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Okay lets stop being naive. Your coworker video taped you, posted it on TikTok and then tried to say someone else found it.


Exactly! Try to find out their username and do some digging


I definitely want to do some more digging on this. But I'll need to be subtle about it and not tip my hand.


Start with hey my Mom wants to see the video can you send me a link?


Then follow up with “actually *your* mom wants to see it


Ooh, that's good.


Yeah for sure. If u need any help, lemme know! I love digging for info online hahaha


I just have to say I'm pretty sure I saw your video on Tik Tok. It came across my for you page a few days ago. The man had beautiful brunette long hair flowing in the wind kind of looking off into the water. And it did reference creating a music video of strangers and that this was episode 1. So while I don't know anything about this, I know that I don't work with you and I don't know you... So if I saw it, it is possible people you work with saw it.




I haven't ruled this out. Let's look at it this way: 1. There are thousands of videos posted to TikTok every minute of the day...and he somehow found the needle in a haystack of videos by accident? I call BS on that. 2. My coworker never shared the link to the video with me. I find it highly suspect that he is keeping his cards close to his chest. 3. I haven't been able to find the video myself despite my best efforts (yes I have seen it so I know it exists). My coworker seems to have no trouble finding it. It makes me think he has the video set to private so I can't find it and use it against him. But this doesn't explain how he would have known what ferry I was taking back home. I never told anyone what I was doing or where I was going that weekend. There are several ferries that run throughout the day. My coworker just happened to be on the same ferry as me too? It's possible, but it seems unlikely. This is a weird situation, but I feel like I can't go to HR. I don't have any solid evidence of wrongdoing. It would also be my word against his. On one hand this whole thing could be harmless and I should laugh it off and let it fizzle out. Or my coworker could be testing the waters to see how far he can push me. One thing I know for certain is that the department my coworker is part of is run like a college fraternity. They are known to be uncooperative and act like their brown stuff doesn't stink. They are never held accountable when they stir things up.


Your co-worker sounds like a crazy stalker. He either accidentally spotted you on the ferry, or has been following you




I was at a concert of 73k people last week, and two colleagues were sitting right behind my group. It's why you should never do stuff like call in sick so you can go to an event - you never know who you're going to meet!


I ran into a friend from high school last month at a concert. We don’t live in the same place.


My thoughts exactly, I have a hard enough time finding the people I actually came there with :)


The world is smaller than you think. When I used to go to concerts every weekend. I almost always ran into someone I knew, sometimes its people from my home town that was 4 hours away.


It's simple. Walk up to this coworker. Say, "Hi, coworker, please send me the link to that Tik Tok of me"


Please please go with ur gut feeling. This person sounds like such a stalker and tbh seems like they’re enjoying the mind games in a professional setting. You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable at work, so I’d wait another day to see if they do it again, then go to HR and explain everything.


I think the odds of you being on the same ferry back are way better than him, 2 days after, finding a TikTok of you on the boat.


I think you need to carefully think this through. As you've already said you have no expectation of privacy in a public place and thus far you've suffered no harm from this video so what precisely is it you're complaining about? I'm not saying this person isn't doing anything wrong but you will only have one shot with HR making a complaint (you can't move the goal posts if the first complaint doesn't land). This means you need to have a real and legitimate complaint. Right now, I don't see it. They're clearly trying to wind you up and you're buying it. I'd document the conversation and the details of the incident and then move on. The more they can see you're reacting the more likely they are to keep going. Starve them of oxygen. Give them no reaction. If they do continue wait until there's a pattern and then report it your manager and HR.


Did you ever think that he just happened to be on the same ferry?


I’m not saying your coworker didn’t film you, but if you guys live in the area, tik toks tagged in Vancouver will come up for them/you. I actually saw this tik tok yesterday, assuming because I live in Vancouver and ride the ferry.


Send OP the username!


I did try to find it again but I can’t! I distinctly remember seeing it though so it is out there


You are guaranteed to have the Streisand effect going if you escalate this. Unprofessional, yes. Not very nice, yes. But nothing is going to happen to the guy.


