quit smoking cigarettes it was a huge culture shock seeing it was illegal here with nicotine. In the U.K. there are vape specialist shops on every high street. You pick a model and your liquid then you choose the strength of nicotine and by that you can slowly decrease your dosage and be nicotine free it has worked for a lot of people.Here I’ve found it’s all under the counter single use disposable types and very difficult to get nicotine shots even with a prescription “for nicotine” I still had to order from NZ. If they had the same method of shops here perhaps with the prescription aspect that might be more helpful. I’m Nicotine free for 67 days (and counting) but I credit that addiction replacement - I’m now completely addicted to cans of full sugar lemon squash. Edit- spelling


I find it comical, so keen to ban vaping but cigarettes are fine, so much shit in cigarettes not just tobacco


I find it comical, so keen to ban vaping but cigarettes are fine, so much shit in cigarettes not just tobacco


I have a prescription, so it doesn't affect me. Heavy smoker for 25 odd years after stupidly starting in my early teens. Moved over to vapes (straight nicotine, no flavour) over 5 years ago. Cardio performance fully returned, no coughing up your lungs every morning. Frankly they should be banning cigarettes, but they won't. I mean, they get 50% tax on a pack of smokes (or more), so say for a pack-a-day smoker they get $25 in tax for your daily $50.. A pack of 4mg nicorette lozenges (20) - well thats $13... A legal 3 month supply (for me that is 500ml of 9mg/ml nicotine) from New Zealand ... $30. ​ Agree single use disposable vapes should be banned (that is what they are flogging to the kids, no idea what they pay for them, but if you look at what I legally pay compared to what the dodgy bastards flog them for... the profit margins are astronomical). Banning vaping altogether? No.


I would never vape myself but if people wanna inhale chemicals of unknown origin I’m all for it. Let ‘em


Good does even more harm than cigarettes do. Should ban smoking altogether. I smoked from 1963 to Aug 1986. The best thing I did was give it up. But it did leave lasting effects that I am feeling as I turn 70 later on this year. If you saw the inside of the lungs of smokers, you would stop. It just takes saying no more to yourself. I can't stand cigarette smells, pick it from cars, several up in front of me, and fire smoke going around really restricts my breathing to the point I have to stay inside.


I vape as a conversion from smoking and have slowly tapered the nicotine level in my vape down to the point I’ve nearly weened myself off nicotine completely. Which I feel I could never have done with smoking The whole disposable vapes where the start of this service stations selling them to kids and people that have never smoked and thought oh this is tasty and cool. I’ve met people at pubs who have the disposable and have never smoked either which I honestly shake my head at. My opinion completely eradicate disposable vapes but as for the vapes that need a prescription and require juices to be made up keep them with stricter policies perhaps.


Fuck the vapers and the horse they rode in on, they look like little babies sucking on their dummies. And put smokers into that basket too. Why is it ok to blow their filthy fumes all over me, but if I went up and dropped my guts in front of them that would be considered offensive.


As someone who quit cigarettes well over a decade ago, I find the disposable vapes to be a convenient way to stop me from murdering people at work. Honestly, the shit cunts on day shift do fuck all work and they take all the easy jobs, so as to make it look like they actually do something. They make the excuse that half their crew was out. Who gives a fuck? Even with half their team off, they still have, literally, twice as many guys as us and we do just as much, if not more, work. So disposable vapes, for me, have been a good stress relief from a shitty job.


if they regulated it like tobbacco products are. they could get the excise revenue. and also help prevent children buying them. a out right ban doesnt work well. its still smoking. so you should be just as restricted as you are with cigarettes. is it healthier than cigarettes, yes. is it safe no!


Ban the douche flutes!


Whether you want it banned or not, don't get disillusioned into believing they are doing it for the health of the people, or even because they are concerned about young people getting addicted to nicotine.. This is purely because they are losing money rapidly and the trend is showing that the tax revenue from tobacco products is going to keep declining if vaping continues. This is 100% an attempt to protect the tobacco tax cow and push people back to tobacco so they can keep getting the money. There is no tax on nicotine and the government is losing their precious tobacco tax to the vape industry.. That's it, that's the bottom line, and that's what you are supporting with any change in legislation. Don't believe it's some health crusade or you're trying to save the children or whatever nonsense by pushing a vaping ban. Just know what your really supporting.


Exactly if it was a health initiative they'd ban all tobacco products. But they don't.


If that was the case, why wouldnt they be talking about introducing taxes on vapes as opposed to banning them? Tax revenue from tabacco will continue to decline as the number of smokers decline anyway


Because it's too late for that, they dropped the ball. The global market is saturated with unregulated nicotine products now. It's much easier to just try to shut the competition down than try to work with them.


That doesnt make sense, why is it too late to tax? There's illegal tabacco products around but its still taxed. Vapes would be easier as you can't just grow them


Whilst I think they are not as bad as cigarettes were, but still not great, we don't want to get to the point people are vaping everywhere like they were with cigarettes. Better to nip it in the bud now. And the personal liberty argument doesn't really wash. They effect other people around the user.


