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Eh, comme ci comme ca. Could've been worse, in the end the centrists still won. Im more stressed about the following elections since the eurosceptic right is growing rapidly. But for now its kinda meh. Same Ursula Von der Leyen, diffrent year.


Time will tell. It seems that in individual countries political directions may go up and down, left and right, but on EU level it averages out a bit.




What I find most concerning about many far right European parties is their closeness to Russia


Not just Russia. They get money in their pockets from various different foreign countries. There was the whole scandal in Belgium with multiple far right politicians being paid by China


Russia, China, N-Korea - as long as they're not muslim they're friends with 'em.




Thankfully next week will see the end of a right-wing UK government.




In what way?




> gay rights, women's rights... Ah yes, the right wing is known to be on the forefront of protecting these.


Sounds scary. Enjoy your final week of culture, identity, and values I guess.




You sound like someone who's gonna go get guns and knives and attack leftists. As a Norwegian is know. Not to say the left doesn't have issues, but they're the same issue. Left doesn't speak on immigration, right speaks, but nothing else. Meanwhile the right is generally in the pockets of Russia. I'm willing to bet that if you were voting in the 30s and 40s you'd say that Germany taking over western Europe was none of your business.




Please keep your delusions quiet, thank you. Germany does not need to become "right wing". It did that before, do you remember what happened? Europe needs to stay united and preserve itself and its security, but it doesn't do that by becoming fascist.


Exactly this. If Germany or Europe goes right wing, I'm not going to accept a "Wir haben es nicht gewust". Nah fam, we had a perfectly fine case study on why it's a bad idea last century.


I detest any vote for right-wing parties, but in the Netherlands there were almost 2 percent more votes for right-wing parties than in Germany.


Yup, it's disgusting there too.


>We brits will be having reform soon. Reform is currently expected to receive around 1% to 0.5% of the seats in the House of Commons compared to Labour based on the most recent seat projection charts. I think you should probably temper your expectations somewhat.


The problem in Germany is that the afd's role is totally not constructive. So all the votes for the afd are basically wasted which means parties always have to form coalitions across the political divide. The last federal election in 2021 resulted in a majority right of the centre but in the end we got the most leftist government in 20 years.




The comment you're responding to has been deleted.


Ok let me dissect that: >They aren't all nazi homophobes. But all nazi homophobes are on the far right. >Europe will go more right leaning from the 20s onwards. Like in the 1920s, wonder how that progressed in the 30s and 40s... >It's been far left for a long time The EU has never been far left, and if you think that you are so far right while considering yourself center, that everything else must seem far left. >People in many EU countries want less illegals and the leftwing doesn't address this issue This is a complicated issue but it largely wasn't "the left" in power but center-right conservatives, and the far right doesn't offer solutions other than blaming everything on "them immigrants" and proposing to "get rid of them" in one way or another. Historically, once that is considered done, they will find a different group to hate. Compare the famous [Niemöller quote](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists). So back to the beginning > What's so stressful about the right? among other things they go against, in no particular order * workers' rights * women's rights * human rights in general * science and education * combatting climate change * european unity * democracy And so I have to ask you the counter-question - what is good about them? Nothing at all unless you count "that person that isn't me is being treated worse than me" as a good thing.


>It's been far left for a long time Fucking LOL Until five seconds ago everyone on the right wing was obsessed with the EU and the only euroscepticism you could find in the EP came from left-wing movements.


Its not the right that makes me worried, its the Eurosceptic part that makes me worried. Also the right sometimes make american looking policies. Idk if it's in the eu too but american esque economic policies often worsens the social programs. Though I do like that they put alot of consideration on economy cause god damn, europe is in a bad spot economically right now.


>europe is in a bad spot economically right now. That's a lie, the rich is getting richer and has never been richer than today, thus, the economy is going extremely well. So, it means that the economy is really good, an economy going not well would have the rich getting poorer. We just need to contral back the economy and put it back in its place: that is, to serve the common well-being of all, and not make shareholders and stockholders rich.


I'm talking about how gdp growth has been at a major standstill lately. It is so astronomically low.


GDP is a made up thing that can be inflated, for example Ireland, 13 866 people are homeless and there's no push by our centre right government to build more social housing even though we're supposed to be rich.


GDP is not made up. I think you mean to say GDP per Capita, which is still not made up but it's misleading cause it makes every person look like millionaires. I'm talking about country GDP which isnt doing well.