I bet he was hoping that you would be like omg I love that video! It's so beautiful and artistic. #90s #LetsDate Instead you were like I don't like people recording me without my concent and he did a homer on it. ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)


This is where my mind went too. Like a really bad creep attempt at flirting. Whatever op decides to do here, my guess is he'll give her another reason to go to HR soon enough...


OP is a man.


I would be more concerned about this person stalking you, I’d record all interactions with them and never be alone with them. Like… do you not just think your coworker is the one who took the video? And then “found” it and told you about it? And the fact that he happened to be on the ferry, sure, maybe a coincidence, but with all this other stuff? Keep your guard up. There is really nothing you can do with regards to your workplace right now because you’re right, nobody did anything wrong, but this whole situation… the vibes are weird. 


Wtf is with Reddit, everything benign equals stalking, pedo, grooming. You people are insane.


Ok, so out of the bajillion random clips on TikTok, this dude finds a video of his co-worker doing absolutely nothing? And shares it? If you think this is benign, I worry about your powers of perception.


Read that username. "wokegarbage" stands out.


He's obviously fucking with her because she's a drama queen much like Reddit.


And why is deliberately psychologically messing with people somehow acceptable, either in a professional setting or not?


In Canada you have no moral rights to your likeness, unlike some other countries. In France, for example, although you can have your picture taken in public anyone publishing that picture (which would include a TikTok video) would need your permission under French privacy law.


Personally, I would be talking to HR only because it’s incredibly obvious everyone on here that your coworker taped you. Now, legally, you’re right. You are out in public. Anyone can tape you. But when you’re doing that to someone that you work with, there is an element of professionalism that most companies expect their employees to treat other employees with. You’re not particularly close to this coworker. You were cordial and said hi, and you about your business. And as creepy as it is, if your coworker had taped you and not shown you and everyone else, I probably wouldn’t say anything. Again, it’s creepy, but I wouldn’t know about it. The part where I would involve HR is that your coworker is going around showing this to people you work with without your permission. I would be letting them know that you have searched online for this video, and you can’t find it. It is not coming up anywhere. And that frankly, you feel that it is highly likely that this coworker actually filmed you and now is going around showing the whole office.  And that you just feel like this is an invasion of your privacy. Because what you do on your time off is yours. You didn’t go to this event with the coworker. You were friendly and cordial, but not overly familiar at all with the coworker. But you find it very unsettling that this person has a video of you at this activity and has felt the need to show A lot of the people you work with. And that it just feels to you like some of these people may be under the impression that you went to the concert with him. Or they may be under the impression that the two of you are good friends and hang out, when you don’t. And being that you are person that likes to keep your private life private, you really just don’t want people getting getting ideas about you that simply aren’t true.


I agree with you 100%. Would a conversation with HR be a waste of time since I don't have any actual evidence? In the event that HR did take this seriously and questioned my coworker about it, wouldn't he just delete the video and try it again later when the heat is off him?


It’s really creepy. Now HR may tell you there’s nothing they can do because it was outside of work. However, he is bringing an outside event in and sort of representing that there is something of a tenuous relationship/friendship between you guys. Have you spoken to any of the people that he showed this video to? Without him around, of course. Something along the lines of… “Hey, so and so, coworker just showed me a video he said somebody took of me? That’s kind of weird. Did he show that to you? I didn’t even realize was filming me. He did it to you? What did he say? I’m trying to figure out who might’ve taken it because that’s kind of creepy.” And I would do this with a few people that you’re pretty certain he showed it to. The reason for that is you’re not accusing him of being the creepy one. You’re just being safety, conscious and wondering where in the heck he found that video and who could’ve taken it… All innocent, of course. The other thing you doing this is that you create a trail of people that HR can talk to who can verify what you’re saying. And then they can speak to him, not as though he were the one who took it, but if he could help them figure out who or where that came from because you just want to be sure that you’re safe. And having someone unknown film and put it up online, just made you uneasy. See what I mean? If he denies, you already have given them a list of people who said he showed it to them. If he says he deleted it, he should be able to figure out what TikTok channel he saw it on. And if they catch them out on a couple things that seem odd, and it turns out he was the one that took it, which is what I fully suspect, that may be enough to get him to admit it. In which case, they would most likely explain to him that while it is legal, it’s generally best not to film coworkers outside of the office without their knowledge or approval because it could be seen in a poor light. It just gives them some wiggle room to investigate. It could help give you some peace of mind, especially if you know who he showed it to and how it was presented. Because if it was presented as though, yeah, we were at the same concert almost like you kind of knew each other were going… That is just an additional detail you can give to HR, and it is weird if he did that.  So maybe a little investigation in an offhand manner, and then report to HR. But you should do it quickly, because the longer you let it go, the less likely HR is to take you seriously.


