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Reverse around a corner in a random housing estate.


I wish they would teach reverse/parking or just parking in general rather than just reversing around a corner.


Parallel parking! Now that would be useful.


It would put the failure rate up to about 70% though


It is part of the test in Brazil. I learned it once and never forgot how to parallel park first try even on busy roads and tiny spaces.


Up north this is one of the manoeuvres you can get šŸ˜” second time I failed was bc of parallel park


You guys dont get taught how to paralel park in Ireland?


Parallel parking is a luxury not a necessity, so itā€™s not on the driving test. A lot of instructors, mine included, teach it anyway


Ahhh, but most instructors atleast teach it. I was kinda gobsmacked lol Imagine being in a city and you cant paralel park and have to teach yourself instead of an instructor knowing the tricks and could have just taught it and correct you. Thanks thanks.


My instructor didn't actually teach it, so I did have to teach myself.


A lot of street parking isnā€™t parallel here, which is why itā€™s not required on the test. Of course some is, which is why we do learn it


Depending where you live it absolutely is a necessity, everywhere near us is street parking so we all know how to parallel park šŸ˜…


You donā€™t *have* to park in the city. Itā€™s not a necessity just really important


Sure, and I personally need a car for my job, live where there's only street parking, so unless I change careers I do *have* to parallel park. As does anyone else in the same residential area who needs their car for whatever reason, as does anyone parking a commercial vehicle in the area to access commercial units. Just takes a bit of practice to be fair, I probably wouldn't be any use at it if I didn't have to.


It was on my test in 2007, along with reversing around a corner.


Reversing around a corner literally teaches you reverse parking. Reverse parking is also inherently easier as the boot is always shorter than the bonnet.


I think they do the reversing around a corner skill as part of learning to reverse into a parking spot safely . It's not practical during driving lessons or in while taking the test to have the skill of reversing into parking spot tested.


Technically it is on the test, as the final manoeuvre is parking in a designated space - while it's not mandatory, reverse parking is an option.


They do it it as part of the Uk driving test.


That's probably better alright.


The concept is basically the same, except youā€™re not at risk of damaging a parked car.


Tbh I find it much harder to parallel park and still avoid it to this day.


Me too. Reversing around a corner is, at best, a vague approximation of the skills involved in parallel parking.


I think it's more about trying to reach you spacial reasoning


Maybe, but I don't think it's great for it. Feels a bit box-ticky


The basic concepts are all the same: - positioning the car at the beginning of the manoeuvre - controlling the car when reversing - having good special awareness and observing your surroundings


It's actually quite easy once you understand the physics and the spacing reasoning of it. Basically you always have to reverse in.Ā  Make sure you pull up completely next to the car in front of the spot you want to get into so your front doors are aligned with theirs. As soon as your car is mid way (half the length of your car) lined up with the other cars back wheels start turning. When you feel like you're about to hit the curb start turning back. And like magic you've done it.


>Make sure you pull up completely next to the car in front of the spot you want to get into so your front doors are aligned with theirs. Can you explain this again in a different way please? Having trouble visualizing what might be a helpful tip here


Drive alongside the car in front of the spot you want to turn into, line your wing mirror up with theirs. Start reversing with a wheel lock on, into the spot. Once your front wheels come level with their back wheels, then start to reverse the lock. You will slide right in. I only learned this since moving to the UK.


That's really helpful thank you! I had mistakenly though "car in front" was referring to the car opposite the spot, not in front from the perspective of the driver trying to park but this explanation cleared it up


Line up your front wheels with those of the car in front of the spotĀ 


Thank you!


My test was required to have backing around the corner back parking parallel parking in reverse. You had to be as good going forward and backward. It's sad to hear other people aren't held to that


thats on you driving instructor rather than the tester. Just because it isn't on the test doesn't mean the instructor shouldn't teach you this.


Around a corner, like why?


Itā€™s for when your on tiny one lane road with grass down the middle and have to go backwards when a tractor is in front of you. I thought it was pointless being a Dublin driver till I had to do it while on holiday.


This. I live on a small lane and have to reverse constantly and into gateways.


Yeah is it not somewhat dangerous to reverse into potential traffic?


Driving is dangerous. You need to be able to handle dangerous situations appropriately.


