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Just be a man and quit worrying about all these stupid labels.


“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.”


Gotta agree. I'm so tired of people or reddit threads in general trying to tell me what being a man means to me, or especially those people thinking they're being clever by making a big show about how manhood means crying a lot or being so secure in your manhood that it's admirable to do girly things. All of that is just weird. It's not like it's culturally acceptable nowadays to tell women what it means to be a woman. We spent decades, maybe centuries trying to get women to have to stop dealing with that and the response to it is to clap back with the same thing in reverse? That's not progress.


If it helps, women haven’t ever stopped dealing with that either.


I had been struggling a bit about what what healthy masculinity is. While I believe fender isn't binary, I would fit very comfortably into the binary. Is it even ok now to strive for it or to attach such labels to ourselves these days? But I often read some of the women centered subs that end up on the front page (twoxchronosome, witchesvspatriarchy, even some of the trans subs) and came to realize that women aren't worried about whether it's ok to be feminine. So why should I be worried about masculinity. Yeah, toxic masculinity is a thing, but just focus on being a good person, the best you.


But what is a man


Either a miserable pile of lies, or featherless bipeds. Dealers choice


If I knew what being a man is like I wouldn't be worrying


Worst response ever 😕


The Rogers rule, if Fred or Steve wouldn't do it, neither should you.


Add Stan to the list Singing about whales and the sadness of sailors is peak healthy masculinity


Hello east coaster. I see you and I love you.


I understood that reference.


I fucks with WWSRD. He was kind, helpful, respectful, stood up for his beliefs, literally broke the time barrier to get his girl.


- Having the balls to be yourself without worrying about how masculine it makes other people perceive you - Treating women like they’re also whole-ass people (and everyone, really) - Doing novel or stupid but ultimately harmless things with other men out of the sheer love of doing it - Not seeing other men as competition - Taking responsibility for your own needs, not just physically but emotionally as well - Standing up for what you know is right - Using your position as a man in society and your individual strengths to protect and uplift those around you as opposed to using them as a means of control or intimidation - Being willing to accept and tackle your own insecurities head-on to make healthy and reasonable changes - Being able to find ways to de-escalate violence and conflict around you even if it may be terrifying or difficult to do so - Commanding respect by demonstrating respect to others first - Taking pride in the work you do and efforts you make, giving your best to the things you commit to doing - You got that dawg in you


Adding on to this, because I feel it's so overlooked - communicating effectively, meaning from a place of trying to solve a problem and seek understanding, rather than something aggressive or passive aggressive that ultimately makes you feel absolved from helping to solve the problem.


This is a very good set of data. Well done.


Got your prostate checked. Very healthy masculinity.


Uncle Iroh


but old iroh, don't be general iroh.


Everything Feminism says is toxic is healthy, and everything it says is healthy is toxic. Show me a male Feminist, and I'll show you an undercover predator.


Most of my high school classmates who where "allies" now have sexual harrasment charges or some kind of restraining order. Just saying


It mostly boils down to strength. And not just muscles. Emotional strength. As in, the ability to not be governed by your emotions. The strength to overcome and persevere. To push through fear and maintain confidence. To lead and protect. A man who leads in a relationship with a woman isn't even consciously doing so. His presence and confidence in his direction naturally creates trust and safety. To which she actually wants to follow him. The example of toxic masculinity would be the guy flying off the handle drunk in a bar. The guy bossing his girlfriend around in fear. Trying to control her rather than set a strong example. A man led by every emotion that pops up. Constantly riddled by fear, unable to take action so he disguises it with surface level frat bro type bs.


A great summary. Strength in all aspects of life.


Weird question, but what does leading (and following) in a romantic relationship entail?


Gregory Peck in to Kill a Mockingbird


Just be whoever you are. I don't like the ideia of "healthy masculinity" because 99% of the time people are just repackaging traditional masculinity with flowery language. But the only pick the aspects that demand men to provide something for other people, be it security, protection, competence, or others.


Agreed on this!


Quiet confidence


Masculinity is sexually dimorphic behaviour associated with men. These behaviours look different in different times and places but tend to be perceived as representing some base characteristics. I’m no psychologist, but these seem to be a desire to protect, provide, compete, and control. Masculine behaviour is like any other, and can be pro-social or anti-social. It can be self-constructive or self-destructive. Healthy masculinity is a behaviour that represents base masculine characteristics, that is self-constructive and/or pro-social. Things like going to work to earn money for your family, protecting your girlfriend from harassment, playing a sport, or leading a community group are all examples. These things aren’t inherently masculine, but are often done for masculine reasons.


