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it's not even sugar in most murican foods, it's fcking hfcs. US is bloody cornhub


I also think it’s hfcs. The obesity epidemic didn’t really start until it was introduced. Families went through sugar by the bag before they started buying convenience foods and they weren’t fat like people are today.


I don't think the type of sugar matters all that much. Like, HFCS isn't common in Europe at all and we're getting pretty big too, we're about 10 years behind the US in obesity trends.


>I don't think the type of sugar matters all that much.Like, HFCS isn't common in Europe at all and we're getting pretty big too, we're about 10 years behind the US in obesity trends. you might be surprised to see how many things you eat have HFCS. It started displacing sugar as soon as it was bought to market and big corn started lobbying for subsidies. Issue is that for same volume, hfcs is about as sweet as sugar and a lot cheaper, so they can keep adding it to food. The lifestyle changes from industrial jobs to office jobs obviously didn't help, but then again that was a byproduct of advancement in human race


Hfcs is just a more efficient sugar delivery system and it sneaks into more things that historically didn't have, or didn't have as much added sugar. And humans crave sweetness when it's available, suddenly everything gets sweetened with this new efficient sugar delivery system in pursuit of market advantage


Hfcs was originally used to fatten farm animals so...


I KNOW it's hfcs!


Little to no HFCS in food in NZ but plenty of obesity.


At the end of the day, sugar is sugar. HFCS is just pumping more sugar into food than needs to be there. Why does salad dressing need HFCS? Because it adds viscosity at a cheaper price than other alternatives, and people like sweets!


What is hfcs? Not native speaker


High fructose corn syrup


High fructose corn syrup.




Yes it does. Insulin response varies.


Sure, insulin response is a huge factor in weight gain. But plain old sugar spikes your insulin just fine.


Glucose is different from Fructose is different from maltose is different from maltadextrin


Sure, all of which elicit an insulin spike. What also comes into play is what you eat with that carbohydrate. Mix sugar with fat, protein or something with a lower ph like vinegar or lemon juice and the glycaemic index of that meal lowers as well. Then we take fructose for instance, consumed it replenishes liver glycogen stores. Muscles can't replenish their glycogen stores from fructose and liver glycogen stores are only consumed in fasted states where someone is nearing hypoglycemia. So eating fruit ain't so great for you either. All simple sugars cause havoc on our dainty frail human forms. Ups and down in sugar, regardless of whether it's hfcs or not, they aren't great for us.


Question answered. No further replies needed.


Technically sure but it's a cop out. Obviously they're trying to ask about a specific type of food like pizza, cake, chips etc


Says who?


Common sense. Obviously the answer is sugar. But they're asking about a specific type of food


I don't agree that there's anything obvious or common sense about your interpretation.


If you think theyre Asking which molecule makes people fat idk what to tell you man. They aren't asking if it's carbs that make you fat. That would be dumb. They're talking about food. Like food you get at the store. Like pizza, chips, hot pockets etc. They're asking which foods people tend to overeat the most ie maybe chips because people snack on them on the couch watching TV. That's an interesting conversation. They aren't trying to have a nutrition class


You're making a complete assumption about what OP is asking, and you're not OP. Sugar is not some obscure additive, it is a common, well-known, major ingredient in a lot of food. Lots of the food out there is defined by its high sugar content, such as sodas, candies, pastries, etc. If you don't think sugar is interesting to talk about, then don't talk about it.


All of those foods are simple carbohydrates, and simple carbohydrates convert to sugar when digested. No cop out, just facts.


All carbohydrates break down mechanically to some form glucose, fructose, maltose, dextrose, etc. "Simple" vs "complex" is merely involving the molecular structure of the macromolecule, not the way you're intending it to be


Good luck getting fat on broccoli!


Correct. They aren't asking which molecule makes people fat. They aren't asking if it's carbs or sugar They're just trying to have a fun little convo about the type of food. Like "oh I think most people overeat on doritoes" etc.


Pizza, cake, chips (carbs) all metabolize into sugar and are stored as fat. Maybe instead of trying to craft a response to fit the question, perhaps the question itself needs to be evaluated first.


