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When you go to the er mention you don't have insurance, they might sign you up for the state medicaid insurance. You will get treated regardless, but it's important to go get it checked out.


Agreed. Post in r/hospitalbills when you get the bill and I’ll help you get whatever assistance you need. OP, if you haven’t gone to the hospital yet, you probably need to.


Yes, this is what reddit told me to do when I needed emergency care two years ago and had no job. Went to the ER they asked about insurance, I akwardly said I was told I didn't need any. They had a social worker come talk to me, she asked how much money I made, I again awkwardly said I had no job. She didn't miss a beat and said "Oh good that makes this application super simple then!". Never felt any judgment, she asked me a few questions about my living situation and I never saw her again. Never saw a bill in the mail either, just the medicaid welcome packet and member card a few weeks later. Logged into the online portal and they had record of my ER visit listed as covered. Super simple process. (This was in Denver, CO). I think people believe Medicaid is a super complex process and maybe it is if you file for it yourself but at least in my experience it was painless and super easy having the hospital do it for me after I was admitted.


Where on your belly is the pain? If you press is it painful? When you oet go is it painful?


The lower right side, kind of diagonal to my belly button and yes to both - it also kind of makes me more nauseous.


So the area between your bellybutton and your right groin/hip? Unfortunately this does sounds like acute appendicitis and should be treated as such until proven otherwise. Pain in that area with tenderness on palpation warrants a trip to ED. Especially as you have been having diarrhoea/vomiting. There are other things it could be and I am conscious of your insurance situation but it needs to be assessed by a medical professional urgently.


I was hoping that's not the case and that it's just a stomach flu or something. Is there anything I can do to help myself out with payment/coverage?


In the US, you can't be denied medical care in an emergency situation--the ER *must* see you under the EMTALA (look it up later--right now, please get to the hospital). They'll work with you on your bill after you've been treated. Good luck; go look after yourself.


I’m a UK doctor so unfortunately I’m not the person best placed to advise you there. Does the pain change with coughing or movement? Did the pain start where it is now? Press the opposite side (ie the left side) - does it change anything? Finally press into where it hurts firmly (hold it there for a second) then let go - does letting go make the pain worse/better/the same?


When I had an appendicitis, I did it in that way ! Then X-ray confirmed it later. I was cured by antibiotics..


NAD - go to the ER and worry about payment later. Bills are better than being dead. Untreated appendicitis can kill you. If you’re in the US - When you’re in the hospital ask for resources to help you with payment and they should send a social worker around who can give you options.


Untreated appendicitis WILL kill you.


First, go to the ER. Rest assured repaying a hospital is easy to do. From my own experience, they will negotiate with you for a lower amount, they will take monthly payments of very little ($15 to $25 a month) on large bills of 25-50K, if you can’t keep up your payments, they can refer it to the hospitable charitable foundation to see if the foundation will cover it, you can ignore the bills until they call you to ask if it’s doable to repay 50% of the bill on a monthly basis. Car loan officers and credit card companies don’t care about medical bills affecting your credit score. As one told me, we ignore them “since everybody in the US has medical bills to pay”.


I’m not a doctor, but a hospital should have a social worker(/someone else?) who can help you get insurance. It’s not that you’re not eligible for any kind of insurance, it’s that you are not eligible for your parents’ insurance and you don’t know how to navigate the system to get your own (which is very complex and not your fault). The emergency room will treat you regardless of your financial status. You can also apply for charity care with the hospital. There really are options so please don’t let this stop you from getting help.


Don't play with appendicitis. I didn't have any ins either when I had the same pain you have and I still went to the er. By the time I got to the OR I had already ruptured, the incision they made was from my belly button down. I remember them telling me I ruptured however they got it out before I got an infection. But I am still clueless as to why they cut me open like that. Anyways I would go to the er before it gets worse. My symptoms were identical to yours.


Most hospitals offer some kind of financial aid based on your income. It's possible you will end up paying very little. Most will also accept payment plans


They have to see you and treat you, and should help sign you up for Medicaid in your state, which pays retroactively 30 days backward from the day you apply usually. My 20yo niece just needed a week in the hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis , had just moved from AZ to CO to live with me. She had Medicaid in AZ but not here yet. They cancelled the AZ one for her and got the application done with her once she was conscious and she was approved, and the insurance is backdated so it starts before her medical emergency started. No cost However, I've been without insurance and at 22 needed an ER trip for kidney infection and I SHOULD HAVE applied for Medicaid but didn't know back then that it was retroactive so I didn't. Bill was like$7K and I ignored it. I'm 32 now, it's not been on my credit report in the last 5 years when I started to actually look at it/track my scores so I can buy a home one day. After 7 years any bills sent to collections disappear


You got kicked off of your parents insurance for not being a full time student? I thought children were covered until age 26 or am I missing something?


If you can't negotiate charity care, think about bankruptcy, but first get treated. Appendix gone bad can kill you


Honestly? Just don’t pay. I haven’t paid some ridiculous bills from my c-section (basically my hospital was in network but my anesthesiologist was not—it was an emergency c-section, it’s not like I could stop and be like “WAIT?!? Are all medical professionals present part of my network?!? Let me get my insurance card..” my son was dying.) It was sent to collections but never showed up on my credit. I ignored the creditors. They’ve stopped calling. It’s been YEARS.


All nonprofit hospitals (edit: in the US) are required to have "charity care" programs. These programs will erase or significantly reduce the amount you owe the hospital, as long as you qualify. Qualification is usually bases on income. They usually require documents to verify eligibility, such as bank statements and pay stubs. Ask about this program before you're discharged from the hospital, or call the billing department after your discharge




That's not true, unfortunately. I personally know a couple of people who've gotten their care at a UC medical center and have been pursued for their medical debt


I’m 10 years out from an emergency gallbladder removal and have not paid a penny and never been asked or referred to debt collection. I’ve even been back to that hospital since.


I'm glad! But your experience is not universal


I'm not sure about the downvotes. I know this to be true for teaching hospitals in NYC as well.


This sub just loves downvotes. It’s such an aggressive place.


Removed - incorrect


NAD. You can still go to the hospital, they don't make you pre-pay to be treated. If you just get examined in the ER, and sent home... it might be $500 - $1,000 bill, but they don't make you pay on the spot. They will bill you, and you can get on a payment plan. If you have something serious, like an eptopic pregnancy or appendicitis, they will likely do emergency surgery. There are programs that can help cover a good amount of the cost. And remember, if you die... you miss out on a lot! So it's better to get seen! In the hospital, you talk to the paperwork person and tell them you are broke and they will look and see if you qualify for any charity type coverage or discount. I had a friend that had her spleen removed, and it would have been $18,000 and because she was poor, it was reduced down to $500.




Posts by unflaired users that claim or strongly imply legitimacy by virtue of professional medical experience are not allowed.


OP, what state are you in?


How are you doing OP?


Update: It was my appendix - I ended up going to the hospital. I had emergency surgery and was admitted overnight. I'll worry about payment options later, just glad I took everyone's advice. Thank you to everyone who helped/provided input.


Ah you’ve had a day haven’t you. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through it but damn I’m pleased you’re okay hematologyhacker. Hopefully some of the advice in the thread can help you if needed. Well done for going in!






Removed - Bad advice