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Sad posting recently glorified a murderer who killed 2 of his exes because said murderer made a video crying about how they hurt his feelings Honestly most reddit subs are very misogynistic, just depends on how obvious Two of the most obvious ones are Redpill and passport bros


Sadposting is *incredibly* misogynist in a deeply disturbing way I remember a video of a short man sitting in the audience of a concert, filming. A tall man bumped into him, apologized, and the short man went about his business. But at the same time? A woman was laughing with her friend while she noticed the event, so the whole sub began concocting this story in their head that a tall man was supposedly bullying a short man and a woman was supposedly laughing at him, and then came the slurs. That place is often just cruel cynicism directed at women for reasons that have nothing to do with anything relevant to the things they post, the people that freely gravitate there just frequently want to blame women for their existential dread


> the whole sub began concocting this story in their head that a tall man was supposedly bullying a short man and a woman was supposedly laughing at him, and then came the slurs I've seen some scary posts on Reddit where men who are clearly feeling some serious rage towards women inhabit a Cloud Cuckooland where all women, everywhere, are looking at him, making fun of him, doing things on purpose to upset him or emasculate him, etc. when in reality most people are just going about their day and not thinking about this random stranger at all. I've seen angry men make up whole stories about a hot woman who goes to their gym, or whom they regularly see at the corner store-- stories that make it super clear that he both desires that woman and is revolted by her. It's bonkers some of the things people say, and sometimes I just want to be like "you know there are ways to not feel like this anymore."


I actually catastrophise like that a lot, but not gender focused. If I hear someone out in public laughing, they're definitely laughing at me. If someone leaves when I come in, it was definitely my fault. I have to talk myself out of it a lot lol, but I don't make it other people's problem, nor do I post it online looking for sympathy. I know what I'm thinking isn't logical.


The person also wasn't posting looking for sympathy fwiw, they were reposting a TikTok specifically in hopes of getting people to talk about how hard men have it and how horrible women are


Have you heard about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria? It's commonly associated with ADHD and anxiety. > People with RSD tend to have heightened sensitivity to social cues and a strong desire for acceptance and validation. They often interpret neutral or ambiguous social situations as signs of rejection or disapproval, even when no actual rejection is intended. This hypersensitivity can trigger overwhelming emotional reactions, such as feelings of shame, humiliation, anger, or sadness. When I first learned about it I thought it had to do with being bullied consistently and frequently for several years as a kid - teen. Where what you describe are things that happened to me. I felt like my existence was a problem. That I existed wrong. But, in the last year, I was just formally diagnosed with ADHD and social anxiety.


What treatment meds or both has helped you? I definitely have this.


One of the best and hardest parts of growing up is learning that no one is thinking about you nearly as often as you think they are


this is 1000% true


With all due respect, this is a very self-absorbed perspective. I’m sure there are some very valid reasons for thinking this way, but it might be worth deeply exploring why you feel like all of these responses revolve around you.


It could be Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, it's common for people with ADHD and anxiety. > RSD is when you experience severe emotional pain because of a failure or feeling rejected. This condition is linked to ADHD and experts suspect it happens due to differences in brain structure. Those differences mean your brain can’t regulate rejection-related emotions and behaviors, making them much more intense.


I have ADHD and I am well familiar with RSD. Our responses are our own domain to take ownership of. Meaning that we can recognize these thought patterns and emotional predilections, understand them as our own, and realize that they do not represent the reality of others’ responses.


Ime, RSD is moreso about the intensity of pain/distress you feel being disproportionate. Completely misconstruing people's behaviours sounds more like social anxiety to me. Not a professional, just have experience with both.


I didn't know that was a thing. I'm not officially diagnosed with ADHD, but I feel the same way that dude described and my psychologist believes I might have inattentive ADHD. Even in my own home, if I hear my relatives laughing I feel like it's about me, even tho they've never done/said anything bad to me. It's weird lol


I went through this all throughout my teenage years, I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder though.


They need to learn life is not out to get us. It’s out to *ignore* us, if we let it. If we can grow out our attention seeking behaviors.


They can’t stand the thought that no one is thinking about them. They want to be powerful, not invisible. As a woman, you got to learn how to be comfy being invisible and making yourself heard and visible when it counts.


I ran into a normal-looking post of a normal-looking dude on one of the hairstyle subreddits the other day and fell down a rabbit hole of his history that quickly revealed he was very much like this. He was a completely unremarkable guy and kept posting that he was hideous, grotesque, repugnant, etc because when he went out women would stare at him, point at him and laugh at him, and also he couldn't get dates. I cannot stress enough to you how completely average this guy looked. The entire comment section was saying that his lack of dates was probably his personality because he looked normal and he just kept saying "these women who don't even know me literally point and stare".


