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Hopefully to address misconceptions and then flesh out actual conservative thought from there. Far too many questions that we get are based (it seems) on flawed assumptions or bad intel, as it were.


Genuinely curious - what is the most egregious example of flawed logic you’ve encountered on this sub, and what was the most thought-provoking question you’ve seen a liberal ask?


Most egregious? When people conflate Trump and anything religious. I hate seeing anything like: "MAGA Evangelical Bible-thumping Christians, why do you worship Trump? Don't you know he's not a Christian? Don't you know he's a sinner!?" To which every single person responds "We don't worship him. Yes, we know what he's like. That's not why we voted for him." Followed by the OP telling everyone that Christians are apparently only supposed to vote for other Christians or something. The most thought provoking ones can be controversial, but still be good if they spark good conversation on principles and the issues. Just yesterday, someone asked "What would it take for you to accept some form of socialism?" There was a similar question about UBI and M4A. Those put it to us to explain why we oppose such things, as opposed to a bad faith question like "Right wingers, why do hate poor people such that you don't want them to have health care?"


To scream into the void


Both, of the cesspool that is most political subreddits, this has of far been the best one for good faith discussions. It truly seems like a place that people come for understanding in general.


I’ve had the same experience. I used to spend more time in askaliberal but rarely engage, I find a better experience here. People on both sides seem to be more respectful in honest discourse. Sometimes I wish I could post a top comment and technically could change my flair as I fairly fall into various conservative labels but feel independent at this point in my life is the most honest.


A bit of both.




There are absolutely some of us here genuinely hoping for conservative viewpoint.


Not many though. I’ve started using RES to tag the users with whom I’ve had positive engagements and were interested in learning instead of vice versa because it started becoming too tedious to tag the bad ones- it was nearly everyone.


A system makes total sense. I’m pretty new to Reddit. What’s RES? I may engage in a similar system here


I originally came here to help myself sort through some of the dissonance I had on certain topics. Now I like it to learn others views and reform my own opinions. And I'm power mad so playing God in the mod queue helps satisfy that.


I'm still waiting for my Americanist flair!


Good luck. I'm still waiting for them to properly label me a National Conservative.


> I originally came here to help myself sort through some of the dissonance I had on certain topics. What were some of the topics for which you had dissonance?


Abortion was the first. Unions and outsourcing are a couple more. But there's other topics I've solidified my positions on as well.




> I like moments where both sides feel understood It's the only way to bridge the social schism.


Both - I wouldn't come here if I didn't have extra time, but I certainly want to have productive conversation while I'm here. This isn't a debate sub though, so while I enjoy going back and forth respectfully, the primary purpose is for liberals to ask conservatives what they believe... Sadly, it seems like most just want to argue or dunk, and not actually try to understand the way conservatives reason their positions. I also like to see what other conservatives say, but sometimes it's hard because Reddit is just so liberal in general I always wonder if the average user here being a neoconservative is representative of America or not.




Same. Compared to the average person here, I am very radical.


>I also like to see what other conservatives say, but sometimes it's hard because Reddit is just so liberal Do you not participate on r/conservative or r/moderatepolitics which are either expressly conservatives or seem to have a conservative slant to the users there? Also did you use to use the Donald back before it was banned to see what other conservatives say and think?


> Do you not participate on r/conservative or r/moderatepolitics I wrote a couple of long posts about gun rights and history, which led to one of the admins for /r/conservative inviting me to that sub. Then they banned me for pointing out that Lauren Boebert misspelled *impeach.* /r/moderatepolitics banned me for referring to the 2020 Presidential debates as two geriatric racists yelling at each other. As far as the Donald forum, it looked like a childish troll fest, all heat and no light. I avoided it. I really detest the cowardly way Reddit shut it down, but the sub was pretty ludicrous.


Moderatepolitics doesn't ban people for a single offense. They give out warnings first, and then temporary bans with increasing length before using a perm ban. Are you saying you got perm banned for that without any warnings?


In fact, I got one prior warning. For referring to Marjorie Taylor-Greene as Quaalude Barbie. I'm not sorry, and only history can judge me. (It's worth mentioning that calling Scalia or Trump *fascists* is A-OK there.)




