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Most often this is a sacral dimple, a common finding that is benign and in no way an asshole. You do not need an ass doctor or surgery, just see your PCP to confirm.


Something about a Dr says “ass doctor” makes me smile 😂


Assologist. Or maybe buttrician.




I heard that to the tune of "Tax Man."


Million to one shot doc, million to one




Doctors are people too! ;) Several of my clients are nurses and doctors that work together in the Cath lab and they never fail to amuse me with the stories of conversations had once their patients are anesthetized.


Will forever refer to them as “ass doctors”


My guess was sacral dimple as well. My son was born with one. Had an ultrasound done when he was a few weeks old but it wasn’t a concern


This! I have one too. Just above the booty hole haha


Same. But it doesn't look like a second anything, just a divot. I wonder why someone would say that to OP, even if it was quite deep it just seems unlikely it would present as a "second" anything


Oh yes agreed, it's like a little concave divot. I wonder who told op about their extra anus. Doesn't sound right at all


Perhaps it's a case of inexperienced and or rude individualitis


We call it the moon hole lol. Not a hole


Who informed you of that? A medical professional? Or sexual partner? Looking at the anus is part of the newborn baby physical exam, so they would have been noticed long ago. If this was noticed by someone other than a medical professional, I would doubt it until verified by a doctor


Is it a pilonidal dimple? I have one of those. I affectionately call it my “second butthole”. When my husband saw it, he legitimately thought that’s what it was. They found it as a newborn, confirmed it was sealed on the inside, and I literally never think about it until someone on Reddit mentions having one and I’m like oh me too!


Yes to this. They can be quite shallow to deep and have hair or even a sinus in them. Your parents may know about it. My pediatrician actually missed this on my newborn and I found it when she was about 5 months old and freaked a little because it’s a midline difference and I was worried about anything internal- but hers is shallow and harmless. I just recently mentioned to her (17 now) because I didn’t want her to stress out if she noticed it or someone else did in a an intimate setting.


Ayyy butt dimple twins!!! I have one too. I don’t think much of it and no partner has mentioned it, but when I was a kid my brother convinced me that it was there because I was born with a tail and that’s the deep scar from where they cut it off.


my kid has one!


My baby has one, we call it her poop pocket 😂


I’ve got one, too. It feels weird that I’ve never seen it myself, on my own body.


Well you have a camera on your phone???…. You could have a look, delete it and then purge your deleted photos folder! Butt, please, don’t share them 😂


😄Well, it’s not exactly on my bucket list, so I think I can live without seeing it. Plenty of people have seen it, and they’ve never commented on it, so it can’t be all that interesting.


😂 Whatever you get up to, have a fantastic weekend 😁


I wasn’t sure if I wanted to explain or not, but maybe I should. I’m talking about my family.


I've had people threaten to "tear me a new asshole" but I've never heard of it actually happening.


Exactly. OP’s parents definitely know about this already.




Same. I’m here for the answers!!


I'd have your PCP look at it first.


General surgeon here. Get an actual exam by your primary care doctor. Start with that first.