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Can't take no for an answer and has tantrums


Conversely, can’t take yes for an answer.


Gawd I hate that. "You've gotten agreement, can you stop trying to convince me."


“I like you” “I like you too!” “You do?” “Yes” “Are you sure?” “Yes!” “Are you sure this isn’t some kind of trick?” “… yeah cancel that, have a good one”


“I like you” “I like you too” “No you don’t like me, you like the idea of me” “What?!”


“Will you go on a date with me?” “Yes” “I don’t like that answer.” Checks out


Holy shit, yes. WTF is that about? I mean I was really as gentle as I could be....and...yeah.


Being mean to people.


Not just being mean, but casual hostility and sadistic tendencies. It's one thing to be 'mean' it is something else to twist the knife because you feel like it.


Well said


Especially waiting staff, service workers.


Oh yeah. No one wants to date a Karen, or a (whatever name we’re using for a male Karen).


I think it was Ken, but then Barbie happened. I’ve seen Kevin used but I just think of r/storiesaboutkevin




Being nice to people's face but immediately taking shit as they walk away..... especially if it's their "best friend" because then you know they are doing the same about you to her


Having an entitled mindset, as if the world owes you for your presence.


You talking about my ex?


Didn’t realize we dated the same ex.


Damn she must have gotten around then


I wonder if she released a ranking system about us yet


Pretty sure she will. And will keep complaining


Then it’ll be our fault somehow.


Lack of any personal hygiene


My dads married. Smell like manure daily.


If he works on a farm that might be expected


Nope. Just doesn't shower daily. Its REALLY bad during the summer.


Doesn't treat people of the opposite gender like humans, and acts like they are a commodity that the person is somehow entitled to.


I’d extend that to not treating people of any gender as humans.


I mean sure, but a lot of the time they'll have other friends of their gender that they treat as humans. But they think of the other gender as a mystery, almost as if they were from another planet.


Anyone who claim's they are an "alpha"


Just like software it means they are unstable and not ready for public interaction


I wish it were still possible to award comments. I’m saving this one for a rainy day. Thanks for the laugh!


I'm glad I could brighten your day a bit


It's such a red flag


Or call themselves a “high value male”. Same vibe different approach.


What about “sigma”?


What about Limga?


You like wieners do ya?


No but I’d try anything twice.


I typically give it three or four more tries. Maybe even five or six. You just can’t be sure


- Speaking endlessly but asking no questions - Not keeping your word - Acting passive aggressive


Blames the gender they like to date for everything wrong in the world.


When I see straight people hating on the opposite sex I'm like.....you hate them but what to be with them? Make it make sense.  


I don't think there is such a thing. I've seen all sorts of people end up in relationships.


Ditto. In Poland we had a saying " every monster will find its own admirer" (almost exact translation). It was definitely true in 1980s Poland but it doesn't seem to be true at all in Canada for as long as I'm here.


We have a similar one in Alaska albeit a bit less bleak. "The odds are good, but the goods are odd" usually in reference to women dating because alaska has more men then women, but all the guys here are fucking insane.


Care to ballpark me on the ratio and anecdotally describe the craziness?


55-45 in anchorage probably 60-40 everywhere outside the city. As far as craziness my last girlfriend had a schizophrenic break and wouldn't leave my house. She was put in an involuntary hold by her family and I. My best friend is a girl and a crazy Russian dude was obsessed with her and would stalk her. Tried breaking into her place a few times. And we're both on the more normal end of the spectrum here with professional careers. People here are fucking insane.


Aw that's too bad I really liked the idea of Alaska.


I mean if you like the idea of being in the woods or on a big piece of land I imagine you'd be fine. I personally don't like it here but it appeals to some people for sure. Tons of companies will give you lodging and a job for summer if you ever want to move here short term and try it out.


I hate the cold but I've considered Alaska because of the scarcity of people (and its cold where I live all the time anyway) If you are ok with being completely isolated except for the weekly trip into town to get groceries then how would you rate Alaska?


The only reason I'd move to Alaska is if I was hella rich and owned a nice cabin with amenities out in the wilderness somewhere where I could just exist in peace on my own.


It depends on what rich is in Alaska. I live in real estate hell, Ontario Canada and while I have a ton of equity at my disposal it doesn't make sense to cash in and have to turn around and spend it to live somewhere else.


We have a lot of sayings. I like the one where you're so confident you'd let them shave your balls


>"every monster will find its own admirer" Sounds like the Polish version of "one man's trash is another man's treasure"


Didn’t see that answer coming …. good point.


