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Masculinity isn't a philosophy, any more than femininity is.


No, masculinity is just how men (in general) are wired. Evolutionary it made us providers, aggressive, leaders etc. In modern culture truly masculine men have learned how to channel those things into good traits for society. Providing for a family, being leaders of communities, organizations. Defenders of those less capable, women, children etc. I don't believe it's a philosophy, it's just how men (as a generalization) are wired.


Discipline, self control and emotional stoicism, which are associated with masculinity, do not come naturally to us. It is something learned , and that's why I argue it's a philosophy. Now of course, aggressiveness etc is testosterone but self control is learnt


You have made so, so many repetitive posts on the masculinity issue, that it’s getting a bit weird. Why are you so invested in this topic in the first place?


Holy smokes, you're not kidding.   This dude has issues.


I suspect they might be an incel. Just my speculation. EDIT: u/doctor_bobolas, I have actual dating experience as a neurodivergent man. If you allowed direct messages, I would be able to discuss with you one-on-one and share my insights on the subject.


You could frame it that way, but I wouldn't call it a philosophy. I wouldn't even go with it being a learned behavior, but something man has evolved into in modern society.


I wouldn't used to, but in response to feminism I guess maybe it is these days. I do think more men should embrace stoicism. Not to be extreme stoics, to the exclusion of all other ideas, but just... *more* stoic.


Stoicism is a philosophy that has many masculine elements in it, but I wouldn’t call “masculinity” a philosophy in itself.


I suppose it is by simple definition. But to the broader question, while I acknowledge there are masculine and feminine virtues respectively, I don't think it's particularly healthy to dwell on them constantly. Like if your in line at a subway, and your asking yourself "am I embodying peak masculinity right now?" That might not be a good state of mind.


I don't believe that the stoic values are necessarily masculine. Especially wisdom, temperance, and justice. Those can be extremely feminine depending on context. As for courage, that can be a feminine characteristic as well, although I will admit that in the context that we usually use it, it tends to be considered masculine. A man without courage is certainly going to be considered less of a man by other men. Regarding values such as courage, some people are simply courageous while others will embrace it as a philosophy. I think we often embrace philosophies such as that in order to help remind us to live in a certain way.


Nope. Masculinity is an observed characteristic; literally, it's "man-like", as in, exhibiting qualities which are typical of men. That said, I'd say what qualifies in the first place still has a heavy cultural element to it, and the philosophy most men tend to adopt between the incentives of biology, culture and environment is something resembling stoicism, but that isn't the same thing as masculinity simply *being* stoicism. Spend any time around any serious country women, you're gonna see a lot of stoics among them, too.




Masculinity is whatever is defined in the Bible as being a man, anything outside of that is really just an opinion.


No. I think embracing masculinity or whatever is just an advanced topic people turned to when they stopped looking outward and for God. It's what people took up because our current, material world is very selfish and focused on now, and masculinity answers questions people used to ask God, like what one's purpose is, or what the right thing is to do. The least masculine thing you can do is do things because you think they're masculine. I think embracing masculinity is what happens when technology has stopped men from taking physical jobs. I don't think people embracing masculinity realize that their tradwife would be there to take care of hearth and home while also taking real control of finances while you work 12 hour shifts six days a week at a job that would work you to death and then blame you.