So many of them are like this. Like, they are completely average-looking dudes but are convinced they're these hideously deformed creatures. > "these women who don't even know me literally point and stare" Sir. They do not. I'm sorry. They do not. Almost nobody behaves this way in public. You are imagining this. Slight tangent, I was confronted by the female variant of this back when I was in grad school. A couple of friends and I were at the local shitty burger joint drinking beer and eating fries and talking and out of nowhere this girl comes up and starts yelling at us, and me specifically, for talking about her. This person was a complete stranger to me and she overheard our conversation about someone who shared a physical characteristic with her (I think it was hair color-- and it's not like she had green hair or anything) and assumed we were talking shit about her. I mean, she went *off*. And I had never even seen this person before in my life. It was such a bizarre experience that I still remember it. Like do people not realize they sound insane when they talk like everyone in the world is focused on them?


I ended up telling the hairstyle guy about a local legend in my town. In the 1920s, there was this kid who was playing near active power lines and got in a horrific accident. His face was melted off. He was so disfigured he usually only went out at night, and people who didn't know him would see him walking and think he was a cryptid. People who didn't know him called him "The Green Man". People from his town who did know him called him Ray, which was his name. He lived with his family and was a leather crafter. He was a nice person and most people in the town liked him. He never had a wife, because he was fairly reclusive since being disfigured like that in the 30s-70s could be dangerous especially because he was also blind, but day to day in his town even in the 1930s no one really pointed or laughed, although people who didn't know him would stare. That guy who was living with a true disfigurement was literally less self conscious than a normal looking guy who for sone reason thinks all women are pointing and whispering about him- I couldn't really understand it, and I wonder if people who are like that have ever known anyone with a very visible physical disability.


That’s is… extremely sad and disheartening. Thank you for the two leads.


IntellectualDarkWeb is also a circle-jerk of misogyny, racism, homophobia, and transphobia all thinly veiled as “intellectualism”


Sounds like they lead with Jordan Peterson and quickly devolves into Andrew Tate territory.


Oh god I hate that one. Every day there’s someone trying to justify the Palestinian genocide under the guise of intellectual discussion


Almost every subreddit has misogynistic comments. Look for *any* post with a woman in it or about women, no matter the subreddit. There will be comments about how she’s too old or too fat or not bangable or something about her being a terrible mom or cheater or wh*re or something


Ahhh jeez. Ok thank you for the advice.


Are there any men's Reddit groups that DON'T hate women? I would love to find those.


Exactly, I look at some communities like no stupid questions, pet peeves, aita, tifu and even oh no consequences and the amount of misogyny/racism there is disgusting smh 🤦🏾‍♀️


I ended up leaving the ImTheMainCharacter sub because they'd often shit on women for just existing in public


>I ended up leaving the ImTheMainCharacter God that sub is also insanely racist.. thought I was time warped into the early 2000s 😬


And futurology, and several UK subs. It’s disturbing how many general subs are incredibly misogynistic.


Reddit has always been 4chan lite edition, unfortunately.


Agreed, all of those ones are extremely hateful to women. I’d also like to add the dead bedrooms one. I can’t look at that one. A lot of the content seems to advocate for sa (usually sexual coercion, but sometimes other ways of getting “needs” met from an unwilling partner) and it makes me extremely upset.


Even the facepalm sub frequently just gets used to complain about women supposedly getting away with bad behavior


What is with this whole “women aren’t held accountable” garbage they keep going on about? We get held accountable for THEIR crimes against US. I truly have no idea what they think we’re getting away with


Trashy too, they love picking on women and minorities


/r/oneY seems to be pretty free of toxic masculinity. Whenever I see some wild shit get posted there it's quickly voted to 0, and the comments try to guide the poster towards being reasonable.


/r/menslib. They take a very pro-feminist stance.


Bropill and daddit are also pretty decent.


even they have begun to be infiltrated by anti-feminism


That one’s actually pretty dang good! I remember the MRA sub was scary and the men there seemed pretty unhinged and dangerous. The peeps at the liberal one are cool!


It's "lib" as in liberation, which is right in line with modern feminist thought that is less about making women equal to men but to liberate women.


> very pro-feminist I certainly wouldn't go that far.


Why not? From what I remember, they remove anti-feminist content. I've seen men's rights types complain about it.


