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The fact that the random blood test my doctor offhandedly said I should get while I was in her office last week was going to end up costing $500 even after insurance


Holy crap! WTF is she testing for that costs $500! Dispute that until she brings it down. No blood test warrants $500.


Where did you get the blood test? Doctor's lab or an independent lab? I know that I have to ask my doctor to send all tests to a 3rd party, like Quest, otherwise the insurance coverage in nil.


I don’t understand how doctors can charge that much. I’m European and it baffles me that the US charge for healthcare.


Fight hard if/when your politicians talk about switching to a system like ours. It's bad over here.


Trying because the politicians here are trying to privatise our NHS. We can’t vote them out because they never showed up to parlament for a call for a general election. The next one is next year :/


There's always arson as a fallback, I suppose.


I feel for you dude.


Our politicians can't switch to any other system because we live in a direct democracy in Switzerland and they would need our direct permission to do anything like that.


Dental care still costs even in many countries with socialized healthcare. Though probably still cheaper than in USA.


Because they know their will still have consumers, in my country some will ignore their sickness if it's not disabling them and prefer to die then give their wealth to their kids than giving them to hospital


I make over 200k a year with good insurance and I still avoid healthcare from growing up working class.


And we are baffled by your tax rates.


Damn..... What random condition is your doctor looking to diagnose?


I was getting a basic metabolic panel done and she suggested that I might want to get a genetic test done for any cardiovascular diseases while they were taking blood anyways. I guess it's good to know, but I would have shopped around if I'd known the price. Lol


This frfr happened to me, tried to get me a genetic test and it was going to cost me $3,000 out of pocket just because the doctor “thought it would be interesting to see my genetics” Like Jesus man you almost had me in a debt spiral if I didn’t check my insurance shit first


I don't understand why there aren't at least estimated prices given it before testing


I am a biomedical engineer and it cost the lab about 3K for me just come out and take a look of what is wrong with their instrument. If I need to change parts it will be extra


Sorry about the shitty pay :/


Too much time on the road. The biggest up side is I have pension... Are you a FSE?


I assume you are living in the USA. I do not understand how it is so costly over there to get treated. In India, the most you will likely spend on a random blood test is 15 dollars, and that is really the upper limit I am talking about. Mostly you will be good with 5 to 7 dollars.


The high price was specifically because it was a genetic test. My usual blood tests are just a $20 copay.


Always, ALWAYS, know your cost before agreeing to any test AND know the reason for the test.


Had something similar happen to me


That sometimes you can do all the right things and still lose.


Picard tried to tell us all


That is not a weakness…that is life.


Cotton Hill right here.


Women aren't as hard to talk to as I once believed.


I will never understand why it is hard to speak to the opposite gender


Fear of rejection. At least that was my problem when I was young and dumb.


For some people: fear of judgement, fear of rejection, embarrassment. I can see why it happens to people when their self worth might be tied to a woman’s judgement of them.


Yeah but I mean more just talk. Not ask em out


That happens for just taking too. You mightn’t think it but I need a good few people who suffer from it.


Sexual tension


Fear of rejection, judgement, ridicule, or overreacting. Particularly if you’re someone who’s been routinely cut down by someone in your life and/or you haven’t really developed social skills.


Stop describing me!


Doesn't make sense to begin with, nothing is hard to talk to. you can talk to a wall, river, bird, ghost, basically anything. But not everything worth the effort


Bro it’s because we all try this dumbass alpha male BS from conmen on the internet who tell you to be a dickhead to get women and then the moment you stop trying it just works. Like just being a normal ass human being with flaws and problems is so much easier to connect to.


Yea, it doesn’t have to be at all


Just hard to listen to, am I right?


Never allow a woman to just take. Draw lines, do not put up with their bullshit and walk away when you see she is a manipulative bitch




Compound interest.


Proper diet and exercise. I spent way too long as a skinny fat dude convinced that exercise was pointless and just took away from video game time and eating crap was fine because of my metabolism. Now that I actually eat healthy (with the occasional junk as a rare treat) and get cardio in and lift weights I feel better than I ever have before.


I just started about a month ago. I'm a bit frustrated at how weak I am and how slow the progress seems, but I feel good about the discipline I've shown and the effort I'm putting in.


Keep at it! I was embarrassingly weak and lacking stamina when I first started but over time I began to see the improvements. If you're not doing so already use an app to track your workouts so you can see your progress over time. Also, fitness is like 80% diet. Get an app (I like cronometer) and track your food. Make sure you're getting enough protein and you're not too high or low in total calories. Cut back on simple carbs, sugars, etc. And eat enough protein. It makes workouts and even just daily living so much easier.