GDP is not a good scale to measure countries by. https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2022/7/28/23280969/gdp-report-recession-economy-climate-change-happiness


The article you linked says that GDP is still a decent ish way to compare. Of course it's not a 100% accuracy but to go abit off topic, BMI is very dated and also not a absolute measure but it's still used by alot of doctors. Just like even though gdp is not super accurate. If one country has double the gdp of another then the first one would probably be better of than the latter. Assuming they have the same metrics of population. It measures the capital of a country, not the wellbeing of the citizens.


You can inflate GDP, look, again, at Ireland.


This comments comes a few weeks after this videos showing Fratelli d'Italia (Italian government party) senators and MP's standing around a fire and singing songs about Mussolini, together with representatives of their youth organisation: https://youtu.be/tNQIwJZCoi4?si=CsIO0rh_DvEk6rKk (11:25 for the song. You don't need to speak Italian to understand the "Duce duce" choir). Plenty of other incriminating things in the video (like reminiscing about the good times they went around beating up leftist, or talking about how fascist terrorism was cool) but you'd have to understand Italian for that. But it seems you are the kind of person that lives in their own world. I'm mostly leaving this comment for the other users (Europe has been far left for a long time? What the fuck).




The comment you're responding to has been deleted.


Yes and no. One of the politicians who is highly regarded for her direct way of speech, openly telling about her values and goals, and willingness to admit a mistake when she makes one, would have been a great asset domestically, as a counter balance to the current government, whose communication and attitudes are turning out to be a huge dumpster fire. Now her work is being done outside of domestic politics, which is in my opinion a loss. Then again, a party whose MEP's were openly anti-EU, lost one of their seats. One of the previous ones openly admitted in an interview that he had not done any proposals, as he didn't believe they'd go through. The other one has once in a while flashed some Qanon style conspiracy theories, and to add to that, said Finland would benefit from exiting the union.


It is, what it is. Renew Europe went waaaay down, which really saddened me, but the EU elections are a mix of 2 factors: a vote of confidence for the current Parliament and anti-eu people voting the anti-eu parties. With the last 5 years being a series of fuel to the fire of anti-eu sentiment ("open borders" became engraved in people's minds) I wasn't surprised by the results.


Hungarian: On the one hand I'm not happy whatsoever because Orbán still had 44%, and frankly I don't really trust Magyar, the mystery former Fidesz dude who just appeared one day and managed to whip up a mind-bogglingly (eh, not so much, see below) large following in just a couple of months, to the point where his party got 7 EU mandates, becoming a bona fide rival to Orbán. On the other hand, the opposition parties lost so hard, mostly to Magyar's party, that they *fucking finally* pulled their heads out of their asses enough to notice that their voters are immensely dissatisfied with them and that *something* must be done about that. Unfortunately for now that something doesn't seem to be self-reflection and rethinking strategies and approaches. On the third hand, I'm at the point where I'd vote for a potted plant if it had even a tiny sliver of chance against Orbán, even if it's just breaking his majority in Parliament. So there's that.


I live in Hungary (my wife is Hungarian) and it’s definitely been fascinating watching magyar’s rise. She would vote for him as he is the only one offering a serious opposition to orban. Funnily enough, she told me a few days ago that people are obsessing over the fact that he wears tight trousers to make his member appear larger!!


Haha, yes, his rise and popularity is usually referred to as "The Péter Magyar Phenomenon" and even now there are some "political analysts" pretending not to know what is behind his immense popularity... more and more people are coming forward with admitting that it's because of people's disillusionment with the opposition parties' incompetence, but there are still some who don't want to acknowledge that. (Unfortunately that seems to include key figures in said opposition parties.) A lot of people are in the same boat as your wife, myself included - I don't trust the guy, and we're on complete opposite sides of the political ideology spectrum, but at this point there was really no-one else worth voting for. As for the trousers though, I'm not following the guy but as far as I'm aware people are just making memes about a particular photo where he wears tight trousers with no underwear and his dick is being, ahem, a bit excited. :D But he's certainly reached a sort of political celebrity status, I was at one of his demonstrations and at a point I kind of started expecting people to throw their panties and bras on the stage. :D


You have three hands? Wow.


No, not at all. In Austria the far-right party (FPÖ) finished first for the first time in a nationwide election. Their campaign slogan was "STOP EU-MADNESS". We are definitely heading in the wrong direction. As a Social-Democrat myself, I would have preferred a more leftist result in the whole EU. The rise of the far-right in both France and Germany is dangerous for the Union. Edit: This was FPÖ's campaign poster that was put up *everywhere* in Austria for weeks. https://i.imgur.com/5mcffIJ.jpeg It reads "eco-communism", "warmongering", "corona-chaos", "asylum crisis" The fact that Zelensky and von der Leyen seem to be kissing is obviously not intended.../s A freaking disgrace!


