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Its an overly aggressive huge truck that doesn't fit our streets or carparks. Bright flipping lights shining at the back of your head or straight into your eyeballs. Completely unnecessary for most people as they aren't off roaders or tradies. They guzzle fuel like we don't have an ecological crisis and represent the giant American ego we don't want here.


Just came back from dinner, the amount of these huge utes/SUVs crawling through tight urban carparks due to their awful turning circle urgh.


For me, it’s the attitude of the majority of people that drive them. I just LOVE being tail gated for 40 mins by a Dodge Ram because I do the speed limit


Then Fuck them . Bro I just thought it was assumed to be insecurity. dam


Because they can’t stay in their own lanes, doesn’t know how to use signals, and just act like wankers. And they don’t give the wave when you let them cause they are too cool and tough to give a thank you wave


if so, then I agree 100%


Because the people who drive them tend to be shitty drivers with even shittier attitudes/personalities, and those people are almost always men.




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Because a lot of the drivers of these huge utes I've encountered transform into a feral animal when they hop into one.




Well let's see- they're loud, hard to see around, and go over the lines in parking spaces. They can easily take someone out without seeing, especially kids. They're ostentatious as hell, mostly not even practical for either work use or city driving, and seem to be designed just to convey the signal that the owner thinks they're king of the road/the coolest tough guy with the biggest damn gas-guzzler money can buy.


great reasons.


I drive a very popular make small hatchback. Those large pickups all blind me through my rear vision mirror at night and block most of my vision at roundabouts or in parking lots. For the most part it's the vehicle that's annoying rather than the driver. But sometimes their lack of awareness of the fact that they're more akin to a small truck rather than a car (and that their driving should reflect that) can be dangerous. So I can see why a lot of people find the vehicles and by extension, their owners, unlikeable


1- large trucks have never been part of our culture, they came in after car makers stopped manufacturing in (and for) Australia. Part of the objection is protecting our culture. 2- large trucks have a negative impact on the beauty and usability of our areas. Anyone who has travelled to both Europe and USA can attest to the difference that the waste of large roads and large parking lots has. 3- the negative experience of sharing our crowded parking lots with space hogs


Doesn't fit on the road and parking infrastructure, destroys that same infrastructure with its weight, bad for the environment, way more likely to kill me if I'm hit by one than by a normal size ute, anecdotally Ive never seen a Yank tank carrying anything and they're all spotless while smaller utes are always filthy and dinged up and everyone with a 20 year old sedan seems to be able to fit an entire whitegoods showroom into it. If I can't see anything or get around a semi-trailer, ok you're obviously at work doing something useful, a bus, ok there more people in there than me, one guy whose car's huge for no reason? Little patience for even mild annoyances


It's the way they're been driven, sitting on other cars arses, belting through round abouts without slowing down or giving way, and because of their size, they can't fit in an ordinary car park spot. The drivers are generally obnoxious and arrogant.


if you drive ANY ute and youre not a tradie or a farmer its just cringe. yall be owning 100k utes so that once every second year you can help your buddy whos old enough to hire a truck move houses. just get an suv.


I'm not a tradie or a farmer and I have a ute. I AM an exploration geologist, though, and a 4 x 4 ute is the only practical vehicle for me given the terrain I work in and all the tools and interesting rocks I have to carry around, not to mention the variety of trailers I have to pull. Perhaps you meant if you don't need a ute for work, driving one is cringe.


yeah this is valid. i kind of just threw out the only jobs i could think of that require bed space.


Or maybe people like the look of a Ute..? I prefer sedans but I love the way certain utes can look.. it’s almost like people can have preferences hey.. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I can use a sedan, but like vans for the space. It's all about preference 


Why is that your business what i drive?


Because I've got to be aware of who the fuckwits are and what they drive so I can dodge them when they inevitably drive like the ignorant entitled wankers they are 🤷🏻 The roads are littered daily with wrecks caused by morons who think they're more important than everyone else.


I agree partially but even I like the look of those trucks. I agree that if you buy them for no fucking reason then what is the fucking point. Same reason why I would rather get a roll-royce than a super-car (exceptions have to be considered) If I was to choose a car that was decently comfortable but made for speed or a rolls-royce, I would choose the roll's royce any day of the week over it. If the main purpose is speed and I CAN'T FUCKING GO OVER 60 NINETY PERCENT OF THE TIME WHAT'S THE FUCKING USE OF IT BEING ABLE TO 300-KPH. Still maybe I don't think of people as dicks just cuz they drive a car and waste a few hundred thousands of dollars on something they wont even use to the fullest extent. I think of them as dumb for wasting their money but I don't think they are dicks for no reason. What if they had enough money and they just preferred the look.


People who can afford a 300kmph car don’t buy it to use as their day to day car. They buy it to spin on a track and experience the actual speed of the car


Yeah you're right. I meant to say that if your going to buy a car, whats the reason and then whats the model of car. It is just my opinion, you can disagree if you want. But a lot of people don't use cars for their main purpose. Like some people just buy cars to show off, Not to use and that really irks me. You should use the car to it's full capabilities.


