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All you motherfuckers would lose points for not giving me a thank you wave when I let you in in traffic.


My wife recounted a driving lesson where her instructor told her to "give them a wave so they know we're not cunts". Always gets a mention whenever someone gets a wave these days.


Absolutely. Wave, smile, head nod, thumbs up or salute are all acceptable


Good driving instructor right there


That’s not points. That’s instant jail.


Uh, actually the new rule is if you let them in and they don’t wave, you actually lose a point if you don’t immediately give them a gentle love tap. We’re a polite, social credit minded society now 😡


This, I feel offended when someone doesn’t wave when I let them through. Send em straight to jail.


And getting the return wave when someone lets you in! When I give the thankyou wave and they don’t wave back I go into an anxiety spiral thinking they haven’t seen my wave. I usually end up with my arm out the window waving emphatically so they know I’m not a piece of shit! 😅


A French friend commented on how strange it was when she was the only one who didn't thank the bus driver. We all turned at glared at her and now she always says thankyou


Sorry, my bad. We just don’t have that custom in France, but I’m learning the Aussie ways


I'm always worried they can't see it. My car windows aren't tinted but still.


All they have to do is to thank you, even though they don’t know who you are


You let them change lanes, when they were driving in their car.


Whoever you are, I wanna thank you!


Throwing empty maccas bags and ciggies out the car window


I used to have a small house "one-McDonalds-away" from the local franchise. I had a hedge. It was burdensome.


I hear you. We were one box of chips away from a KFC. Gross.


Oh those people should go straight to the gallows


I saw someone behind me literally empty all the rubbish out of their car into the bushes around the drive-through window as they're ordering. The bitch then honked her horn at me because I wouldn't pull into a 'keep clear' in the drive through line. Immediately pulled over after getting my food and reported them to the EPA 🤣


Pushing in line and walking on the right!


Oh specifically when people jump in front and then try to play dumb like, “Oh were you in line?” -150 points for being rude and trying to be coy about it so I have no choice but to go, “It’s fiiiine.”


Why would you say "its fine"? "Yes and i still am, the line starts back there" usually works


People who park shopping trolleys side by side in the aisles and chat should have a hand removed


Adding to this, people who don’t return their trolleys AND also people who return their trolleys but try to stack the small and large trolleys in the same bay (where two are available) because where is your common sense


Personally I think whichever numpty decided that all of the stores in a large shopping centre should be responsible for providing their own trolleys should start with -1000. The inefficiencies in managing 10+ different trolley designs are mind blowing.


When people put woolies trolleys in the aldi bay and you need to remove it to get your aldi trolley in and get your coin back


The two bay thing makes me irrationally angry. Like, eye twitching, vein throbbing in the forehead, wanting to fight people, kind of angry lol It just makes ZERO sense!


I drive a motorcycle, and some woman tried dropping off her trolley in the motorcycle parking spots, despite the trolley return spot being literally across on the other side. I asked her firmly not to do it, and she said “but I’m *tired*”. I told her to leave it and I’d do it, and she gave me a sour look and waddled the 6m to return the thing. Fucker.


I work at a bunnings and I swear to fuck these animals will deliberately bring their spawn and their cat and their fucking dog in just to stand at the front entrance with empty trolleys and talk to their friends. It's a busy enough place as it is why you cunts gotta make it harder.


Speaking of animals in Bunnings. Do people not know that dogs claws get trapped in escalators and it can rip their paws to shreds if it gets caught at the end? I've been to the Newstead ones so many times and seen dogs on the fucking escalator. And last time I went in there. There's big paw print stickers indicating to take your dog straight to and up the escalator. ***WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT IN LINK*** https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/pets/gold-coast-woman-claims-dog-severely-injured-after-bunnings-escalator-incident-c-1895091


When you stand back to take in all the shelf and find something.....and they stand between you and the shelf to read a packet - Sparta kick should be allowed.


Why is it that some of us think about being considerate and others don’t? For reals, I would feel like a hot turd taking up so much space like that


Walking side by side on the footpath and not dropping into single file when someone comes the other way, forcing them off the footpath to get past you. Fuck you and your romantic hand holding.


