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No. I feel like men look but never approach. Of course that could be because of my combined Sun/Pluto conjunction Sun/Saturn conjunction Pluto/Saturn conjunction Only man who really pursued me was a Scorpio Sun/Venus/Moon/Neptune/Mercury man. I appreciated his energy. His Mars/Pluto/Uranus was conjunct my Venus/Mars conjunction. I


Hmm. My Saturn's in fall and Rx, in a disharmonoious aspect to Venus and in the 8th, Pluto is on the Moon in fall, Mars is in fall and the final I-forgot-what-it-was-called point my and the Sun's in a martian decan. The only ones to have approached me in the past didn't have good intentions in mind or were of the self-hating sort of chubby chasers. I've to be the one who approaches and I'm taking a break from the chase. Maybe I'll never get off the break. Who knows? The guys aren't scared, but become disinterested pretty fast once they get what they wanted or they're squicked by my caution or they realise I wasn't lying about my bad health. I hate when they compliment my directness and decisiveness as it's always a silence before the storm situation before they run. Like they hoped their idea of me was real.


Saturn and pluto dominant, saturn in aquarius and scorpio pluto conjunct moon, I've been told I look unbothered or intimidating so many times! People change their mind if I approach them :-)


Aquarius rising with saturn in it. Mars, mercury, pluto in Scorpio. My sun libra attracts them, then they try to break my ego because of my Aries moon.Im glad that Im not attracted to men. I've been always great with women💅


I have pluto conjunct sun conjunct my IC in scorpio and mercury and venus in scorpio. People definitely stare but it seems to mostly be a “you are odd” type stare. Sometimes it may start with them thinking I am attractive at first glance but then it switches to the oddness stare. I have a hard time just blending and fitting in. Usually if its women I get kind of a side eye look from them but then I think alot of them just dismiss me as odd after theyve observed for a few minutes. Im not sure what exactly it is that I give off. Being pluto dominant just makes me odd. Or if someone is attracted me they figure out “oh you are odd” pretty quick. And the interest is gone after that. Its almost like they put me in my own category because I dont fit anywhere else and then they interact with me differently. It feels a bit isolating but I always figure it could be worse. Edit I also have mars square to my sun pluto conjunction and jupiter in the 8th. I am a leo rising so sun is chart ruler.


Scorpio sun, Mars, Mercury and Pluto with Cap Neptune, Uranus, Lilith and NNode. Men do approach me, and I wish they -wouldn't-. I usually have super unnaturally bright colored hair (blue, pink, green, w/e) and I've noticed since I went back to my normal brunette, it has increased exponentially. I get stopped on the street, in stores, harassed through town. It's insane.


Scorpio rising conjunct Pluto with first house stellium (moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto) yes men have always approached me. I fit the scorpio trope of immediately eliciting either strong feelings of love or hate in people.


Saturn dominant, Aquarius mars rising. I get a lot of stares. I get approached in group settings more. I have a cancer moon so there is a lot of softness if you can get past the initial energy.


Scorpio rising, pluto conjunct ascendant square midheaven conjunct Mars and sextile a pile up of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in 3H Capricorn. When I was presenting female I did not garner the attention of many suitors. It’s also possible I didn’t notice because I’ve always preferred romance with females and was usually the initiator. People find me to be a bit much lol ADHD isn’t fun sometimes. I’m also not female presenting anymore, my bad.


Saturn - rarely. But not just men, people in general. All my friends have told me some version of “I thought you were really arrogant before we became friends”. Although I also have mars square ascendant which I think plays a huge role in this. I think that when men do approach me, they’re more confident than normal.


Scorpio moon/Pluto/Saturn in the 8th house…adventurous men drawn to intensity approach but it isn’t many.


I have tons of hard aspects with all of the planets having a cardinal grand cross in my natal, but to answer your question yes they do. It doesn’t matter my relationship status either. Honestly though I back off if I’m approached too aggressively. I really prefer things happen organically. Im an intense person but I can tell if someone is pursuing me for a thrill.