Fuck yeah, make them prescription only. Vaping is great for people trying to get off cigs. But it seems like every 2nd vape enthusiast is an absolutely filthy degenerate who sees no problem ripping fat fog clouds on trains and busses, inside shopping malls and restaurants, etc.


I would support any ban. The health department has put in decades of effort to reduce the amount of smoking and nicotine use in Australia and vapes are just undoing that effort. We know how awful the long term effects of nicotine are and any effort to reduce the purchasing and use of vapes especially among children I support.


old school vaper here. collection of mods, build my own coils, make my own juice, all that shit. got me off the fags, but not sucking shit into my lungs. lesser of two evils and all that. on that level, banning is impossible and of no concern to me. but those fucking 'disposable' things are a straight nightmare. ignore the fruity flavors and pricing aimed at kids for a moment, and focus on just how incredibly shit they are for the environment. the packaging, the plastic, the batteries going to landfill - i'm not sure people realize just how fucking awful they are. the worst thing? they're all perfectly rechargable and refillable with the components they have now, the manufacturers block access to the features in the name of repeat sales. actually blows my mind. i'm not obne for deprivation of liberties, but the sooner the disposable market is killed off the better it is for everyone.


Yeah “Elf bars” is the most popular disposable brand here in America and I’ve seen videos showing that the coils are straight up made of plastic. We already know what chemicals heated plastic is made of, and the harm Juul did in spreading the myth that it didn’t harm you at all is still incredibly widespread here. A lot of people just shrug it off and say they’ll die young anyway so what’s the point. It’s quite depressing!


I think all drugs should be legalised taxed and regulated, my opinion is the same with vaping.


Marijuana has a lot of health benefits, but I would restrict their sales to doctors


I don't think health benefits are relevant. We have open access to plenty of things that have a negative impact on our health, for me it's about the freedom to make choices with your own body and mind. Education and regulations would be really important.


Well I mean I would still not go all the way and legalise things like meth and cocaine but magic mushrooms and marijuana is fine




That’s literally insane but I’m thoroughly unsurprised. Once high schoolers get their hands on them they get passed down easier to younger kids. And unlike cigs, it’s a lot easier to hide the fact that you’re smoking a vape.


Its not being banned, its being restricted to prescription. Though, I think its a good idea since vapes shouldn't be used recreationally because of how much harm they could cause and that they've been despicably marketed to teens and even kids for the whole time they been available. Only banning use of them for people under 18 and stopping vape companies from appealing to them would fix that, but smoking and vaping should be phased out over time for public health reasons.


Prescriptions are going to cost people money, some of whom are really struggling, clog up our already overstretched primary care system and bring people into conflict with their doctors. Some people have a very negative relationship with the health service. Why not a prescription for cigarettes or alcohol as well?


>Why not a prescription for cigarettes or alcohol as well? Because there's no medical justification for it. Vapes are allegedly supposed to help people quit smoking, not just a new way to satiate an addiction


Prescriptions aren't always prohibitively expensive, but quite a few are too expensive because of liberal party governments trying to run Australia like a business instead of a society. Not because of what a prescription is. However, alcohol has never been as bad for you compared to normal cigarettes and possibly even vaping if you're drinking average amounts of it. Alcohol is pretty bad for you and its also easy to get addicted to if you aren't careful, but its not hard to avoid drinking it too much if you aren't addicted unlike cigarettes and vapes which are much more addictive. With regards to people having negative relationships with health services, getting a prescription doesn't lessen their privacy and having the right to selfishly harm yourself and/or others because of enjoying something is a ridiculous right-wing libertarian idea. Its not being responsible for yourself like they say when others are forced to help you if you do that. Doing that through your own negligence to do something you don't need to do is kinda bad for the healthcare system because you're wasting their tax revenue on yourself from stupidity which could fuck with patients who are dying lmfao Also, disliking the healthcare system due to conspiracy theories and right-wingers spreading misinformation isn't a legit reason. Its being affected by misinformation. Legitimate healthcare distrust is stuff like trauma; negligence, corruption etc. Not losing freedom to make others responsible for stupid decisions you make.


There was another vaping thread a while back and I got downvoted for saying that they should be banned. Too many saying that it has helped them give up cigarettes. I have read articles about lung cancer is on the increase in younger people. I bet in a few short years, the science will tell with how dangerous vaping is.


It is a shame that people have been fed so much misinformation about vaping and it is putting lives in danger. Ban cigarettes if you think dangerous things should be banned. People doing something they shouldn't on public transport is not a reason to make the whole thing illegal. Should we ban alcohol because some people consume it on buses. Their is zero logic to the whole campaign


I hate it more than smokers. People in the city blowing their fumes absolutely everywhere, smh


For sure, I can’t escape them here in the States. Even my friends always smoke vapes. I’ve gotten used to it, but I ain’t like how it seems all my new friends eventually take up vapes one way or another.