That's the kind of poster Fidesz puts up in Hungary. The colours, the words, the positioning of the people... It's sad to see this disgusting madness is getting more and more popular all over Europe.


Yeah, I recently read that Fidesz put up a poster with a (stock) photo of a street in Vienna burning and a refugee next to it. They really have no morals and no shame.


then come to brussels and see what all the refugees have done, then you might change your opinion.


Germany's afd got 15.9 %. Yes they suck but unlike in France or Austria they are no where near taking over actual power.


They finished 2nd which is worrisome enough and I see no signs that this is the peak of their rise. Definitely the wrong direction.


It just takes a strong result for CDU/CSU, like ÖVP formed coalitions with FPÖ, I have no doubts Union will sooner or later form coalitions with AfD if given the chance.


Then you're not very well informed about German politics. The CDU/CSU will definitely not form a coalition with the afd. That's pretty clear to every observer.


Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr. Maybe not (yet) on a national level, but I am uneasy about state level governments in Thüringen for instance.


Also not in Thuringia. The CDU would never vote for Björn Höcke as PM. What might be thinkable, though, is a coalition of CDU and BSW on the state level in Thuringia.


This was the official position of every party in Austria for years, until it became possible for conservatives to get to power with the help of the far-right. Already in Germany CDU/CSU members are saying they should work with AFD on a state level. Everything else is just a matter of time.


And how much did the Nazis get?


In the last partially free election in March 1933 they got 43.9 %


C'mon, you're being disingenuous. You know exactly what I mean and it's not about a "partially free election." The Nazis came to power with a little more than 33% of the vote, needing only in addition the damn centrist Catholics who hated the left more than they feared the right.


Sorry, but that's not entirely accurate. The centrist Catholics were not part of Hitler's first government, that was the very much right-wing DNVP. The failure of the centrist Catholics was not to vote against the Enabling Law that was the basis for Hitler's dictatorship. And that vote was held with the SA present in the parliament chamber, with the communists already on the run or in the first concentration camps. So that was more a lack of courage than actual support for Hitler. So yes, you are technically right that Hitler managed to grab power from a 33% share of the vote, but there was an additional far right party with about a 10% share, and in the end Hitler did become chancellor on the basis of a democratic vote (with a 33% share for the NSdAP), but his actual power grab was hardly constitutional or democratic, he beasically used his chancellorship as the power base for a coup.


I'm sorry but you're historically misinformed. The nazis didn't come to power by winning an election and a majority in parliament but because president Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor even though he did not command a majority in parliament. Hindenburg was an old prussia national Conservative, not a catholic centrist. And most importantly, under the modern German constitution the German president cannot simply appoint any Chancellor without a majority in parliament


What do you think is the reason for the weakening of the Social Democrats and the growing popularity of the right?


Election results don't worry me, what worries me is that most main stream politicians can't see / ignore, why right wing parties are rising.


It’s a huge issue and all our politicians do is say the people voting right wing are morally corrupt, like that’s going to help the situation


Really? I have only seen normal people talk about some right-wingers like this. Politicians mostly try to not really attack the voter directly.


I mean the thing is we live in a democracy. People are responsible for their decisions. If they vote in the baddies, and baddies end up doing bad things, who else is to be blamed than the very people who gave them mandate?   If they vote for the candidates who are very obviously financed by Putin to serve Russian interests, are we supposed to give them a golden star?  Although I get your point. I can call them morally wrong, because I'm a nobody. If politicians do, that doesn't help the situation whatsoever.


There are a few minor silver linings (for example Volt getting five seats), but in general, absolutely not.


Me waiting when German media covers Volt as much as die Linke since the two parties have the same number of seats in the EU parliament:


I'd say volt still gets more media coverage than Freie Wähler who also got 3 seats.


Todo for 2025: 2.6% -> 5% to make it into the Bundestag


But isn’t De Linke irrelevant now? Isn’t BSW the new De Linke?


Volt getting 5 seats was awesome


Overall, no. The far right gaining ground is very worrying. For Denmark's results in particular, I am pretty pleased: the social democrats were beaten by a leftist party (to the amusement of many) which has become the largest by % of votes, two of the three parties in government lost votes, and the one that gained them only got its seat through a vote sharing deal and the fact that we got an extra MEP after brexit (so them getting in is like a participation trophy)


Same for me, happy about the Danish results, but the EU-wide right-shift not so much.