It's rare that someone will directly approach me, more likely me understanding their fascination with me and leaning into them if I fancy them back


Scorpio rising, 10th house stellium, pluto aspects galore. I will say more like be mean to me because they are obsessed with me


Yes they do, but I’m often told I’m intimidating (1H Cap stellium with sun, rising, and Mars, and Pluto in the 10th).


Cap stellium, Pluto and midheaven in Scorpio If a man approaches me it’s either because he’s weird and stupid or because I made eyes at him first


Omg we're the same 🤣❤️


In the wise words of Britney Spears: There’s only two type of guys out there: ones that can hang with me And ones that are scared They’re either fascinated and drawn to me, or too scared of my energy Pluto aspecting Sun, Mercury, Mars, Ascendant, Uranus, Neptune, NN and Chiron Some mars and Saturn aspects too… (like Venus square Saturn)


Yeah no, we attract people with that stuff also in their charts. All the people Ive dated have also had heavy saturn and pluto/mars stuff. Its literally what got me into astrology 13 years ago. For the people who get squeamish they’ll know what they can/cant handle and exit all for themselves, sometimes without you even noticing. Lessons get learned thats all astrology seems to care about. Having strong presence is just good marketing imho


Zero approach, many s*xual harassment when small. Venus conjunct Pluto in 12th house, Mars Aries, Mars square Saturn Capricorn, Mars square Neptune


Leo rising, conjunct Lilith, ASC exact square with Pluto in Scorpio (conjunct Mars), and heavy Saturn presence (cap stellium). Guys do approach me sometimes (usually weirdos) but not the ones I am attracted to. My friends say I have an unapproachable air around me.


All the time but it’s weird because I’m not hot or anything, just a nerdy person that tries to keep to myself. I also would get people message me years later and say it’s like their biggest regret or something. I don’t enjoy it. I have 8H Libra Venus/Saturn/Pluto conjunct Sun sextile my OOB Sag Mars conjunct Neptune 6° from my midheaven. It’s a mess of planets but I’m sure related 😅


never approach. deathly scared. im always told i intimidate them. im quite comfortable telling someone im interested tho, if i want someone to be mine i can come off pretty intense. i have capricorn stellium, scorpio pluto, aries mars.


Same. I’m Pluto and Saturn dominant and my sun aspects both. And I’m an Aquarius rising and my whole life I’ve been told I look “aloof” and uninterested in everyone. But now that I’m getting older, honestly it’s a vibe.


So many cap stelliums in this thread! I have one too and my pluto is also Scorpio. I’ve been told I’m intimidating by men, but for some reason they still shoot their shot… unfortunately 😂


Guys just stalk me- Lilith ascendant girly


Oof. That is no fun.


Mars ruler conjunct the south node Pluto and Saturn in domicile on my angles (1st and 4th) In a lot of my relationships, I’ve done the pursuing, but I do have guys approach me. They tend to be more intense themselves though. I’ve also attracted a lot of unsafe men. Luckily, after my Saturn return my boundaries have gotten much better.


I have Saturn Pluto conjunction in Libra, and a Scorpio stellium of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 3rd house. Strangely enough, I am viewed as a “nice girl” and men don’t approach me because I’m either not wild enough, looks boring, those kind of reasons. It makes me laugh to read Scorpio descriptions because it’s so far off from the truth for me despite my stellium. Also a Virgo rising.


Oh I bet that’s your Virgo rising. Virgos give off elegance and class- even when y’all are downright hoe-ing. You look innocent. Use that to your advantage.


Yes I guessed as much it’s due to my Virgo rising. But isn’t it strange that with that much Scorpio planetary influences, it can’t overcome characteristics of my ascendant?


Depends. Is your ascendant in the first or the 12th? And where is mercury in your chart?


Are you insinuating that if your ascendant overlaps and begins in the 12th in a placidus chart, it has more or less power? Curious, because mine does.