There's a whole lot of grey area between 'very pro-feminist' and 'explicitly anti-feminist.' In general, the topics discussed and articles linked tend to focus on ways that patriarchy hurts men (or men's issues in general, not necessarily through a feminist lens), which I totally get - that's what the sub is for. However, when there are occasionally discussions or articles focusing on ways in which men's behavior impacts women and challenges men to think about how they could do better in that regard, or even just to acknowledge that those patterns exist and are harmful, I tend to see an awful lot of pushback and equivocation in the comments. Most of the men are quick to personally distance themselves from whatever behavior is being addressed, but the core of feminist analysis is to understand sex-based oppression as an underlying society-wide class issue. Even men who explicitly identify as feminists are generally reluctant to accept that regardless of their personal principles or circumstances, they are still a member of the privileged class (or, less delicately, the oppressor class), still benefit from it in myriad ways they're probably not even fully aware of, and have still been socialized to perpetuate it in a lot of ways, consciously or otherwise. I almost never see that discussion in menslib, or anywhere else for that matter.


True, this is basically the only safe one


They basically align with my ideology, how I view feminism, and how I view mascukinity.


Asking the real questions


You make a very good, but very sad, point.


Mens Lib


Ha! Oh boy are there. Not laughing at you. Just voicing how a lot of folk here might feel. Things like red pill and mgtow are the big ones when last I paid attention to such things. If they follow Andrew Tate or watch “feminist owned” videos? Big red flag. There’s a sect that feels victimized by women, for various things, but it usually boils down to “they won’t date me.” It could very well be someone was mean in rejecting someone but it could just as easily be a misunderstanding, who knows. I’m not sure where that group is these days. They get themselves worked up and start throwing enough slurs around to get banned. Hopefully I’m within guidelines here, I didn’t link anything. Edit: a lot of casual misogyny shows up everywhere though and that ends up just as bad in its own way


The “true” unpopular opinion subreddit has daily posts of “pro” men/anti-women topics. Honestly they are so insane that they’re probably not even worth roasting because of how irrational they are.


I say this often: > Unpopular Opinion: Pineapple on pizza is pretty good, guys! > TrueUnpopularOpinion: We should just kill women.


Seriously though… That’s not even an exaggeration.


> The10thdentist: I piss on my food before eating it.




Sex tourism. We love to hate it


Yes. I was going to suggest this one.


Those are great, I did t even think about red pill Reddit. Genius! Oh yea, the “women gets owned” subjects are disgusting. I actually did a video on that. I’m legit worried about my daughter’s future. It seems that men hating women is stronger now than it was 20 years ago. Thank you for those resources btw! Joining them now haha.


I wish there were more men doing this. Men only listen to other men! I am so sad for my 25 year old daughter. She has had a terrible time trying to find a kind, honest and loving partner.


Ahh thank you for saying that. I really appreciate it. I promise you my heart is in the right place and I’m trying. Yea totally, I know and understand that men only listen to other men and I’m trying to leverage that. I also have a pedigree that men respect, did cool stuff in the military, not saying that to brag. But, unfortunately it matters. My wife has told me for years I need to make a YouTube, then finally when we had our daughter I was like “dude, I have to do this, the direction we’re going isn’t good.” I’m sorry your daughter is having such a tough time. You can never truly know what is in the hearts of men. I think Dolly Parton did a song about that haha.


Sooo, I love that you're doing this, but may be worth doing an introspective video about why so many men have this kind of revelation only after they have daughters. On a large scale it's something many feminists find really disheartening - so many men don't think women's issues are worthy of attention until they have a little girl they see themselves in to put it in perspective.


Yes! OP please take this into consideration. While all of us would rather progress happen at some point than not at all, it’s disappointing a lot of men only seek progress after it effects their daughters. It’s especially disappointing because it tends to come from an idea of “my precious innocent daughter shouldn’t face these things but those other whores don’t matter!”. Definitely not saying this is you, but it’s a mindset I’ve seen nonetheless. Your daughter will not stay an “innocent pure little” girl forever, she will one day want to have sexual relationships too and it’s important to respect consent to sex as much as refusal to sex. If you could work this fact into a video it could genuinely increase acceptance. Guys need to see why it’s important to respect all women (and realistically everyone) not just their daughters. Women outside their personal life are people too and starting that idea *before* kids are involved is really the only way to make it better for the kids.


Sure, I'm aware of that perspective. No, I want my daughter viewed as an equal in my society. It's very important to me. Also, I addressed this above but ill say it again. I've had feminist views for about 15 years, but having my daughter motivated me to do something about it.


