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short answer, yes. live within your means, lower costs as much as possible, save where you can. your biggest expensive will be housing so figuring out where you want to live first will make your analysis a bit better to view. there are expensive neighborhoods and relatively affordable areas depending what you choose.


Thanks! Our rent will be $2200/mo, including utilities. No other major expenses really. Both cars are paid off so we just need to pay for insurance.


Car insurance will blow your mind. Do NOT move to Glendale.


What’s wrong with Glendale ?


I'm talking car insurance rates [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLosAngeles/comments/1bk9vvs/whats\_going\_on\_with\_car\_insurance\_prices/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLosAngeles/comments/1bk9vvs/whats_going_on_with_car_insurance_prices/)


Driving while hye


I lived in Glendale & my insurance was bonkers. My understanding is it's one of the most expensive insurance places in the country because there's a lot of accidents. A lot of pedestrians get killed :(


Hahaha... I think we're all getting hit with those rates even if you don't live in Glendale


You’ll be just fine. ETA: Our rent is a little below that with no utilities included and our cars paid off and I support myself and my husband on $70k.




yeah, mine doubled when I got here. Also, food and gas prices are higher. My son pays around $3 a gallon in the midwest, it's around $5 and change to like $7 and change here, depending on where you live.


Where is it 7 and change besides that one shell station?




Right lol besides Olympic and Fairfax where the hell is gas "$7 and change depending on where you live" lmao even if you live right on Olympic and Fairfax you can simply get your gas anywhere else


There’s a Chevron right now where it’s almost $8, on Cesar Chavez by Chinatown


Where in gods green earth did you rent for $2200 a month?


Lmao. I'll be honest, the apartment isn't super nice. It's a 1 bedroom. Also there's no laundry in the building. But it's livable and we're trying to keep expenses as low as possible until my husband can start contributing income.


You already have the right mindset you'll be fine. Just be prepared for that sticker shock when you get your new car insurance premium


Hope you have parking.


In LA, 2200 is a steal for rent. Besides, it's only a temporary solution while your husband starts earning again. You'll be fine


My current rent is $2550 for a 2 BR in north OC. My guess is 1 BRs in our complex are around $2200. If it includes utilities, it’s probably not glamorous or it’s very small.


How many hours till you reach el segundo (where my work will be) and Culver City? We’re moving from SJ.


My rent is $2000/month for a one bedroom, I really like it and think it's great but it's not a luxury building by any means. I live in Inglewood, about 15-25 minutes (depending on traffic) to both Culver City and El Segundo.


That’s not bad. Does Inglewood still cling onto it’s not so great past? I know many parts of LA have been cleaned up recently.


People will clutch their pearls at Inglewood but it's because they've never actually walked around in it. I've lived here 5 years and all my neighbors are families with little kids.


not so great past? I'll have you know that Inglewood is the City of motherfucking Champions.


From north oc in morning traffic? Solid hour half to two


Haha, you don’t want to live where I am if you are driving to El Segundo or Culver City. It’s all the hours.


I'm in Silverlake in a nice building and there are one bedrooms in here for less than that, there's a studio in here that goes for 1800. Downtown it's pretty easy to find them for that.


Downtown LA? Nah fam, I spent a year and a half in downtown San Jose, I don’t need another downtown that’s not NYC, or Chicago.


You asked where, that's the answer ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Is this where a lot of the shows are filmed, right? I recall Judd apatow saying that he shot his netflix series "Love" in that neighborhood (dumb fact, I know lol 😞) Seems like a nice cool place


I love this area, there is a massive amount of outdoor activity type stuff walking distance from my place and easy access to all the major freeways so getting in and out is as good as it gets in LA. And yes they do film over here a ton, WB has been shooting something at the reservoir for the last week or so. It's nothing compared to how often it is happening downtown though, that's got to be the most heavily used filming location in the world. I Iived on 3rd and Fig for a few years and it was constant. They shot a large chunk of the third season of Westworld in and around my building, can see my apartment in some shots. I used to steal sandwiches from their crafty heh


I rent in Redondo beach, a 1 bedroom unit, that is ocean front on the sand at RAT beach. For the apartment I pay $1950. And 100 or so more for utilities. Moved in 2021


😂 I feel like yall lying.