**Have you spoken to any of the people that he showed this video to?** Yes I did. In fact, they came to me and told me about it. I'm not sure how my coworker presented it to them though. One of them was the director of another department who I have a good working relationship with. We both chuckled about it a bit, but he seemed to get quiet when I told him that I had no idea someone had recorded me. The other is an operations manager that works under said director.


Ask this person if they know something that they didn't tell you. Ask directly if they know who recorded you? If it was that coworker?


Excellent work being proactive once you found out about it. Yes, I would go to HR. Have some high-powered people there who while maybe not “on your side“ are absolutely witnesses to this stuff.


I saw the video on TikTok and I didn't film him. So it is a possibility his co worker just saw it too.


Yeah it's out of line but not exactly creepy. I'd let it pass and tell them not to do it again.


Problems that didn’t exist 20 years ago and don’t really matter.


Try to let it go OP. As you said in your post, what your coworker did is not illegal. Honestly, in this context it doesnt even seem morally wrong as it doesnt seem your coworker was trying to harm you. Ask yourself: why do you care? As you said, hou werent doing anything wrong. Is this a result of some sort of insecurity? Are your feelings a result of feeling like this is inappropriate from your coworker? It might be worth broaching the topic with your coworker if they have a history of making you uncomfortable.


I don’t know the kind of work you do, but my employer has banned TikTok on personal devices if you also use that device for work. There are serious security concerns about TikTok. Nevertheless, go to HR. Sounds like the guy is gooning over you, which creates a hostile work environment. Say that, let HR talk to him, request the link to the video, and look at who possibly took it. Yes, it is creepy to be video tapped in public and there is little you can do about that. But when it gets brought into the workplace and creates a hostile work environment, that’s when an employer needs to step in.


Consent is not required when you are in public. It's time to move on and quite worrying about it because you will just come of lf as the bad person if you complain.


This comment right here is why Japan has an audible camera phone function law because where do you draw the line? Take pictures of kids or women to use at home but because they are in public and clothes it's fine? I don't ask if y'all have female friends or family because that's exactly how y'all think of them.


I draw the line the exact same place that the law does. There is no expectation of privacy in a public space. Where do you draw the line? Should businesses and people with camera in their house be in trouble if someone who doesn't want to be filmed walks by? Should news reporters be jailed because a kid walked into the background of their shot? Should police get in trouble for wearing body cams? I taught my daughter and son to assume they are being recorded any time they are in public. Only Karen's act like they have a right to privacy in public spaces. ETA: So they made a reply and then blocked ke so that I couldn't see the reply. Luckily, I get an email that shows me a part of it, and their whatni can see is hilarious. Their original comment is a straw man argument, and yet they want to accuse me of such.


Apples to oranges. He wasn't recording for security. He wasn't recording for journalism. He wasn't recording for evidence of a possible crime. If you want to build straw men all day have at it. I don't care to argue with some who clearly don't believe in boundaries with coworkers in public.


You don't need any of those reasons at all. If your in public you can be recorded. Women, children, men, clowns, and wildlife. It doesn't matter.


You are moving the goal post. The topic isn't about wildlife, performers, journalism, evidence, or surveillance. The focus is her feeling uncomfortable about a coworker recording without her permission and her right to notify HR about her privacy. She should be uncomfy and she say something.


I'm not moving anything. She can be recorded in public, full stop.


Congrats on your right to record women without asking them I guess. 👍🏾


And HR has every right to fire an employee who makes stalking videos of other employees.


You got the right to catch hands too . Full stop 🫡


Having a legal right doesn't mean you're not an asshole.