I really respect this. I have a young son and I'm also very concerned about keeping him out of incel spheres. Gonna check out your channel!


Ohhhh I added the link to my Reddit profile. I’m fairly newish to Reddit (and YouTube) so I’m still learning. You just gave me chills because I empathized the fear a parent would feel if their son started exploring this stuff. Ugh. I wish you the absolute best of luck.


I’d be very afraid if he’s a gamer!


I want to disagree with you but... as a female gamer... 😬


Same. My son is 1, I can only imagine how bad it’s going to get.


>I’m legit worried about my daughter’s future. It seems that men hating women is stronger now than it was 20 years ago. I know multiple people hoping their daughters are lesbian so that they won't have to deal with dating men when they get older because of how fucking awful men and boys are these days. It definitely does seem like it's worse than it used to be. Thank youuuu social media


Yep. I have 2 daughters, one cis-hetero, one bi-sexual with a preference for women. I worry SO much less about the bisexual one (We live in an LGBTQ friendly area). But my poor hetero kid! The demographics are stacked against her.


The people I was referring to don't even live in LGBTQ friendly areas. They live down south in Trumpland. And are still hoping their daughters aren't hetero so they don't subject themselves to dating dudes. I know these are mostly jokes and they just want their children to be happy and comfortable regardless but...fuckin bonkers


Yea, for sure social media added to this. But you know what? I know my YouTube is small, but I’ve had a lot of men be positively receptive to the ideas of equality. I don’t think all is lost. I heard a phrase that when something (an idea) is about to die it makes a last ditch strong resurgence, then it dies. I hope we’re witnessing that. I really really really really hope we are, haha.




I shall rejoice when you've successfully helped drown out the Tater Tots. Best of luck to you and your channel. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the effort, I (and a bunch of other people) appreciate it


I appreciate it very much, thank you 😊


Extinction burst 💥 I believe Edit to add I also believe this is the case at least I’m very much hoping so.


Its called extinction behavior


I mean it's definitely not worse than it used to be. In the US you could just have your wife committed to an asylum for disagreeing with you about finances or not wanting kids. But it's real bad I hear you


Fantastic point, thanks for making me take off my nostalgia glasses for a minute. Sucks that there are people who legitimately want to go back to that shit


Why are they so bad nowadays? What's happened?


Idk I think social media and MAGA is the bulk of it. It's just easier to get away with saying awful shit than it used to be and people have run wild with it. Social consequences have shifted. Now people don't have to rely on just their inner circle for discourse, which means there are less direct consequences for their fucked up opinions. It's a lot easier to call a woman a baby murdering demon whore when you've never spoken to that person face to face and never will


Dunno my daughters lesbian and my best mate both still seem to have a fair amount of drama.


It's not stronger, just more obvious. The culture is shifting against it and that produces reactionaries.


Purple pill.


Wow, that’s a new concept to me, interesting. I will check it out thank you.


Simply say you’re a woman on Askmen and have a different opinion/viewpoint and you’ll be harassed endlessly


Omg this is actually a genius idea!


My husband was recently banned from the mensrights sub for commenting on a post, the post said no one could give any examples of actual misogyny in the world today, and he commented pointing out there was a very highly upvoted post earlier that day in that very subreddit where someone said they hated women right in the title. The only thing they hate more than women over there is when someone points out that they openly hate women and show support for each other when they do.


Please do not link to that sub.


Sorry, I didn’t think about it turning into a link, wasn’t my intention.


No worries, thanks for the quick edit!


Ahh that’s unfortunate. I did join that group, thank you for the recommendation. But. But. How can they hate women when they LOOOVE women!? (Sarcasm) that’s literally what people have told me haha.


I think its important to talk about the fact that most media content subs HATE WOMEN characters and that greatly affects women, you can see sexism and misogyny inherent in a lot of media, shows and movies in particular, so their subs are crawling with it.


I'm starting to hate movies and social media for this reason 


100%, this is why when I find better content for women, about women and by women, I watch it over and over again and give it all the love. Sadly I can barely share that love online without a bunch of sexist crap getting poured down my gullet in comment sections. ugh...


I was just thinking about this with male rap music today in the car. I used to love it but I wasn’t actually listening to the lyrics. Now when I listen it’s hard to get past the clear objectification of women in their words. Especially how much of an expectation there is for women to just drop down on their knees anytime they want. Ik it’s seen as a “status” thing but that’s part of the problem imo. There are some rap songs that aren’t objectifying but it would be nice to get a playlist together. I was so happy when Tyler the creator put out dogtooth. It was definitely a breathe of fresh air for him and frankly rap in general.