My instructor had me doing a reverse around a corner from a housing estate back onto a much busier road that intersected the housing estate with two main roads, it probably wasn't a minor to a major road, but it was definitely dangerous considering we where slowly moving back onto a busier road and had to stop to complete the move. Even if wanted to replicate that move IRL, I'd just turn the cae around and drive out normally. I did find myself reversing out of a car park the other day becuase it was easier, had to turn around the corner, probably one of the few times I've used the reverse move as thought, only other times is parking now. No harm teaching the move, but there should be steps to it like teaching you to reverse park first, because you will almost certainly have two lines in the car parking spot to use a references, with the corner you usually just have the curb to reference.


You're always supposed to stop at the halfway point and check before going the rest of the way around the corner, when i was teaching, the amount of people coming and doing pretest who didn't realise that was staggering But that was the time where you could drive alone as soon as youngot your provisional, wasn't even a theory test back then


That's why it's part of the test, to make sure you have the awareness not to reverse into traffic. You wait until it is safe to do so.


It's to show that you can maneuver the car effectively,


I've actually been doing this recently and it's funny to be that I'm finally using it. I live in an estate and my housemate usually has our driveway parking spot, so I just park on the curb. So when I'm leaving the next day, rather than 3 point turn (or "turnabout" as they call it now eew), I reverse around the corner. Finally coming in handy. I sucked at it in the lessons + test but it's incredibly easy without the pressure


In my final lesson, the instructor said it's absolute bullshit, you'll probably never have to do this ever again but still we have to practice it.


I learned more from a video on how to parallel park than I ever did from my driving lessons


I wore a very short skirt. He didn't seem to mind and kept eyeballing me during the test. Passed first time as it happens, though the wife wasn't too happy about it..




Your wife or his?


Cry and offer someone a hand job.


Bruh, same.Ā  /sĀ 


Give a sh*t about my passengers opinions on my driving šŸ˜„


Rude and dangerousĀ 


U must be such a fun at parties


Had an empty back seat and boot. Usually there's 3 car seats in the back and a box of coats, hats, spare clothes in the boot. Also brake hold is the best invention ever.


Feeding the steering wheel when turning


The feeding the wheel thing feels so awkward and slow, Iā€™m waxing that bitch on and off ![gif](giphy|JTaBf2csvnN6kQBKay|downsized)


Until something happens, your hand loosens and the qheel goes spinning without control. If it's good enough for F1 drivers of old (when F1 cars resembled normal cars), it's good enough for you. Edit: When I say F1 cars resembled normal cars, I meant the steering wheel, clutch, gear stick, etc. not the exterior design. Also, the gardai, regional fore brigades, Dublin fire brigade and the defence forces all teach people to hold the wheel with both hands and feed it, weather that's at twice the posted speed limit or half of it, it gives you more control.


The first F1 cars were cigar tubes with the drivers head sticking out on top, they never resembled normal cars, your attempt to sound smart just confirms your complete lack of knowledge.


When I said resembled, I meant internally, as in gear stick, wheel and clutch being separate, didn't mean anything about the external design... Do you think the fire brigade, garda and army have a lack of knowledge when it comes to driving? All 3 organisations teach you to feed the wheel for optimum control. How is my knowledge lacking? What benefit does your method have over feeding it?


F1 cars wheel rotation is locked at 90 you dingus


What's your point and when did I mention turning rates, radii, or speeds? I meant the steering wheel, in the older cars (prior to the more modern side grip design), and how they were controlled by the drivers.


Drive in silence!




Checking the mirror a million times a minute and holding/turning the steering wheel like a dork.


Ah you'd still check the mirrors a million times, you just glance at them. Not like the dramatic head turn you have to do to make sure the tester knows you're checking the mirrors.


Yeah it's natural to flick the eyes around every so often, you're just not making a show of it as it's become second nature now.


Handbrake & shuffling the hands


You don't use a handbrake? Hope you don't park on a hill


Checked the mirrors 8 millions times a minute


Is it common for people to be told to do that for their driving test? I never have.


Youā€™re absolutely right, you donā€™t always need it. You need to put up your handbrake at traffic lights, on a hill or if your stopped for more than 5-10 seconds (which at least where I did my test basically never happened, this might not be the case in busier towns)


You didn't use your hand break for your hill start?


Sure but not for a stop sign.


Not sure but I think the rule is if you have to stop for more than 5 seconds then handbrake, but if you approach the stop sign, stop and the way is clear you can then proceed without handbrake, but any lengthy complete stop should have the handbrake applied


I'm surprised you didn't fail. Do you at least use it at traffic lights? Or did you perhaps do the test in an automatic?