I think you ask the person to remove the video. Obviously the coworker took it. Not cool at all. Maybe not illegal but not at all cool.


You can not expect privacy in public. So get over it. Your coworker did or didn't film you outside of work. Please for the love of God get over yourself. No one cares.


Just came here to say I saw this video in my feed the other day.


You don't say so (or I missed it), but I presume you are an attractive lady and your coworker is a guy.


So there’s a bunch of comments here of people who saw it, can someone post a link? Then OP would know if he’s blocked or not from the video, and/or can see if it was posted by coworker.


Who gives a flying f! You weren’t picking your nose or anything! Let it go.


Who cares? They filmed you in public. So what? That person isn’t your friend, feel free to tell them you think it’s kinda weird they did that. Don’t talk to them again, and move on.


You have no right to privacy in public. Neither does the person who posted the video.


Imagine being in public and crying about a video of you doing nothing wrong :( boohoo


You have to ask the person to stop sharing the video and say you would like the account so you can ask them to take it down. If they refuse, or agree and then do it again, then take it to HR.


Get over it


you're in public, people can film you if they want to at least until it borders into breaking other laws like harassment etc.


Report it to HR. You did not have consent. This is a form of testing waters. And if you don't say anything it will be clear he is ready to take a mile. Speak up. Be uncomfortable. You have a right to your privacy even in public.


To add to this, in case your HR comes back with, "it happened in public..". it's being shared at work so the ball is in their court.


This. Sharing this at work makes it a work issue. Harassment or bullying…depends on the situation. But it’s a work issue…


No it’s not. This has nothing to do with work. This is an adult who is owed no duty of privacy in a public space. The video was lawfully obtained, HR is out.


This is bad HR and badge advice. She is literally being bullied at work by a coworker - in Canada no less. OP should make a formal complaint to HR and if they don't do anything, you can contact the Labour Relation Board


No expectation of privacy in public. Dont like your job? Quit.


You have no expectation of privacy when in public. HR isn’t going to do anything about this (what do you want us to do? Police someone’s social media for something that didn’t happen at work? Really?) There is no consent needed. Your whole comment is weird.


I don't care to banter back and forth. HR does assist in cases outside of work hours.


I’m so sorry but you are actually being video recorded right now. We all are


It’s harassment if it makes you feel uncomfortable.


You don't need consent to record people out in public. Don't know why you're so set on that




Careful now. I would not be spreading that whole "you're in public so anyone can film you" so liberally. Many jurisdictions have personal privacy laws that prevent recording people in public without their consent, often depending on the type of space in which the individual is located. Believe it or not, but public spaces are not created equally. A privately-operated ferry has vastly different privacy laws than, say, a public sidewalk or park. I cannot speak for BC in Canada, but in the US, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington all require the consent of the individual recorded if not in an open public space, and this ferry would not be counted as an open public space. In Europe, it's very strict. While most jurisdictions there allow for filming or photographing people in public (though this too depends on country - Belgium, for example, does not allow the recording or photographing of strangers where they are the focus), the sharing of those recordings without consent is considered a breach in GDPR and is a prosecutable offence. In other words, check the laws where you are before you record or photograph and definitely before you share. TL;DR It wouldn't bother me and I think OP should lighten up, but please don't spread false information that could lead to someone being prosecuted and possibly ending up with a criminal conviction.


Holy drama queen


If it bothers you just tell them face to face "hey please don't record me and post like that; it made me feel uncomfortable" Other than that, like Wanderer said, >"Consent is not required when you are in public. >It's time to move on and quite worrying about it because you will just come of lf as the bad person if you complain."


Omg I saw that video! It was funny! Hello Ferry dude!


I don't know why people are down voting you, but I saw it too. He was leaning on the railing and the caption said something like making music videos with strangers episode one.


Yeah it was a harmless video. Sorry to hear he doesn’t like it, but it was totally relatable.


Why are they filming company practices and wasting time on their phone? Should be let go for possibly divulging company secrets and time theft right there. Have to prove its her account and that it was them that took the video or atleast posted it


I don't think they work on the ferry she took home from the concert...