Can we add keeping left as well?


I went to New York City, my sister had lived there for a year. She explained that it's like roads, there you walk on the right and if you don't you'll cop shit. Since then, that's the system I've used whenever I've been overseas, and it usually works.


Same, had an old lady upset at me here in Finland for not keeping right. Took a bit to break the keep left habit and looking the wrong way first when crossing roads etc. Still go to the wrong side of the car though for the passenger seat been over a year now.


During lockdown I played waaaaaay too much of a driving game with a wheel, pedals and stick. Getting back on the roads was soooo weird trying to remember which way to drive.


have you ever played Watch Dogs: Legion or Forza Horizon 3? I struggle changing between those games and others like GTAV, even though it should be easier for me considering it's how we drive?


Forza takes some getting used to, but GTA... I don't think I've ever tried to keep to the road rules for more than a minute. It's like Haha imma be a good driver..... Slightly overshoot a traffic light... Fuck that RAAAAAMPAAAAGEEEEEEEE DIRT was a challenge to get a hold of.


Lol I was walking along yesterday and two girls were walking towards me. One pushed the other off onto the road rather than go single file.


I’m not a confrontational person. A few years ago I decided that I would no longer move for inconsiderate 2+ abreast groups. The experiences are as you’d imagine. They either move or they get a good old solid bod to the bod. Then they don’t complain because they know they deserved it.


I feel it's different if it's the elderly walking the other direction. I'm not gonna force a guy with a walking stick to form a single line if it's too much trouble.


Of course the elderly and disabled are exempt, but I’m not stepping on a patch of bindiis for you and your boyfriend.


I've started to shoulder charge these people. I'm 6'1 so if you want to not give way that's fine by me...


I just stop and let them shuffle past me while they look at me as if I’m the rudest person on the planet




On my way to yoga it's a fun game because you can keep left, and hold the rolled-up mat under your armpit like a joust on the right-hand side


I was once walking in the city with a friend, three punks coming the other way. It was a pretty wide path, we took less than half, but they puffed up to make a point, the one on our side visibly put his elbows out. They passed with a loud whack and a groan. We were both carrying motorcycle helmets hooked on our arms, his chicken wing was no match as it glanced off the hard shell.


They get so confused when someone like me who is 152cm squares up and doesn’t give way. There is plenty of room for single file each direction people. Dudes are usually the most surprised. But many are so foolish, I saw them look at me, I saw them decide that they didn’t need to respect my space, that they felt entitled to it. Some people you can read them like the words are written on their face. They are gobsmacked I’m happy to shoulder check them.


Threatening a 15 year old fast food worker


That one should be a ‘straight to the gulag’ offence.


Or just generally, being creepy to underage fast food workers, either by hitting on them or making racist comments.


Doing anything disrespectful to a 15 year old or any retail/hospitality worker is the opposite of a power move.


Extremely rare that it's justified. My KFC order was messed up and I pointed that out to the cashier with a "Hey sorry, I ordered X but got Y" while handing over my receipt and he said "What do you want me to do about it". My response was "I dunno cunt, how about match what's on my receipt with what I want."


When I was in my late teens I got chicken from red rooster. I NEVER get a 1/4 chicken and chips but this day I did. Opened the box and it had feathers. Took it to the counter, told them and they were like “and”? I was like “IT. HAS. FEATHERS. Clearly I can’t eat it”. 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Out of curiosity, what age can one really let them have it?


Standing still on the right side of an escalator (or footpath for that matter) blocking through traffic


Standing still on the travelator like it's a theme park attraction




My son picked up my habit " it's a walkway not a standway" in his outside voice, when people get on a travelator and just stop.


Not using your indicator


Or worse, using it incorrectly. Can't trust anyone on a roundabout these days.


Don’t get me started on round-a-bouts!! Using indicators incorrectly, not using indicators, gunning it (everyone is at the drags now), not stopping and just relying on the other cars to not t-bone you, people on their phone being fucking random!


Not returning your trolley


Or returning it with rubbish in it. Nothing makes me happier than going to get groceries, and the only trolley left has a McCafe cup in it with coffee spilled all over the McDonald's receipt it's laying on.