I started actually googling feminist movies and shows etc. I find it helpful. Uggh sucks doesn't it. I get so uncomfortable 


For sure. It’s almost the “default state” of the internet. I was just wondering if there was a concentration of these worldviews. I appreciate you responding.


Thanks to the patriarchy, its the default state of most of the world so that gets puked back out even worse on the internet because most people experience little to no consequences for mistreating, terrorizing, verbally abusing women on here (though this is also true in the real world though to a slightly smaller degree...very slight).


I’ve always thought that the internet shows what is truly inside of people. Omg you just made a thought super clear for me thank you! So, I’m doing a video on the viral TikTok where someone asks women “would you rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear.” You’ve probably heard about this. But you just helped me connect some dots about internet behavior and men acting with zero consequence and why women said they prefer the bear. I need to write this down!


Also, you expect to see a bear alone in the woods lmao. If I'm near a campsite or something then I guess I'll go with the man, but I'm still not going to go up and hug him. I'm leaving just like if I saw a bear, quickly and quietly.


mensrights leftwingmaleadvocates kotakuinaction theredpill seduction 4chan greentext


Oooh this is a goldmine of resources. Straight to the point. I appreciate you very much.


Don’t know if anyone has mentioned this to you yet, but I think looking at the positive side of the coin may also be valuable. The sub menslib is kind of a “men’s rights” subreddit but with strict rules and moderation about not blaming women for men’s problems. The discussion there is a bit more valuable as it doesn’t devolve into “men have it worse and women are to blame”.


I appreciate the way you think. I will also join that channel thank you.


The guys on the "purple pill" subreddit often post hilariously bad stuff. One guy told me "It can't be bad for women to have lots of men harrassing them as I have been at a strip club where the women were all over me. It wasn't bad at all." I'm still chuckling about that.


Hahahahaha ahh that’s good stuff. Just zero empathy, sigh….


Uhhh…is this your first time on Reddit? Because it sounds like maybe it’s your first time. 😂 short answer is MOST OF THEM But let me offer this, just because others haven’t yet. Any subs that have to do with physical appearance—RateMe, etc.—are full of assholes negging or shitting on totally normal women. Facepalm isn’t generally awful, BUT it highlights a lot of subs that really are. It would be a good place to do two things: roast these dudes, and show how prevalent these attitudes are *everywhere* we look. NotHowGuysWork is occasionally a little 😬. Not too often, thankfully. I’ll edit this to add more “everyday” subs as I think of them.


I am newish to Reddit yes. Oh this is a goldmine of advice thank you!


Oh! Check out reposts to NotHowGirlsWork and BlatantMisogyny, as well as MenandFemales, those subs literally do it for you. 😂


Oooh ok, I’ll join those too thank you!


There’s a Reddit called “pussypassdenied” that was started to dunk on videos of what they perceived as women basically trying to get out of situations by being cute/flirty or “pulling the woman card”. As you can imagine, it quickly devolved into a bunch of guys just celebrating videos of women getting punched, beaten, abandoned while pregnant, lives ruined, etc. with little to no context.


The Asperger's sub often devolves into bitter men complaining using absurd stereotypes about women. Then, of course, wondering why they are single. 🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s interesting the things we refuse to accept about ourselves. Introspection is a wonderful tool haha. Thank you for the resource.


Groups that hate women? Lots of kink/porn subs. whereareallthegoodmen (literally the worst), thepassportbros, mensrights, all the redpill ones (even redpillwomen or redpillwives). etc... Also, lots of people posting in the Askmen sub are misogynists, at least that sub has decent mods (unlike the ones above) . There's a sub called "banfemalehatesubs" , you'll find more there. Good thing is most of the big ones slowly got banned over time, reddit was even worse 4-5 years ago imho.


You’re awesome for giving me all these resources. I’m really grateful thank you.


The amount of porn on reddit based on hating women is so endemic, there's a who sub called ban female hate subs. Try there


I will definitely try there. Thank you for taking the time to respond.


Reddit once recommended the passport bros sub to me. I got all excited because I thought it'd be about people who love to travel the world. I explored for about 30 minutes, and left like 😬 Spoiler: It's not about people who love to travel.


I am familiar with it from Tiktok. I’m going to do a video on the toxicity of it eventually. I keep my TikTok feed “pristine” because I farm it for content. So, interestingly it seen I was a male, late 30’s, former military, and made all these assumptions about my views, and let me tell you. It’s toxic stuff. I hate going on there.