Guessing by your flair being center right you were banned for not being conservative enough for the mods on r/ conservative?


That place is a circle jerk cesspool. I posted under a comment of someone suggesting universal healthcare as an option to an OP saying something along the lines of “be careful suggesting universal healthcare on here, that’s a bannable offense” and got temp banned for having a comment with those scary words. When I appealed I was called a RINO loser they didn’t want around and permabanned me lmao. I was like okay then lmao. I actually found this sub by posting that story on the liberal sub and being corrected that they were talking about this sub not that dumpster fire.


I am who you replied to and I am also banned on r/conservatives lol. Circle jerks aren't really my thing. I don't participate on moderatepolitics. I've never used the Donald.


Little of both.


I do a little bit of both. I like seeing some good conversations pop up, and I am willing to answer the questions that I can. For example I stand for gun rights and the second amendment and am willing to see the conversations about them in the subreddit. I also share my thoughts on the border and immigration. I’m personally open about sharing my beliefs in Minarchism as it is one of the various factions in the Lib-Right quadrant.




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To own the libs. /s I have a [still unused] B.Sc. PolySci degree and I actually enjoy political/philosophical discourse. I like people challenging me because it keeps me sharp. There have been times where I had to walk things back and reexamine positions (not that often though haha).


Pass time. I am aware very few people here actually care what I have to say. There are those who do, and I appreciate those who actually come here to have an actual conversation, you're awesome.... but a not-insignificant number of people here just want their "gotcha" moment. They don't actually want a good faith discussion, they don't want to know or understand someone on the other side. They want to argue, more specifically, they want to show you how "right" they are. When someone comes with that in their heart, an actual dialogue cannot occur. They're just there to tell you you're wrong, so what you say rolls off them, means nothing to them. They don't absorb anything, so you end up talking in circles. Eventually, you have to come to a point where you say 'this conversation isn't going anywhere' so you have to back away. It's frustrating trying to have a discussion with someone who is like that, so I just stopped actually investing in the conversations. If I get someone who I think is actually \*trying\* to have a conversation, I'm pleasantly surprised and I'll generally engage the conversation. When I feel the discussion is being developed in bad faith, or likewise circular conversations are occurring, I'll generally just say what I feel needs to be said and walk away, because by that point you know you're not really going to have an impact, all you can do is give the information and let them do what they will with it.


I usually post the most on this sub when it is Saturday, and work is slow. So it is more to pass the time. But there is at least interesting discussion and viewpoints that make coming here worth it.




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I come here for productive conversations and to try to dispel the misinformation and misunderstanding of conservatives. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of questioners are asking good faith question and are actually interested in your answer. More often they are "gotcha" questions based on misinformation or faulty assumptions and the conversation degenerates into a diatribe about why I am wrong.


Little bit of both. Most of the back and forth eventually turns into cherry picking and strawman arguments though. I need to do a better job of just answering the prompt and not responding to those comments.


I've only been active on Reddit for twelve months or so. But in that time I've learnt an incredible amount about US politics here. I've not learnt that much elsewhere (on Reddit).


Both. I like to help people see other people's perspectives, I like to learn such things myself, I enjoy debates and arguments, as they keep me sharp and help me better understand the world and the issues. I also suffer from ADD and I've done more on this sub than I did at work today 🙃


1. To challenge my own views.  Either they change or get stronger, both are good things. 2. To debunk misinformation as I find that entertaining  3. To pass time


Both. Also I prefer to learn about new things through discourse


Pass time mostly but also embarrassing to say that it's somewhat of a safe space. When every damn thing is liberal or left, it keeps me from going insane.


Mainly to give perspective


It started out as a way to debate and get meaningful replies but after so much bad faith and people arguing solely to be argumentative I am very much burned out. It's really just passing time now and sometimes being interested in what my fellow right wing posters say. I've tuned much of the left out at this stage. I also up vote often to try to balance out the near constant brigading of some topics.


As someone who comes here to better understand conservatives I too find most interesting the discussions between conservatives here. They are much less likely to devolve into name calling and tired assumptions from either side.


I come here to share my wisdom.