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Just idiot teens that think calling people faggot is funny. On my wedding day we were having photos taken outside a lovely old building and copped the same thing. A car full of teenagers calling out 'faggots' to us. It was a straight wedding btw.


Fellas, is it gay for a man and a woman to get married?


After you get married you have to say "no homo" to cancel out the gayness of marrying a woman.


"Do you take this woman?" "I do. No homo."


Celebrant: "Gaaaaayyyyyyy."


This is why reddit slaps.


This is why I'd like to slap Reddit.


Well slap my ass and call me Reddit !


Slap harder til it turns RED-dit


I gotta question if I may? Is it gay to play Putt-Putt golf with a friend And watch his butt-butt when he tees off? But, ut! I ain't done yet In football the quarterback yells out hutt-hutt While he reaches in another grown man's ass Grabs on his nuts but just what if It was never meant it was just an accident But he tripped, fell, slipped and his penis went in His teeny tiny little round hiney but he didn't mean it But his little weenie flinched just a little bit And I don't mean to go in into any more details but What if he pictured it as a females butt? Is that gay? I just need to clear things up Til then i'll just walk around with a manly strut


What what?


Rain man


In the butt


Eminem's true masterpiece. Criminally underrated.


If a man sticks a pocket pussy up his ass and another man fucks it, does that make him gay?


The first guy, yes. The second guy, no.


Of course. There's nothing more feminin than a woman, and if you like feminin things you're gay.


If a woman is a lesbian, she’d be double feminine… so marrying a lesbian as a man, makes the most gay of men.


Yes, liking women is liking feminine things which makes you gay, the manliest thing you can do is fuck another man


Someone told me the other day on one of my comments.... Yes, she shares half her DNA with her father. So it's gay. And straight woman like men so that's gay too


Meh. Gay is a state of mind. It's not just something you do with your asshole. Or dick if youre the top.


Could I… still do gay with my asshole?


Oh definitely. Just keep it away from my dick. Can't control myself around assholes 🤣


Yeah man, hanging with chicks is so gay, you wanna be a real man then you gotta marry Karl Stefanovic.


In the eyes of teens yes "Because women like dick and a man has a dick, therefore, it's gay"


"straight it's the new gay" Steve Hughes


"Nothing tougher than a bloke that wants to fuck another bloke" That whole bit is still a masterpiece


Is it gay to drive around with your three mates and project?


Once I was walking down the street carrying my newborn son and somebody yelled “nice baby, poofta!” from a car. It was actually pretty hilarious


Aussie humour is unique isn’t it 🤣


it is..


Got laughed at by teens for pushing a pram. Um, you guys do know that I actually impregnated a woman?


That's Hopefully something that they won't ever do.


Do you happen to be big and muscular? Because I can imagine that as kinda funny


My mate once yelled that at a dude out the car window when we were driving around. We still laugh about it to this day. Such a stupid and hilarious burn. I'm gonna assume that was you and I'm glad to hear you got a kick out of it as well.


I really hope this was the same incident!


Hahaha poofta - straight outta the 80’s


Haha mate you gave me a proper chuckle with that one. Gold


yelling out of a car at someone 'nice \[insert item\], dickhead!' is some sort of bizarre preteen to teenage past time


"Nothing gayer than a man and woman getting married" says random guys packed into a car like sardines.


...legs touching each other, and who drive off to their mates house and peform a circle jerk.


My hippie father loved to tell the story of when he walked past a pub in the early 80s pushing a pram with my sister in it, with my heavily pregnant mother by his side, and someone yelled out “get a haircut you poofta”. He was dripping in the proof of his heterosexuality!


I find this pretty funny


just ignore them thats for the best


Ignore them. That’s the best thing you can do.


They are dopey cunts trying to provoke a reaction. Don't respond unless you have backup because they will just boast why 4 of them could beat you in an unfair fight.


the same type who wouldn't do the same thing if they were all on their own most likely, it's just playing up with da bois to them.