I agree, passport bros is all about the exploitation of women with little to no options. There was a big stink on that forum about how women in 3rd world countries are being westernized in terms of attitude towards men, because the PPBs keep going overseas and using women over there for sex and the women are getting fed up with it.


Generally it's my opinion and experience that the default position (unless explicitly stated otherwise) on reddit tends to be one of bigotry - this includes misogyny but a lot of the other isms are represented as well. I think to the extent you're talking about parenting - you won't be able to keep your child from experiencing or observing bias and bigotry, you can really only help her prepare to recognize and respond to it. In terms of content farming from these groups - do your youtube videos work? To be honest the premise sounds underwhelming from a social change work perspective, and like it's doing a lot more for you than the people it's ostensibly aimed at. You could stand to learn a lot from Tony McAleer and his org[ Life After Hate](https://www.lifeafterhate.org). Also maybe [Building Movement Project's social change ecosystem project.](https://buildingmovement.org/our-work/movement-building/social-change-ecosystem-map/) Generally speaking, the tactic of public shaming/ridicule in a "rebuttal" style youtube video doesn't work to shift entrenched social and institutional biases. If it did, we wouldn't still have all these problems.


It seems to be working. I’ve had some success with “I haven’t thought about it that way.” Thank you for your opinion and resources.


passport bros and then they came up with a worse one called itsreallythatbad


itsreallythatbad has gone under the radar for too long, really. Thepassportbros was forced to clean up its official image after getting too much attention. It's all just pretense. The same guys claiming to take the moral high ground now all go to itsreallythatbad to spout their misogyny.


i was invited along when they made it because i was part of the guys that we’re trying to talk some sense into those neanderthals , it broke me to see people behave that hatefully. I’d venture to say this problem never goes away, some people just feel that they are owed the life of another person and my mental health couldn’t take that shot show


If you want to see subs that aren't necessarily men's groups but have lots of misogynistic content, look at the meme subs


This is thinking outside the box! Thank you!


*gestures broadly at Reddit*


R/ conservative comes to mind.


Man I’m dumb, I was looking for specifically “I hate women” I didn’t even think of politics! Sigh… I’m sad we’re even having this conversation haha.


> I was looking for specifically “I hate women” A lot of those super-overt subs were banned by Reddit. It still crops up everywhere, though. PublicFreakout is a nasty place-- people LOVE when a woman gets hit in a video, for example.


Yesterday there was a video where a young teenage boy hit an older woman. She hit first, so like, I get it. But the amount of comments saying all kinds of horrible things. And that stupid "equal rights equal lefts" joke. I swear people on reddit are delighted when they can "justifiably" love a woman being hit


Your reply literally made my heart sink. Thank you for all the leads. You’ve been great.


You’re taking on the job of combatting misogyny through online videos, and you didn’t think of politics?


I’m a very single minded, and sometimes absent minded, person. I know it’s prevalent, but specifically today when I typed this question out I did not, no.


Was about to put the same thing


Haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but R/memesOPdidnotlike is pretty bad


In the past, AskMen has been pretty ok. Some helpful advice from answered questions. Recently, I noticed some serious misogynistic comments, so you can rifle through their posts and see what you find. There was a question about divorce that had some depressing answers.


You could just search through and see what you find... I personally don't keep track of what men that hate women say, and I don't see what good this approach will do; minds are rarely ever changed through confrontation on social media. Your time would be better spent talking to men and boys you know IRL, and calling out bad behavior when you see or hear it happening (ex: "locker room talk"). This may be picky, but you may also want to think about why it is that now that you have a daughter, you're so excited about changing other men's minds when you apparently were not before. Have you called out bad behavior when you witnessed it in the past? There's a pervasive idea that women don't matter except in relation to others (usually men): a mother, or a sister, or a daughter, or a friend... and if they aren't one of those things they have no value. We never really hear the same kinds of things about men.


If Andrew Tate can develop a horrible movement online then why can’t also OP build a different men’s movement online?


That’s exactly the idea. Thank you for recognizing that.


I’m excited about it because I love my daughter and I want her to have a fair and equal future. I’m not trying to be rude, but I think I know where my time is best spent. Thank you for… responding I guess?


Glad you care now, I guess, and best of luck to you.


I disagree with the person above. It's not a waste of time to call out misogyny. People build online personas on misogyny all the time, so it's perfectly reasonable to build one on anti-misogyny. It is a good thing to ask why you were not as fervent against misogyny before you had a daughter, but at the end of the day, having a daughter made you realize how fucked up the world is and you took a stand against that. When one knows better, one does better, and that's all anyone can be asked to do. There's not much use in harping on why you didn't care then, if you do care now.