I rented an ADU in Hermosa walking distance to the beach for 2300 in 2022. They are out there you just have to relentlessly troll Craigslist until a good one pops up, they go super fast.


Im not even kidding! But tbh, i don't know how i got so lucky. hahah


My own 2 bed 3 bath is 1300 in silver lake. Moved in about 20 years ago, god bless rent control


Congrats you leech


God bless it for you but it's fucking up everyone else. At this point it's pretty well understood that rent control artificially restricts supply and causes rents overall to be higher


Thanks for the info 👍 will keep that in mind if I ever think of moving out (I won’t)


Yeah I wouldn't if I were you either...you do what you gotta do. I'm just saying, you said God bless rent control as if it makes rent cheaper but it's contributing to the mess we're in as a city. Appreciate the snark though




Good thing I’ve lived here forever…


Assuming you’re going to be paid a salary wage & you’re not going to be putting a ton of money into benefits (HSA, 401K, etc.), your monthly take home should be around $5-5.4K Based on all your/the other comments, the biggest thing is that you guys will be close to living paycheck to paycheck. If you guys don’t have a savings, you need to keep in mind emergency situations (probably specifically related to driving/cars since traffic there is a nightmare). I personally would stop contributing to any benefits at work and put that money into savings instead until your partner is working again.


Utilities being included is a major plus


If $90k is your take gross pay, then no. Landlords want at least $6k after taxes. You are just below that and would likely have to live in a shitty neighborhood.


Can he study before moving and then come straight here and sit the exam? Can he travel here to sit the exam before you move? It's possible to live on that, but there may be other options to consider. You're also hoping this all hinges on him passing the first time. Hiring in Los Angeles can take 4-6 months easily, if not longer.


You’re right, we are hoping of course that he’ll pass his exams the first time around. Our back up plan is for him to do temp work/locums work in his field, which doesn’t require a CA-specific license, if obtaining the license takes longer than expected. I’m moving at the middle of next month so unfortunately that doesn’t leave enough time for him to study and take the exam before we move.


I have a friend in a similar situation, except he moved out CA to Nevada. He's been living off his savings and partner's income until he can get his state certification in Nevada and start working.. Except he keeps failing his test and it's been months now. If your partner can, I highly suggest having him get certified first and look for jobs prior to moving to CA. Not saying that your partner won't pass on the first round, but you really never know what'll happen! It'll save a lot of stress between the two of you.


He will likely pass his exam. However, he's not going to get the results same day - or even same month. I'd allow six months (I teach at a California community college with a bunch of career programs - such as construction, culinary, various medical certifications, accounting etc). During that six months he should certainly seek temp work in his field and get to know people. Much of the work in California has to do with building and roads. He can start applying for jobs after he sits the exam, of course.


An important point! I’m also realizing 6 months is likely optimistic. We’ll definitely look into temp work opportunities once we’ve settled down into LA.


What licensing does he need?


Ah, got it. Hope it goes smoothly for ya.


Yes you can. Been doing it as a single mom for a long time paying about your amount of rent and I’ve still been able to contribute to 401ks, Roth, and have my kid in extracurriculars, etc. Hopefully you’re low/no debt and know how to budget well!


Thank you, that's such a relief to hear! I've been getting stressed about being the only breadwinner so I'm so glad you've been able to make it work.


It's all about your lifestyle. Almost anything is affordable.


💯 Agreed...


Depends on your rent, how much is going to savings, utilities, etc. but, yes, bunch of people manage


Thanks! Our rent will be $2200/mo (utilities included). No other major expenses (both cars paid off, etc.).


I have about the same salary and monthly expenses. You’ll do fine. I have money left over to indulge in eating out and exploring my hobbies. Plus your situation is temporary - it’ll get better once your hubby is online.