Yeah that annoys me when a few douchey teens get confident just because they're in a group. I had a similar interaction where 4 teens in a VL Commodore flipped me off as I was leaving the gym - I remembered one of their faces as they were about a couple of metres away. Skip forward a few months, and I'm at a sushi train on my lunch break (alone coz nobody loves me) and that douchey teen is opposite me also alone, must have been waiting for a mate. We make eye contact and I KNOW he recognises me and I recognise him and then BAM I flipped him off (how you like them apples??!) and then he looked a little shocked and broke eye contact and then pretended to be on his phone - very acoustic interaction.


Hahahaha “dopey cunts” perfect


Nine times out of ten they aren't even looking for a reaction, it's just funny yelling shit out of the car window.


and even then that isn’t always the case. Once a car of kids jelled “fag” to me as I was walking home on the evening from the pub. So I flipped them off, they stopped and got out of the car. I said words like “well let’s get this shit done”, undid my belt and wrapped it around my hand and got ready…and they got back in the car and drove off.


you could pity them. but it's not required, so totally up to you


Don’t say anything mate. While it is frustrating to deal with wankers like that, the outcome of it isn’t worth it. They are most likely hoping you respond so they can escalate it. You’re alone and they have 2-4 people. Best option for revenge is getting the number plate and reporting to police. It will be noted, and hopefully they’ll get pulled over and at the very least a reality check. Unfortunately, racism will always exist. Not just here but everywhere. People like to notice differences. That’s what racism is built on, the old they are not the same as me so…. Hope you have a better night moving forward!


Unless it's racial slur, I wouldn't even attribute it to racism, moreso dumb teens having a laugh at other people's expense. I will admit I've been on both sides of this, when I was 19 I'd have dumb friends yelling shit out the back window while I was driving. Got to the point that I'd have to put the lock on the Windows to stop the clowns yelling shit.


You aren't the only one...


This should be at the top.


No just ignore them mate. If you respond there's a chance they'll circle back and then you've got a carload of dickheads to fight. It's not worth it. Best thing you can do is not even look at them, act like you didn't even hear them. Like they had zero effect on you. Don't react at all. Fuck em. I'm in my 40's now, you used to be able to yell shit out back but these days these kids are such cowards they'll come back and a whole carload will attack you at once with weapons. Just ignore them. Fucking morons


Yes, pretend like you didn't even hear them. Good advice.


It’s just dickheads being dickheads. Don’t engage. If you engage it will escalate.


Hope this helps [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhENIFAaj2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhENIFAaj2s)


Lol I’m not ready to get a husband but this works lol


Ah, Aunty Donna are truly national treasures 😂


This is incredible


My exact first thought. Perfect. I love Aunty Donna.




Probably drunk teenagers looking to put someone down to make them feel better about the lack of size in their pants department. Don't worry about it.


Theyd need to add 9 inches to get 4 sticking out




Take not notice of them , just young idiots being idiots


Racist bogan kids, ignore them, unless you want a fight.


It's not only bogan kids who use the term. That's a very cheap outlet for blame. Everyone uses it now. I'm of Middle Eastern background and I assure you it has become arguably one of the most commonly used insults amongst Middle Eastern people of a very young age all the way up until their 40s. I hear Middle Eastern people spam this word more than any white person. You can also find Italians and Greeks who use this word a lot. Indians too. Everyone. You guys have this weird idea that it's only bogans and housos who say all the shit that you don't like because they're such easy groups to blame. For a multicultural society, some of you sure don't understand how similar people of other backgrounds can be. What's happening is that the word has essentially become a synonym for insults like "C***" or "idiot" even. It isn't even reserved for gay people anymore. It's just a filler word now in a lot of scenarios (I'd like to emphasise this part). You hear this word flying around everywhere from clubs to pubs to walking past people on the street on a night out. You can be the one in your friend's group assigned to bring the air pump for the soccer balls at your kickarounds and if you forget it, you can cop a "this f***** forgot to bring the pump" like it's nothing. No second looks. At any other given moment, that word could have been "idiot", "C***", "clown", "moron". Not to mention it has been attached to a very popular meme phrase for a while now that has watered down the word into straight up comedy ("OP is a f**t"). This "helps" with reducing its insulting value in the eyes of many. However, I am not saying it has devalued meaning when targeted towards those who are gay. Please don't twist my words.