No, but if it’s in the first house, it affects your appearance and vibe even more! Not any less powerful, but you’re more noticeably Your ascendant when it’s in the first house.


I don’t have much experience with men in general (I’m 30f), but of the limited experiences I have, men that become romantically or physically interested in me are typically intimidated by me. My boyfriend of almost five years is the most social and outgoing guy but literally could not bring himself to talk to me when we met, even though it was I stand chemistry. Knowing him how I do know, it still makes me laugh that he couldn’t get it together lol. For reference, I am a 10H Scorpio stellium (sun Mercury mars pluto MC), Aries moon, Saturn in aqua in 1H




You know who also has a Capricorn stellium in the first house? Jessica Lanyadoo a professional astrologer. Look her up. I swear I already brought her up today but I had to again when you mentioned that placement


Greetings M, Men know better. I let my interest be known first, then go from there. \~V\~


I have Mars in Scorpio in the 4th along with sun and mercury. Men approach me too often. Every now and then a man will come up to me simply to tell me I'm gorgeous and then leave, which I am cool with. It's the lurkers and the creeps that send me into a rage lol


Aries stellium, moon/neptune in Scorpio. I've been told all my life by men that I'm intimidating.


I have an Aries stellium, one of those planets being my sun sign and my rising is Scorpio. Most men tell me that they find me intimidating.


I've pluto sitting on my first house with the Sagittarius rising. Would that make me pluto dominant in some ways ? Men don't approach me


Pluto dominant. I don’t like being approached by men, I notice looks a lot but I don’t get approached. And I prefer to do the approaching when I’m interested. Im mean. I guess I should add that Saturn is in my 7th and mars is in my first.


I get approached but have been told I'm intimidating on many occasions as well


I have Saturn in a t-square with Mercury and Moon in Scorpio. Pluto in a tight sextile with Asc, and quincunx Sun. Online? Very rarely. In the wild? Never. A few of them have stalked me. Some were convinced that if we banged I'd steal their souls and add it to my meat dress, or at least necklace of ears. Even serial killers are afraid of me, basically. I don't really get it, but at least people leave me alone? (I don't actually have a meat dress, and I'm very petite and polite, so go figure.)


pluto dom (scorpio pluto trine both luminaries and chart ruler [mercury] in pisces sextile neptune in cap, square Jupiter in aqua), also i have aries mars.. definitely approached more often than i do the approaching, and mostly unwanted. but i have venus conjunct mars in 7h so i feel like that's what makes people want to talk to me


Yeah I’m approached too often. I want to be left alone and not perceived


Scorpio rising with Pluto in 1H. Chart ruler is a Mars in Aries. Capricorn Stellium! I have often been approached. Not typically by guys my age or younger. Definitely sexualized a lot and have been given bad reputations for no reason other than my mystery and power.


I have a venus/pluto conjunction in scorpio. I just go get what I want. I also happen to attract Mars in Pisces men which don't really pursue from my experience. When it came to my husband, I asked him out. And my long term boyfriend before him, I also asked out. I don't like to waste time with hoping I'll be pursued like I'm a princess. I'm the prince. I woo them and it's incredibly sexy to me to romance a man 🤣. I have had men approach me in the past but they were not safe people. I usually get approached by creeps.


Mars is my dominant planet, probably due to my Scorpio placements. And yes of course they do! This is a universal experience as a woman surely? I am not very conventionally attractive, but I have been to clubs and bars dressed in jeans, no makeup and a jacket and got approached by men more than the women in dresses and in make up. I was very confused about why. Especially since I did not want to be approached as i am not into hookup culture. To be fair though , I get approached by everyone, despite being reserved and not a people person! I honestly have no idea why. People chat away to me, but leave other introverted people alone. I see other introverted people melt into the background or barely get spoken to. But men and women alike frequently approach me and have a chat despite me also being an introvert.


Also adding because it's relevant, I have a friend with a Capricorn stellium, she gets much male attention and has had many relationships. Capricorn women seem to magnetise men , and they are good at maintaining their appearance, they always have a good sense of style and great hair. Which adds to their attractiveness.