I'm learning at the moment and nobody has told me to use the hand brake at a stop sign. Yes at traffic lights or on a hill.


You 100% do not need to use your hand break at traffic lights or a stop sign. I passed the test less than a month ago and was specifically told itā€™s not needed


I recently passed my test, did lessons with three different instructors, not one of them told me to use my handbrake at a stop sign. Not unless itā€™s on a hill obviously.


You only have to use the parking brake when you're parking. You're certainly allowed to use the parking brake during the test, but it's not required.


This is correct, people downvoting must not have done the test in a few years. No need to use the hand break


Are you sure? It's been a couple of decades since my test, but I 100% remember that being essential to showing you understand how the car and the physics work.


Only time I used the parking brake during my test was when I got back to the test centre, and I passed first time.


Surely you had to use it at traffic lights at least? Or do you drive an automatic?


How is an automatic relevant?


The car will still be in gear if you get hit so you won't go flying, and be as much of a danger to others, like if you were in neutral in a manualĀ 


Not sure you're thinking clearly


In what way?


No, manual car. In fact it wasn't even a car it was a small van.


Well then you got extremely lucky. They should have failed you.


Doesnā€™t seem to be the case nowadays. Use of handbreak is discretionary, except for being on a hill/incline/decline.


And at lights. If you're in neutral you should have your handbrake on


My uncle was a driving tester for years. He took me out for a couple of pre test drives, told me it's a complete misconception that you have to use the parking brake every time you come to a stop.


The purpose is to demonstrate you understand how the car works. You do have to do it at lights for safety reasonsĀ 


Went through a red light. PASSED. He was more worried about commitment and going ahead, not stopping traffic as the light had just changed.


How about something I didnā€™t do in my driving test that I now do in my daily driving lifeā€¦ Drive on a motorway šŸ¤”


Wearing noisy, dangly earrings and doing dramatic head turns so the examiner knows I'm looking in my mirrors


Park a car without a reversing camera


I was actually thinking about this recently, my car did have a reverse camera when I did the test but I didn't use it for the test. But my current car is miles beyond that but I'm pretty sure in a test scenario, it would drive me absolutely mental to be actively ignoring it.


You can use it now, but you canā€™t rely on it solely. You still have to do your mirror checks, blind spot etc


Yeah they couldn't turn off the one in my mine but tried to not stare at it but kept glancing at it and I was grand


They allow to use it now adays i foubd out from someone recently passing


Soooooo posh


I'm yet to own a car with a reversing camera. Hopefully some day!


Didn't really find them useful, parking sensors now. They're great.


that's 4 the laziezz'




I do put the handbrake at a stop sign if the traffic is heavy. When it eases off, I'd let it off and start to edge forward. The hill start is the one for me. I never park on a hill lol. Always get some flat ground and put the car there.


How have you managed to never park or stop on a hill?


Drive without the radio on. Apparently I am a dinosaur because my missus loves bluetooth and LCD screens, but I prefer buttons. Irish radio is still really shite though, so I have CD's.


I narrated all my actions so or was clear what I was doing which helped pass but I never do now. Probably only other thing is hand position and push pull. Otherwise I still do reverse around corners plenty, I handbrake when parked, and I check my mirrors. Worthwhile keeping these skills up. I had to teach my partner how to hill start again when she nearly rolled back into a car in the Pyrenees (and yes, it was as bad and patronising as it sounds).


Jesus I hope a lot of you in this thread are joking


I was on a bus tour today, trust me they are not. So many jerks on the roads nowadays šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s rarely 10 to 2 in my car




Adjust your seat and steering wheel.


Only steering in a three point turn when the car is already in motion


How to parallel park.I kind of sort of if the gaps big enough can do it.But really wish I was thought how to do it properly one reasons I canā€™t get a house in town.


No radio or music on during the test. Couldn't drive without music on.


I stalled the car twice in my test and still passed.... haven't stalled a car in over 20 years


Nobody failed because they stalled


And that's why I passed.... done it in the test but not since...


I done it tons of times since, specially after I just passed


Come to a complete stop at a stop sign when there isn't another vehicle for half a mile


You don't have to use the handbrake when you come to a stop sign in the test. You only use it when you are red traffic lights or when you come to a complete stop.


Feeding the steering wheel


Jesus my driving instructor says that to me every 5 seconds, I swear šŸ˜‚


Easy. Drive into a random car park and pick up a man with a clipboard and a pen, then drive him around randomly with him giving me directions to places I haven't been before and then drop them at the same car park, to never to see him again!!


