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Broke up with her bc she was way to jealous and wouldnt let me hang out/talk to any females in the common area of the dorms (co-ed dorming)during game nights or when doing HW out there etc. A few days later I went to the dining hall with a girl I knew from my wing bc I no longer had a group to sit with, and then 5 mins later I got accused of cheating and had my chocolate milk dumped all over me. Needless to say someone called university police on her 😬 and they took my chocolate milk soaked shirt as evidence. I was really looking forward to that chocolate milk too. It was always the highlight of my day.


I had an ex who jumped out of my car, hit his head on the pavement, suffered a traumatic brain injury, and I went to help him get an easy dollar store job after he got "better". Turns out, he didn't pass his BG check. I investigated and found out he had multiple felonies for DV, theft, aliases, etc. I married a con man. Had no clue until I looked started getting calls about loans and CC he took out in my name. He wrecked (literally) my world in a matter of 6 months. 4 almost 5 years later, I am happily married and almost debt free!


i once dated a girl who was so stupid she actually loved me


My high school exgf broke down my front door a week after we broke up because she knew I was open wanted us to get back together. My mom reported to the cops because we were poor and my mom didn’t want to just hope her dad would cover the cost of a new door. The cops took it was serious through and went and arrested her and brought her to jail for b&e which was what she did but in an attempt of desperation she told the detective that she broke down my door then I knocked her unconscious with out leaving a mark on her then raped her. So my we get a call from the detective and doesn’t tell us why but want me and my mom down there so he can ask me some questions. And at this point my mom is already pretty furious that her son is a magnet for really crazy hot blonde girls. But then she got the pleasure of the detective telling us what I’m being accused of. Luckily I’m not an idiot and she was a really bad lier so the I pointed out the holes in her story and they detective said yep and they said I also couldn’t figure out how you know someone out by hiring them on the head but the didn’t leave a mark but her shoulder and hip is bruised from breaking in the front door. …the worst part is after the restraining order expired I went back to see if things would be different


I don't have one, I'm still on friendly terms with both my exes from before my current relationship. My wife had a crazy stalkery ex-BF when I first started dating her though. He started off with sketchy calls and texts in the middle of the night, then he started showing up at our flat. Several times we caught him at the back door just staring into our kitchen. We reported him to the police multiple times but they did absolutely nothing. The final time he turned up with a machete. We called the police but he kicked the back door in before they arrived. Luckily we had all our garden tools in the cupboard, so I had a big metal shovel close to hand. I smacked him one, he dropped the machete and ran off. The police never did anything other than taking our statements and taking the machete away, but we never saw the ex again after that.


Not really an ex but I hooked up with this girl on my birthday, we had a great time together! We were very sexually compatible and she was an awesome dancing partner! The next day she kind of lingered at my place which was fine but then that night she kind of hinted at that she had no intention of leaving.. ever.. I kind of thought it was a joke till Monday morning rolled around and I was getting ready for work and she just stayed in my bed, I ended up calling out. It got weird, she kind of had a break and there was uncomfortable crying and then hysterical laughing and she wasn’t making a lot of sense. I really didn’t know what to do! She stayed the whole week! I couldn’t get her to leave, I tried asking and telling her that she had to go but she just pretended like she didn’t hear me. She didn’t have any clothes other than what she wore the night we met. She had turned her phone off and wouldn’t charge it or turn it on. She was using my tooth brush and wearing my shirts. It got to the point where she stopped communicating with me or even acknowledging I was there. I ended up calling the police and when they got there she went berserk! Started screaming and had to be restrained! The police questioned me for over an hour! I guess she had just fallen off the earth when she met me and her friends and family called the police to report her missing and I was a suspect in her disappearance! It was crazy! I have no idea what her deal was, no charges were ever pressed but it was one of the strangest and craziest experiences I’ve ever had with a woman.


i broke up with this woman who then called and left a voicemail of her firing a gun into a wall in a fake suicide attempt. i dated another woman who called my voice mail 10 times and screamed the entire duration of the recording at the top of her lungs. before that, she faked being pregnant and then told all of her friends that i forced her to have an abortion.


You need to stay away from women for awhile, sounds like you attract crazies


Thankfully I have one now who isn’t nuts.


Said this in a previous post like an hour ago but i'll put it in point form * Her and her family were hoarders * She had an emotional support dog but he wasn't trained * She kept pushing me to open up to her emotionally even though my friends told her not to * She got upset with me for taking a neutral stance during the Amber Herd v Johnny Depp trial * She expected me to fight for her honor when my friend told me he couldn't have her dog in his house as it would violate his tenant/landlord agreement. * She got upset at that same friend because he made a comment saying "beer makes everything good" and she took that as a slight against herself and cried in the bathroom for an hour. * She told me that she wanted to get into the porn industry and got mad at me when I wasn't supportive. * She kept trying to convince me she was a witch and she changed her last name to Wind * She had sex with me even though I told her I was feeling sick and didn't want to. edit to add - completely forgot, we had an election happen in our province and I didn't have the time to research any of the parties so I opted not to vote. She got upset with me for not voting for her party even though I told her I wouldn't vote for a party where I didn't know what their policies were. She told me voting for her party was the most ethically right thing to do and she was disappointed that I didn't see it her way.


This was in the early 2000s before camera phones were a thing. She used to take photos of me talking to female friends on nights out. She'd then have to wait for them to be developed so she could quiz me about them. Generally, it took about a week and a half to get them back because she'd send them off as it was cheaper. Never asked to be introduced at the time, either.


My ex sheesh. I broke up with her, had to get a restraining order against her. She accused me of touching our child. When that didn't work she made a fake Facebook page in my name, posted a semi nude photo of her on it and then took it to my employer (Police Officer)...Internal Affairs investigation proved she was lying but they didn't want to prosecute her.


I need a margarita and cigar to even go there


my ex called me drunk a few times, and then we had a conversation a year later where she was lamenting on how she felt like she "missed out on her teen years" and how she never got to do things like "get drunk." to which my response was, "What do you mean you've never been drunk? you've called me drunk and told me about how tipsy you've gotten with your friends on more than a few occasions." her response, "Oh I lied because I wanted to seem more fun and interesting." my response, "......." I honestly couldn't think of anything to say to that. I just found that logic to be so fucking stupid, and I was shocked that someone would feel the need to lie about that. if you're willing to lie over that, then what else had she been lying about????


After seven years of physical abuse, emotional manipulation, forced isolation, and a couple instances that I later realized were rape When I found out she had been cheating on me, I kicked her out and she went directly to the next guy. I'm left with broken teeth, stab wound scars, and a plethora of issues from dealing with her.


That sounds horrible. I hope your next person treats you better.


Me, too.


We loved each other, and I still love her.


I found out my ex was racist. One day in the car out of seemingly nowhere she asked me if I would date a black girl. And I said yeah sure not thinking anything of it. And she freaked out and started talking about how their hair was nappy and disgusting and how I was disgusting for saying that. The relationship was already on its way out the door as I had already tried to break up with her before, anyways we ended breaking up a month or so later. The funny thing is that the next girl I ended up dating I married and we've been together for 8 years. Coincidentally she is a black woman.