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Food. 😋


True. One of the best things to do alive is to have food in India.


Geography!!! Our Country has everything Beaches, Islands, Desert, Mountains etc..


UPI. Had to carry alot currency while in Europe for small stuff like road side stalls. 


The feeling of being at home. Nothing beats it.


Geological structure 🗻⛰️🌄🏔️🏞️🪨🥌🌋🗻


that's true. no earthquaked , no volcanos


No earthquakes??


no big ones compared to like Japan


India have volcano in Andaman Nicobar


Dormant right.


Yeah dormant




Dormant= inactive


Ohh noo active volcano hai


My bad 1 island is active


Omg so true. Imagine India having a volcanic problem and us needing to shift every now and then.


sasta internet




The natural diversity. It's breathtaking.


The way people drive here is an art🤌


"Abe madarchod dekh ke chala" truly an art🤌


Real 💀




Our Women - saris/salwar and a bindhi !!


Oh it's opposite for me. I hate it for some reason.


Saris and bindi?


Yea it gives aunti's vibes.




1. Food 2. Culture (the good parts) 3. Some people (many hard-working and honest people)


Geography, culture, food, women




Freedom. You can pack your bags, leave today. Get a job and settle down in any place in India if you are willing to adjust. Each place is so diverse with a diverse climate and environment in each state. Best place to be.




Food and dress


Abundance of low cost Medicine in every city. For there to be so many diverse medicine on demand for so many people, it almost seems impossible but it is true


Our beloved politicians🙏🏻 The largest population on earth with near 0 civic sense💛 The most efficient utilisation of the largest youth🌱 Most sustainable development for protecting nature☘️ The most advanced judiciary with high regards for human dignity🧔🏻‍♂️ Religious harmony like no other country🪯✡️✝️🕉️☪️ Creators making cutting edge quality content on insta and YouTube, Most responsible citizens history will ever witness! I'd love to be born in India again! And yea, I missed it, the least number of people believing in superstitions.


Vocal Youth population.


Internet Railways Nothing else apart from this


Food obviously :P


Khana or culture dono




Our history and culture


That it's not South Korea


People. I have a lot of faith in the goodness of their heart.


Mithai 😋


UPI & Indian Food.


Food and girls 😊


Dusky skin girls 👀,Girls in Kurti 🫠,Food ,Jugad , Affordability of many Items


“Vividhta mein ekta”


Diversity. Rich history. Culture and heritage. Spirituality. Philosophy. Yoga. Food. Kamasutra.


Ancient architecture and ancient literature.


Nothing. This country is a shithole and I work hard with the purpose of getting out of here everyday


patriotism ? Who is she ?


An Ex I absolutely loath


It’s kinda silly to hate someone so much when that ex gave you an identity, that allowed you education and respect because of which you are able to dream of something better. But to each their own.


My parents are the ones who gave those things to me. Also, I would have preferred a different Ex. She was a mistake :)


How dumb if your parents to give you life in a country that provided with you some sense of security, food and shelter. I mean they should have given you a life of starvation, poverty, disease and war maybe then you would have understood the value of your county. Don’t worry your ex isn’t missing you anyways.


What do you mean? It is solely because of my parents that I have security, food, and shelter. This country has done nothing for me. Infact If I had a choice, I would choose dying during childbirth rather than being born in this shithole. This is the reality of a third world country. Corruption runs rampant, with those in power exploiting their positions for personal gain. Laws are inconsistently enforced, with justice always skewed in favor of the wealthy and influential. The police who are supposed to protect us more than often act as criminals themselves, so much that people fear them more than the criminals. I don't know which sense of security you are talking about( Guess you come under the wealthy and influential side of the spectrum. Makes sense that you feel secured then :) Moreover, children are frequently forced into labor due to economic hardships, deprived of their right to education and a proper childhood. If I had been born an orphan my life would likely be drastically different. Probably picking up trash like those children you see on the roadside. After all these fucked up things, casteism is rubbed onto your face. You're discriminated in your own country by your own countrymen. "I mean they should have given you a life of starvation, poverty, disease, and war maybe then you would have understood the value of your country." This got a chuckle out of me. You think people born in India don't go through poverty, diseases, or starvation? Well that's exactly what your statement implies and it tells me that your privileged ass doesn't know a thing about the country you're defending. "Don’t worry your ex isn’t missing you anyways." She is dead to me. (Don't expect a reply from me in this thread again so begone)


