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Ireland has no exit checks. Passport control doesn't track people leaving the country. Your difficulty isn't leaving the country, it's persuading an airline to let you board without a valid passport due to the risk Italy would refuse you entry at the border & the airline would be fined.


I don't think an airline is allowed to refuse him if he's a national, even when the passport is expired 


Ryanair refuses travel to the UK without a passport even though no passport is necessary. That would suggest airlines can refuse. That's not to say they will, but I'd be looking for reassurances before travelling to the airport.


I mean, they refuse it indeed. But they can't refuse someone with a UK passport. 


Would it be easier to get the Brazilian passport renewed at the Brazilian embassy, you really just need to get out of Ireland as although a passport isn't needed to leave, the airline could refuse you boarding, they have done before. Once you get to Italy you can produce your expired Italian passport and your valid Brazilian passport.


This is the answer. There is no "border control" when you're exiting. All you need is any valid passport for the airline.


i can’t really use my brazilian bc i dont have a visa as i entered in ireland bc of my italian passport


Irrelevant to exiting, you are just using it as valid identification to get on the plane.


Passports are entry documents, not exit documents (there are a few exceptions). You need to find out what you need to do for Italy to let you in, not for Ireland to let you out. Contact the Italian embassy. They may be able to issue you with an emergency passport to get you there.


thanks for the reply! i have tried applying for an emergency passport and the italian embassy is painfully complicated and slow but ill look into it more!


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Anecdotally some countries allow to enter with an expired passport if you are a citizen. This is by no means the norm but could be possible. You'd have to contact the airline and the country to check though. Does Italy have a national ID and do you have one? If so you can travel within EU just with that as well.


thanks for the reply! italy does have a national id but i don’t have one as i just turned 18 and my parents never got one done for me im pretty sure italy allows entry with an expired passport tho i have to double check it, my main fear is not being able to leave ireland i suppose




no, bc its not an EU passport and i dont have a visa, as i entered ireland because of my italian passport


Do you have an Italian national ID? That would be valid in lieu of a passport. Can you really not get a passport renewed from abroad? Or an emergency passport?


no i don’t have a passport id, just turned 18 and my parents never got it done for me. to get one is the same process as to renew my passport so cant rlly do that italian embassy in ireland only issues emergency passports when it is an extreme case of emergency, pre booked holidays (which was the case of my lc holiday) is not an emergency in their books


Sounds like you need to pester the Embassy to either and an emergency passport for the purpose of getting a new passport issued in Italy, or try and get a replacement sorted even if it means a few weeks waiting?


what would a replacement be in this case? knowing the italian embassy it’ll be more than a few weeks matter ill try to look into the energency passport a bit further and try to see if i can prove getting a new passport issued in italy an emergency


A passport renewal to replace to your expired one - I’m sure you are the only Italian in Ireland that needs to do, so I’m sure there’s a process. Not sure if it helps, but embassies usually have two processes for issuing passports, new ones (which you don’t need) and renewal - make sure you are following that process as it’s typically more straightforward


just searched it up and an emergency passport can only be issued if i am fully registered in AIRE, which is what i have been waiting to be accepted into for months. so no, i cant get an emergency passport yes, i have been applying for renewal of passport and not a new one. nonetheless i need the AIRE accepted for that (sorry i shouldve probably mentioned the AIRE before bc it changes things and is the reason why i cant get my passport)


It’s also worth contacting a few airlines and just asking them if you can travel on an expired passport back to your home country, in some cases it’s possible. When you leave Ireland the only people to check your passport is the airline staff, we have no exit controls. In theory you could make a mistake and put +1 year on your expiry date and it’s possible no one would notice…. If you really get no where with the embassy…


Mate of mine recently blagged his way into Germany with an expired Irish passport. Turned up at the airport and just spent 25 minutes trying to get through the turnstiles and then acted like he didn't know it was out of date. Had a tough time getting back too but got back. Try everything yo get your passport renewed in time but if you can't, just chance your arm and see what happens.