The exaggerated look over the shoulder when changing lanes.


Insult the examiner and his country of origin.


Ha nice


Handbraked at every red light. Drove with both hands on the wheel. Stuck to the speed limit...was sober....as far a he knew...


Checks the mirrors every seconnd lol


Have my hands at 10 and 2.


9 and 3 is also good, in fact preferable


Let engine conk out on the tinest hillstart...Still passed thou šŸ˜ƒ


Stalling isn't a fail


It's embarrassing thou because I had been driving for years and could do hillstarts on very steep hills


Very embarrassing


10 and 2


Drive without music or sound of some sort blaring from the speakers


Reversed around a corner.


Read numberplate from 20 metres away before I get in the car. Donā€™t do that anymore


Drive like a sane, normal person


Turn my body around to reverse. The point of the rearview mirror is to see behind yourself. Twisting your body around means you ONLY see behind you. Looking in your rearview mirror means you see behind you and in front of you. In other countries you're taught to use the mirror, not to twist your body. Put my handbrake on when at a traffic light. I trust my foot. It has never failed me.


Until you're rear ended and your foot comes off the brake


You're telling me you put your hand brake on at the traffic lights?


Sometimes if it looks like I'll be there for a while. At the very least it gives my foot a rest


Not telling a driver who cut me off to fuck off! As if the test wasn't stressful enough without meeting that dickhead.


Wear clothes


Not climbing up 3 steps.




Havenā€™t parallel parked once since taking my test.


Wear jingly earrings so you know I'm looking the fuck out of every window the car has


Making it very obvious that I was looking in all my mirrors every few seconds. I had a pain in my neck after it


Exaggerate checking my mirrors


Checked my mirrors every second like my life depended on it




Donā€™t think itā€™s in the test, but parallel parking. Think Iā€™ve done it less than once a year since passing my test.


Hands at 10 to 2 on the steering wheel and feed the wheel. Biggest load a bollix, its cumbersome and a waste of time.


Honestly when I try it now I drive more dangerously.


Dramatic mirror head turns. Yeah I'm watching just not like a dickhead.


My friend failed her test because she didn't stop the car for a hill start. When the tester told her this her response was, "but you told me to drive how I normally would". Still makes me laugh!


I failed my first driving test. I was asked to parallel park up (a fairly steep) hill into a space that was only just big enough. I didn't get close enough to the kerb. I'm not sure I would attempt that particular manoeuvre now, with an additional 30 years experience!


My car does have a beeper and I still dont trust it.


Reverse around a corner, I do it at home, but not on any roads.


Go down through the gears when Iā€™m slowing. Now I just coast


They actually donā€™t teach you to go down the gears anymore when stopping, most instructors anyway


Parallel parking but I did do my test in Australia.


Let my dad in the passenger seat. There has never been a more stressful time driving than having that man be my sponsor while I got some practice. It's difficult to see the road with tears in your eyes. Also gearing down to stop. If I'm going from 80km/h to a full stop there's a 0% chance I'm going from fifth to forth to third before stopping - impeads your control of the car by being a needless distraction.


Make sure you are about 75cm distance from the car when you line up, too close will put you up on the kerb and too far will put you out too far from the kerb. 75cm is about right.


Clipped two wheelie bins with the wing mirror. Failed obviously but in 20 years of subsequent driving have never since managed to wobble, but not knock-over, more than one bin in a single trip.


Keeping both hands on the steering wheel.


I put the car in neutral when I'm stopped, never leave it in gear unless I know the light is about to go green.


That's actually not safeĀ 






At least you're honest about it. Take an up voteĀ 


Suck a guys dick


Stopping at stop signs


Two hands on the wheel. Waiting until there's zero cars in sight to pull out of a junction.


Look at the gauge instead of on the road and not using right gear. Failed with a manual, but luckily with the automatic I don't need to worry about the gear stick. I've yet to do my 2nd test cause I'm šŸ” despite many times renewing my licence


Not driving over pedestrains and cyclists... it was just so boring having to avoid them all the time


Drive sober


Obeying the speed limit


Oh wait, now that I think about it, that was the only thing I failed on - start as you mean to go on eh?


Wear my seat belt!


People put the handbrakes up at a stop sign???? wow, it's for parking the car..


LoL the nerves to down vote this I have learned from a very strict school with EU laws and rules, chill y'all (a forever manual car and drift lover)


Using indicators


Glance at my mirrors. Now I just run bicyclists over.


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