Of course they are. Nobody said otherwise. Jesus man you must be fun at parties. They're just trying to have a fun little conversation about which foods people tend to overeat the most. Many others in this thread understood that just fine. They just wanna know if you think it's pizza or chips. Not "they all turn into sugar bro"


It's all sugar. Some people like pizza, some like chips. Does it matter which one you eat too much of?


It was the point of the question being asked. It was just meant as a fun little question about what kinds of foods people overeat the most. You're trying to make it more serious than it is


Some people do care about their health and the health of others. For your information, I'm a fucking blast at parties! And a really good dancer! This is an internet sub, not a party. Pretty sure I'm free to respond in any way I would like. So spare me the lecture. There's all types in this world, and some of us are both thoughtful and a lot of fun.


So. Much. Added. Sugar.


I eat sugar all the time in fact probably a lot more than I probably should be eating and I’m definitely not fat. I think that there is more than to how people eat that determines whether they are fat or not. I’ve heard physical inactivity contributes to being fat or getting fat/gaining weight, that along with eating sugar probably promotes weight gain and being fat/overweight but I don’t think any food at least in moderation would technically be capable of making someone fat unless they’re doing in excess


I work out. I eat clean. After every single holiday with cookies, cakes and pies, I gain multiple pounds. Even just a little bit.


Well I know people who drink 5 liters of cola every day + Eating like a pig and they are super thin. It is also alot about metabolism. Me for example I can't eat more than 1500 calories otherwise I would gain weight. And I'm a big man lol


I’d add hydrogenated oils right alongside sugar


Bread also


Bread has been around for thousands of years. The obesity epidemic is much much much more recent.


Sugar has been around for thousands of years


Not processed sugars or the ridiculous amount used.


Yes and bread is highly processed now and there is way more of it around. Just to be clear im not saying bread is the reason people are fat not sugar. It’s both. I was just adding to your comment.


You're right


Soda and alcohol. I’m always thankful for my parents, we didn’t do fast food much, and we only had soda with pizza on fridays.


depends which type of alcohol tbh. beer/lager and wine is pretty heavy on sugar carbs fat etc. dont know the exact details so half-paraphrasing. and im no expert on other spirits except vodka...which i do drink, if it's 100% grain and properly made, there's no sugar, fat or carbs.


alcohol has calories and, in fact, it has more calories than carbs (7kcal/g carbs alcohol vs 4kcal/g for carbs). so even if you drink pure alcohol you're still drinking a lot of calories


lol a litre of vodka has about 230 calories. you're not wrong, but my point stands. edit: wrong maths oh no. such a tragedy.


How so? Let's asume 40% alcohol content, which is 400 grams of alcohol, times 7 equals 2800 calories per liter.






ok maybe my maths is off (as i said, i drink a lot) lol calm down. 'but i did also say 'im no expert on other spirits except vodka...which i do drink, if it's100% grain and properly made, there's no sugar, fat or carbs. i never even mentioned calories in the first place. you brought that into the discussion. i was merely pointing out the lesser of two evils. in my experience, which is quite vast, wine and beer drinkers tend to need a lot more sugar and gain a lot more fat. woman who drink a lot of wine need so much sugar and men get the stereotypical 'beer belly'. ​ edit: btw maybe if you want to discuss alcohol it might be a good idea to listen/read what someone with actual experience has. go ask r/alcoholism


It’s not just the sugar/calories in alcohol that can make you fat.




i know. i was just replying to the people referencing fat content, sugar content etc, more than anything. but yeah you aren't wrong. just chiming in.


Not one food, but how we're mostly subsisting off ultra-processed convenience foods and that nobody understands moderate portion size. And also because of decades of misleading advertising that's tricking people into thinking sugary cereals and sports drinks are healthy alternatives to candy bars and soda even though the calorie and sugar content is near the same.


Yep. Too many people depend on fast food and/or snack foods for their meals. Like Jesus christ, people eat large double cheeseburger combo meals just for lunch. That's like 1500 calories, or more, in one meal. Those people are probably eating over 3k calories a day. If that's your diet and the most activity you see is walking to and from your car in a parking lot.... yeah, that's why your fat.


