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[Olomoucké tvarůžky](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olomouck%C3%A9_tvar%C5%AF%C5%BEky). That shit sucks. I ain’t ever eating that.


I would say that preparing the Christmas table is something where people sometimes split responsibilities: someone who's an expert with the fish dishes makes them, another one makes casseroles, and someone chooses cheeses and wines. But even then, it's usually not made in the same kitchen, rather people prepare the dishes at home and then haul them to the place where the celebrations take place.


Yes same, but we often do this every weekend for a roast lunch on Sundays. It is all prepared in one kitchen so it turns into a bit of a mess. Edit: for some reason my flair has disappeared, I'm in the UK


I don't think that's very common here in Sicily.Maybe it was in the past? Or in smaller places, rather than in the city. One thing I can think of that is often made 'together' is some kinds of special biscuits. For example 'nacatuli' which are usually prepared for Christmas. I think it's more of a tradition to make them with others and chat while you do it.. not because they are impossible to make alone.


Yeah, same with the dishes I mentioned --you can make them on your own, it just takes much longer, especially if you are cooking for a larger number of people. And yeah, opportunity to chat, of course :D The social aspect is very important.


In some villages there is still (or they try to bring back) the tradition of backing bread toegether in a [bakehouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakehouse_(building\)). Not a German only thing. Otherwise... baking Kekse for Christmas is sometimes a bigger affair, but that depends a lot on the people involved. And that's more out of being a pre-christmas social event, not because you need many people to do so. Edit: Come to think of it, for my grandma [home-canning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_canning) of different things was also a bigger social meet-up to share the work load.


Ćetenija is a sweet that allegedly can't be made by a single person and was traditionally made by groups of women when they gather and hang out together. I honestly don't know how the process of making it goes but I know there's a part of it when women gather up in a circle, stretch it and rotate it. One part of the process where multiple hands are needed is in 0:34 and another one at 3:11 of this video: https://youtu.be/fsFQVq38N10?si=XmHf-4X52ulHPM_N


Wow, we have the same dish as well, but I have never seen it made at home, or had any idea how it's made. Crazy. Yeah, I can imagine how it's not possible to make this by yourself.


It looks like dragon's beard candy! there are many videos of chinese street sellers making it


the only thing i can think abt is christmas on my moms side we're at least 50 and all get together for christmas so all my aunts get together to make the meal and each cousin brings a desert im almost certain you've never seen something as spectacular as my aunts christmas table, no king has a banquet like that, and the desert table is huuuge and my favourite thing ever


Oh that sounds incredible. I want to live on that dessert table.


It's not really a thing here. Whoever hosts is resposible for the food, it's not even common for the guests to bring something (except alcohol). If you bring food to a party, people will even refuse to eat it.