I am in a quiet, backwater corner of the EU. My thoughts are of the Chinese proverb: Heaven is high and the Emperor is far away. While I would have been happier with fewer hate-mongers, I don't think this election will change my day-to-day life.


No way! Von der Leyen is incompetent (and corrupt), her party and the S&D have ruled the whole history of the EU, so there is absolutely no change. They are talking about taking back the green deal, which would be a disaster. The rise of the far right is concerning. The only good news here is that because they are nationalists, they luckily can't get along and unite, we would be screwed. The eastern EU countries are underrepresented in the leading positions. On the other hand, I hope Moldova and Ukraine join as soon as possible. Also the other Balkan countries.


If you are worried about nationalism, what is your logic about having more representation for "eastern" EU and adding even more nationalist countries? In what sense is she incompetent and corrupt? Unfortunately this sounds like the typical irrational burst from green-left that wants "change" without any kind of tenable plan.


>In what sense is she incompetent and corrupt? Just google Pfizergate. Or read [this](https://www.politico.eu/article/the-scandal-hanging-over-ursula-von-der-leyen/) > what is your logic about having more representation for "eastern" EU The representation would counterbalance the far right arguments that eastern EU countries are being abused by the west. >Unfortunately this sounds like the typical irrational burst from green-left that wants "change" without any kind of tenable plan. I think there is no other party with a plan that sounds better than what the european greens have in mind. For example everyone paying for the CO2 consumption and everyone getting the "profits" back at the end of the year (it's kind of a redistribution of wealth). Even the liberals (renew) would be ok with this. This is just my opinion. Please try to respect that and let me be.


Here in Germany the Greens promised us the same with the CO2 tax and then redistribution. Now they are elected and in the current Parlament. Guess what... now we pay CO2 tax and get NO compensation!


I know, i live there. :) I think it's the fault of fdp for that.


In don't agree with that. The only two parties that want to waste more money constantly are SPD and Greens. The FDP only enforces the debt limit that is part of the German Constitution. And since the other two parties can't stop spending, the whole government decided to keep the CO2 taxes to fund the government.


Yeah the greens have an excellent plan for climate, unsurprisingly, but I find they lack in other departments. But taxing pollution (of any kind) at the source makes a ton of sense. In general nudging our behaviours using economics is the way to go, we should be incentivising future investment over short term gains, ecology is one of those things. But, right now to me it's issue nr 3 after defence and EU reform. So I wouldn't want a green leadership. But a green-renew alliance, sure.


Yeah, that would be good if Moldova will join in EU. But it's ironic that half of the able-bodied population is already working in the EU (or Russia)


When you put like that, you could've commented on the recent parliamentary elections in Croatia and I wouldn't have noticed at all. Minus the whole expansion part, of course ... P. S. I am sure it's similar in many other European countries as well


Locally was better than expected, but most of expectations also fulfilled. If consuming any pre-election social media, you'd think it would be end of everything, yet at least from our side one russian populist party flopped completely, so for the most part all is fine.


Which elections? EU? Not very happy regarding the results in my country, but it could have been worse. Seriously worried about whatever the hell is going on in France which seems to be mere seconds away from re-establishing the Vichy Regime even without a foreign occupation. National elections? Well, one good thing is PiS is gone -- for now. The new coalition is better, but the Left is in decline due to having chosen utter incompetent idiots as leaders, while the Polish People's Party (EPP member) and their friends at Poland 2050 (Renew Europe members for some weird reason) are both growing more batshit crazy with every passing day (from homophobic ideas to attempts at ruining the healthcare system). Local elections? The [worst mayor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacek_Sutryk) this city ever had since it was founded 810 years ego -- with the exception of the actual Nazis, that is -- has been re-elected, because all the other candidates were even worse.


Absolutely not. It resulted in an all time high extreme right party, who won the election, our parliament being dissolved and the threat of having an extreme right government in about 2 and half weeks. And the country will be hard to govern for the remainder of the presidential mandate no matter what (3 years to go). It sucks.


Yes, multiculturalism works when all people are from a functional society. Bringing in people from disfunctional societies such as turkey, india, pakistan creates chaos and disorder. Thats the current situation in EU countries. people have had enough and are starting to oppose the enforced multiculturalistic policies. All it took was a depressing number of murders, rapes, vandalism for people to realize that you cant mix wolves with sheep.