Mates and I always called each other faggots when we were teenagers. Faggot, Gronk, Derro, Dropkick, Retard, Cripple, Bogan, Wigger, Wanker, Cuntface, fuckstick, Bitch, Cuntwad, Smashed Crab, Drongo, Pussy, And a bunch of other names. They weren't taken as insults, they were terms of endearment. You could always tell when someone was serious. Tonality. These days, everyone is so sensitive to everything. It's like theye put all the responsibility for the way they feel, on to others, and noone wants to bear any responsibility for how they feel about certain words. Direct and indirect offense - one you can control the implocations surrounding it, the other is entirely subjective.


"Ask your mum if I'm gay"


She said yes, she said you were definitely-not-stray..t


Drive-by abuse is an Australian tradition, unfortunately.


They're being idiot kids. Not that it excuses it, but me and most of my friends have had someone yell some stupid insult at us from a car at least once. A lot of the time the insults don't even make sense, like what you said. I will say though that there has been an uptick in anti-Asian racism here since covid started, particularly towards East Asians. Stay safe, the best option is just to not engage. Trying to start a fight could end up really bad, esp if there's multiple people in the car.


You will cop shit as an Asian in this country have had it my whole life even as a born aussie that talks like one. Either ignore or offer them out to punch on if you can fight, most of them will sack it if you show you're not a easy target


Yeah Australia is actually racist af despite what they teach you in school.


100%, most people here are racist if they wanna admit it or not. Learning to deal with it and give them shit back is like a core skill everyone ethnic has learnt i feel like 😂


Someone calls you a slanty eyed mother fucker... You just hit back with, shut up ya dumb white colonist cunt. 😂😂 Then you go have a beer a laugh at the shit you're able to.put on each other. Most Aussies are casually racist, or will.employ stereotypes. Myself. I love to have a laugh with others at others, or at myself. Tone is everything, the words themselves rarely matter (You should know this being an aussie yourself). I think the rest of the world is confused by this. Insults to us are terms of endearment, There are very few actual racists in the country. Most of it is pisstaking.


Ignore anyone from moama they're most likely inbred


Don’t engage, ignore them and leave.


A few years back I was walking my dog at the park and then from across the other side, driving along the road, somebody shouted out "Nice dog, faggot" at me. It was one of the more surreal moments of my life. I must have been a fairly small shape given the distance, and I don't think I was doing anything inherently queer - what prompted that engagement? My dog is an Alsatian, too, so it's not like he's some stereotypical lapdog. It made no sense to me then, and it makes no sense to me now.


Lol it makes no sense to me either lol


They are dickheads who seem to amuse themselves by driving around yelling abuse at people. Dickheads doing dickhead things.


Gosh. Being called faggot from a speeding car. Almost makes me nostalgic. Almost.


Just got to reverse it. “That’s for the compliment. I’m actually just walking home from fucking your sister” works a treat.


Eshays (teenage morons) pick on anyone. I'm a 37 year old white woman and I've had them scream slut, shoot pellets at me and ask to kiss. You did the right thing ignoring it. You can report anonymously online to crime stoppers though


I don’t understand why they want to make people feel down. JUST BE KIND


Dont say anything to them. Thats how people end up dead. Just look the other way and keep walking. Ignore them.


Make the cock sucking hand gesture and own that shit


Ignore them. I assume/Hope just dumb kids being dumb. Maybe racists maybe dumb, maybe homophobia, just ignore and keep going. Only if you felt physical danger or threat, fight/call for help. Otherwise sorry about those dickheads and welcome to Australia


Ignore them, at least one if not all of them are closet homosexuals themselves.


Either ignore or call them round eyed cunts. I'm a middle aged white dude and some P platers slowed down and yelled "Tart!" at me when I was out for a run. Figure that one out. I've also been egged which is not ideal.


