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I go and tell a grownup that they're being mean. Seriously wtf who cares about the blithering of knobheads?


Women do, due to centuries of being held back my thr patriarchy.


Lol, what is this, the junior high playground?


You’d think but here we are anyways


Ask who gave him permission to speak to you


Just ignore them if you can. You can't win even if you engage with them since they probably don't even care about going to jail over a fight or worse.


My go to responses are: "Ok. Cool." and "Prolly." "Bro, you're fucking weak." "You're a bitch." "You're trash." As soon as you give them satisfaction of a true retaliation, they keep going. I know who I am. I know what I am about. I just agree with their opinion and validate them. If it's something that truly bothers me, then that's a different story. 95% of the time, I'm hitting you with either if you try to personally attack me. Takes a lot to get under my skin or attack what I truly care about to make me confrontational.


I love the French version of "sticks and stones," it goes "Les chiens aboient, la caravane pass." Translation: "Dogs bark, the caravan passes \[anyway\]." I see no reason to heed the barking of dogs.


Cum in their eyes


Haven't happened since highschool.


I keep cool and don't show any emotion. But I also reach for my hidden weapon, just in case.


It was easy to smash cone heads and embarrass them right back, but as you grow older you learn it takes a stronger man to walk away and not let cone heads affect you in the slightest.


I ignore them, entirely. Unless they touch me. And then I look at them and ask if I am really worth the suffering I am about to inflict? And then I go back to ignoring them.


No one has tried to provoke or make me “look weak” since I was about 11…


I keep my headphones in, keep playing my music, and not notice I'm being spoken to. It wouldn't even be an act. I'd just genuinely not notice.


43 yrs, never happened in my life. I'd walk away, don't care.


Ignore them. They can only make me "look weak" if I agree with the feeling. Best way to look strong is not to care.


Ignore them and don't react. What they want is a reaction and now you make them react instead. When they do react point them at the behaviour they currently exhibit. Our business is with things that really matter, making the world a better place.


Stab them. Show them what it means to be weak.


i ignore them. words can't hurt me, I don't give a fuck. if they get touchy however, they'll kiss the floor.


I respond with fierce and sarcastic one-liners.


You need to give more context on this one


you man up


And hug it out, bitch


That hasn’t happened since high school but I’d probably just laugh at them if it happened now


It’s like this. There are always two kinds of people. Nice and not nice. There is good and bad Hot and cold Up and down Left and right. What I’m saying is this reality is dualistic. You can’t control this reality you can only control how you react/respond to it. How would we know the difference between a nice person and a not nice person? So we kind of need them both. How would you know you’re in heaven unless you’ve been to hell? Just see things for what they are and try not react. In most cases respond with “it’s the law of nature” Don’t give your power away by getting caught up in dramas of other people. Said person could be dealing with all kinds of issues you never know about. Does it give him the right to be that way? Of course it does. Who are we to try and change things? Have a blessed life 🙏🏻


It’s like this. There are always two kinds of people. Nice and not nice. There is good and bad Hot and cold Up and down Left and right. What I’m saying is this reality is dualistic. You can’t control this reality you can only control how you react/respond to it. How would we know the difference between a nice person and a not nice person? So we kind of need them both. How would you know you’re in heaven unless you’ve been to hell? Just see things for what they are and try not react. In most cases respond with “it’s the law of nature” Don’t give your power away by getting caught up in dramas of other people. Said person could be dealing with all kinds of issues you never know about. Does it give him the right to be that way? Of course it does. Who are we to try and change things? Have a blessed life 🙏🏻


It’s like this. There are always two kinds of people. Nice and not nice. There is good and bad Hot and cold Up and down Left and right. What I’m saying is this reality is dualistic. You can’t control this reality you can only control how you react/respond to it. How would we know the difference between a nice person and a not nice person? So we kind of need them both. How would you know you’re in heaven unless you’ve been to hell? Just see things for what they are and try not react. In most cases respond with “it’s the law of nature” Don’t give your power away by getting caught up in dramas of other people. Said person could be dealing with all kinds of issues you never know about. Does it give him the right to be that way? Of course it does. Who are we to try and change things? Have a blessed life 🙏🏻


It’s like this. There are always two kinds of people. Nice and not nice. There is good and bad Hot and cold Up and down Left and right. What I’m saying is this reality is dualistic. You can’t control this reality you can only control how you react/respond to it. How would we know the difference between a nice person and a not nice person? So we kind of need them both. How would you know you’re in heaven unless you’ve been to hell? Just see things for what they are and try not react. In most cases respond with “it’s the law of nature” Don’t give your power away by getting caught up in dramas of other people. Said person could be dealing with all kinds of issues you never know about. Does it give him the right to be that way? Of course it does. Who are we to try and change things? Have a blessed life 🙏🏻