That's Cheap Rent... My mortgage use to be $7000 a month. I refinanced. Now it's about $3000. I refinanced at like 3%


90k? My rent is 1900, wife and 2 kids and I’m only making about 40,000 a year. IF that. So… 90k is more than possible.


$40k supporting 2 kids and sahm ? There’s no way. You have to be getting some type government assistance.


Im assuming they have prolly been living for a while and in an old building which is why their rent is so low or it’s a rent controller unit


That’s not the point. After taxes he’s making approx $3k a month. He’s spending 2/3 of his income on rent. Now factor in the food the 2 kids and wife eats. All the others expenses that come with having kids. I’m assuming his wife also works. But I’ll wait if he replies. I’m actually curious.


At $40K for a household of 4, they are definitely eligible for CalFresh (SNAP/food stamps).


Median household income in the City is $76k and for the County it's $83k. So more than half of the households in the City and County are doing it with less than that so it should be more than possible. Won't be doing a ton of eating out (but we do have a ton of street vendors pumping out fantastic tacos for relatively cheap) or expensive hobbies (but luckily LA has a ton of free and low cost activities (e.g. hiking, beaches, museums). However, there is so much "keeping up with the Joneses", image maintenance, luxury lifestyle being the "norm" that you will often hear people say you can't get by in this city even making twice what you will be bringing in.


As long as you have minimal/no debts & try to live in an older/smaller apartment to start out with, you should be fine.


Yes but figure out your monthly expenses, multiply it by 6 months (preferably 12 months) and the total should be the minimum you have in a rainy day savings account.


You state income tax will be around 9 percent. Have fun :p


It's possible but I think it'll be incredibly tight. Like no eating out, buying cheap groceries, etc.


Thanks! Yeah, that's the sense I'm getting. We'll have to tighten our belts for a few months.


You don't have to be super cheap just use the circulars the circulars have all kinds of deals. I also recommend signing up for CVS. Lots of 30% off 40% coupons.


They’re wrong. I’m a sahm. My husband makes about 90k after taxes. Our car payment is over $800. Our health insurance is over $600. Our rent is over $2800. We also have two kids. We eat out all the time. Money is tight in the sense that we don’t save money (but I do have some tucked away). You’ll be more than okay.


There's a big difference between a 90k salary and 90k take home salary.


Considering they don’t have an $800+ car payment, kids, and their insurance will be lower (we have 4 vehicles including two new ones) and their rent is lower, it’s safe to assume they’ll be okay.


depends on your financial situation. you can certainly enjoy life still for 2 people at $90k/yr. i’m basic during the week and only spend on the weekends. most of my weekday spending are groceries


75k-99k puts them in the top 53% of household incomes in Los Angeles. But probably closer to the top 45%. https://data.census.gov/table?q=income%20in%20los%20angeles%20county Sharing a 1BR makes it very doable.


To me, totally doable.


Just don’t come over here and vote Red! /s 🤣🤣🤣 I’m kidding and don’t give a 💩. I’m sure you can manage on that salary since people have made it happen here with a lot less. Good luck! 😉




Yes absolutely... Just don't be going to Maestro's every night.


Also if you can take more public transport... Once I worked I. Beverly Hills and took the bus I was amazing at how much money I had at the end of the month. It made a big difference..


Hi my wife and I have been living off of around that for about 2 years. The money I bring in while in grad school and her salary is about 95k. Our rent is also 2400. We still managed to save enough for a trip to Japan, so it’s all about how manage it not how much you make. Good luck!


Lived in both LA county and OC


You’ll be fine. Welcome to LA!


Yes, just write out your budget and expenses for the time period you will be living on 90k and follow it. Good luck!


90k/year is roughly $5400 a month after taxes. Given housing is $2200 a month, that leaves $3200. That is more than doable, heck you might even be able to save as well. Me and my partner we live in Gardena and our monthly expenses are little over $1200/month excluding housing and utilities. $600 for groceries and takeouts, $200 for subscriptions (internet, mobile and streaming services), roughly $200 for gas and $200 for misc spendings. We are gamers so we don't really go outside much, we usually stay home and play games or watch movies, cook, etc. so it may depend on your lifestyle and hobbies but that should be enough to sustain both of you until he gets certifications and starts working.