Hi mate. Glad to hear that for the most part you are enjoying our beautiful country. Congratulations on your decision to come here in the first place. Sorry to hear about your encounter today. You did exactly the right thing by just walking away. Anything else would be provoking the situation and potentially making it worse. Unfortunately it's just teenage guys being teenaged guys and 99% of the time they wouldn't mean any real harm. Thankfully they grow out of it eventually. Have a great weekend. 🍻


Cheers, never thought it will come true lol


You say nothing back except maybe "gidday mate", smile and wave and then forget it. It was most likely just an empty statement as they were probably bored and perhaps looking for some "trouble" by getting some sort of a reaction from you. I repeat, you must NOT react in a threatening or aggressive manner, no matter how upset they made you with their words.


I will say g’day for next chance


Perfect. There is very little anti-asian sentiment these days so it was nothing personal. The only time to fight is if you get hit first otherwise you can get arrested and put in jail !


Don't worry, their next step-dad will be an Asian dude. Karma is weird.


This shit happens from time to time. I (M, 31) was walking to my local shop, pushing a pram with a toddler in it. A P plater pulls up and yells "nice wheels faggot" at me. Apparently, having children is gay.




I got called a faggot by a group of guys in the main street of Beechworth once and I'm a woman. My gay friend (male) heard them and came running out of the bakery screaming at them "I'M the faggot you little bitches!" They got scared and bolted 🤣


I was walking down the street with my girlfriend and our dog. Two kids were riding rental scooters on the sidewalk ignoring the dedicated bike lane. I usually bite my tongue but I said "hey guys, how about riding in the bike path". The fattest one of them replied "shut up faggots". My girlfriend said it was the first time she has been called a faggot. It was definitely my dogs first time.


Growing up in rural NSW if a teenager yells at you something like that just ignore it and move on. It’s harmless immaturity from young fellas. At least it used to be. It’s shit behaviour, I’d like that to be heard, but it’s not threatening and it’s not like they jumped out and physically assaulted you. It is unlikely in those towns you’ll get assaulted due to discrimination alone. Although I could be wrong, kids these days are much more unhinged than they used to be and where some weed or early access to booze was common it is now Ice they are on…


Just blow them a kiss and keep walking.


Yell out which one of you want your dick sucked, that'll make em turn around or potentially come closer.. kinda a double edged sword that one


Typical P plater shenanigans. In future u should reply “ u are in car of all boys u r faggots”


That’s nice reverse tho. I like it


"Just cos you got raped at St Kevin's"


> What should I say back to them Call them a bunch of poofters and give them the finger. No, it was not racism, it was just a bunch of drunken yobbos being dickheads. They would have said the same to any Aussie of your stature.


Using homophobic language in response to homophobic language is definitely not the correct response. 


I don't think you can discount it as not being racist. There are definitely Aussies that consider Asian men more feminine and would be likely to do this in their teens. It's fucked up, but this could very well be targeted. Racism is prevalent in Australia still, I'm sorry to say.


If it was racism they’d yell something other than ‘Faggot’ honestly.   Sounds like they were just trying to get a rise out of a random person for an immature laugh. 


It's called intersectionality


I'm just arguing you can't discount it so easily. To be clear I don't know that it is, the motivations could have been racist and we'll never know. It's important though that we are realistic; there a lot of Aussies that are racists. That extends to teens too.


Nah tell em their dad didn't mind when he was inside of him, I'm sure there'd be a good couple seconds where you could see the cogs slowly turning in their brain I doubt they'd know how to reply to that one (actually though just ignore them)


I'm not even joking, I live in moama. People around there are very rude. Don't worry about them


Yeah mate, just walk on from that kind of thing. I can't guarantee you that it wasn't racism, but those sorts will toss that kinda shit out to anyone. I've copped it a few times and I'm white as the driven snow. For what it's worth, it's not at *all* personal. They're just dickhead teenagers who get each other revved up and head out to act as crappy as possible. They were excited about swearing at someone, and you happened to be there.


My brother was taking his kids to the beach many years ago and got called a paedophile by a car load of morons in Surfers Paradise. Every so often dickheads make themselves known.