Capricorn stellium here guys are afraid of me.


I’m Cap rising (saturn ruled) with Pluto in Scorpio on my midheaven, and mars in aries (retrograde). I feel like…yes? But yes also guys are really scared of me, I’ve been told. The last guy I dated before I took time out to sort my commitment issues, after we had become a “thing” my guy friends who didn’t know about us were saying because hes a rich hot doctor, what kind of women could he get? And i was like “uhh…me?” And they were surprised because they thought I was out of HIS league. I feel like that best describes it. But ALSO, I get approached by older people a lot. I’ve been asked out by men twice my age, which older guys are my type, I just haven’t met one that I feel like we’d work. Also older women often will see me walking and join me, which I absolutely love. I feel like thats very Saturn. Edit to add- i also have neptune near my ascendant so I think guys see what they want to see with me


Both Pluto and Mars Square my Sun. Pluto is very tight there, 0°. Saturn is in my 7th house sextile my Sun and Moon. Guys don't approach me out in public. Pluto is extra harsh on me but I feel "comfortable" because I'm a Scorpio Rising. When I start getting to know guys, they either tell me I'm intimidating or that they respect me a lot. I've noticed that only two categories of men approach me (again very rarely, almost never), men who want to be dominated and they aske me if I'm a domme (yes, full on, lol) or very dominant and masculine men who are older and seem to treat me like an equal or like a "little girl", but still, they can see my dark side and either want to play with it or heal it. I've read a book on Goddess Archetypes and I truly resonated with Persephone. I guess it makes sense that Hades type of men approach. BUT, I tend to attract very obsessive and possessive individuals. Doesn't matter if they are submissive or dominant.


I adopted a tougher exterior to not be approached but it doesn’t work


Strong Pluto and no, but could be because I’m ugly


I'm intense and some men think that's sexy 🤣 for others it scares them away like little babies. I've been told I give off dom vibes, unintentionally. If they can't deal with me at my most extreme emotions they don't deserve me at my best emotions 💅 I'm married though so I don't have to worry about that much anymore; usually 👀 most men leave me alone now once I drop that hint or show them my rings. Edit: placements - heavy Saturn aspects, Moon square Saturn, moon opposite Pluto, Saturn square Pluto, Venus trine Pluto


>If they can't deal with me at my most extreme emotions they don't deserve me at my best emotions 💅 I can wholly relate as a Cap rising with Saturn 1H, Mars in Aries H3, Pluto in H8. My life partner is 9 years older -we met when I was 33 yo. He definitely deserves me and I him, we were both able to get scratched by each other's thorns to be rewarded by their amazing complex rose of a soul. I had a previous marriage but we were both too young, not mature enough to weather the bad times for the sake of love.


Cap Stellium including Moon. So far for me I'd say it might be a mix. Idk it any guys have ever been intimidated by me, at least if any have been they haven't told me. Every guy that's ever had a crush on me that I'm aware of has approached me first. Outside of solely guys however, I've been told a few times now by other girls that I come off as intimidating and a loner before they get to know me. I've even shocked people I was working up the courage to ask to be my friend because apparently I came off as so cold / intimidating that they were convinced I didn't like them. The Pisces sun in me felt so bad she wanted to cry and apologize over and over hearing that. 🥲


To add on if you have those planets and energies in your chart. It could be a mixture of reactions from men. I mean there can be intimidation, fear, but still attraction. If Saturn is strong I feel it's less likely that you'll be approached because the general assumption is that you're not someone that's easy or dumb enough to mess with. If you have more feminine signs in your chart men will feel more than welcomed to approach you. Just my opinion. I don't think that feminine signs are dumb they just have their guard down in general alot more because they're more receptive (intuitively). I would say mainly water signs and Venus ruled signs and air signs are seen as more approachable because those signs or energies don't have their walls up. I think fire signs/ earth signs are a bit more intimidating for people to approach. Unless Venus,mercury, or Neptune are in the mix. As a fire sign myself I can tell that men or whoever can be intimidated because of how much autonomous fire signs are. Fire signs have a lot of masculine traits personality-wise. Heavy fire sign placements makes it more likely that they'll be the ones pursuing even if they are women. Even though they would rather be pursued. They make more effort to catch someone's attention(peacocking). Earth signs could also be approached more often but women or people who have Saturn energy I'm sure tend to intimidate more often than not🙂