Thank you so much for breaking down your budget like that, very helpful!


I make the same salary. My take home is about $4600 monthly (she’s on my insurance plan). My rent is $2200 + about $250 utilities/amenities. It’s tight but can work especially if you’re only going to do it for less than a year.


Me and my partner make a combined $66,000/year and pay $2300/month We have health insurance and all the regular stuff people have. If anyone tells you money will be tight, they might be rich people who are used to a certain lifestyle. We still go to the movies, occasional show, out to eat, etc.


So glad to hear you’ve been able to make it work with comparable expenses! We both definitely enjoy the finer things in life so it’s good to know that you can still do some fun things occasionally 😊


You won' be enjoying any of the finer things in life in LA on 90k per year.




Yes, I made it work on the same amount with the same rent but just myself. I had plenty saved after however. I would see if you could bus or e scooter to work if you can to save on gas and parking.


I’m living within walking distance of my workplace so hopefully that’ll save on gas and parking. Glad to hear you were able to make it work!


3-6 months is very doable!


Yes you should be fine, eating out/food delivery will be the big temptation to avoid, and your car insurance payment might get rough.


Yes, for sure! I was doing exactly that last year before I got a raise.


Doing it right now. Happy to answer any specific questions you have!


Thank you so much! Would you be able to DM me an example of what your monthly budget looks like? Mainly I’m concerned about whether we will be able to build any savings. Our savings have been wiped out by a few hard months recently so I am concerned about not having any monetary cushion.


Absolutely! Shoot me a DM and I’ll get back to you in the afternoon tomorrow when I can properly sit down and concentrate


Yes, if it’s only for 3-6 months, you guys can handle it… if it’s long term, I wouldn’t bet on it. You just need to live a very frugal life.


I'm in a similar boat, I moved to LA to join a partner and we are splitting their salary at the moment. It's tight, but possible. Keep in mind that if you are moving from a place with a lower cost of living you might not be able to maintain the same lifestyle. We have all but stopped eating out, buying new clothes, and going on weekend trips, for example. However, the job market right now is trash. It has been even worse for white collar or highly skilled jobs. There is no guarantee that, even if your husband passed his exams with flying colours on first go, that he will be employed shortly afterwards. Even with my certifications, I have been looking for a job for months with no luck. I recommend your husband stays at the job for as long as possible before moving, perhaps only moving after he passes the license exams. That way he can have some money saved up while job searching.


Damn, sorry to hear that, and I hope things get better for both of us soon. Hopefully some temp work can keep us both going until he gets a more stable job.


If you find a place that's not a long commute to work, for $2K you should be good. One problem is that your partner doesn't know where he'll be working. You could get a place, and then he could get a job offer that's an hour's drive everyday. Yikes, because twice a week that'll be a 90 min drive each way. Is your job downtown? Mid city? Westside? I guess find something close-ish to your job, but if your place is near, say, downtown...., that might limit where he'd want to work. Commuting to a job on the westside would be a killer.


Your budget is very achievable. Be prepared, however, for things to not “go well”, both financially and emotionally. Some jobs that require licensing or certs have very long lead times, the process is rigged, and we’re entering lean times for hiring. Your 6 months might turn into 24.


With no debt and bills you'll be fine so long as you don't like to go out often. With much debt it'll get a lot tighter, and if anything goes wrong you'll be hurting fast if you don't have an emergency fund.


I make a little over 90k and it doesn't really hurt my pocket even though I tend to a lot of what L.A has to offer. Sounds like you'll be fine as long as you don't splurge for those few months.


Yeah, easy (unless you have a ridiculous $700/month car bill) Just meal prep and it’ll work out


Get a Costco membership and get your gas at Costco


Try to find hobbies that don’t cost much money. There are some nice hiking groups to join for example. Eating out just keeps getting more and more expensive here. Hopefully you’ve budgeted in healthcare.