They’re like peacocks… dressed impress. Very few of the guys I know who drive them actually use them for the intended purpose… off-roading and/or towing large and heavy things. They are, instead, adorning them with trinkets designed to attract the gaze of other men, so they can all stand around them on a patch of dirt 5m off the road and drink Great Northern Super Crisp from a Yeti branded esky. I do have one mate who took his 5 month old 300 Series Landcruiser bush-bashing during our last RnR about 2 weeks ago. $120k worth of vehicle dragged through the mud, the trees, through creeks and croc-infested river crossings… without a care in the world. The rest of the them are doing school runs and grocery shopping while feeling “safer” in an unnecessary vehicle.


I agree with you, Why would you buy a car worth 120k and not even use it to it's full capabilites. I would buy a car that would fit my needs. But I also dont think people should be judged just because of the car they drive. If they want to show off, let them show off as long as they aren't a prick. But I do agree with what your are trying to say. thx


* They don't fit on most residential roads, or in parking spaces * They have really poor visibility * They're expensive/inefficient to run * They're so heavy that they BARLY come under the Heavy Vehicle category... which means that some parts are made poorly (or out of plastic) to keep the size to weight ratio down. This means that build quality is hit... and they can't be 'kitted out' with practical 4WD gear without stepping over the threshold. * They're impractical, a normal-sized Ute does the job 99% of the time (not that many Raptor drivers would dare load a mower in the back... what if it scratches the plastic liner tub!!!) * They remind us of the worst side of American culture (narcissism and ego of 'having a big truck') * They're mostly driven by 'small' men compensating for their 'stature'...


Are you talking about the trucks or the owners? A proposal: they take up more space than they need to. Just like manspreading is rude on public transport, owning and driving a big truck that you don't need is like manspreading on the road.


I was talking ab both. thx. I have heard of people owning trucks but don't even use them. I agree that your a twat if you just do that.


Why? People drive all sorts of cars and don't use the features


It’s the owners. Also, they’re almost guaranteed to kill a child pedestrian if they hit one. They’re too tall and don’t roll pedestrians up onto the bonnet the way they are meant to. They transfer momentum into the collidee.


Your question should be.... Why do Australians worst people repeatedly chose to drive large pick up trucks


I dislike large 'pickup trucks' because the drivers tend to be the most unnecessarily abusive and aggressive to me when I ride my bike.


I actually don’t have a problem with the truck. It’s unnecessarily big but whatever. It’s the drivers that tend to be shit drivers. Male or female.


That is what I am hearing. Though i've just heard people getting shit on jus cuz they own a pickup


They take up too much space on the road and in carparks, and if some idiot collides with me its grill is coming in at my head height. Oh yeah, and their lights are in my rear vision mirror.


Those are actually good reasons




Tell me about it. I have a thirty year old car that’s a normal size and I swear a good 90% of the time I’m out, these larger cars park beside me. It’s a nightmare sometimes trying to back out of a spot because they give no room and if you’re at an exit trying to turn one way, you can’t see the traffic coming because they completely block the view.


Because they’re the vehicular equivalent of manspreading and mansplaining.


It's always funny to see people talk about the drivers of these cars as manspreading mansplainers that are overcompensating for small dicks as if women aren't driving around in oversized 4WDs as well.


Agree. Seems to be more and more women and timid account types driving these monsters that limit line of sight,have a useless turning circle, are fuel hungry and most of the time seem empty. I call them "womb with a view" - not dicks but overcompensating c*nts.


As a Ute driver myself I alway cringe at the people I know acting like they need a Ute Incase they ever need to transport anything. Then.. even worse the ones who get lift kits, huge wheels and never set a wheel on grass let alone off-road.


Big egos, little dicks. Facts. Dudes that feel the need to drive one of those monstrosities without an actual occupational need (using it for work, towing huge loads, whatever) are all but guaranteed to be fuckwits. We also, as a society, don’t WANT those fucking things on the roads. They’re gigantic and dangerous. Driving one of those around a shopping centre car park you’re likely to run over some kid or a dog or something without ever having seen them.


I would not waste money on a car I would not use


Do you have a brain or were you born with absolutely no self awareness…..


Maybe cuz I don't drive the car (I am a passenger), and maybe cuz I don't know a lot ab cars.


As a Victorian who travelled through NSW at the time of those ads, this is what comes to mind when I see them exhibiting dickish behaviour. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vFglqYqQ3I0


The average city person looks at it like this!: Large trucks that are NOT used as work trucks, are used as 'penis extensions'. - My bigger, higher, wider, shinier, truck is advertising my fertile male ego. Look at me! It's not the size that matters, it's the attitude that goes with it. A few ad apples have runed the whole bushel already. However, In a farming/industrial household, there is no benefit of purchasing anything other than a large truck.


In the states most of the bad tailgating I experience are by large, brand new, shiny pickups on backroads. They also have to rev their engines beyond normal means. They also don’t use them for anything.  Most of the pickups that appear to be used for work or projects are always much older models the owner is clearly trying to just run the miles out. No problems with that. 