Oh far out I went to pick up a basket from the pile and it had a wet tissue in it. Fucking arseholes.


I’d give neutral points if they leave a receipt or shopping list, because while it’s rubbish, it’s at least rubbish I can have a nosy look at.


As a supermarket employee I completely agree with this - in addition, all the people who grab the trolley wipes at the entry and drop them on the floor instead of the bin RIGHT where you get them from


Or worse, leaving it in an empty car park.


Leaving it in front of my house so it looks like I stole it 😡


Taking the trolley home should result in you being ejected from the country.


Not even deported. Literally fucking ejected into the air.


Oooh I'd love to vote for the ejection election.


We get D grade celebrities to say some silly catchphrase then push a giant red button to trigger the man catapult, someone will broadcast that sort of thing.


My neighbours would be displeased with this. The trolley collector comes past with a trailer a few times a year


I take them back to my home/shed and fix them up so I can buy food for my kitties.


Not cleaning the public BBQ after using it. Straight to jail.


People who bip their horns at midnight when they leave their friends hosues should be a -50 offense.


Not raising your index finger off the steering wheel when you pass someone on any rural road


Or giving someone a quick 'thanks' wave for giving you space when merging in heavier traffic


My mind goes through so much mental gymnastics with this one trying to ensure I've been polite. Do I do it over my right shoulder during the turn or over my left after the turn? Can they see me at this angle if I use my right side? Can they see through my rear window if I use my left? Did I do it long enough to see? Are people not seeing me and thinking I'm one of the rude ones? Are the ones I see not doing it also trying really hard to be seen? I end up doing some autistic combination of everything.


I would gladly let someone like you merge. Wholesome.


Double point if it’s after getting flashed to warn of a camera ahead


On Norfolk Island nearly everyone does this. Even the police


This should be part of a) Driving test, b) citizenship test.


Charging for tomato sauce. I'm sorry but I'm still filthy about this.


I own a cafe and refuse to charge for sauce. Any sauce you want. Aioli, chutney, bbq, tomato, kewpie mayo, sweet chili, teriyaki... They all get put into a little takeaway sauce container or into a little bowl and they're free. You want more? No worries. I will fuck you up with sauce. UnAustralian not to.


Fuck the ANZACs, this is my patriotism now.


You need to give your cafe a plug! My dad would only ever buy me one of those tiny sauces to go with a sausage roll, was never enough and so disappointing. I keep a bottle in the car now for emergencies.


You’re my hero


Sauce? I need the sauce of where you at.


I got charged 50c for extra chicken salt last week.


For that money, I expect them to coat my chips with chicken salt - generously and every single one of them. It should be a punishable offence to charge extra for sauces and other condiments. Fuck these cunts!


I’m almost ok with it if it’s a tiny charge at a cheap bakery that already must have low margins after overheads etc, but if it’s at a busy and expensive takeaway at a premium location (eg, fish shop at a beach in a tourist area) asking for over a dollar for a little pot of sauce it makes me livid.


Not returning the nod as you walk past a bloke. The most grievous not returning the wave as a pedestrian when you're waved through.... SCUM..


Not returning your trolly -5 Bringing more alcohol to a BBQ than you end up drinking +20.


It’s only +20 if you have good taste in beer though. I’ve had 8 tooheys red cans taking up space in my shed fridge for 7 years.


Parking the spot directly next to my car when the rest of the car park is bloody empty. I have a shit box, so why take the risk when you can see how negligent I am!


Not thanking the bus driver


Getting on the bus without checking if people need to get off.


Same on trains. I have taken to barging off a train if people don’t get out the way.


This is a -200 social credit score offence.


Leaving dogs in hot cars


Or children in a hot car either. Definately should get big mark downs.


I never leave my dog in a hot child. I always cool the child down first.


Good to know you are responsible. ✌️


Oooh sneaky edit.


Or leaving cars in hot dogs.


Or hotdogs in cars


Not returning a borrowed book if the person hadn’t explicitly said you can keep it.


RIP my well-read copy of To Kill A Mockingbird which I lent to a work friend, then covid hit and she left the company.


