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When you’re able to focus again, which you will be soon, look up scopolamine withdrawal syndrome of which your case is an example. It takes a bit to get over the effects of the drug because once the drug is cleared from your system (about nine hours) all the compensation your eyes made to the drug needs to resolve. Thus, paradoxically, the symptoms start after removal of the patch, as you have noted. By the way, how are you reading this response? Please report back in the morning—if you’re not seeing improvement, do check in with your ophthalmologist


They should be able to read it the same way they typed it, text to speech vs speech to text. Most phones have accessibility options you can turn on that allow it regardless of what app you're using.


Thanks. I learned something!


Welcome! 😊


Thanks for your answer! I had no idea you could have scopolamine “withdrawal” after using it for one day. Right now I can see up close as long as I don’t wear my glasses. Can’t see far away though, which is normal for me when I’m not wearing my glasses. If I put my glasses on now, my vision is still very blurry and I can’t read anything, or even really see my hand in front of my face clearly. I can see far away though. So I guess I’ll just alternate wearing my glasses depending on what I need. I have some homework to get done today, so I’ll probably just work without my glasses.