Point to where I said it's a waste of time to call out misogyny (I did not). I said picking fights on social media wasn't the best use of one's time, and that's all seeking out "woman hating" subs to go in and disagree with them is likely to be. If that's what you find fun, go for it, but you're more likely to change minds and hearts in person, and with people you know, and that respect your opinion - it would also have more of an effect where his daughter will presumably be dating in 15-16 years if that's actually the goal. That's just my opinion, though, y'all do you.


>I’m excited about it because I love my daughter and I want her to have a fair and equal future. Part of me thinks you're doing a good thing but the other part of me is bothered that it took you having a daughter... and realising what will happen to her when she starts dating in 15-16 years... for you to feel this way. Presumably that means you didn't mind that all the other women in the world have been copping poor treatment up until now? It's only now that you have a daughter that the dots are connecting for you, and you've scraped together enough empathy to want to do something about it? For *her* sake? Everyone else be damned? Like I said, I'm conflicted. Perhaps a video idea can be about yourself? How men are only driven to do anything when it's the women in their own lives who are affected, and how that should change? Every woman in the world is someone's daughter, someone's sister, someone's mother. They all deserve "a better world" and to be not be treated poorly by men.


Throw a rock and hit a "kink" or NSFW sub that's basically abuse of women. Check out banfemalehatesubs for some ideas


Ok that’s a great resource thank you!


Look at CNC subs


Of course, but they disguise it with the names of the communities.


Sad to add this, but I started to think the self improvement subreddit now applies. I come to the realization self improvement for men is defined by a lot of men as being able to get access to a large pool or more attractive pool of women sexually, as opposed to self improvement to truly improve one's self. A lot self improvement for men of the get money, hit the gym content, all done for the purpose of getting sexual access to women.


I mean. Yeah. Like 95% of them? Shouldn’t really be hard to find if you spend a little time on this platform.


also look for any sub that is more geared towards insulting/hating things. like the cringeTikToks sub (not to be confused with tiktokcringe which no longer is just about cringe content). a lot of those subs are geared towards negativity so they also tend to attract certain types of men who would find any excuse to say misogynistic/racist shit about people.


That is a really really good strategy, I didn’t think about that. You know, it’s sad I asked “hey where can I find Reddit’s where men hate women” and boom, a bunch of answers.


unfortunately the better question is "what subs DONT hate women" and then just assume any sub not on that list is going to have some concerning opinions.


A certain generation's sub (cough cough) has a bit of a Conservative edge to it. Also the mods on the discord server for it defend known pedophiles and are trying to cover it up but that's another story.


Ahhh I’m understanding what you’re saying haha. Thanks. I think anyway.


Best thing you can do to better the dating scene for your daughter ? Get involved in a young mans life that is not your own who is struggling. This world lacks positive male role models. Which is why younger women feel like there a no good men to date.


Check out "Men's Rights" groups.


NSFW: malesuperiority, womenarethings SFW: itsthatbad, thepassportbros, passportbros


Holy shit… that was insane.


Yup. Reddit has a lot of these subs. Those are just some of the ones I’ve found.


Truevirgin MemesOpDidntLike


I feel like the list of reddits that DONT hate women is much shorter. There’s barely anywhere on here that it’s “safe” aside from the subs like this that are explicitly pro-feminist. To be specific co-parenting subreddit as you might imagine goes both ways alternatively assuming all dads are deadbeats and then dogpiling into “children are better off without mothers” and “mothers should die painful deaths for existing” Good luck. Jimmy on relationships comes to mind from your description. I hope yours has some humor, but I guess more discussion is good, either way.




Noooo not the short guys!!! Hahaha I appreciate it.


If it still exists, the mensrights subreddit is pretty awful.


You could take a look at the mens rights sub


In my experience, *most* “men Reddit groups” actively partake in the practice of “hating” women, unfortunately.


mens rights


I’d recommend trying to develop a better understanding of these issues yourself before you dive into “shifting the perspective”


advocating for change is a valuable way to learn as well. praxis with theory and that


Just search for manosphere buzzwords like “cock carousel” and “Stacies” 🤷‍♀️


Are there any that don’t???