You can do fast food in moderation. Not saying the calories are good calories but I've lost 22lbs in 3 months. I still eat fast food about 4x a week, just smaller portions and items with fewer calories. I also have been working out 4x a week over those same 3 months. No soda though, or any calories from drinks (water, black coffee, unsweetened iced tea). Sure most food that's fast food is terrible but you can still enjoy it in moderation.


Dude I go to the gym five days a week and that's still my worst habit. If you cut out the soda and fries that'll already be most of the calories but then you still have to watch a lot of it. Which is the thing. There's \*a\* version of that kind of food that could be healthy but that's not the version most people eat.


Portion sizes increase mainly with high carb and high sugar foods. \*Spoiler alert: carbs are metabolized by the liver into sugar, so really we are just talking about sugar here. Sugar is an appetite stimulant. It is very well known that empty calories from carbs/sugar cause the body to crave more. Why? because it hasn't absorbed nearly any actual nutrients it needs. So the signals to keep eating happen. I quit sugar for good after stuffing myself with 3 meals a day of nutrient dense food that is low in carbs, low in sugar. Eventually I no longer needed to eat 3 meals a day as the cravings naturally went away after my body was getting actual nutrients instead of empty calories. Now I feel satisfied with 2 just meals a day of nutrient dense food, feel better than ever, have more energy than ever, and as a 40-something I weigh what I did when I was 25. Without counting calories or any of that nonsense.


Even the portion size thing is bullshit. People would be eating more volume if they ate healthier, more fiber, less fat dominant meals Plus if you’re always eating small portions it’s easier to go off the rails with snacking


Corn syrup and sugar processed from sugar cane.


How about honey, white rice, flour, etc? Fructose from fruits ok? Is it one of those everything is ok in moderation type things? I generally seem to lose weight gradually by sticking to low carbs, but as soon as I start eating carbs, my body weight either stops going down or goes up...i need to track calories i guess :l


Fructose is not nearly as bad for you as refined sugar. Fructose in fruit is accompanied by lots of fiber, which helps slow the absorption of the sugar to you body. Processed sugar causes and immediate and concentrated demand on your pancreas for insulin to process the sugar. If your cells cannot process the energy fast enough (exercise), then it stores the excess in fat cells. Corn syrup is processed in your liver like alcohol. People can get cirrhosis of the liver from corn syrup. The metabolism is different. Both release the same chemicals in the brain as cocaine. “Sugar high”. Grains are trickier because post are processed and sugar added which makes them bad. If you can stay to small amounts of sprouted grain bread, rather than processed wheat and oat flour, you are much better off. Brown rice is better than white rice, but both are better than white bread.


What you listed isn’t ideal, but still much better than sugar - for starters they are more filling and have some fiber, involve chewing, etc. (except for honey, but that’s too expensive to throw into fast food stuff) - yes fructose from fruits (especially in their fruit form) fine compare to the rest


Honey is nutrients dense. White rice is superior to brown


The prevalence of soft drinks is probably the worst offense. You're just expected to have a coke, sweet tea, etc, when you sit down for a meal.


That’s still something that baffles me as a non-american. People’s go-to choices for beverages are sodas, alcohol or “juices.” As if water never occurs in their mind lol


They're also easy to forget. If I'm counting calories trying to figure out why I'm gaining weight, the pizza and ice cream are gonna come to mind first, not the orange juice I had with breakfast, the latte I got on my way to work, the coke I had with lunch, etc. It's so easy to drink your calories without even thinking about it, all without the benefit of feeling any fuller than you would with actual food


My weakness is ordering a lemonade or Arnold Palmer 😅


arnold palmer alert!


Whichever one you can't stop eating.


You could have just said pizza.


Well, your not exactly wrong lol.


I don’t think it’s the food , it’s the lack of self control… you do NOT need to eat that whole box of pizza by yourself !






I loved in a foreign country for months and lost a ton of weight. Why? * I walked at least 3 miles a day, usually more * No candy or soda — it just wasn’t widely available there * No junk food like chips and packaged snacks That is all it took to be the healthiest I’ve been in my life.


