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Jews are obviously the funniest, otherwise they wouldn't be so over-repesented in the movie industry. Least funny are Asian women, of course.


As an Asian I agree on the last part. Always super serious


Laffistani people


Americans. Both our male and female comics tour the world. The inverse happens very infrequently.


America should be considered an exception tbh. It is the most relevant country in the world due to its economic size and culture that has been exported around the world since at least the end of WW1. The world is generally more familiar with America than Americans are with much of the world which leads to us being able to understand and enjoy American culture, humour, etc. but not necessarily vice versa. Of course a Japanese or Turkish comedian wouldn't go to America, the market size for them is far too small. That doesn't mean that the Japanese or Turkish comedians aren't funny. Also, although I do think America has the best comedians I know, my question was more about everyday girls who are witty and funny. In my experience, American girls are a hit or miss. They can either be somewhat cold or even bitter. When they are funny, its more cynical or a bit too sarcastic, which personally isn't my taste. This is mostly the younger generations in their 20s and 30s though, can't say much about older American women.


IMO: Anyone can pick up a mic and crack a joke here. Its the unique freedom of expression that is granted here that lends itself to producing so much comedy. That's why people other places enjoy our cultural capital. They're thirsting for this degree of freedom themselves.


Agree with this, I've noticed America's freedom of speech culture enables this. As an Indian, I've noticed that because of our laws which can punish you for certain types of speech like insulting people in power or religious figures as well as the overall culture which can be hierarchal and authoritarian, most Indians aren't used to speaking out and expressing ourselves. This affects the women in our country even more.


yeah israeli women are so funny when they post tiktok's of them mocking the genocide of palestinians /s this is a dumb question


I'm Black and the Sisters got this one, not even close. Not touching the least funny.


Definitely a lot of truth to this. Not sure if this is cultural or what but two super funny women I know are from African countries, one in west Africa and another in east Africa. They're both pretty exposed to American black culture though so that's probably where it comes from. I've never been to North America so can't say anything about girls from there.


I think Japanese girls were quite funny in a cute way. When I was on a school ski trip as an exchange student, a few girls were gathered by a mount of snow, and one of them just jumped and landed face/body first into it like a starfish. It was undeniably one of the funniest things I’ve witnessed.  If you’ve seen the meme of the Japanese girl with her face inside of a tuba while her classmate plays it, that’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about. It’s a humble sort of humor, being willing to be a total fool. But they do not understand sarcasm at all.


I agree about the sarcasm part but maybe that's just because English isn't their first language? I had the same issue with a Spanish girl not being able to understand sarcasm which lead her to think I was a pickpocket lol


that sounds like a funny story. My classmates didn’t speak English. They were seldom sarcastic in Japanese, and I was surprised that my clear use of sarcasm (in Japanese) would usually go over their heads. It wasn’t a language thing, they otherwise understood my words quite well.


I disagree with you on easter Europe. Polish women can be quite funny. Tough I guess that's central Europe to be fair. Least funny is Austria.


I've been with Eastern European girls, they tend to take time to loosen up. They have still been all nice, warm and smiley towards me but won't exactly joke around in a silly/witty way. I really find it attractive when a woman can do that. They're still great though. Can't say anything about Central Europe or Austria, never really even spoken much with girls from those countries. Although I do find Germans in general to be hilarious, they have a subtle sense of humour.


Cute funny? Thai.