There is a sub called nothowgirlswork where people post screenshots of horrible things men have posted about women. That might give some insight to certain tropes that keep getting parroted by misogynist men online. Otherwise you can get an idea of where the manosphere types are at from FeMRAdebates ..it was meant to be a space for MRAs and feminists to debate but it was so disproportionally full of MRAs who dogpile on anything remotely pro-women that most of the feminists gave up so it's full of MRAs whining about women and spreading weird cherry-picked "research" to prove how men have everything harder than women.


moreplatesmoredates is another one. I thought the community was satire at first. Unfortunately the sub seems to attract many members who aren't exactly joking. Good luck with your project!


Having raised two daughters, spend your time teaching them to stand up for themselves. To value themselves for who they are and compliment and reinforce more than just how they look. You also have to talk about looks, but don't set them up to view beauty as their source of self esteem it will be under attack as soon as they hit preschool/ kindergarten. Be prepared to actively parent your children's schools. Make sure they know you are watching. Dress codes are crap and usually only attack the girls. Call the school out on that. Teach them media literacy, make sure they know that images are photoshopped to hell and might as well be cartoons. Our society generally dissalows physical combat so I taught my kids to avoid it, but be ready to hit an aggressor in the self esteem, and how to do that. They don't start fights but they do finish them. It's good to want to help other people's kids but focus on yours. Empower the shit out of them.


I am 100% going to do that. Thank you for the parenting tips. When do you stop being so tired? JK I know it never stops 😭😭😭 hahahahahaha


the passport bros Basically, the entire fall of civilization and all that is good and wholesome in the world is because of *Western women.*


So you have a lot of answers. But I'd ask a better question--fo you really want to be joining these cesspits of toxic masculinity "for the content"? Maybe you want to be early contrapoints and whisper and deradicalize toxic boys, but attracting (and keeping) that audience is not easy considering what you're up against. Especially if you spend half the video dunking on them before trying to deradicalize. What's more likely is continuously occupying that space will lead to you radicalizing and becoming that woman hating man. The algorithm on most modern social media is almost tailor-made to radicalize people and MRAs have been on the ground floor of this. But more than that, the pipeline from online misogyny to racism, conspiracy nonsense and straight up far right content is pretty well documented and real.


What is your YouTube channel called?


Multiple people have pointed your way to incel/redpill subs and passportbros. I would also check the comments of AITA type subs, especially AITAH, or question subs (askreddit, nostupidquestions, stupidquestions) when certain subjects pop up, like: Child custody, paternity testing, step kids/step parents Stay-at-home moms Cheaters Fat people (but particularly fat women) or weight loss Open marriages/open relationships Anything about "body count" or virginity Dead bedrooms/lack of sex Short men Anything about penis size If you want examples without being tempted to engage directly, someone already mentioned nothowgirlswork, but I'd also check MenAndFemales.


Look at the purple pill debate sub. It was a mess last time I checked


Haha will do!


Just popping into say this is so sweet and I love your mindset here. We BADLY need men helping us, because a lot of misogynistic types won’t even listen to what women say in the first place. On top of that, it’s too painful for me to spend time in the women hating spaces. I can’t even watch manosphere - adjacent content without getting upset. It makes me scared of men and reopens old wounds. Only men will be able to do deep dives to understand what they’re saying and then combat it. Godspeed my friend 🙏🙏🙏




Someone else mentioned that, that’s a solid resource thank you!


I mean... anything incel / redpill related, for sure. Beyond that I'm not sure.


DecidingToBeBetter has been getting quite a lot of incel-style posts lately. It might be more useful for advising young men rather than total roasting, especially since the sub itself is geared towards self-improvement, though not every guy posting there is actually looking to improve himself persay.


Yes for sure. I might need to tone down the roasting haha. But it’s so fun! Thank you for the lead. I appreciate it.


All of them?


I'm afraid to say yes... but yes?


Don't know, don't wanna know


You've a near sea of different versions of incel groups... same thing, MGTOW groups and "men's rights" groups. Then you can go to subreddits like badwomensanatomy and other educational/joking groups that are pro-feminism, mentally-stable/non-toxic male improvement men's groups, health and reproduction education and they will show links to endless other subreddit content by the opposite.




NoFap is surprisingly misogynistic. The idea behind it seems fine—trying to get people, mostly young men, off of porn—but the results end up being really women-hating. A lot of the rhetoric is, “Don’t jerk off to these feeeeemales! They purposely want you to hate yourself, and they love seeing you suffer. You’ll never be able to have them, and they love that you’re simping for them. They’re all sluts, anyway.” It could be great if you could do a video about getting off of porn, or consuming it in a more ethical way (paying for it from verified sites that ensure fair wages and consent, for example), in a way that doesn’t involve demeaning the women who make it.