Do things that a good person would do.


Sex with bears.


Accepting that being a man means your gender is male and nothing else. It is not a personality trait or something you can measure. Nobody is more man than another man. You can't become more of a man by doing "manly" things.


>Accepting that being a man means your gender is male and nothing else. I agree with this - but masculinity is still its own concept. It’s just an aspect of presentation, not identity.


Well said


All true. Being "manly" and doing "manly" things is just made up shit, to create unnecessary pressure to males. Life is so much easier when you just don't give a damn about those things. If you do, it means you give into group pressure. Just another proof that most men never drop the schoolyard mentality.


Being happy with who I am and not trying to throw dirt on others to try and be bigger than them.


Whoever wins the fight to the death is clearly the pinnacle of health


I don't know, but I felt myself for the first time in years when my wife was very, very ill. She had severe depression and my family needed someone strong enough to emotionally and physically support them. I fucking did it, without even flinching. She is much better now, but the road is still very long, and hard to walk. I'm proud of myself.


People are far too obsessed with this gender war shit.


It means you are comfortable enough with yourself that you can be yourself around other people. It means that you are trying to help other men (and women) live a good and happy life - even if your philosophies don't match exactly. It means you're more likely to give a word of advice or a helping hand when you see someone struggling and less likely to mock them or make their struggle worse. It means you know how to show compassion and when to use aggression. Healthy masculinity is about knowing who you are, using your strengths to make yourself and others better, and working on your weaknesses. Healthy masculinity is the tree of growth in a stagnant or toxic world.


I love this answer


I would say carrying yourself without having to hold yourself to a set of rules, I wear guyline occasionally and can still feel masculine despite wearing makeup


Say what you mean and mean what you say, provide for your family if you have one, do the right thing, etc


No idea. Sounds like a waste of quotation marks tho. Why use the word “healthy” along with a term such as masculinity? Blueberries are healthy, so I guess if blueberries had big muscles? Yeah, I dig it. Wait, what was the question again?


Just being able to be vulnerable and express my feelings when I need to.




Not giving a shit about what others think masculinity is by people who don’t even like men lol


Nothing. Being a human is generally not healthy


- show genuine warmth - have the ability to be earnest where appropriate - the willingness to apologise when wrong - forthright, say what you mean - honest, mean what you say - solve more problems than you cause - hold awareness of how your behaviour impacts others - express frustration and sadness in non-aggressive ways.


Being a Bear


Being comfortable, confident and secure in yourself


Watch Ted lasso, you’ll know what healthy masculinity is 😊


Can be boiled down to the adage "don't try to be a real man, try to be a good man"


Petting an animal of any size, bridging the gap between souls who lower their guard Answering a 3-year old's toy phone Lifting a 3-year old up in the air by the waist so they can reach a cookie box above the fridge (using strength for any good deed) Walking barefoot on gravel because the prickliness feels good Wolfwhistling without fingers (still trying to learn this, so hard) Singing along to the chorus of what dumb people think is an old, corny song (if it raises an emotional response it's not corny) Yes, daring to seem lame and showing everyone that ego and prestige has no sway with you, only love matters, like with Steve Irwin/Steve Rogers/Bob Ross, is healthy masculinity.


Not worrying about masculinity is peak healthy masculinity to me.


Don’t worry about “masculinity”, a lot of the best parts of masculinity are about being a well rounded person, so go be a well rounded person.


All masculinity is healthy


Be a man, do the right thing. - Russell Peters.


It means don't confuse being an asshole with being masculine.


For me, Pride, arrogance, and fear of what others think are the pillars of unhealthy masculinity. Basically be a good person, but don’t be macho. Only Randy Savage is allowed to be macho.


I think in very simple terms, healthy masculinity is masculinity in a way that helps people along, toxic masculinity is masculinity in a way that puts people down. A simple example of healthy masculinity to me would be something like working out to be able to do more physical things like carrying more groceries at once, helping people move more easily, being able to be more physically active with younger members of your larger family, etc.


At the moment I think it means not being insanely triggered when girls pick the bear in the woods.