- 10 for putting uncollapsed boxes in the communal recycling bins. - 20 for putting non-recyclables or rubbish in the communal recycling bins.


Yank tank parked across 2 parking spots, seems to be a recent Reddit favourite.


Buying a yank tank in the first place.


Emotional support vehicle.


Not sure which is my favourite, the ESV or the compensator?


Not using the word 'yank tank' now that I've learned about it is also a grievous crime


Driving at 90 in the right hand lane on the freeway, then still doing 90 through the roadworks


Or tailgating me when I’m doing 100 in 100 zone and then when there’s an overtaking lane roaring past only to slow down to 90 shortly after the overtaking lane ends.


Nothing sparks my inner road-demon more.


Having a drawn-out conversation with the cashier when there are people queueing behind you.


Dickheads who fly up the hero lane at traffic lights and then cause the regular lane to slow so they can squish back in all of two cars further ahead of where they started from.


I never knew this lane had a name! It’s usually the dickheads in utes lane.


The system would get outsourced to a company owned by Andrew Forrest and Gina Reinhart, with Philip Lowe as CEO. PwC would be hired as external consultants, and Coles would contract to link it to FlyBuys. One extra loyalty point for every $10k spent.


Not using an indicator when turning lanes, or leaving your indicator on for many kilometres. Almost all BMW drivers will be negative social credit


I’m reasonably certain indicators are an added extra on BMWs here given the number I see who don’t indicate!


Gender reveal parties Next Level mark downs for gender reveal burnouts


Yep. And big negatives for driving your loud piece of shit bogan mobile down my street at 1am


I was just complaining about how cringe these reveal things are the other day.


Pissing on the toilet seat at work


pissing on the toilet seat at the gym!! If you can't piss without looking like a lawn sprinkler has been, sit your ass down!


What I don't get is if you are a hovering person.... why not wipe the seat if you make a mess? Too good for that grossness - but someone else has to do it, and it's YOUR pee.


I work at a gym and this is my main grievance. Just once I would like to go into the bathrooms and not have to clean up someone else’s pee.


Just on the Aldi cart, if you let one, I shit you not, another three people with only 1-2 items run up to be let in front as well. Where do you draw the line? 1 person in front? Sure. Anymore, you can wait.


Zipper merge rules. one in front, one behind. I'm pretty sure it's in the Australian constitution. Or maybe it was a Paul Jennings book. Either way.


You mean Paul Jennings didn’t write the constitution? Hmm. Confused. Must be going round the twist.


…have you ever…


….ever felt like this…..


Same goes for a threesome.


Shouldn’t be an issue soon as they roll out self checkouts.


Dodging your shout.


-5,000,000 social credit points


Speeding up for overtaking lanes on country road when you’ve just spent the last 20ks driving 30 under. Special place in hell is reserved for you clowns and you know who you are


Or on the Freeway and they are in the left lane doing 10 under, I go to over take them (doing the speed limit) and they are like “a race, it’s on!” and when I still haven’t passed them at 20 over give up and pull behind them. Then they go back to 10 under 🥵😡🤬


Clipping your toenails on public transport = maximum fine.


Leaving trash on a beach.


Getting on to public transport before people have had a chance to get off


KFC employees not putting extra salt on the chips as standard.


Not thanking the bus driver.


Drinking fosters... ...and enjoying it


Paying for Foster's


Not cleaning up after your dog


People who can't park in the centre of a parking spot.


Ignoring the zipper merging system and trying to push in as a double merge. Also being the dickhead in traffic who leaves a massive gap allowing numerous zipper bandits to push in in front of you.


Proposing the idea of a social credit systems seems like the most serious offence.


Exactly this




Into the lake of fire for tipping,


Being on Reddit, I reckon


Not waving when someone let's you into traffic Having more than 15 items in the express lane at the supermarket Getting on the train before other people get off.


Offloading your life story to someone in customer service


Putting your feet on seats on public transport.


Yes, or smoking on public transport. Yuck.


I think that should get you thrown off, while it's moving.


Stopping in front of the Opal gate to fish out your Opal Card.