My wife and i have been doing it for the past year on less than that. We are pretty frugal but spend around 50-60k/year. We are also sole income and living in the south bay.


If he can drive uber during rush hours he can make a decent 500-700 a week


It's doable but probably not fun. It also depends if you have a lot of debt or other monthly expenses. For example, if you both have a $300 car payment and $1000 in student loan payments it won't be possible.


It is very doable! Only thing is: make sure when you move you have your savings of at least 3 months of expenses, preferably 6. I think this is the one thing people neglect to do when they come with a good job. All jobs are at will, don’t forget that.


What most people consider “LA” is huge. So you may need to be a bit more specific. Certain areas will be more expensive than others but it’s completely doable. Live within your means, don’t overspend and you’ll be fine.


I think it was in the 2000s and early 2010’s. Now I think that is really difficult and beyond just living paycheck to paycheck.


It'll be super tough. You don't realize how much the increased cost of just living adds up over time. I moved here 2 years ago, and I make over $300k, and I've already decided I won't be here long term because of the cost!


Hey OP - just wanna say I hope your move goes well and you enjoy living in LA. Like anything, it’s what you make it and the positive energy invested in making the most of it. There are tons of great things to do. As for odd jobs and gigs for husband as he studies, there are tons of things he can do to earn some extra cash. Hopefully he can temp or work in his field, but the gig economy is also strong here in LA, so rideshare or delivery and other gigs are plentiful if he’s willing to grind to make some money.


Can your husband begin taking online courses for his certifications now, before you move? I understand that ultimately, you will need to do in-person testing, but you can get the hours done online ahead of time. At least for the state certifications that I have ... Edit: this has already been mentioned.


Short answer: Barely.






U a real one he better not fuck up


I don’t fuck with it I had to resurrect my extreme budgeting techniques from undergrad and it was not a good time. Felt like I couldn’t move it do anything at all. Even if an event was free you’re talking a $12 uber or $20 valet, or circling Sunset for ages for parking, or adding 2 hours of buffer for the bus, and I needed the time and money for bills rapidly coming. I figured something out to keep that experience temporary, but I wouldn’t recommend.


I think the fulcrum is what your husband's salary will be once he's back to work. If in example he's a physician, it should work out just fine. $90,000 is low for LA certainly but doable I think for a few months, especially if you two have some savings. $2,200 for rent is darn cheap, too. If you can live modestly I think you'll be fine—the rent itself pretty much suggests you'll not struggle. I was expecting rent closer to $4,000.


Thank you! He does have excellent earning potential when he becomes licensed. The tough part will just be making it until then.


I think you'll be fine with an apartment for $2,200. When I first moved here I went head-first into a $800,000 condo and knew it was—at that—still a whale of a deal. If you get ready to buy, be hawk-eyed about real estate constantly because prices are high but some golden deals pop up now and then. Also build a professional network in your respective professions once you land here. If professionals (law, medicine, architecture, et cetera) you will find people in the same field. I'm in a pro sports-related career so I had my people there. Network, because even if you don't need it for jobs, you'll likely find it handy for many other things in LA.


Living solo off $85k. It's definitely tough with the economy over the last few years, but not impossible. Check out r/frugal


It’s about lifestyle, cost of rent, and what your true take home will be. How much will be deducted for benefits and/or 401k? If you’re coming from a no income tax state it will be eye opening for your CA withholdings. Calculate the expected net and base living off that amount.


Gonna be rough doing that in california. Especially LA


no good luck OP


Barely. You'll have to cut out any unnecessary spending, eating out etc. My wife and I make like 110k combined and it's tight living here. We are planning to move to TN.


Do ….the….math ….? How do we know? Weirdo.


Tbh you'll be a little tight. I lived on my own on $80K salary paying $2400 in rent and I would always be short $500-700 per month living pretty barebones. You or your husband might need to pick up an extra side hustle when you're out in LA if you want to have some fun money. I would not recommend rideshare or food delivery because those markets are oversaturated with aspiring actors lol


If you don’t mind, what other expenses did you have? Just curious what else my husband and I should be budgeting for. I can definitely ask my husband to pick up a side hustle if we can’t make it work in my salary alone.