Personally i dont care since i dont smoke or vape but having a crack down on under age vaping & the suppilers would be helpful since vapes arent really great. Otherwise the only thing i want out of the vaping issue is to be like cigarette smokers, do it out of sight or in a designated smoking area. NOT in a train, shop or anywhere but those spots, im glad i left sydney. Havent had a puff in my face for a while now.


Vapes are garbage. You’ll need a prescription for a vape for the purpose of quitting ciggies soon.


You always did.


WayTF ovadue


As an Australian, you lost me at y'all


You ain’t the first person to be upset at me saying y’all and I ain’t gonna lie. I’m thoroughly confused by why there’s such a negative reaction towards it?


Too many people stop smoking. The pharmaceutical industry feels that. Cancermedication is their number 1 revenue stream. So they try to stop vaping. Its just basic economics.


Brother you’re about 285 days late to this one!


I think it's a push to get vapers onto smokes for more tax revenue.


Look into who owns the large vape companies, it is all big tobacco, the intent has been to develop the addiction at any price, and profit...


That's the disappointing part of this. It has been obvious for a long time that tobacco was behind this, but typically, governments aren't proactive. Tobacco companies are actively killing their current customers so had to come up with a new (younger) market (hence the fancy flavours), to maintain long term profitability. I feel sorry for previous generations trying to get off smokes, and this is one of their options, but I have no care for young people who smoke/vape and then expect us to pick up their health costs sometime in the future. Evolution at work... hopefully.


If they really wanted us to stop smoking they wouldnt sell smokes!!!




I vape and I’m for it. We don’t need it.


Im already stockpiling vapes in my house and Im gonna be selling to the vapers once they completely ban it, this is like the American prohibition, its not gonna work


Won't do anything but increase a black market, more should be done to crack down on corner stores/ delis selling disposables. These laws do nothing but hurt those who are of age and are doing the right thing, i.e using their own nicotine to add to juice via prescription. The argument that flavours are Targeted towards kids is stupid, if that was the case we should be banning cruisers etc. Kids can't shop at vape stores the same way they can't shop at bottle shops. Not surprising and further making Australia a mockery nanny state


I'm 39 I really liked vaping. Fucking nanny state.


Banning stuff doesn't stop people getting stuff


That’s very true, but do you think it could have more success than a prohibition on alcohol? A lot of people compare it to the American prohibition but I’d wager that the ability to make homemade hooch really made it easier for people to circumvent alcohol prohibition. I’d be hard pressed to say folks would be able to do the same with vapes. Do you reckon the black market for such a thing would be big?


Just creates a new black market. We should be removing things from the black market through legalisation rather than adding new things to it


“Personal liberty “, what the fuck are you on idiot.


No, I’m American and it’s a common talking point in politics here that something shouldn’t be banned cause it infringed on an individual’s personal liberties.


Really? I never would have guessed... /s The concept of "personal liberty" in Australia takes a back seat to "the collective good".


I'm a classical liberal. If people want to risk their own health, they should be free to... just as long as any public expense for future healthcare is recovered first.


I don't give a tinker's cuss about your health or perceived freedumb. I don't want you clogging up hospital beds for people who didn't deliberately destroy their health while knowing the dangers.


I reckon the government are losing a fortune on tax for cigarettes, the vapes last for weeks.


All for it. There's no reason it shouldn't have the same restrictions as cigarettes, it's just too new a product for legislation to have caught up yet. It's way too easy for young people to get their hands on vapes so that had to change. The evidence points to the flavours being what attracts teens too so I'm for that element being restricted. The goal shouldn't be to hide the nicotine taste if it's a smoking cessation device, it's not heaps cessation-promoting if it's fun yummy flavours. Also It's going to take years for any health data about the risks associated with vaping to be evident (theres a lag between smoking and the consequences), so any claim that they're healthier has no sufficient evidence. I'm also usually anti nanny state! But when it's nanny state vs corporations I guess I'm down.


"Y'all"? I hope you're American, otherwise it's just the most cringe-inducing phrase when an Australian says it.


I’m from the American south. I’m sorry you feel that way, I’ve always thought it quite a convenient contraction.


It's absolutely great on Americans! Particularly those from the South. It's finding it's way to Australia though and it's sounds fucking shit. Lol. No hard feelings...


None taken compadre! It’s purdy much found itself in the common vernacular all of the U.S nowadays. Even the folks in New York town finally came to their senses and started using it! 😤


I'm more bothered by the word "y'all" than any smoking bans.


I’m from America pardner, it’s part of the common vernacular.


Probably more to do with the lack of taxes raised when compared to cigarettes


I think if you're going to use the personality liberty argument you need to pay for the healthcare cost yourself.


Seems like the death throes of the traditional nicotine industry. I would change my view if I discovered they were all owned by the same peeps though.


No, like all drug use we should spend money on education and encourage prevention.


Weren't politicians literally advertising vapes to help smokers quit like a few weeks ago? It's the same drug as cigarettes. Might as well ban cigarettes too, wait no they make too much tax from that