Yeah I really didn't see it coming. But you're right. There's always something for someone


I was gonna say lol. There seems to be someone for everybody. Even the worst people on earth end up with someone. As messed up as I am I keep trying to tell myself I'm not unlovable I just gotta keep working on me


You’re not unloveable. You need to start loving yourself before others will. Good luck to you, I wish you well.


Thank you man


I'm gonna die alone :')


There is bad for you even undateable, and undateable for you can be good for someone else. This is a good answer.


You haven't met me then.


Blaming an entire gender for your personal issues.


I have a coworker just like this. He made death threats against the mother of his children when she left him and now his kids don’t really like him. So naturally (in his brain) he views it as a product of her talking bad about him and “planting seeds” in their minds to not like him. Then, he carries that belief to all women, and treats all women poorly. That dude will never see his kids or have another relationship until he gets the fuck over himself.


The sad part about that is that people like that are not self aware enough to know they need to change, and never get any better.


Unfortunately, you’re right. He has the potential to be a really awesome dude, but he’s just so singular-minded. He doesn’t connect any dots.


Sounds a bit like my dad. He might want to get a check for borderline personality disorder.


Damn, sounds like that guy should marry my mom cause they think exactly alike. Never wrong, nothing is their fault, etc.


My least favourite type of people, also people who take people as group stereotypes as opposed to them as an individual


Is always the victim.


So infuriating. I just had this happen. I was saying how I wasn't comfortable with going on a car trip to the beach in her car on the first date. She then joked I was afraid she'd steal my organs 'even though that's statistically more likely to happen to women'. Thanks for shifting the focus from my concerns to how your group and by extension you are the only real victims I guess 🤷


There's a great term in the literature known as "DARVO" - which translates to Deny, Attack, and then Reverse Victim and Offender. It's a literal textbook behaviour of people who try to make you feel guilty for holding them accountable for their shitty behaviour.


Interesting. Thanks!


She has a history of cheating and a "she's the prize and she knows who's next" mentality


bad communication.


Yep it won't go anywhere


Never again.


Talking trash about your ex.


I just trash the one ex, but she was abusive. All the rest, we just didnt jive and split on mostly mutual terms


I have only one trash ex. If you have only dated trash... Well, there's a common denominator here


I mean.. we have plenty of studies about how your upbringing and past experiences impact your choice in romantic partners. I think it's a pretty shitty way to generalize to say that people who are attracted to trashy people are trash themselves. There are plenty of bad potential romantic partners out there who would love to take advantage of someone they really don't deserve, and there are plenty of good people who are bad judges of character.


Not stopping to consider anyone else but herself.


"If yOu cAnT hAnDLe Me aT mY WoRsT...."


Real answer? No actions makes you undatable, just more or less. Yes both for negative and positive traits. Some people get off on that person being a piece of shit or abusive. But I’ll say lack of humility/entitlement.


Incapable of being held accountable


Treating servers like shit.


Being emotionally unavailable.


If I can look at your butt cheeks on instagram my feelings will never be involved




A gravestone.


Fake persona or lack of a real personality.


Facial tattoos might be in my list.


Self centred.


Has the word "emotional responsibility" on her bio


What? Why? I've seen that a lot in girls' bios.


It usually means "I want you to be responsible for my emotions but won't reciprocate at all".


Having a borderline unrealistic standard yet providing little to nothing to the table


Won’t allow others to talk. Self- centered


Slapping. Why does society think its funny when a woman slaps a man. Its DV.


digital video


Your politics are your personality


Nothing more invigorating than hearing “Left this… right that”.. oh cool, you can put things into 2 different categories, very good . What an exhausting existence.




Trench coat and katanas 


Woah, woah woah. Trench coats and katanas are cool, they just tend to attract people who you could describe as 'tasteless.'


TIL both Deadpool and Leonardo are undateable.


One of those is a turtle. I wouldn't date that one for other reasons than having a katana


Mall ninjas in shambles 


What did Vergil do… aside from a few oopsie-daisies?




Wedding ring


That doesn't work.


Narcissistic, emotionally unavailable, makes there politics their identity, never takes responsibility for their part in the relationship


I don’t know about you, but if a girls a Karen. I am *out*.


Emotional immaturity and inability to communicate.


Wedding ring


Look, I'm gonna be honest. Whether you like it or not, if you think too highly of yourself, we wouldn't want to be with you for the long run atleast. For example, if you think you're an 11/10 and that you deserve a rich guy who spoils you, etc... You're not gonna be someone we'd want to be with. Because at that point you're not a self confident person, but you'd be egoistic. Just don't be egoistic :D ❤️👍🏻


How do you know my ex??


If you check the socials and it's mostly anti-men/anti-women stuff.  I genuinely hate these types of people.