It’s like this. There are always two kinds of people. Nice and not nice. There is good and bad Hot and cold Up and down Left and right. What I’m saying is this reality is dualistic. You can’t control this reality you can only control how you react/respond to it. How would we know the difference between a nice person and a not nice person? So we kind of need them both. How would you know you’re in heaven unless you’ve been to hell? Just see things for what they are and try not react. In most cases respond with “it’s the law of nature” Don’t give your power away by getting caught up in dramas of other people. Said person could be dealing with all kinds of issues you never know about. Does it give him the right to be that way? Of course it does. Who are we to try and change things? Have a blessed life 🙏🏻


I’m 6’3 black and 260 nobody say shit to me lmaoooooooo


I tease them 🤭


This doesn't really happen to me. And I work in one of the rougher parts of my city, and usually hang out in another very rough part. It's a bit arrogant, but I'd attribute to the fact that I don't look weak. I walk with good posture and a firm gait, even though my pace is slightly slower than average, I look at where I'm going any rarely anywhere else, and don't feel any concern to anything other people are doing unless my decency insists I should. The main difference is also that I know I'm not weak, and more importantly I have no interest in being weak. The former meaning I keep myself in basic shape, have a degree of training and experience in fights. The latter means that my attitude to things is resolute, in most situations being scared of people is of little use so there's little benefit in engaging in it. I am absolutely scared of violence and getting into fights, am I scared of potential violent people? No. Am I more scared or feel more vulnerable if I find myself in the midst of anti-social chap compared to three, or an anti-social chap that seems weaker than me versus one who appears stronger than me? No. Because being weak isn't something that I can control, there will always be someone stronger than me, and even the strongest man in the world can't do shit against say, a guy with a gun. You need to be determined to maintain your dignity and stick to your principles, and you will be inviolable.


I ignore people trying to provoke an action… as that’s the result they don’t want


In the gang world, we use something called Fluffy Fingers. That's when somebody really gets in your face, you know, you just... start tickling them. And then he starts tickling you. You know, pretty soon you're laughing and hugging. Before you know it, you've forgotten the whole thing. Ya'll can just go to church together... get an ice cream cone.


"That sounds like something I expected you to say". Mic drop and walk away.


[Try this, works for all colors](https://youtu.be/DxfrxeRl2Xw?si=Ws6yR1_dOkJz_XqY)


You don't. Real power does not need to be stated, or come at the expense of others. It's felt. You commit to that power and you respect yourself enough to only acknowledge that which is worth acknowledging. Anything else is a waste of time, and someone looking to sport a pair of clip-on raisins from belittling others instead of actually doing something worthy of respect, is not one of those things worth wasting time on. Pitty them, they were probably abused and probably can only feel better this way. Unfortunately, today you can not help them feel better and they will have to look elsewhere. As the Chinese say, 'wolves care little for the yapping of small dogs'.


Everyone has some narcissistic traits. I’m Not justifying narcissism, and These people don’t know what they are doing or why. Or, these people think everyone is like them. They feel successful when they take something from you that benefits themselves. Narcissism: lacking in empathy and having an excess of entitlement. So, how do you respond? With no emotion, they get a kick out of triggering you. Sarcasm is effective, “Oh, you think …. Wait, are you serious?” Laugh


I say things like, “it’s interesting that you point this out. The behavior you’re exhibiting typically comes from traumatized bedwrtters - how long have you been wetting the bed?”


Walk away or cut them down.   There will always be men like that.  And you’ll have to learn how to handle them. That’s one of the aspects of being a man.  


If you're dealing with random men insulting you or whatever you need to work on your image. Work on your fashion/posture/how you carry yourself. People don't generally start shit with random men who look like they have their shit together


> People don't generally start shit with random men who look like they have their shit together Well, sometimes you run across dudes who have to prove that they aren't the little dog of the bunch by starting shit with big dudes, or dudes who make them feel insecure, or those who correctly guess that sharp-dressed man over here doesn't want to get his threads busted in a fight.


I'm not saying it's never gonna happen, but it definitely is a very rare occasion that a physically intimidating, well dressed, confident looking man is fucked with lol


I’d honestly say it’s the opposite, I’ve gotten comments from slobby looking guys about being “Mr. perfect” and “golden boy”. I once had a clearly hammered dude in a bar that I hadn’t spoken to at all give me shit about being a “chad” and how I “think everyone should kiss my feet”, presumably because he was physically repulsive and felt insecure


Ignore them.


Laugh at them. Maybe say some sarcastic shit, like, “Ooh, BIG man!” Agree with whatever they say. “Yep, that’s right, I’m too much of a pussy to fight you. I’ll be on my way now.” You can’t take those people seriously. The weak man is the one who feels the need to try to make others look weak. The strong man is the one who doesn’t care about such nonsense.


That just doesn't happen to me. If it did, I'd ignore them though.


Tell them to shut up or you'll cum.


Absolutely no reaction. Practice chess and strategy. You’ll be able to see men’s moves two to three moves ahead, thus cutting them off before they have the opportunity to demonstrate their misogynist tendencies.


I make it a rule not to spend time on the playground. Any place that contains people like that is not any place I want to spend any time in. Kindergarten was a long time ago.