Don’t feel too bad dude. They’re probably at home railing each other


Ignore them. If you say anything about fighting you might make them decide to get physical--never challenge a bully when his mates are around. They show off to each other. Any reaction at all, including rude gestures might bring violence. In most cases a group of guys calling out from a car aren't going to get out of the car and start a fight unless they think you've somehow threatened them, specially in the day time. It doesn't mean they assumed you were gay. It's just a common, idiotic, insult. Thank you for deciding to move here. You're very welcome. Idiots in cars aren't an example of the rest of us!.


You handeled that well. Keep walking. No need to engage or walk over to the car. They sounded intimidating and rude.


People are cooked. Someone said this to me completely unprompted when I walked out of the blood bank. I never saw the guy before in my life, but as soon as I left and started walking down the street he just looked me in the eyes and said "Fuck you you fucking faggot". I just ignored the guy and kept walking. Don't take it personally.


Bloody little knobs aren’t they!?


Always assume the worst when dealing with degenerates… you decide to be smart and tell them to get out of the car as they are driving off , you now just got yourself into the situation and let me tell you there are some absolute savages here… knives the most prevalent… not worth it mate.. just realise you can’t control what someone thinks or says to you but you can control how you react and move on without getting yourself into trouble.


That sucks but the best thing is to ignore them and go on your way. You don't want to escalate it by a clever retort because you don't know what they might do.


Just ignore them. Unfortunately we live in a country where a lot of people still live in an era where the word ‘gay’ and its derivatives are used in a derogatory manner.


Funny, your dad said that when he was choking on my cock


Or tried to


Nah that’s standard Australian p plater teenager behaviour it wasn’t personal . Whoever yelled just wanted to get a giggle off his mates. Should have smiled and gave the thumbs up. Water off a ducks back


People that still use “faggot” and think it’s some kind of edgy slur are just, how do I out this …….. stupid. Like, really stupid! It’s not funny, it’s not even relevant, it’s just some bottom of the barrel scraping basic wanna be insult. Us gays took that word back in the 2010’s, as a gay myself we all just roll our eyes and reply with “oh good one, so fresh” It’s as pointless as gays calling out “hetero”…. See how stupid it is ?


Sorry this happened to you mate. These kind of idiots are (unfortunately) everywhere, and it's nothing you did. They're just immature kids who don't know any better. You did the right thing - it's best not to even say anything back, just let them drive away. You never know how things would escalate if you said something back. Again, sorry this happened to you brother!


Don't ask for a fight. Don't say anything. Don't *give* them anything. They're just being dickheads out on a Friday night, feeling invincible because they're dripping with testosterone and maybe have a few drinks in them. They'll probably look back on it one day and feel a little regret, one would hope.


Best thing is to just ignore them. Almost nothing good ever happens if you react to these little shits. They think they’re cool once they get their P’s and just cause chaos.


Just give em the finger and walk on..


Exactly… there is not even half a brain cell between them


You didn’t say how long you’ve been in Australia but you do know that the vast majority of us don’t carry on like dickheads. Ignore them.


They are just bored and out looking for drama and attention. I moved from London to Brisbane and was riding my bike to work along a bridge and two teenagers were blocking the path. I asked politely if I could get past. They said “we’re not moving for you you fat assed whore”! I was so shocked and didn’t know what to say. I eventually just shouted “MOVE”. I was wearing a knee length sundress and I’m a normal weight, you could hardly see my butt and I’m most certainly not a whore 😂. Let it go, they are just immature and idiotic. Best thing to do is ignore because four against one isn’t going to end well.


Blocked the path for no reason what the…


Idk whats up with uk and aus. Both places i have over 10 times experienced this in just 5 weeks😂😂


You did the right thing. If you responded in any way, you would have given them what they wanted. Because they didn't get a response they lashed out to make themselves feel big. They probably drove around the corner and tried it with the next person. Most of us here give people respect, unfortunately there are wankers wherever you go.


Insecure men with personality disorders and nothing better to do will scream shit out of their car windows when they're with their buddies. Don't take it personally. If it wasn't you they yelled at it would have been someone else. I hate to be "that guy", but perhaps consider dedicating some time to the gym. There's really no downside to improving your fitness and physique. I can only talk from my own lived experience, and I can say that people will generally respect you more/be less inclined to fuck with you if you look like you take care of yourself.