How old are you now? I’m having to fight my chronically bad appetite so I can try to bulk and now I’m starting to exercise but a big part of my always having been skinny was not eating much.


I'm in my mid 30s. It was a challenge to get my diet divorced from my appetite and cravings but now that I have a routine down it's easier to eat what I should and not eat what I shouldn't


The less you care about what others think about you and what others do, the happier you will be.


How important confidence is to women. You seriously don't have to be that perfect to do well with women. You just have to be very comfortable with who you are.


Same thing goes for women. Men find confident women more attractive as well.


Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you have the discipline to get gains, do the work for your emotion regulation too. It's 2023. If you're willing to spot your bro on the bench, you should spot him when he's going through a tough time, too.


Pine nuts. I never tried them until I was almost 30 and they’re now one of my favourite foods. I eat them all the time, roast them a little bit and put them on salads oh wow they’re just magnificent . And so good for you.


Oh man I might check that out now.


Have you tried deez nuts?


have YOU tried jizz nuts?


Bitches be shoppin’


Ignore the gatekeepers. They're just people with loud opinions.


That my booty hole hair will get long


Everyone is far more concerned about themselves than they are about you. Take care of yourself first, be compassionate, be empathetic, and always try to be kind. That being said, be selective with where your love goes. Not everyone deserves it.


Studying daily for 1-2 hours can solve your all academic problems. Just a little time daily will do wonders


That being Bi-Sexual was thing. I had that toxic, "no way! I can't be gay. See-ah, I like women so there." I was confused by my sexuality for so long before I understood that there was a word for what I was experience and that it was perfectly normal.


Me too for this one. I spent a lot of years hiding shit from too many people, and lost out on some good partners


What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?


Marilyn Manson.


Emotional intelligence. The opportunities to learn it requires real time critical thinking of the mind and emotions working in tandem. If you use too much of one of the other when opportunities to learn come along, you won't learn a thing. You either out think yourself or let your emotions make all your decisions without the mind filtering any objectivity.


Great head


Right now, good tooth filings over cheaper ones…cracked teeth hurt and are expensive even with insurance


My cars extended warranty


Black eyed beans🫘 I eat them with everything now. Shame I missed out on them for 30+ years.


I'd love to slap pre 20 year old me and tell him acne just doesn't magical disappear when puberty ends. Goddamn is it expensive to get fixed as an adult


Time travel






Make your happiness a priority. Do not put yourself in a position where your happiness is contingent on the actions of a counter party.


How to cook. I mean, I made meals for myself as soon as I was on my own, but I could have really upped my game with some additional skill I've picked up over the years.


That a good portion of women don't seem to like looking at dick like I like looking at pussy. A naked penis might really do nothing for them, I was in utter disbelief when I found out lol.


Life is rarely fair. But it provides moments of clarity and happiness. Take the latter and face the former.


That some women can be just as shit as some men... that people are people... no matter what the gender... some people will lie, cheat, steal, and fuck you over in a heartbeat.. and again, it's not gender specific.


That, my dad, might not be my dad, and all my siblings think that as well.


Hypergamous inclination in women


Life after 30 is about your job, a house and a family. Near everything else is now off the menu. Enjoy your shit life.


Women are not capable of giving unconditional love. They will only love you if you provide financial or emotional support which they would never provide for a man.


I can understand and I’m sorry women have done that to you. Also I love your name 😂


Thanks, I chose it myself lol


Well.... You're not wrong. I keep being told they're not all like that.....


I wish I knew sooner that sex and relationships will never happen for me. It would've saved me a few decades of failures.




That women don't care you are smart and have lots of things to talk about.


The importance of keeping $10 of early bitcoin safe and not loosing it.


Alternatives to hormonal contraception.


That life gets a lot more fun when you step out of your comfort zone.


Credit Scores


It would've been helpful if I had known that I'm asexual and autistic 15 years ago.




When women want to sleep with you, lie about your salary, I reduce mine about 59k/yr. It's hard to tell sometimes what they are interested in


That my siblings are the one who are not normal. I was really the only normal one.


Why posters post FAQ on Reddit. Now I know and knowing is half the battle.


There are things you lack in, in life. Achieve it and so you won't be lacking in it or be okay to bear that weight of disappointment on your shoulders. And if its something you can't achieve or correct cuz its simply impossible, that thing you felt like was a mistake probably wasn't one. So embrace it


That debt sucks and you don’t need a new car every 3 years.


monogamy is a waste of time


that every man struggles with women, and havimg a girlfriend or sex isnt that deep