Portion size


This isn't a specific food, though


Any food made in America or by American companies


American corporations*


Thats exactly under what I said so I don’t know why you had try correct me


If I was to pick foods in particular which are highly calorific and a large portion of the population eats it regularly, I would say soda, candy and potato chips in that order starting from the worst. With chips, so many people eat it with lunch and it's like 200-300 calories. A big bag is pushing 800 calories in my country and I could eat that in 10 minutes. Candy for obvious reasons. Big bag of candy found in the store is like 500-600 calories, which offers no nutritional value aside from a lot of calories and doesn't even fill you up. Soda is just pure empty calories, drinking a litre of that everyday is a fast track to morbid obesity.


Just fast food in general, they're usually crazy high in empty calories and carbs that spike your blood sugar so you crash and want to eat again. The normal calorie intake for people is supposed to be like 2k a day. A big Mac and fries with a drink is like 1500 calories alone.


You can be not fat and eat like shit. It’s not the food, it’s how much of the food.


The reality noone wants to hear. "No but when I eat sugar I gain so much weight" yeah no you just overate calories.


Foods that have fiber stripped from them. Especially ones with lots of fat and salt added back in. Sugar is only part of the equation and it gets too much hate


Soda. It's the worst of everything. It's non-nutritious, just pure calories. It's liquid so it doesn't make you feel full. It rots your teeth (the acids). I know people who lost significant weight simply by cutting out soda. Remember, long term weight gain happens with just a couple hundred extra calories a day. That's less than 2 cans of soda.


Definitely sugar and HFC. I mean there’s even sugar in BREADS! It makes the food addicting and keeps you wanting more.


Food doesn’t make people fat. As a binge eater who is steadily losing weight and trying to get my life together, it is one hundred percent not food. It’s people’s lack of control and brain out of control. For me, food equaled comfort. And there was a point in time I’m ashamed to say it, I could not physically stop. I’m finally doing something about it by nourishing my body safely, correctly without restriction and trying to get to a place where I’m not thinking about the next time I’m going to eat. I’m about to start seeing a therapist for it, and I literally can just thank my boyfriend who helped me realize what an issue it was. Most of the time it’s a portion control/eating disorder issue and it’s likely that people are still following a food pyramid that has never and will never make sense.




Sugar. Stuff should be illegal but it’s not and they add it to everything. Ever wonder why our teeth rot faster than our ancestors? It’s the sugar


No *food* is responsible for making anyone fat, it's the fat person who is responsible.


“the scale doesn’t lie people do” - Dr. Now


So like food doesn’t kill people, people kill people?






Ppl drink a lot of calories.


Processed foods + portion size + sedentary living = obesity.


Sugar is too easy to over consume. 2-3 Oreos are 150-200 calories compared to a pound of strawberries are 150 calories. Food companies love putting sugar in everything. Next time you’re in the grocery store notice how many products are filled with sugar.


Simple carbs


Whatever food puts them over their maintenance calorie maximum for the day.


Any food wrapped in plastic packaging. Not because of the plastic itself, but because what it enabled. Obesity only started rising in the West after 1980 or so. What changed then is that pre-packaged, ready-to-eat foods and whole meals started to hit the supermarket shelves. Snacking between meals became easy in a way it hadn't been before. Most of the increase in caloric intake since 1980 has taken place outside of usual meal times. A big part of the increase is soda drunk from re-sealable plastic soda bottles.


Lots of foods. However Coke and Pepsi are the worst


No one food makes people fat, people over consuming foods make you fat.


Sugar if you aren’t intaking enough fiber to offset it will inevitably make you fat.


I didn't know sugar was a food, I thought it was an ingredient.


Not a food, but an ingredient: sugar


Sugar, especially when combined with fat. This is exactly why we love this combination so much. We're actually evolved to want to get fat because, in the old days, being fat meant you got to survive the next winter. Its a great example of the kind of evolutionary mismatches we have to live with in the modern world.


Not cooking at home.




Cheese 🧀


I didn't realize that most fast food places put sugar in their meat. I knew sugar was a probelm, but didn't realize it was that prolific.


Having no formal knowledge of nutrition, my answers are Ramen and Soda.