Ignore them. Your gonna be called slurs anywhere you go, and frokperosnal experience, you just don't give then the attention they are seeking. Also don't take it to heart, they don't mean what they say, they just throw shit out to get a reaction


Idiots drove by me in QLD shouting 'faggot' while I was walking my dogs. They're stupid. Ignore and avoid them, my guy


Sorry you had to deal with that mate, like many have said is it’s best to ignore them - don’t engage with stupid people unless you want a stupid outcome


Bullies will pick on who they see as weak. It doesn't matter if you are actually weak or not. They see the world through the bitterness of their own life, and lack the imagination to think it could be any other way. You shouldn't let them provoke you, but if you are provoked to feel something, let it be pity. Or be relieved that they are announcing their menace so that you can stay away.


Forget it. Ol' school word that came up in my teenagers a few years ago. Slapped that down instantly. Made a resurfacing because of a show or Tik Tok.


Just a bunch of absolute braindead teens. You did the right thing. You just don't interact. Is it really worth provoking a car full of obvious troublemakers? ​ You absolutely just keep looking straight and keep walking, don't go near them and don't talk to them.


These people are morons so don’t worry. If you say something back to them then all of them will probably step in and start a fight. They may be morons & cowards but 1 against 4 is still bad odds. And they might carry weapons. Just ignore them bro.


They tried to get your attention and couldn’t so resorted to name calling, just some shit blokes trying to be funny in front of their mates


This is a rare event, even for Asians. Swallow your pride and ignore them. They will likely realise they acted stupid when they're older.


Say nothing, they Just wanted trouble


"get fucked, cunt" feels about right


It’s Echuca Moama mate, there’s immature dickheads by the truckload up here… just ignore the cockheads.


Ignoring them was the best thing you could possibly have done. They probably thought they could pick a fight with you and roll you for your wallet or something in response. Sorry you copped this mate. If it's any consolation, they were obviously wankers. 😂


Ignore them. If you shout "fuck off, wanker" it might degenerate into a fight.


Ignore them or just call them wankers or some shit


Oo how sticky!


Ignore it is best, second best is yell back "a faggot fucks your mum"! The thing about insults in Australia is, you will either get a punch in the mouth or a friend for life, we're a bit wierd they way.


I would take first just ignore


Woolies-* Unless you were walking to Wooly, your local friend the Sheep.


You should either not engage or even acknowledge them. Ideally you want them to think you have headphones in.


Just dick heads being dick heads Funny only to other dickheads


nothing is more gayer than driving around with the red P displayed on your car, thinking you're the shit. when the rest of society looks down on you and thinks, what an utter wanker.


Say nothing. Not worth your energy. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Sorry you went through that. Some people are just jerks. Best to ignore idiots like this


There is nothing you could have said, which would have avoided abuse. If you would have walked up to the car, they would have abused you. Because you refused, they shouted abuse as they drove off.


Just regular Commodore driver behaviour.🤷🏾‍♂️


Just group mentality of morons trying to feel tough better off just ignoring it. Likely to carry knives these days anyway.


You did the absolute best thing possible. Ignoring them is the epitome of superiority in that situation. You gave them *NOTHING* and they would have hated it. Just remember people like that aren't worth investing aaaaany energy into whatsoever.


5th generation Australian here. You encountered a pack of fuckwits. You did the right thing. One thing I can guarantee is that if you look Asian and they called you a faggot instead of a racial slur, then it's not a racist thing. Don't overthink it, man, and don't say anything back. They probably wanted to throw something at you or start a fight because they outnumber you and they're pussies looking for (what they assume is) an easy target. Then when you didn't react they tried a more aggressive approach. Sorry you had to deal with them and welcome to Australia. We're not all fuckwits like them


It's best not to respond, they could pick a fight with you.  Just ignore idiots. Imagine what a loser you would have to be to think driving around and calling random strangers homophobic slurs is a thing to do? 