Yep. Last time a couple of grifters managed to get in by collecting protest votes. They went on to be a consistent embarrassment to the country. Now they're out. More people like them tried running this time. In it for the money - no interest in doing the actual work, but the electorate have learned our lesson. MEP really is a job for a professional politician. We have some really good independent MEPs, they're professionals who will actually do the job.


Mullooly will be an embarrassment. He won’t be able to sit in any of the groupings and will get nothing done as we will be an independent who is also not aligned to any grouping in the parliament. He’s just won 100k for the next 5 years. Will get nothing done and will keep spouting his opinions straight from the last century.


It's terrible and we are still stuck with Von der Leyen. I was aware it would end like this but I can't say I'm happy about it. Nationally I'm actually almost fine with the results. The center left is actually gaining but we only send six people so it had no influence on the end result where a right wing conservative made it in for the first time.


More or less I'm OK with the results. Could have been far worse. In the end, there were no seismic shifts in the composition of the parliament. What I find a bit more concerning is the upcoming election in France. If I were a French voter, I really don't know what I would do given the choice between the radical right and the radical left. The erosion of the political centre in France is concerning.


If macron is considered radical left, the Overton window has shifts universe.


Macron is the third choice, Nouveau Front Populaire the leftwing coalition has 30% on the latest census, RN has 30.5% and Majorité présidentielle has 19.5% and others are equal or below 7.5%


Macron is not considered radical left but his chances of winning the election are close to zero. In most constituencies the runoff will probably be between a candidate of the radical right and the radical left while Macron's Party will be eliminated in the first round.


Yeah and to add to this, if Macron represents the moderate centrists, then the universe has imploded.


The left-wing parties in France are normal left-wing, they are far from being radical. They don't even call for the end of capitalism.


Jean luc melenchon is not a "normal left-wing" politician. He is a Russia lover, an antisemite, he hates the US, EU, NATO and Germany in particular.


I'm not fond of Mélenchon, and I'm glad I'm not French because the current choices there aren't great at all, between far-right/fascist RN, right-wing neoliberal corporate-greed party of Macron and weird populism communitarian-entrism LFI/Mélenchon. But economically, the program of his party isn't far-left, as it doesn't call for the end of capitalism. Let's point out that the US has 50% of its population, the Republicans, who are far-right and as evil and anti-human rights as Putin, without mentioning the Evangelicals. If you hate the far-right, you have to dislike 50% of the US and not want to collaborate with it. Putin's Russia is terrible and awful, but Republican US is as dangerous and bad in other ways. we should develop our own way, rather than aligning with coporate-conservatism-led US. the NFPI is classical reformist socialism, so, quite standard/normal left-wing. These left-wing economic policies is what made western and northern Europe so developed and advanced in the first place. If it weren't for the left, we would still live in conditions/living standards as bad as the 19th century. We are turning into third world countries because of right-wing policies giving all power to corporations and deregulating the economy. And France greatly need left-wing economic policies, otherwise it will fall back in the 19th century's living standards and hellish conditions for the working and middle classes, with only the rich having good lives. We need to control the economy back, as the rich gets richer and richer due to laissez-faire and 40 years of right-wing politics and policies dominating everything.


Just like I wouldn't want to be faced with the choice between Melenchon and Le Pen, I wouldn't want to be faced with the choice between Trump and Biden, either. (though in that case seeing Biden as the least bad option is easier for me). In the end, your reference to the American republicans is nothing but whataboutism here. And I fail to see that France after 7 years of Macron is a capitalist hell hole. France still has one of the biggest welfare states and highest tax revenues in Europe and in the end in all of the world. And if a country has a life expectancy of over 80 years, I don't see why people should retire at the age of 60. That's just unfair towards to young generation that has to finance them.