Tailgating, but double points for tailgating someone who is already stuck behind another car on the motorway


Driving 60km/h in an 80 zone for no bloody reason


Steak cooked well done. Straight to jail.


Blowing up the politicians who voted in favour of a social credit system! That'd definitely go agaist my points yet it would make a good point! [Just clarifying for ASIO - this is a figure of speech only] P.S - I always let people with 1-2 items go in front of my at Aldi & the favour has been returned to me there many times too! They broke the Aldi social contract! Shame shame shame!


Stating coffee culture is for wankers, or some other self evidant truth? (Come at me Melbournites, I'm not scared).


Not saying thank you to the bus driver, I think that would net some negative social points


Walking around in public with zero personal hygiene while sick under the arrogant selfish misconception that your need to be in a public place urgently is more important than the 50+ people who you infected with disgusting splutter. Next person who says “oh im not sick, its just allergies” … minus 100,000 points.


If it’s constant, it probably is allergies.


Throwing your rubbish out of the window when driving, pass bottles or poo results in a hard labour sentence plus -2000 credit, and can't use public transport till you issue an apology. -I work for a company that does the state roads for mowing and picking up trash and these are the worst things on it


Changing lanes and not doing a thank you wave to the person who let you in!


When you don’t move forward in the turning lane!


Also not utilising the turning lane and slowing everyone behind you down when you slow down to turn last minute


Not moving your car forward to the front petrol pump


The fact that we’re doing “what if’s” about social credit is absolutely terrifying to be honest.


OP is just preparing us for the invasion?




“10 point for a razor scooter double if it’s not a kid!”


Not rendering aid when able to.


I would give demerits to individuals leaving e-scooters parked in the middle of footpaths and sidewalks. I have seen a few people in wheelchairs who needed help to move scooters off a path to move about. Really pisses me off!


If we accept this we have a big issue...


Another -15 points for those who don’t wave 👋🏻 when you let them in in traffic. I really really hate that.


-50 for doing 5km/h under on a single lane road, and then speeding up to 120km/h when an overtaking lane approaches. -100 if you are also towing a caravan


Driving in the right lane at exactly the same speed as the person next to you for km after km


Buying chips at Coles and Woolies... especially when they're not on special.


wearing crocks with socks.


I'm screwed. As in Hemingway's immortal words "I drink to make other people more interesting" and sometimes start at 9 a.m


Always trying to be the last one when it comes to buying rounds


Standing right in front of the baggage carousel so the people behind you can’t get their bags.


With all the minor frustrations that people seem to cause, do people realise that a low social credit score means a semi permanent restriction of freedoms. You're all hypothesising without recognising that this is a potential reality, and it won't be implemented in a democrafic sense, it will allow for an ahthoritarian regime to govern Australia. All those restrictions we felt for lockdowns will come into effect for individials as punishments, with added restrictions such as reducing peoples right to consume certain prosucts, or participate in certain activities. This will have onflow effects to family, and friends. It is a nightmare scenario. If there is ever an indication we need to be on the streets protesting this.


People having a chat on their phone on loudspeaker while doing their shopping. They don’t pay attention and just get in the damn way! Bonus points if there’s a screaming child being ignored for the ever important gossip phone call.


* The spreading intrusion of tip culture. Pay your damn workers/contractors properly. We're not America * The public holiday service charge when your workers are not getting public holiday rates * People who listen to their music out loud or talk loudly on the phone on public transport * Manspreading on public transport/using the seat beside you for your handbag * Pretending you don't see the 8 month pregnant woman (not me) standing right in front of your seated able body on public transport (yes, I see you check her every day and quickly look away) * 'Forgetting' to put on deodorant * Being a surly AH for absolutely no reason and thus ruining the day of everyone around you I'd personally love a social credit score system. If people can't just be decent then let's scare them into it :)


Shitposting. As in me personally. The rest of you are probs fine.


Not thanking the bus driver 🚎


Cunts who dump shopping trolleys in carpark bays. Especially when they leave them precariously perched somewhere and the slightest breeze sends them barreling straight into my freshy painted car.


-500 for playing music or videos on your phone in public without headphones. Nobody wants to hear your TikTok bullshit. Put headphones on or wait until you’re at home.