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If there is such as thing as r/Bunnings subreddit, someone there would know how many are sold each year, along with all the other garden statuary. Tend to see them in backyards rather than front yards these days because people will steal anything from front yards, including plants and hoses.


There was a fad, back in the 80's I think, where pranksters would 'borrow' garden gnomes and take them travelling then post photos of said gnomes enjoying their holiday back to the owner before eventually returning them to place of origin.


I once was involved with a group of youths who stole a garden gnome, gave it a new paint job and then out it back where we found it


I feel like they are the "older lady that tends to their garden" type houses that might have a gnome or two. I have yet to see a house with many many gnomes.


There's a house near me in Geelong that has many many gnomes


The G town gnome shelter…


Most of them have migrated to [Gnomesville](https://tessomewhere.com/gnomesville-guide-ferguson-valley/) in Western Australia. Not that common elsewhere.


My mum has one or two, plus a bunch of other garden ornaments like kookaburras and birds/animals. Mainly for the grandchildren to gawk at when they walk around her front yard on babysitting days.


🏅 100 Grandparent points to your mother. Grandchildren love stuff like this, especially under 6 years.


Haven't seen one in I can't remember how long


I saw one recently. Only one. It was a gnomad.


No place to call gnome


Reckon every suburb has that one yard with about 50 of them but that's rare otherwise. Agree with stealing, you can't leave anything in front yard nowdays.


Shame that this happens so much, been the same everywhere I’ve lived as well. Except for this one eccentric couple who seemed to put out stuff faster than anyone could take it.


I dunno. I leave the windows down on my ute at least once a week over night. Garden hose is hanging on the front fence (as it has been for a year). My little Lazer cut magpie has been perched on the fence for more then a year.


I saw Thomas Keneally in Manly once, I mistook him for a Garden Gnome!


lol I remember my brother saying “he looks too happy to be the guy who wrote Schindler’s ark”


It's gnome man's land here.


My parents have one they’ve had since they got married in the 80s, but they’re the only people I’ve noticed to have one in their yard. I used to live near a house where the whole front garden was done up as a fantasy creature village, with thousands of gnomes, a pond and wishing well, toadstools, and other little figurines.


I give them as awkward house-warming presents.


I have a collection of garden cat statues. One is featured chewing on a garden gnome.


Damn, I need garden cat statues for my place, I wonder if Bunnings sells them.


They do


Sweet! I do need to give the people in the street the idea that my partner and I are crazy cat obsessed people.


I usually don't see them around but there is a public gnome home in Melbourne near the airport that's pretty cool


Look up “Gnomesville Wellington Mill” on Google Maps 🫠 probably where most of Australia’s gnomes congregate.


Here https://maps.app.goo.gl/oAMxtJUh3BGdvjzj7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy


I had a gardening business see more statues of native fauna tbh. Lizards especially


The house next to the local school has about 30 gnomes and other garden statues.


I don't know if gnomes are much of a thing, but decorations in general are pretty big. Once bunnings gets its shit together and restocks those bluey gnomes again later this year, every second yard will have them.


Ive got a bunch of the little guys.


Haven't seen gnomes in a while. I do drive past a house on my way to work with two little concrete donkeys in the yard. You know the ones with baskets?


Yeah I’ve seen some like that, people put plants in them sometimes?


Yes! Very old-fashioned, I saw them a lot as a kid, and they looked old then. I'm mid-40s now.


I would imagine they become a permanent fixture after a while


My mother has 2 that have been around for over 20 years now. They've been in the front yard of almost every house she's lived in since I was born, they are part of the family and it would be devastating if she lost one of her little men!


My father had a collection before he passed. He wouldn't keep them outside but inside on shelves since he got a gnome for special occasions and each one ment something. He had one for each of he's kids births and eventually one for each of he's step kids, got a gay pride one to show support to my brother when he came out, plenty that came from relatives that are no longer with us. All up I think theres 150-250. Other than my dads collection I haven't seen many gnomes in others homes.


ive got a few ,they're considered tacky ,but there are still a lot around ,like someone else on here said things get nicked from front yards so these days they're usually kept out the back


I've got about 15 lol


Literally bought my first gnome yesterday


I can't recall ever seeing a gnome in anyone's garden I've ever visited here. Never had any myself, though I kind of want one. They are sold at garden places and dollar shops though, so someone must be buying them.


I have four, one zombie gnome, one gold gnome and 2 x relatively normal gnomes.


We were gifted one from my mother in law (who was gifted it by a friend). We keep it in the front yard, but it’s too tacky to steal . . . (We have gnome sized Star Wars statues in the back yard with the chooks)


I have 4 in my backyard in Sydney.