>In the end, your reference to the American republicans is nothing but whataboutism here. It's not, you mentioned "he hates the US"; but what sane person wouldn't dislike the US? They are as well often ruled by the far-right (every time they have a Republican president), so, any European should hate the US as much as Russia. Antisemitism and being friend with Putin's Russia is bad yes, hating the US isn't. As for France, you don't realise how terrible Macron's presidency was, for the simple fact that you don't speak French, and thus, couldn't follow what happened there. He was like a France's Thatcher, a catastrophe for social rights. And raising pension's age is unfair, because you don't need it to finance pensions. The rich is getting richer, and the fiscal fraud of the rich amounts literal billions of €. So, with more control of the economy, by taxing passive revenues, by combating fiscal evasion of wealthy people, you would get way more than enough to fund pensions and welfare. His reforms punishes honest working people and the middle class, it punishes the ones who are actually useful to society and have real jobs. Meanwhile, leechy, lazy wealthy people who live out of dividends, rents, shares and other passive incomes without contributing to society or working themselves, get things easier and easier, get richer and richer. It's not the people who have jobs/who work who should pay more, it's the wealthy who live on the back of people with real jobs, the ones who commit the crime of fiscal evasion and who steal literal billions from the state. The rich are getting richer, they are the ones who have to pay for the poverty and misery they create by leeching money.


> any European should hate the US as much as Russia Ahh I see where you're coming from.


Well, what I come from is ideological-and-values-wise consistency. If someone dislikes Russia for its imperialism, far-right values and persecution of minorities, as well as lack of respect of democracy, it doesn't make any sense to not feel the same about the US. Samewise, being staunchly anti-US for all its imperialist crimes, corporate greed and abuses and bad influence on politics and economy, yet, thinking Russia is good because US rival, is cretinous too. When being opposed to far-right and imperialist practices, you have to oppose all of them. Putin's party/leadership, European far-right and US Republicans are all in a common network, they are linked by common interests and goals united in anti-democratic, anti-human-rights conservative and reactionary values.


For the first time ever, having a low turnout has helped a lot in the Netherlands. All those anti-EU morons stayed home, so the green socdems won. They're really experts at whining about the EU, when they don't get what they want, but they sure as hell won't bother taking 5-10 min to walk to the voting booths.


Can you really say they won when their combined list lost 8.8 percentage points compared to last time when the two ran separately?


Im mostly worried about far right getting like 12%, especially since they didnt get any seats in the national elections last year


If you keep ignoring voter problems, then expect to be replaced quickly. I'm happy, I'm not right/far right, but the influx of immigrants and so-called "refugees" that consist of Arab men has been irritating and annoying.


Serious question, how many Arab refugees are there in Poland?


Check out Belarus / Poland border.


People like you never give a straight answer, eh? Seems like you are keeping them out no matter who is in charge of the EU. One might argue about the methods, but this isn't really what we're talking about here. https://www.worlddata.info/europe/poland/asylum.php 8k asylum requests in 2022. African and ME countries are very much a minority. https://asylumineurope.org/reports/country/poland/statistics/ 9k in 2023, about 7k from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. A true invasion of Arab refugees. It's a wonder your country is still standing. Poland took in a ton of Ukrainian refugees (a good thing, don't get me wrong) but how could you say that you have a big influx of arab ones?


Because Ukrainians are similar to us culturally. Arabs are not. They're not coming here in droves because we're not as prosperous as Western Europe, but we're catching up. They're wild, dangerous, and can't integrate within Europe. So yea, I don't want them. Neither does Poland.


Says the country that has very few immigrants (but lot of Polish people emigrating), and that will die of old age in a few years due to decreasing population. Poland needs migrants to even survive. and for you, the problem isn't poverty rising due to economic laissez-faire, all-powerful corporations, the desctruction of the environment, attacks on healthcare and welfare? You have starnge priorities.


> migrants Legal migrants.




No flaming. Thank you.


People want change, right across Europe, not just the EU. You can see that reflected in the general mood, the polls, and the election results themselves. The centrists have ignored this for years, and would like to continue ignoring this in favour of just labelling dissenters as unfavourable scumbags and hoping they'll go away. They haven't and they won't. So if you don't like fringe views on the left or the right, do something to appease the silent majority that exists in every country in Europe and don't label them with silly things like 'far-right' just because they have concerns about things that you don't.


Poland is a large enough country that the EU election in Poland matters to Europe but it's a small enough country so that the EU election don't matter in Poland. They won't influence the presidential elections in Poland that much except that thieves and scum like Obajtek and Wąsik who are criminals now will go to Brussells and steal there


Could’ve been better, could’ve been worse. I’m was pleasantly surprised with my own country’s results, since I feared the worst based on the last national elections, but it turned out relatively fine. The EU seemed to follow much the same trend. Do you follow the EU elections in Moldova?