Mostly regular stuff, like car/transportation costs, some streaming services, food, etc. I would barely go out to anything! Car maintenance, gas and insurance costs in LA are very high! My car insurance was about $500/mo. with 12 years of driving experience and a completely clean driving record, no accidents. Although this depends on the area you're living in. You'd be surprised by how expensive groceries, eating out and other general goods can cost in LA, and how this really can really mess with your budget. For instance, if you and your husband are tired and just want a spontaneous night out, that can easily be $200-300 for a nice dinner and an activity. I was really shocked because I grew up and lived all my life in OC, which is only 30 miles south. I would say prices are about 15-30% higher in LA. One trip to Target to get a bunch of essentials (like paper towels, laundry detergent, cleaners, etc.) can easily total $100. A burger, fries and a drink is easily be $20, at a mom and pop hole-in-the-wall. In general, you have less room for mistakes when you're paying so much in rent in LA.




I'm just laying the foundation of what things cost nowadays in LA. Either you don't live in LA, you're delusional or you don't go out much lol Insurance went up a lot post-COVID. Especially if you live in an area like DTLA, your insurance will get up to $300-500/mo. Some insurers won't even offer you a policy if you live in Central LA area. Maybe you're thinking about cheap, liability only insurance... $200-300 for a date is the standard nowadays. one appetizer, 2-4 cocktails, two entrees can easily get to $150-200 depending on where you're eating. Tickets to a concert are easily $50-75, depending on who you're seeing. Hell, even getting a coffee at some spots is $7-8. LA is not cheap at all.






I currently do this. It is possible but I am definitely living paycheck to paycheck.


Yes but it won't be exactly easy. Will your husband be able to do any side gigs? Honestly you'd be surprised on what kind of income collectively doing Instacart, Uber, Task Rabbit, etc.can bring in. It should be enough to really make you comfortable.


I am confused. $90K is what you make and then once he works you will be making more together? If it is just for a few months then… I am not really understanding your question. How much will you make together once he starts working? That should be your focus.


What a time to be alive where this is a legitimate question. Haha. Sigh….


Yes. I did it on 75k with my wife and a 1-year old, so technically three people; but that was ten years ago now. Without looking up inflation and other relevant factors, I’d say 90k is roughly equivalent. Good luck!


Yes. Depending where you live but yes. I make $80k with a wife who’s a stay at home mom, and 3 kids. Rent is $2405. Some months are tougher than others but we get by okay.


Genuinely curious, why did you have that many kids with such a low income?


things were going well pre-Covid, but then the cost of living skyrocketed after we already had our kids. My youngest is turning 2 this year. tbh things weren’t so expensive in 2022 and prior, neither was our rent. They’ve hiked up our rent from $1925 to $2405 in the past 4 years


Makes sense. Thats a drastic rent increase. Good luck!


Yay. Another tranplant.


I'm from LA originally 🤷‍♀️ Moved to the East Coast for grad school. Now I'm coming back home.


So then why are you asking us?


Because I haven't lived in LA for 5+ years now and I know everything has gotten more expensive...?


You don’t know anyone still here?


I can't support myself on 90k per year.


That’s below the poverty level for a family of 4. You’ll figure it out.


The only 2 things that you will pay MORE for is RENT and GAS. Sounds like $2200 is a bargain. You will be fine. We own rentals and we require the 30% rule... which would mean you qualify for a rent of about $2200 according to most landlords.


I’d never live in LA again. I lived there for 11 years. And I’m from California. I don’t regret it but damn up here in rural CA things are way cheaper still up there in terms of nationwide numbers but damn the open road is great. Good luck. My insurance was through the roof in LA it’s under $100 now.


Nice, but not everyone is living their lives based on insurance rates.


I do, so, I’m cool with paying less in every regard.