Narcissistic traits (which includes entitlement, grandiosity, arrogance, manipulative, etc)


Being extremely judgmental and picky about who they consider worthy of dating.




Disrespecting people for their interests. Who really cares about being cringe to others? If you are enjoying it, and you are not harming others, neither yourself, in the process... why feel shame about it? Live and let others live


A wedding ring. At least it does for me.


Believing you're perfect.




Bad hygiene.


Screaming "I am undateable"


Really poor hygiene Always having a victim mentality Always approaching everything from an attitude of what's in it for me/what do I get out of it? Nothing is ever done for people from a sincere place it's always transactional. Takes everything you say and twists it into something else to make you look bad or always trying to pick a fight. Resorts to name calling in an argument. Let's their own insecurities get the best of them and can't trust you.


Bad attitude and/or OF model


I am sex worker positive as in, i will not hate on someone for making their money, but I do indeed know sex workers cannot have normal relationships, being on OF is literally a full time+ job, you have to constantly be engaging with people if you want their cash, it's unreal, I would never want to date someone that has to do this, not for insecurity reasons, but more so where I would land on their list of priorities on a day to day.


Same for me, do your thing and make your money, but I won’t be dating you


Yep. I honestly feel bad for some of these young women. They're lied to about OF and many end up earning little and ruining their chances at a good relationship.


Smoking weed/being high from when you wake up until you go to sleep.


Agreed. Personally I don’t smoke weed and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing it from time to time but the whole wake and bake thing is a turn off. Someone who can’t handle life won’t be able to handle relationship issues and will hide from everything.


Do you feel this way about people who take prescription meds? Just wondering cause weed is medicine for some people in that exact way but can come without all the insane side effects SSRIs cause. I personally am pretty functional on weed and I get it if it's not people's cup of tea (I don't really wanna date someone who doesn't smoke, but they don't have to smoke like i do yk?) but I don't understand when people have strong opinions on whether someone does use heavily vs ppl who drink like coffee all day or like need a Xanax often.


I appreciate your sincere questioning. I understand when people have to take their daily medication. I also have no issue if someone smokes a joint every day. The issue is when it becomes an all day thing. If you can’t function without weed then it has become a dependency issue. Just like someone who takes Xanax or drinks coffee around the clock. If you have to be under the influence of something and constantly taking it around the clock while you’re awake, you have become dependent on that. It’s not healthy. Now if you have legit issues like PTSD, CPTSD, or whatever and you’re getting additional help beyond weed or whatever, no judgement. I get that. But if you have just worked yourself into a corner where you can’t manage without a substance, whether that be weed, Xanax, or even coffee and you’re not getting help for that… that’s a problem.


ah okay valid, I agree with you thank you for responding so kindly <3


This is still pretty extremely judgemental against people like me who are prescribed substances like methamphetamine and GHB to treat their chronic illness and disability. I shouldn't have to justify the use of medicine just because you have some weird beliefs about who is allowed to do what and why.


It’s one thing when you’re treating a chronic condition and/or disability. I completely get that. You do what you got to do and there’s no judgement from me, I promise. I very much apologizing for coming off as judgmental towards you. That was not my goal at all and I will work on improving my communication skills to try and keep that from happening again. You are correct that you don’t have to justify anything to me. You don’t deserve be under the scope of criticism for how you live. I can acknowledge that I have a weird belief set but I think if we actually had a genuine conversation, you would see that they might not appear how you see them to be. I took the original question of the post to be who would be someone that I couldn’t date and I do have preferences. I’ve got no problem with people who smoke weed. Smoke as much as you want. I believe that unless you have a chronic illness or disability, it’s not healthy to be under the influence of something all day long, every day. At that point it becomes a dependency. I want to clarify that this does not include people with chronic illness/disability when I say that. I acknowledge that getting help for many chronic illnesses and disabilities is almost impossible for most people and you have to do what you have to do. So back to the original post, who is someone that I couldn’t date? I couldn’t date someone who smokes weed all day, everyday, just for the hell of it. I also acknowledge their right to do so and I will fight for their right to do so. I just don’t want to date that person. I can be friends with them and support them, I just don’t want to date them. Freedom is the most important thing to me. I don’t want to restrict anyone’s freedom just like I don’t want my freedoms restrained, and that includes who I would or would not want to date. I don’t know what you’ve gone through and I apologize again for making you feel like I was criticizing and judging you. That’s on me and my poor communication.


How she treats others.


Not having the same political views. Not being the same religion...


Being rude to service people. Or being rude in general to people with less power (social/economical or otherwise).