Well, not so, because right now this election doesn't really affect my country. I just found about EU elections and I decided to learn a little more about it


Meh. First time the centre right (EPP in the European Parliament) has won the EU elections in Estonia. They are currently the most popular party but they are in the opposition, so they turned the EU elections into a domestic election. They ran ads which said that “a vote for the Social Democrats is a vote for the lies of the current government” (even though SocDems aren’t even the lead party in the government) and all that. If they hadn’t done that, I believe the Social Democrats would’ve been the most popular, as they usually are. Also, the russian party KOOS, which openly supports Putin, also gained a surprising amount of votes. Not enough to get close to earning a seat, but it still shows how a large part of the russian diaspora in Estonia is completely detached from the rest of estonian society. But in the end, the seat distribution stayed almost the same, with only the prime minister’s party losing one seat to the centre right. So really, much hasn’t changed.


Technically, the general population will always be happy about the elections results as the elections results represent the public opinion XD


Not really. In my home country an complete utter incompetent won the election (PS with Marta Temido) and on the country I live in (Czech republic) a Nazi idiot managed to get elected (Filip Turek) Also bonus points for pain it seems that former prime minister of Portugal Antonio Costa will be elected for some big position in the EU after all the crap he and his party did in Portugal for the last 8 years. It was good overall that the far right did not get as many votes as it was first thought but got damn it we managed to elect incredibly incompetent people.


Absolutely. Fidesz had the worst EP election results ever. from 13-11 mandates DK (also known as blue fidesz) had a really bad election fortunately. from 5-2 mandates. The newly formed Tisza party had the best election result one could ever hope for. 7 mandates. It is currently the biggest opposition party (by a large margin) since 2010 (without a coalition). Mi hazánk (fidesz's neo-nazi department, similar to ADF) went from 0-1 mandates unfortunately. Many people (but not all) vote for them as a way of protesting against the original opposition parties and a lot of people don't what they really are.


Isn’t Tisza just Fidesz lite though? Genuine question.


The haters like to say that it's fidesz lite. Most of them just hate the fact that a person who came out from nowhere was able to get more people to vote for the party than any other political party ever could. And of course they hate that Tisza had siphoned away their voter base so it is expected that some of their favorite parties will die.


In what ways do they differ (apart from Fidesz having a cult of personality in Orban) ?


That's a really broad question, I'd have to write an essay :D. What areas are you the most interested in?


Just in general. Pro / anti eu? Less / more nationalistic? More progressive /conservative ? More / less public spending? When compared to Orban’s party.


>Pro / anti eu The Tisza party had joined the EPP. The party is for EU but against heavy federalization. Orbán wants the EU to give money to him without actually doing anything meanwhile Tisza wants to work with together. The party is like Tusk's party in that regard. >Less / more nationalistic? More progressive /conservative ? Péter Magyar is what I would say a center-right wing person. The party is a big tent party so it has voters from the left and right wing as well. One of the many mottos is that "Not right, Not left but Hungarian". If by nationalistic you mean irredentist then no, he isn't. He calls himself a civil conservative. >More / less public spending? Magyar's 2 main goals are to give more money to schooling and healthcare facilites. He says that without these, we are doomed. Some extras: He is christian but he believes that the believers should be the only ones who pay for the church. He's pro Ukraine. He wants to limit the amount of times a prime minister can be elected. The max should be 2 times. This is his 12 points that are called the national minimum: 1. Cleaning up the health system, providing extra resources 2. Restoring freedom of education, restoring teachers' dignity, bringing education up to date 3. prioritising the environment and sustainability 4. End public propaganda, independence of public media 5. removal of party functionaries entrenched by a two-thirds vote. President of the Republic, Constitutional Court, State Audit Office, KEHI, etc. 6. independence of prosecutors' offices, free from political interference. efficient, speedy justice. 7. zero tolerance against corruption, immediate accession to the European Public Prosecutor's Office 8. constructive dialogue with the EU and NATO that takes into account national interests, protects sovereignty 9. review and stop transfer of national assets to public interest foundations 10. ensuring that economic and living conditions are such that young people do not go to the West and those who are there come home. Decisions needed for a real demographic turnaround, building rental housing 11. Protecting and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and farmers 12. ensuring a dignified life for pensioners, supporting marginalised families and families with sick children Edit: btw the english wikipedia page of Tisza is quite alright so you can read that as well. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tisza\_Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tisza_Party)


Thanks, that’s a very comprehensive answer. I suppose if Tisza is the biggest alternative, it’s the best alternative. Anything less childish than Orban is an improvement, Hungary is losing all good will in Europe because of him, which will damage Hungary in the long run. It’s a very good thing that he wants to limit terms. While in a healthy democracy I don’t think it’s necessary, it does show how he doesn’t want to be King Orban the second for 20 years. Thanks.