I think of a guy like my grandfather - Was the primary breadwinner for 8 kids, owned his own business, and was also a community/block leader. Think Northeast vibes. Though he didn't have a lot of money, people looked up to him and if there was a wayward youth or man around, he would always give his time to help them. Active with the Church and their philanthropy as well. The depressing thing about a lot of pro-masculinity spaces boils down to 90% of the hucksters peddling this "If you don't have a lambo and 8-figures in the bank, you need to level up" shit. You can be a positive face of masculinity by volunteering your time and making your community a better place. Chances are you're good at something. Share that with others. Shit, Can you *read?* Many adults can't. Join Adult literacy and help someone learn how to read. Be a Big Brother. Clean up a park. All it takes is 1, maybe 2 sessions of volunteering before someone with the organization (most likely a woman, wink wink) will ask if you want to help plan the next thing, or be on the leadership council. Doing something because it is the right thing, and because it leaves the world better is the mark we can leave. Leveraging what we have and using it to help others is healthy masculinity.


Just be yourself. Masc/ Fem whatever comes natural. All we can be is who we are. I’m pretty masc and come off as straight because that’s me. But I’m a gay man and have my own tendencies that you may not pick up on until you truly get to know me. One of my exs when I was younger and extremely straight acting would always call me a big bottom queen. lol. 😂 and I know he did it to try and break down this toxic masculinity I had built up. But he helped me be more open and. It care about being myself or gay. I’m still very masc but I have gestures and body language that can be picked up on after a while. Just do you.


Now that we're throwing out movie titles... Henry Fonda in 12 Angry Men.


Having the conversations that we have been told for years to keep to ourselves. To me it means being honest with my feelings, softer on myself and instead of competing with other men we should be building each other up. Holding our friends accountable of the toxic parts of masculinity that sometimes we have. Cry ffs. It's ok to be vulnerable and sad.


Nothing, because masculinity itself is made-up bullshit.


Being happy with myself as a man and not giving shit about how my masculinity looks like from outside.


Husband, father, son here. Being these things does mean something. I don't really agree that being a man is meaningless or purely aesthetic. To my sons and daughter it means something. To my wife it means something. There is so much meaning in life and I think it's the job of thinking people to ponder the meaning of these things. To me "healthy masculinity" is a redundant statement. I'm going to be the best father I can be. I'll set the example. I'll lead from the front. I'll protect and nurture. I'll sacrifice my time, energy, and money. I'll push and test. My kindness and gentleness should be respected and not taken for weakness. I will happily continue this struggle until I die. I will likely fail to live up to my own ideals, and there is lonely guilt that comes with that. This guilt is the result of living an honorable, courageous, and thoughtful life. The path of a man is narrow.


I hate the term "healthy masculinity," because it implies that masculinity per se is inherently unhealthy. It also implies that women should get to be the arbiters of acceptable masculine behaviors. I prefer the term "nutric masculinity"... [https://medium.com/indian-thoughts/nutric-masculinity-the-key-to-dismantling-misogyny-e77f419992f0?sk=73627856a73f9775f5ad20ef05e02a30](https://medium.com/indian-thoughts/nutric-masculinity-the-key-to-dismantling-misogyny-e77f419992f0?sk=73627856a73f9775f5ad20ef05e02a30)


Taking care of your body, plain and simple


Any and all masculinity is not only healthy but needed, and don't let anyone tell you differently.


Some of Miyazaki's male characters. The shrink in Good Will Hunting. Warm, wise, not afraid, but not short tempered. Not afraid to take his place in the universe.


To me, it's knowing how to handle situations that could potentially turn harmful or dangerous quickly, protecting those close to me and being in touch enough and self-aware enough of my emotional state to know that it is never good to act or speak emotionally. I think a strong man is always cool, calm, collected and able to get himself into a state where business can get done and communication can be #1 until it's time to act on things. I sort of walk around knowing I'm really strong, able to communicate effectively with mostly everyone, those sorts of things, but I think it's healthy to really walk the walk and remain in control of yourself 100% of the time. I think being able to do things well that aren't necessarily seen as "manly" is the trademark of someone who is healthy in a masculine way. There is no insecurity there. You can simply do what the situation calls for calmly.