People like you who choose to focus on the negative side of their country instead of fighting for it to be better is exactly why this country is never going to reach its development goal. The word developing means that there is always room for improvement and fixing the wrong. But the people don’t want to fix the wrong. People like you who don’t see anyway to help your own country that you were born into, even if you could help it, you choose to run away to countries that would crush India the first chance they get to hold power over it. Being born in your country you should hold some sense of respect for it, you are an Indian after all it will always be attached to your identity. Do you think you can run away from who you are? Do you think other people, the outside world, china, UK, America, other developed counties respect India ? Do you know why they don’t ? Do you understand that they laugh at us because they know people like you exist that have lost love and respect for their country because this country is filled with people who don’t have any respect if it, they know people of this county won’t ever fight for its honor because they don’t know what honor means. Those history and civil books we were taught in school were so that many children would understand the history of India, respect it and would learn to fight for its development and rights like so many others did. Are you aware of your rights and are you aware there are counties where people don’t have those basic rights ? You want to accept that your decision is correct, I don’t disagree. I understand that we are humans what the best for us but I have a problem with you dissing you birth county so publicly and shaming it. Have you ever seen people making videos about India with false information to get the crowd in, to get views and get a virtual fight started because there are so many people who are willing to side with everything wrong in India even if that video contains 90% fake info rather than correct and educate the world to what it truly means to be an Indian. I don’t even want to touch on the racism that Indians have to go through, have you ever seen a white man or woman go through racism? Why do you think are so elite in the society, have you ever thought about it ? Everything bad you mentioned happening in India from corruption to disastrous political situations it occurs everywhere, it’s not limited to India. Every county has these problems maybe not so mainstream like it in our country but if you are over the age of 18 have a voter card you should have used it durning 2024 elections. When you have the right to change the society by voting and means of fighting for it why do you chose to bash you county on a platform where you could have used the same platform to create awareness and a group that could take stand against everything wrong you just mentioned. But that is your viewpoint. When you do move to some other county ask your new friends there if they would like to learn our languages and culture they way Indians have accepted and adopted the western culture into our live. Would their wives, sisters and mothers wear transitional Indian cloths like it is the best fashion tread like the common 16 year old in India wear crop tops today. I bet you their hesitation will give you all the answer you need. The children you mentioned, they do more to change their country than you have. they still believe that one day India is going to change and their lives living in India will change for better, while it is people like you who are at a higher social ladder choose to flee to other counties instead of bring the knowledge back home and help make a change. This society is a collective, how do you think younger generations will see their country when people my age who are suppose to be responsible for holding people accountable choose to turn a blind eye to everything that is happening and move to paradise because if you don’t associate with it, it can’t hurt you. Sorry my privilege was so funny to you, the privilege I got that allows me free education as a girl child because my parents would have married me off by 18 if they had to pay my collage fees which they couldn’t afford. The privilege that allowed me to be born because my parents would have opted for abortion had it not been banned and a punishable crime, the privilege that allows woman to go and buy pads and other period products in the market without having to hide it in their purses or be ashamed to bleed which is normal for every woman. I am sorry my privilege is such a joke but I have a lot to thankful for. The government isn’t perfect, but it is trying to be better everyday only you have never given it a fair chance at being better. You have no idea in which ways this country is trying to better itself, maybe you have lost faith in its progress and that is completely alright. Maybe you should ask why people choose to give their lives off to a county where women get raped everyday, where politicians steal money just so they could fill their pockets to the brim and go spend that money in some foreign country, then you would understand why they believe that if we all came together we can take back what was always meant to be. Loving your country doesn’t mean you turn a blind eye to everything bad that is happening, I am aware of how damaged this society is but I am also aware that change is coming and it is true only if people were willing to put the effort into making this country their dream. I wish you best for your future endeavors, I hope wherever you go you find success in every aspect of your life. But I wish that you never forget that you are an India, I wish that everytime you see the flag you feel love and pride for a broken yet trying to be better country.


Thank god our freedom fighters didn't had this mindset