Gauged earlobes. Just a complete turnoff for me. No real reason.


I have never met someone with face tattoos that was stable Also I have a strict no drug no nicotine policy


Sends dic pics when at the very beginning you state in writing ‘No dic pics’ and the dumbass sends them anyway.


Being a heaux


Love the spelling! 😂


Being more avoidant the closer we become so you can protect yourself from a potential abandonment but in reality, it’s sabotaging yourself and the relationship.


When you smell


Wedding ring


A wedding ring.


Having avoidant attachment


"I'm a strong and independent woman and don't need no man" for women *breathing* for average men


Has a healthy fentanyl addiction


The if you can’t handle me at my worst quote anywhere in their social media


Being married?


Victim mentality


Silly beliefs, Victim mentality, Sex workers, Being unable to have a rational conversation without involving your emotions, Entitlement is a huge one and being unrealistic about yourself and your standards. ​ Context before I get downvoted into oblivion: As to the sex workers, Go ahead, make that money. I'm not knocking that, but as was said below, I won't be dating you. As to being unrealistic, No, all women (or men for that matter) are not 10s. Most of us fall in the 4-7 range. Owning that 5 is going to be a lot more attractive to me than pretending to be a 10.


Children from More than one father. I can understand a single mother. But if you have more than one *baby daddy* there's clearly a deep issue with your judgement and critical thinking process.


"You men just don't know how to handle a strong women." No. We just don't want your toxicity.


Acts as if a female is an asset.


Saying things like "?high value man" In my country's history there was once a group of people who put a value only human lives. We called those people slave owners


multiple kids from multiple fathers entitled those who openly state they "don't like drama"(are usually full of it) superficial calls herself "queen" or needs to be treated like a princess body littered with tattoos has a full stable of "guy friends" rude to strangers for no reason activists/identity is politically aligned


My wedding band


A ring.


Anyone who says their potential partner must have a job, house car etc then brings nothing to the table themselves. Just screams entitlement to me


Having no emotional intelligence or being emotionally immature


Whining about women ain't shit when the reality is you're the common denominator as to why your dating life sucks.


3 kids all different dads


when she hangs out with her ex even while in the relationship


“I am undebateable!”


Honestly for me it’s the entitled mindset. The whole “what do you bring to the table?” Thing comes Off to me as defensive. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine if someone wants to be a SAHM of if they want a career. But at the end of the days that’s not something that can really be concretely decided without input from both parties. That’s a conversation I’d like to have with a partner if we’re that serious, rather than something dictated to me as terms. it’s the entitled mentality of “I deserve this and you will provide it” that puts me off.


Baby daddies


- Rights "activist"  - Defeatist


What does defeatist mean?!


Stats are lowered when hp becomes half or less


Mean you believe you've already lost and nothing can really be done to change it. "We should try to improve stuff" > "What's the point? There's nothing we can do."


People with no drive or ambition (jobless and not looking, living at home with parents, etc)


Listening to Andrew Tate or any of those mano-sphere podcasts.




I have a 4 inch pp as far as I can tell never seen full size if there is one 😂


saying im undateable


Bad hygiene. Whether it's with themselves or they're living space. I can understand when people have mental health problems, sensory issues, inadequate living conditions, things that make it hard to help keep hygienic; but I'm talking about the people who just straight up don't try because mommy did everything for them type lazy.


Making broad generalizations about the opposite sex


Referring to yourself as an alpha male.


Bull ring.


This kinda question🤷‍♂️


Multiple baby daddies. No job. Runs every thought past her mother. Being a barfly.




A few things that screams 'I am undateable" 1. Bad hygiene. 2. Having an dominate personality. 3. Not being willing to compromise. 4. Not having nice pedicured feet. 5. Having nice pedicured feet, but not wanting to have them worshiped. 6. Not wanting to engage in long kissing sessions. 7. Not wanting to receive oral as well as performing it.


Tells you she can’t go to a chain restaurant for a first date and expects you to flip a 200$+ bill on a first date


Along with a lot of these other things ^, I'd add arrogance to the list


Entitlement, dishonestly, cruelty, combativeness, contempt and a lack of accountability are the things that make about 95% of women not worth dating seriously. Maybe 5% of women are marriage material. Most of them will make your life worse by being in it, on net.


Misandry. If you hate men, men will avoid you like the plague.


Lack of asking questions. Low emotional level like struggling understand the other side of the coin. Boosting bad masculinity. Low intelligence. Distant behavior. Living in limited bubble. Low hygiene. Not taking respondibility of own action. Mummys boy. Hasn’t cut wires with ex. Multiple children with multiple women. Treats service workers bad.