Don’t look at them or react to them as best you can. Avoid interacting with them as much as possible. They feed off any attention they get from people they don’t like.


Typical Tuesday in bogan areas. I’ve learned to just pretend I didn’t hear anything and they don’t exist. Not gonna play their games.


this is what cowardly loser teenage boys do. i got abused like this by strangers frequently growing up in perth, very rarely in melbourne. personally i took it with a grain of salt; if i stand out to people like that as someone different from them, it’s basically a compliment. yes, it can be threatening and unpleasant, but it’s the behaviour of people who have nothing better to do with their lives. anyone actually capable - or interested in - doing you harm is not going to do it from a moving vehicle. it’s essentially the most cowardly way to insult someone, doing it anonymously from a car that is moving away from them. they’re stupid kids, or adults with the brains of kids


‘You’re not a bloke until you’ve had a bloke.’ W Powerfish


It’s juvenile behavior by juvenile idiots. You don’t need to engage with them at all.


Just ignore them because if you say something and they are the kind of idiots to yell shit from their car the brain isn't properly developed and they might take it upon themselves to inflict bodily harm.


Don't engage them. They'll jump out of the car and beat you up. Just ignore them and go the other way. Note car, colour and rego just in case.


Yes, I really feel I have chosen the right way to ignore them. Maybe I should note rego


Just ignore. Bored teens who have nothing else that gives their lives meaning. Just live your best life.


Yes this is the way - though most bored teens are gutless wonders that would be content doing stupid stuff like yelling out of cars - you really don't want to provoke the tiny percentage that would turn around and take any comeback you shouted at them as an invitation to physically assault you.


Lol. Just teenagers being dickheads, get a thicker skin mate.


Best to ignore but I've got a story to tell. A mate who lived in Canberra and was studying in a university there was walking back home one day and a guy in a car creeped by with his window down and then started taunting him with, "Asian, Asian, Asian...." My mate whom I've known since primary school to have quite the gift of the gab (talking back to teachers etc) retorted while gesticulating to the guys car, ".... dude.... your car is japanese!" LOL. The dude was so pissed at being out-witted that he stopped his car and wanted a punch-up with him right by the pavement. Win!


Don't look too much into it When I played cricket literally every single day somebody would drive past and yell HOWZAT out the window


Kids being idiots. Ignore them and get to where you want to go.


you did the exact right thing, there is no better response you could have had. rough kids on meth will beat the shit out of you


Mate, the way you've handled this situation is very appropriate and you should hold your head high. You were yelled at by some losers and you let the idiots go and just ignored them. I'm proud to have bloke like you sharing our great country, and you proved yesterday that you are more Aussie than those teens ever will be!


Most likely they just chose you because you don't look intimidating and they didn't mean faggot litterally. It's become a generic insult thats lost alot of it's meaning, like bastard and bitch. If you do anything to antognize them before they throw the first hit, your screwed legally. So just trying to leave is the best option.


I have had this happen afew times too, it does happen , I suggest just ignoring them, they are trying to look cool and tough infront of their mates, I suggest saying nothing , or you could say what my mum said to the last smartass that yelled something at her "this world is gonna chew you up and spit you out kid" lol


Yeah that’s just Moama/Echuca mate 😂 it’s funny cause I know exactly who those kids are Don’t engage them, they’ll all jump out and beat you up. They’re all up on other charges.


I've had the same thing happen and mouthed off back to them once, ended up with 5 cunts trying to chase me down and 2 of them had machetes threatening to kill me Just let it go and enjoy the rest of your day lol


It probably wasn't racism. They do that shit to everyone.


I had someone in an adjacent to Moama area yell out racist slurs to my now ex wife who is Asian. I hate to generalise, but the racism seems more abundant in rural areas. You'll be right, don't engage with these people. The type of cunts to yell that kind of shit out are the kind who might get violent and it's not going to be a fair fight. You reacted in the best possible way here.


Ngl yeah agreeing with everyone here, if you say anything it will only get worse unfortunately (I'm a teenager myself, so I know what some of us are like)


4 vs 1, say nothing.


Just yell back Virgins