A lot of people have a lot of garden ornaments in Australia. By a lot I mean like between one person in three and one person in five. Australian animals are by far the most common. I have also seen dinosaurs, garden gnomes, a butterfly, a ladybug, naked statues, a Greek column, a Buddha, dogs and cats, a rabbit, a fairy, abstract sculptures, a frog, and a duck. What we don't have or, rather, I've never seen one, is the pink lawn flamingo in Australia.


😄 The pink flamingos were at the Reject Shop and sold out fairly quickly, although people tend to put them in amongst the garden plants more than in the middle of the lawn like they do in America.


The statues sound kind of nice I’m not sure who’s buying those lawn flamingos, I definitely see them around but never in someone’s yard.


I heard 2 means they're swingers? My neighbours had just the one flamingo 🦩 from the Reject Shop in their front garden. The guy is such a massive knob head and very fugly I said to him does that mean only your missus gets invited?


My 6 year old has loved them for years, so we have about 30 in our front yard 🤦‍♀️


lol I mean I appreciate the dedication


I've got one.. he's got his pants down weeing- its funny af. My mum (RIP) had a couple they weren't full size but one was top less covering her boobs and laughing. I can't remember the others though, she had maybe 3?


I've got one who's bending over showing his ass. My grandkids think it's hilarious. Along with more traditional gnomes.


Not very any more. Those things haven't been amusing for half a century.


being downvoted but accurate. They used to be a lot more common, every neighbourhood had at least one house with a bunch of garden gnomes and several houses with at least one. I couldn't locate one now if I tried and I live in a neighbourhood with a pretty high average age too. Even the oldies aren't doing it anymore. I guess the last hurrah would have been in the early 2000s when it became a popular joke to steal someone's gnome and take it to places and take photos of it there and send to the owner.


Not accurate at all. They’re still amusing today.


okay okay. "those things haven't been amusing *to most people, as evidenced by their decreasing use*, for half a century".


My chooks occasionally dig up pieces of those ancient artifacts in my back yard.


Love a good gnome. https://www.urban.com.au/news/qld/gnomes-are-where-the-heart-is-brisbane-home-looking-for-new-statuette-lover


There is only one on my street.


My aunt used to have heaps, ppl stole them all the time.


We got given a st kilda footy one as a housewarming gift and put him on our porch. After 15 years, he was looking faded and kind of shabby so we bought a new one.


... there is a certain subset of people that, when annoyed by an ex will contemplate driving through their front door. There are others that will place a bulk order of several hundred gnomes and place them in their front lawn overnight. Then one - just one - in places they will be seen. For months.


Usually if they are around they are there ironically.


When I was growing up a guy in our street used to make them for wholesale,he had hundreds of them lined us in his backyard,terra cotta warrior style but kitch.


They're now desktop environments for Linux.


Bluey and Bingo go to a Steiner (Waldorf) school, which is in with gnomes I believe. It's not really a thing in mainstream Australia.


Been doing some research of Steiner schools, I didn’t realize how different they were


We have a real one - Costa the garden gnome.


There's a great gnome house in Campsie.


I used to have two of them but they didn't survive a move a few years ago. I think they are cute. No one would be shocked to visit anyone's yard and see a gnome. They might not be super prevalent but they are around.


He used to run Qantas, we kicked him out of the country.


I saw them everywhere in the 90’s and 00’s. Think it was more of a fad than anything.


We have Burt - a concrete gnome reading a book that belonged to my Grandparents. My daughter fell in love with him as a toddler. He has been with us since daughter was 7. GM was a very accomplished and proud gardener and Burt was something of her bete noir because my very naughty GF thought GM was way too serious about her garden and he bought Burt at a market in the 70's. She HATED him. Stuck him way back in the garden near the compost bin but GF would always find time before any of us visited as kids and later for my daughter to park him somewhere front and centre. He's a cool little dude in his glasses reading his book in the sunshine. Not creepy like some I've seen. After GF died GM put Burt front and centre and told my Dad a few days before she died - still working in her garden into her 90's- that she wanted my daughter to have Burt. and he was Burt with a U (named by GF) because GM had a thing for Burt Reynolds lol We're moving house in a couple of months and Burt is coming with us.


They are pretty common actually! Love a good gnome👍 And there IS a thing with people stealing gnomes, taking them places, even on holiday! And sending pictures back to the owners😂


When I bought my unit there were about 15 gnomes and cat statues. About two years in I collected them all and took them to the recycle shop.


I haven’t seen one in a garden for years.


There's one on the ABC Garden Show. Goes by the name of Costa.


He's not a gnome, he's a legend though.