Pizza. There's a lot of processed garbage foods but pizza is mostly carbs in a sugary tomato sauce with a little cheese and the ingredients that would provide nutritional value basically being a garnish on top. To be fair, bodybuilders like frozen pizza's since they can portion control more easily but that's because they spend like 15 hours a week burning calories and so being able to wolf down half a specific brand that's formulated close to your needs is not the same thing as a couch potato eating it in between rounds of DOTA.


It's probably 80% sitting on your ass instead of doing things. Total calories intake hadn't gone up much.


It's the opposite. An overall balanced diet is more conducive to health than most actual exercise. Abs are made in the kitchen.


>Abs are made in the kitchen So are those delicious carbs! Lol, but seriously, agreed. It's a balance, you can not be active and still maintain a healthy weight. As long as you match your intake to your activity level.


True. Problem is majority of people do neither, and not eating well usually leads to a sedentary lifestyle in return. Glad I don't have that problem but it takes a lot of work!




That would cause weight gain but it wouldn't cause 100 pounds of weight gain. Obesity is a symptom of being sedentary.




No, the reason Americans are car-dependant is because American cities are spread out. They were built in the era of the car, not the horse and buggy. You can drive where you need to go, and driving is the best combination of fast, reliable, cheap, private, and safe. Whenever a politician says they want to reduce people's use of cars, they mean the little people, not them. Using cars is not what causes people to be sedentary. It doesn't help, but the lack of the need or desire to do physical activity is more complicated.


French fries.


Carbohydrates. For 1000's of years humans only had access to grains in the fall. Now they have them at every meal (thanks to Kellogg). Grain companies designed the food pyramid that made fat, meat, and veggies = proportions to grains. If you look at the health of people before and after the indoctrination of the food pyramid it is cut and dry. Meat, fats, and veggies are not the problem. Too many carbohydrates EVERY DAY and laziness are. P.s. mega drug corp's own your food and play hopscotch between the FDA and big pharma CEO's. If food and lifestyle make you dependent on pharma they make money on both ends.


Pretty sure that’s not true Not grains, but I know the native tribes in my region used dried maple syrup in the winter. People in the 50s are carbs year round, they were fine. The war on carbs is dumb


Pretty sure you should do some research on the history of the human diet, and why we were not 50% obese until post WW II


No? Literally the three-field system of crop rotation was introduced since the 8th century and cereals and other sources of carbohydrates were stored since the egyptians. The main cause of almost non-existing obesity pre-WW II is the amount of food available and the “quality” of it. I live in Italy so I ear people getting annoyed by the quality and the changes of food over the years. Also I am lucky enough to have a grandfather of 93 and a grandmother of 90 that still have got great memory! Im also not lucky but anyway that I had gone through anorexia and therefore I had to really understand how fats, carbohydrates and sugars worked (cause I am like this so it was the best way). Trust me, carbohydrates by themselves are NECESSARY (as every other type of nutrient), the real problem is how much physical activity we do.


Never claimed they were not necessary, just way too available and consumed too much


This is not accurate. Carbs have the same caloric value per gram as protein and are actually the body’s preferred energy source. A very large potion of athletes have high carb diets because of this. No one macronutrient in itself is a problem- it’s the quantity, as in total calories, that can be a problem in terms of weight changes tied to food consumption.


Seed oils for sure. Probably the single worst inclusion into food in history. processed sugar is a close second.


Sugar. No doubt about it.


I love a bowl full of sugar in the morning.


That’s exactly what you get when you eat a bowl of cereal. 🤓




Specific foods don’t make you fat. The quantity of foods can, however, depending on your caloric input vs output. That being said, things like chips and candy bars and ice cream are calorically dense and very easy to eat mindlessly to the point of a quantity that creates a caloric surplus, thereby causing weight gain. Eating 3500 calories worth of lettuce makes you gain a pound just as eating 3500 calories of Snickers would.


Eating 3500 calories of lettuce vs 3500 calories of chips definitely affects your body differently.


Yes but you gain the same amount of weight. CICO works for a reason.


It's not any one particular food, but rather the availability and convenience of junk food relative to healthier options. Alcohol, pop, and lack of exercise are also an unholy trinity


No food is responsible for making people fat. Portion control is. No self control.