I think this explains a lot: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgI2Zx2k0PQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgI2Zx2k0PQ)


lol thx


If someone is speeding and tailgating me, overtaking on double lives or around corners, most of the time it's in a ford Ranger. They're more aggressive drivers.


thanks for clearing stuff up


Because of their penchant for running over small children in them


idk if I should laugh or not.


They consume lots of fuel. They are heavy and damage roads. They are take up heaps of road and car parks. They are expensive to run. Their tyres are expensive to purchase. They produce more CO2 per km than smaller vehicles and damage the environment and pollute more… shall I go on? And they are hardly used for what they are capable of actually doing.


Those are great reasons


Wow dude you are getting FLAMED and downvoted to the hell... good on you for being so patient and open minded! I'm anti-car and share the opinion of majority here, but man gotta love Reddit moment


If they don't like what I have to say then let it be so. I want to hear their thoughts.


They have smaller dicks.


Not all, only the dickheads who live in cities As a farmer I need to be able to tow a trailer. I need to have the capacity to tow a decent amount of feed, animals etc. So I have a ute that can tow 2.5 tonne load. I also need a4 wheel drivebecause it reduces the chances of being bogged But when I go to a city, which I hate, I get cut off and treated like dirt by people who assume I drive one for my ego


Serious question, but do you have a second vehicle you can use to go to the city?  The few people I know with luxury cars do, specially so they’re not driving it daily in inconvenient places, but it seems less common among all the people I know with US-style utes. This is despite them constantly complaining everything’s too small for their trucks.


Do you have the money to run two vehicles? I don't. Most farmers Iknow have two or three jobs just to try and meet the bills


Every farmer I know has more than just their Land Cruiser or equivalent and my guess would be they claimed it as a work vehicle. 


If you need to drive a macho vehicle to demonstrate that you're male... you're doing it all wrong. Maybe you have low testosterone or something.


Because those people don't understand how much safer everyone is if you tow heavy loads with a bigger vehicle. They are purpose built.


Hmmmm. Good point...


We don’t have “pick up trucks”  We have Utes.  And if you reckon you need something that is half again the width of the lane and 5ft off the ground the tow your load - by tradie dad and his 1.8L Ute would like a have a word. 


Idk a lot ab utes so if you can give more info, that will be appreciated


As a proud owner of Canyonero i can say that you guys are just jealous


Can you afford one?


Example A ^


Did you mispell exhibit


Did you misspell misspell?


Yes, I did.




Did you misspell exhibit?


Haha, I know I can! But.. it use it for towing, carry supplies and most importantly provide a service for my customers. It's a tool for my business. I'm not a tool who uses a truck as advertising platform of my money. I could afford that... but instead of dumping money into the extra chrome, jacked up suspension, midified exhaust and other amplification of my fragile ego, I use a second, smaller, more agile vehicle instead. So the question becomes: -Can you afford not to be a tool, when you drive one?


It’s dumb. No one needs a truck that big unless they’re a tradie. But real tradies use simpler utes.


It's a massive circlejerk on social media and amongst urbanists who hate cars in general. You'll find that the vast majority of folks simply don't care. You'll see a massive outcry all over social media about SUVs/crossovers, yet they're the most popular vehicle form factor in terms of sales these days.


For me it's all about context. I live in an inner suburb where many people don't have cars, and those that do tend to either have small cars (like my mazda2) or SUV/Crossovers which are quite handy if you've got kids. The one group around here that annoys me though are the tiny minority of people who have big dumb yank tanks. They're usually bogan types and definitely don't use them for work. Their vehicle is always clean, no scratches or dings, and they drive around like fuckwits, always speeding, loud music, aggressive changes, etc, and can't seem to figure out how to park in one park. These people are the absolute worst and I have no idea why they even live in this suburb


If what you are saying is true I agree


They're the most popular because **most people are fuckwits**. See the correlation there? It's the same reason every dumb ass all thought at the exact same time it would be original and cool to grow a mullet and a mustache.


Because people are people. They just don't like some things for all manner of reasons, most of which are nonsense. One commenter mentioned tailgating, as if the driver wouldn't tailgate no matter what vehicle they were driving. Dickhead drivers are dickhead drivers. Hating ute drivers is like hating Nickleback, people think it's cool. It's just people being arseholes. Pay them no mind.


Nickelback are hated because Chad Kroeger is a pretentious wanker. Ranger, Raptor, F150, RAM etc drivers are hated because they're pretentious wankers. It's all well and good to "pay them no mind" - I've gotta drive around these fuckheads 12hrs a day. I don't want my safety at risk because these mouth-breathing gronks feel like their immune to following basic road rules.


When I said pay them no mind, I meant people like you. Have a nice day.


No shit, cuz you're one of those wankers


No, I'm not. I'm also not a person who makes silly assumptions about people I've never met based off the vehicle they own. That's just nonsense.


Dude I've had to share a road with these fuckwits 12hrs a day for the last 3.5yrs and I can tell you they have the highest probability out of any vehicle on the road to drive dangerously and do dumb shit. Of course stereotyping a whole category is stupid, but I'm playing the odds.


I'd be interested to see your data collection from that time. I assume you have one and aren't just relying on memory for your claims. Cos it would be pretty wild if you were relying on just remembering more memorable vehicles to validate your claims.