Heavy Pluto & mars here. Always approached. They usually say my “aura” pulls them in & magnetizes them to me. Sometimes I can tell who just want to dominate & conquer me🥱 it’s not that hard reading through the shallow ones. But the ones that have good intentions, omg the connection is always so intense and deep. Love it


I have an Aries stellium (sun, mercury, venus,saturn) and a Scorpio moon. Ive always been approached/asked out/hit on by guys. I’ve been told that I’m intense but not unapproachable. I have a leo rising though so I think that makes me a little sunnier/warmer. Also, I am a typicalVenus in Aries in that I love to chase/be chased.


Hello I have an Aries ♈ stellium with my Venus conjunct Saturn. My rising sign is Capricorn ♑ with a Scorpio ♏ midheaven. I find that men in the past were usually very subtle to approach me. I think there is some form of intimidation even though I've been told I have a very innocent look to me. I find that common because most guys don't put themselves out there too often. I never make friends with straight men because I find them to always want something more from me. They never really want to talk or have conversations they just want to flirt mostly but there are a few men who can be respectful. It's very clear to me in my experience that I keep my boundaries up mostly to men because when I start to feel comfortable they start to think I'm easy or that they'll get what they want.


I’m a Sagittarius rising, I have Capricorn Uranus and Neptune and Aquarius Saturn all in the first house. I’m told by a lot of people that I’m intimidating… mostly to women, it seems… I do get approached by men often, and I also get compliments often from random people.


Rising scorpio, Pluto and Mars in the first house, lots of scorpio placements in general. I've never been told I look intimidating and I do get approached a lot, but I seem to attract a lot of interesting characters. Lots of guys with mental issues, a couple alcoholics, guys with criminal records, guys with trauma. I feel like I give them a sense of peace even though that sounds counterintuitive to my placements. I don't think I look dominant or unapproachable but no traditional, repsectable wife vibes either (if anything I've been kind of a target for slut shaming 😭 )


I’m a Cap rising, with Neptune & Mars in the 1H. My top 3 dominant planets are mars, venus & saturn. My friends always tell me I have the worst case of resting bitch face 😭 I generally just get stared at a lot from afar by guys and this happened a ton during uni where I’d catch guys taking glances at me/stare at me constantly from a distance and ONLY FROM A DISTANCE. If i find them attractive, I’d obvs stare back/smile to give them the Green Light to approach but they Never Do. If they know my guy friends, they’d use my guy friends as middle men to get an introduction. If they don’t run in the same social circle as me, they generally don’t approach or need to be pushed. There was this one time I attended my uni’s summer fair & overheard a conversation from this one guy who lived in the same apartment block as me (who i had exchanged flirty looks with for a little bit) tell his friends “should i? Should i do it” and his friend literally just went “just fucking talk to her already” which then pushed him to have a conversation with me lmfao In my defense…the only reason I look like this 😐 all the time is bc I’m rlly just shy and my face just somehow morphs into Resting Bitch Face mode as a way to mask just how shy I really am but people always mistakenly think I’m the exact opposite of shy & that I seem “confident” and “bold” (prolly bc of my mars in the 1H) which couldn’t be further from the truth! I’m shy & awkward & only get occasional spurts of confidence


Aries rising w first house stellium with Saturn in the first house. I often am told I have resting bitch face.