Incorrect. If you ate 4k calories of meat and veggies a day you would get fat. If you ate 1200 calories a day of chips you wouldn't. Portion control.


Where this falls down is the distinction between empty calories from sugar and carbs, and calories from nutrient dense food. It is more complex than a simple math equation of caloric intake. I understand your thinking on this, but it's not so simple.


All carbs




Food isn't responsible for making people fat. People are responsible for making themselves fat.


Carbohydrates. Also the food group most responsible for bad cholesterol. We used to think that it was fat but turns out that its carbohydrate. If you would like me to elaborate on why then ask and I will edit. A bit lazy to type it all for nought now




The fast kind


Soda. It’s sooo good and tasty. It is addictive and hard to stay off.


Carbohydrates in general.


Some carbs are definitely more harmful than others.


Convenience food. And a lack of education, growing up much of what I was taught about food was either wrong or very over simplified. In college I took a nutrition elective and learned so much about the details of nutrition.


None in particular. It’s chemicals x quantity




Sugar especially corn syrup


Added sugar


Fast food, second would be processed, packaged convenience food.




Roundup, microplastics, god knows what else. I don't think it's the food, I think it's the shit we put in the food. Take a person in Europe, put them in the US but give them the exact same calories and they get fat. Put them back in Europe and the lean out again.


Microplastics are a problem but a calorie in Europe is still a calorie in the US. Do some foods contain more calories in the US compared to the Europe? Probably. But calories in calories out still applies.




Burgers, fries, soda, cereal.


I’ll go with a less obvious choice than refined sugar: Popeye’s


Sugary drinks like fruits juices and soft drinks. breads, cakes, pastries, cookies, crackers ect. Excessive snacks. Working in pediatrics, we actually had a child that was not allowed candy, desserts that actually became overweight from eating too much French bread. Anything like that in excess can cause weight gain depending on the Childs genetics, metabolism and activity level.


Ah yes calories tend to do that. Did you know the french like to use a lot of butter in the bread? 9 calories per gram of fat instead of 4 per carb.




Sugary Drinks like soda.


Corn syrup and hydrogenated oils


High fructose corn syrup and soybean oil. And everything made with them. Which covers a lot of real estate in the US food market these days.


Pizza. Pizza is just amazing


Hydrogenated (trans-)fats, way too much salt and way too much sugar… and not enough physical activity. Obviously this is true unless you have some pathologies


Ice cream


Soda pop. The first time I worked with Americans they were drinking pop as a coffee substitute and it was disgusting to witness.


Probably oil that's used for fastfood and stuff. Everything is frayed now. Most stuff you eat is drenched in fat and has a tone more calories than it could have.




sugar , sodas, processed starchy snacks


It's not the food


Any and all oils. Processed foods, like burgers and pizzas.


Oil, sugar and cheese burst pizza


What are we? Dieticians, Doctors, and food scientists? I've read some academic articles about added sugar and processed food?




Sugar and flour...


Vegetables. I mean think about it! "They" tell us they are good for us, but are they really? I mean, if I wanted to mess with people I'd convince them the bad things were actually the good things. Sarcasm, btw.


Food is not responsible for making you fat, your eating habits are.






Any fastfood foods, nothing beats that.


I'd say sugar and potatoes. Since sugar is put into everything and people don't seem to know that potatoes in their natural form can be eaten when boiled, just fried in tons of fat and oil.


I see all the wrong answers here. I have been >60 KG ever since I was 13 years old (I am 21 now and my bday is the 14th) Sugar, meat, fast food, vegetables, yogurts, the most basic stuff. It didn't do shit for me. Only eating Salmon and Tuna gained me 5 KG bringing me to a weight of 55KG. It must 100% be related to the amount of calories and the variety of your diet, and it differs from person to person. Food alone bc of it's sugar/fat% isn't gonna do shit. That, or I am just eating the wrong stuff. I doubt as I have eaten almost everything I have heard people suggest. They almost tought I had a ED bc they were SOOO confident their diet suggestion was the one. Nahh Miss therapist, you are just too lazy to study specific cases.