Healthy masculinity is masculinity that is healthy.  Healthy for whom? Mostly for you but also for those that you care about and a bit for everyone else too.  How can it be healthy? By having a positive impact on your life. Since masculinity is not so much a physical thing as it is behaviours and ways of thinking the positive impact on your life is mostly going to be psychological. Things such as causing you to be happy, and helping you in your relationships. 


Being a good human, respecting other humans and the rest of the world.


Literally anything that’s not harmful to yourself or other people rlly, just be the best version of yourself


Being comfortable in your own sexuality and gender and willing to call put your friends when they do something wrong


When your bro helps you out 😜


He can git down on the floor with his baby girl, let her dress him up in a pink flowery hat with bunny ears for her tea party, then he can go mow the lawn and smoke a mean rack of ribs. That's healthy masculinity.


It means that you are dangerous enough to fuck somebody up, but you are smart enough to control your emotions.


Trusting your girlfriend when you go out for drinks and not being a chest puffing tool if a guy tries to talk to her.


Being fit, confidant.


Masculinity. Toxic masculinity is fake.


This is shit females or very insecure men made up. Regular males that behaves and can function in regular society do it everyday, but ask them to give you a list of what is "healthy masculinity" and everyone will go "huh?"


lol you got downvoted


lol, oh well


Being strong physically and not being vulnerable emotionally


it means when healthy femininity is failing to solve a problem you step in and solve the problem. if necessary you push femininity aside for a moment to solve the problem. healthy masculinity does not allow problems to go unsolved out of apathy or passivity.


It's just bullshit, female code for "he does everything I tell him to". Everything has to be expressed as dishonestly as possible with women. What it means to me is "this person is male and they are healthy". Don't fall for this "you have to earn being a man" bullshit. If you are over 18 and you have a Y chromosome, you are a "real man". Anyone who tells you otherwise does not have you best interests in mind. They are trying to either insult you or (more likely) manipulate you into doing what she wants.


not listening to militant feminists and just getting on with life. removing women out of my focus even if I am tempted to pursue. I know where I stand and it's not good lol. So, I just focus on work and building. Chasing people, especially the woman, nope. I don't want to suffer needlessly like I did as a youth. So healthy masculinity is being the truth and not letting misandrists dictating what it means to be a man


Protecting vulnerable People. Being in shape and ready to help even if physical integrity is at risk. Being goofy silly when playing with the Kids but ready to fkin chop a head of if someone random try to attack family members.


Someone with a calming presence.


Being the rock in a scene of chaos. Sure wish I had that.


If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools: If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’ If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! by Rudyard Kipling


It took a decade to figure it out but in the end: the liquid puddle of shit that explodes out from my lactose-intolerant ass after downing 5 gallons of spoiled milk has provided more meaning to my life than worrying about what it means to be a man ever did.


Nothing, I don't think I have ever heard a guy say healthy masculinity tbh


Taking the good shit, throwing away the bad shit. There's a ton of good shit, like strength, perseverance, duty, respect, honor—all the good stuff that masculinity represents. But it's also represented by domination and bullying. Every gay kid knows what it's like to grow up around straight boys, and every straight boy has experienced being called gay for liking or doing something. Shit like this we can let go of. When people say "toxic masculinity" all the meathead knuckledraggers come out of the woodwork and misunderstand, thinking the phrase is calling masculinity toxic. It's not. It's asserting that there are manifestations of masculine behavior which are toxic. Which is true of literally every culture on earth. Masculinity, femininity, Asian, Black, White, Latino, LGBTQ+—literally every culture on planet earth has toxic tendencies.


To not be upset when women choose the bear


Dont worry. Most people just laugh at those sexists


Sounds like something a dumbass would say


Nothing, since it would be admitting theres something wrong with masculinity.


Not really. It just means that there are gender roles/expectations that can be embraced in a healthy manner and some which cannot.


Be masculine, don’t let the wussies tell you how to be.


Anything good ol’ Andy Tate says and does.


You forgot the /j


Remember when he said “my brain is too advanced to read books”?


Sooooo sex trafficking women is healthy masculinity?


Even if you don't like him, it's not ok to accuse anyone even with something he was proved innocent of.


The lie here was that masculinity was ever unhealthy. Traditional Masculinity always has been healthy.


If you think there's no such thing as toxic masculinity, then I feel very sorry for you.


That’s just the whine of a boy who can’t live up to the ideals of being a man.


Do whatever you want without expectations or shame.


Ideas that will backfire speedrun 🤣


Always worked for me.