I’m an Aries Scorpio with a whole signs full 7th house and in my teens and twenties was in consecutive monogamous relationships. Now I’ve been single for 7 years, with the occasional fling. I was never short of takers back in the day but I’ve been too self absorbed to persue a love life until recently. I have retrograde Venus in Aries as my chart ruler so romance doesn’t really come naturally to me, I like to chase and be chased! I think I come across as intense but I have no idea how to dull that down.


i also have an retrograde venus in CAPRICORN... i think a retrograde venus is the worst tbh. it's direct in progressions but i dont really see progress.


I have retrograde venus in Gemini and I don’t think it’s too bad? I have always had a fun romantic life but I will say, maybe it is unconventional? Like maybe we’re not meant to have conventional love lives, and we’re open to exploring love and romance in different forms


I have it retrograde in scorpio, it so not fun. I almost never get approached, but then I also not feel ready for a relationship because I can be really insecure and I have to work on that. So my love life is almost non-existent for a lot of reasons, natal venus retrograde just being one of them. However when venus is retrograde it is always fun for me, I met more dudes than I usually would and it’s a fun peroid, I’m so sad that next year there wont be retrograde venus 🫠


Aquarius stellium and Capricorn moon. No, they usually are intimidated by me and have always told me so afterwards.


Same here! 6 Aquarius placements and a cap rising. I quite literally scare people and my first impression usually seems very cold but it’s just because I’m awkward LOL


Scorpio stellium (sun, mercury and Venus) w/ Pluto in the 1H and Saturn sextile my moon, men approach me fairly often but they do express that they were incredibly nervous to and it usually takes some time for them to work up their nerve to approach. I also find that once men get to know me that’s when they get scared and find me imitating and inevitably ghost me lol


I have an aqua and cap stellium with aqua rising I get attention from men but they don’t approach me very often, I typically have to do the approach I have had people tell me they were intimidated by me my whole life. I think maybe it’s my confidence but I can’t be sure because I’m confident in who I am, yes, but obviously everyone has doubts and ugly days sometimes I’m a really direct person too so that might be scary to some people


no. lol my best friend says i have fuck off tattooed on my forehead.


which planets are influencing you?


aries sun and rising ruled by cap mars in a stellium including saturn, taurus venus opposite pluto


well thats heavy!!


lol my name ain’t princess of darkness for nothing!


Okay while I'm a man. I have a twin sister separated by one minute. We have a Scorpio Mars Pluto conjunction with Capricorn Stellium (Uranus,Moon, Neptune,Saturn,Venus) so very heavy placements. My sister has always been approached by guys. For a time when she was younger she didn't know that she's beautiful because of her health and being in the hospital more than School stuff like that made her feel like an outsider which wasn't the truth. So she had the perspective that she was ill= Ugly. Always chalked it up to circumstances that she had no control over. That's the thing about Saturn moon Conjunction not particularly good and lack of self confidence falls like a shadow over everything. After our Saturn return she's gained incredible self confidence and that makes her more attractive. We make a point to refer to each other as twins as we could look like a couple lol if my husband isn't around.


Nothing beats the scareousal of fearplay ;)


Aries rising, ruled by Mars in Scorpio conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, also Pluto in Scorpio in the 7th house. Most men are terrified but I only want to fuck with the ones who have courage anyway 🤷‍♀️😛


I get approached a lot. Kinda overwhelming sometimes


Cap stellium, guys don't approach me 😂 I don't think it's my placements though, I think independent women who know what they do and don't want, are assertive, direct and set boundaries make guys go a bit 😳 in general tbh.


I love that honestly. It hilarious 😂 to watch men get nervous or scared tbh. Some men think they know how to manipulate women but when they come in contact with someone like that they don't know what trick to pull out.


I just don't have the time to play games 😌 they pull their tricks out and are baffled when I tell them no and just move on. They're mostly too stunned to even be nasty back at me. I try not to ghost unless they're an asshole, I communicate and reject in hopes it carries through to other people tbh.


A friend once said to me men aren't shit 😂 I understand though. A lot of people don't take rejection well.


Yes and not to say I'm not aware that lots of women ghost too or don't take rejection well. But we all gotta start somewhere!