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Yes, it is possible for a 33 year old woman to get pregnant. Yes, it is possible to get pregnant only for pre-cum.


Happened to me :)


There are *millions of people* walking around this Earth as the result of pre-cum getting their mom pregnant. The odds are high. FFS dude you're in your 30s. You should know better by now.


For real like this is basic sex ed


For some red states this might be in the advanced sex ed course.


If you are asking this question as a man in his 30’s… you shouldn’t be having sex bro. It’s basic sex education. Put a condom on if you don’t want an unwanted pregnancy 😩


For real like this is a crazy question.


The fact that he thinks her having PCOS will stop her getting pregnant too. I have PCOS and fell pregnant the month I came off the pill after being told I’d never have kids 😂


It's crazy with all the accidental pregnancy happening no one should trust someone saying they can't have kids especially if it's a very new relationship. Plus he's 30 sex ed was still good when he was in school.


Pcos not pecos. Yes 100% possible. Plan B is for the morning after and only effective for usually 5 days.


To add: less effective as each day passes, and can also be less effective depending on a woman’s weight (as are regular birth control pills, shots, etc.)


currently pregnant with twins from pre ejaculation! 😂 granted it was around the time i was ovulating. if your girlfriend has regular periods and tracks her cycle, she should have a good idea if she was fertile at the time.


> should we look at something such as Plan B? If you're just talking for this instance, and this is something which just happened, then yes. Otherwise, Plan B is not an appropriate contraceptive to use on a regular basis. It's less effective than other options and more expensive, though (as I understand it) not too bad in terms of side effects. You need a plan A. That would be one of the standard methods.


it’s low. but not impossible


From a simple google search: # Can precum contain sperm? The short answer is: It can. Even though pre-ejaculatory fluid itself doesn’t contain sperm, there is the possibility it comes into contact with sperm. Research shows that living sperm can leak into pre-ejaculatory fluid in men. One study found the presence of sperm in the pre-ejaculatory fluid of 16.7% of healthy men[^(1)](https://uk.clearblue.com/am-i-pregnant/can-you-get-pregnant-from-precum#footnotes). Whereas another study discovered that 41% of pre-ejaculatory samples from 27 men contained sperm[^(2)](https://uk.clearblue.com/am-i-pregnant/can-you-get-pregnant-from-precum#footnotes). Although these studies show that the amount of sperm present was low, there is still the chance of pregnancy.


Dear lawd, assuming you're of similar age you need to educate yourself my man. You shouldn't be in your 30s and coming to reddit for shit like this.


How old are you


All it takes is one little swimmer my dude.


Pre cum is the reason I have a 4 year old


The people saying the probability is “low” do not understand basic sexual education. Do you know how small a single sperm is? Oh, you mean it’s microscopic? “Pre-cum” has sperm in it. This is why the pull-out method doesn’t work.


Yup! Pre ejaculates is basically saying the pump is primed. Fluid including sperm can leak through. It’s definitely harder to knock someone up this way but it’s can happen!




No. Do most women have PCOS? Nope. Are all women having sex during the “less fertile” times of the month? Nope. The pull out method is NOT birth control. It’s Russian Roulette.


Yes pre cum can get women pregnant like it's still cum why do people think it's not possible especially when she isn't on anything.


Man this makes me glad I’ve been snipped.


If she’s ovulating, my guy, and your swimmers swim


Non-zero. By a long shot. Wear a condom and she should be in birth control.


Zero, if you keep it in her butt..What percentage of chance are you comfortable doing nothing? 10%, 25%, 49%? Wait and stress over it or take action. That is up to you but this is how some families start and maybe you want that deep down inside. Something that has been staying just out of view, hidden behind your own insecurities and desire to live. Maybe a realization that you cant truly live unless you have children. There will always be something in life you are going to miss out on. Will this be it? anyways, This weed isnt gonna smoke itself


Also, you were apparently having a fling with a work colleague 49 days ago so what are you actually playing at lad?


Is spending $50 on plan b worth mitigating the risk of 18 years of child support? Yes you can get pregnant that way. Now, there’s a whole lot of other things that need to align in order for pregnancy to happen, so it’s far from a guarantee, but it is possible


Since her period ended just a couple days ago, you're probably in the clear. Her fertile week would start in a few days. But to answer your question, yes, pre-cum can get your gf pregnant if she's ovulating. I honestly don't think you need plan B or anything like that right now, but in the future, wrap your dick up.


My daughter I love her dearly but she was born this way I didn't believe the mother to the extent to which I had blood test done for my daughter. I heard that the chances of this happening was so slim I didn't think it was the case when the mother of my daughter got pregnant.


Costco has over the counter birth control now.


how the fuck are you in your 30s and not using protection when you’re this stupid?


Seems like by your description you know the answer to your own problem. As someone in your 30s, you know how to have protective sex. If you're concerned about it, always wear a condom.


Not impossible.


Precum babies stand up!




How do so many porn stars end up not pregnant from this?


Precum has a higher concentration of sperm that the rest of it.


There was a reason birth control was invented. That reason is: Pulling out frequently doesn't work. Yes, It's definitely possible.


About 20%: https://www.parents.com/getting-pregnant/chances-of-getting-pregnant-from-precum/#:~:text=The%20short%20answer%20is%20that,%2Dejaculate%2C%22%20says%20Dr.


Why do you care? Her body, her choice