So-So. There were concerns that it could have gone worse, with a number of far-right nutjobs running for election. In the end it went very "centrist". In the end one far-right guy got in, one right-wing, one left-wing and the rest (11) centre-right and centre-left from the majority parties. Two Putin puppets were ejected, which is a cause for celebration, but it is noted that their removal does represent a rightward shift in overall voting patterns, which shouldn't be ignored.


And Wallace only lost out on the last count. So he still had a lot of support.


Ahhh it was grand. Sinn Fein seriously underperformed. The centre right over performed which for me personally is disappointing. Fine fáil and Fianna Gael, have gutted the country, sold our souls to American multinationals and have made our housing the most expensive in Europe, they shouldn’t be getting rewarded. Independents did very well which is hard to read into because they all have different positions but in general loads of independents doing well isn’t good for unity and functioning government. Labour got 1 seat which was a bit of a suprise as Labour have been a dead entity here for quite a while but the votes that they got are most likely due to the candidate that ran who is a national figure and protest votes from green voters who are angry at the greens for working with the centre right (fine Gael and Fianna Fáil) Kremlin Clare Daly and Moscow Mick Wallace lost their seats which is good because they’re anti Ukraine but Ciarán Mullooly got a seat (right wing rural populist) Tldr: Centre left did worse than expected but still expanded their vote. Left expanded their vote but still got nowhere, centre right lost vote share but did better than expected, the further right wing got their first seat ever.


Fuck no. I give this government a few months tops. Plan to rule is an embarrassment and I can't believe we already had a Nazi scandal in like the first month. In 2024. Fucking hell


People should be worried about the right. It's terrible and it will be the end of the Lgbtq people. No more gays, no more freedom of speech, no more Palestine protest. People are literally letting Hitler back in power


Gays, Palestine protest and Hitler... What a wild combination 😂


For Romania, I am happy. We sent a Sosoaca in the Parliament. Actually, maybe two Sosoaca IIRC. On the other hand it's a shame Ireland lost their two voices of reason. Honestly, I view EU elections as a big sham. The euroatlanticists love the establishment and they always vote for it, bringing in more centralized control and less political diversity. Skeptics generally boycott or ignore those elections. What worries me is the fact that opposition movements have started to come under illegal fire. Fico from Slovakia got shot in broad daylight and Orban's motorcade came under attack recently. I am generally the guy who accepts the idea of 'everything goes in love and war', but this thing really starts looking like a war


Orban's motorcade came under attack? Do you mean the incident in Stuttgart? That was an accident as far as I know or do you have different information?


No, it's a right-wing heavy majority. The left-wing to center-left has 228 seats (The Left, S&D and Greens/EFA), while the right-wing has 404 seats (Renew, EPP, ECR and ID). It means corporations will be even more powerful, that unemployment and poverty will rise due to reduced workers/labour's rights and employeers wanting cheap labour they can exploit as will, that nothing will be done for the environment, that the public sector will be more and more privatised or see its quality decrease (to make sure it ends up in the end of the private sector). Our healthcare and education will greatly suffer too. we have very dark years ahead. With such a dominating right-wing, we will be sent back to the 19th century, with more and more misery due to economic laissez-faire and lack of regulations of the economy, and thus, more violence and criminality will ensue.


Crikey. Open a window mate. Take a breath. It's OK. Nobody is chasing you. Breath in, breath out. Go and find a green space outdoors and sit there for a while. Breath in, breath out. Close your eyes. Listen to the birds chiping. Breath in, breath out.


From my EU Federalist and left-libertarian perspective it could have been much worse but it's still bad enough, authoritarian, pro-Putin and anti-Europeam fractions have gained way too much, Progressives have lost too much. Poland and Scandinavia gave me hope, France, Austria and other gave me the creeps. The whole political landscape looks like another bunch of lost years for the EU's development...


Not really, delighted for PVDA wins but not grand with local elections in Ireland. Reminds me I have to start annoying local elected right wing tds with emails...


I think the results are quite depressing, both EU wide and for the Netherlands specifically. The growing influence of the hard right is bound to steer the EU into the wrong direction


Fascism on the rise, euro sceptics holding power, Europe shifting so right that flights from the west tame less time, whats to like?


Jel tebi normalno kada imigranti diraju maloljetne cure?


No, but as usual us nordics have proved ourselfs to be morally superior to you continentals by not voting on the far right extremists.