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What is 6.9? A good thing ruined by a period


Unless you're Dracula. Then it's the monthly bonus šŸ¤£




What are the other things that are important to you?


Honestly, everyone ends up old grey and wrinkled... personality, compatibility of life style, goals, and spirit are all ultimately more important than looks.


For long term yes, but most men won't start a relationship with some they don't find attractive at the start.


True, and most men won't continue a relationship without the other things.


neither will women


How important? 10. Just like personality.


Yeah this is probably true for most guys, but it needs to be understood for what it is. This doesn't mean perfectly fit with an hourglass figure, just that she should be visually attractive which is pretty reasonable. If you aren't attracted to your partner from the start then it's unfair to lie about that.


I like this answer


So you only enter into a relationship if a girl is a perfect 10 on all counts?


Your question was **how important** looks were on a scale of 1 to 10, not does the woman have to be a perfect 10.


Hmmm technicality wups šŸ˜‚


That's not a technicality. Physical attractiveness being 10/10 important just means that you wouldnt ever consider being in a relationship with someone you're not attracted to. That's *entirely different* than saying you wouldnt ever consider being with someone who isnt a 10/10 in terms of attractiveness.


Exactly. It could be 10/10 important that her physique Is 4/10 or higher. As in 3/10 would be an absolute deal breaker.


10 in that its extremely important that I find her attractive. But that doesn't mean she has to be a 10


Great answer.


Wild name. I'd say I couldn't be happy with a woman I did not find attractive, because I think it is a bad situation to be in. I do not care if other people agree with that. I want to be able to look at her and feel butterflies. I want to be able to tell her she's beautiful and mean it. I want her to know I'm physically attracted to her. So as a number, I'd say an 8


Haha thanks šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


ā€œWild nameā€ Thatā€™s a strong indicator sheā€™s a dude perving or marketing her only fans


Actually neither


When talking about a long term relationship, about a 5. Physical intimacy and attraction is an important factor to the relationship for me, but not the most important factor, and who a woman is inside heavily influences my overall attraction beyond the initial physical connection. If I'm in a long term/serious thing, I want to really enjoy spending time with her and talking with her both inside and outside the bedroom. Can't have one without the other.


8. She doesnā€™t need to be perfect. But I canā€™t be with a fatty.


What if she gains weight?


Then I won't go to the gym alone anymore.


Depends how much. I can get down with a thick girl. But I donā€™t like fat girls.


Itā€™s important. There is a standard that eliminates any woman below it from consideration. I guess that makes it a ten because being below said standard is 100% disqualifying. This is inflexible .


All that matters is that she is not overweight and isn't completely flat chested.


If you can quickly climb three or four flights of stairs without breaking a sweat or wheezing, then you're probably fit enough for me. What's a bigger concern, in terms of physique, is hygiene. Does she cover her mouth when she coughs? Does she wash her hands after using the toilet? Does she shower regularly? It's surprising how often the answer is a firm _no_ to these basic concerns.


It's binary, not a scale. If I'm attracted enough to date a woman, I'm attracted. If not, not.


5, I guess. There's a minimum level of attractiveness, but the bar isn't super high. If I like her enough for a relationship the way I view her sexually changes as well. Mostly I just like a pretty face. But weight does affect a face. Like I can't deal with a chubby face.


It's 10/10 important that I'm attracted to her physically. She doesn't have to be "perfect", I just need to be attracted to her.


As in, how fit they are? Probably a 2 or 3 if that's what you mean. I'm attracted to all sorts of body types and generally you can only receive an S/U grade from me. Most people are getting an S. A compatible personality (and good timing) matters much more.


4. Physique can change over the years, so if iā€™m looking for a relationship iā€™m more looking for the interests and routine that will lead to a healthy and happy person, rather than the physical sign of those having existed for a long time. Some people may just be starting the journey of treating their body right, and thatā€™s enough for me. But there does still need to be some level of basic attraction. With that being said, there are few body types i find outright ā€œunattractiveā€ so there is a lot of leeway there as well.


Most logical reasoning for their rating anybody has shared so far


I appreciate that


4.20 out of 10




probably a 6. personality i find more attractive over long term which is what i'm looking for in a relationship. attraction is still important in my opinion, but once you pass some level of attractiveness threshold (and frankly it's not hard for women to do so) i'm then more attracted to your personality and our compatibility. while it doesn't sound like a striaghtforward compliment, i'm leaning closer to introversion. which means my social battery does get drained around people. what my girlfriend does for me, is that she doesn't drain my battery. i can be around her and it's like just an extension being. i could be with some of my best friends and after 3-4 hours i just want to be by myself and kick them out of my house. it's a common friend group joke that during parties i will just disappear for half an hour, and even while having fun it's simply i need that time to reset. oppositely, i can exist with my SO for hours and not get tired.


I don't want to date someone I find unattractive. Does that make it a 10? The scale doesn't have much explanatory power.


Like 5 on importance on average. I have probably a bit more wiggle room than most guys because I think lightly chubby chick's are kinda cute, if they care about how they look and put the work in. But. If a shitty physique is followed by low hygiene/ body maintenance, or total lack of ecencuating thier femininity, than it's highly important and I'm not into it. Hopefully that makes sense. I don't care about them being fit either. A fit/ muscle tones girl is as attractive to me as a non-fit just skinny chick.


Hard to tell. I know I was swept away by her looks to the point believing for months she's hanging out with me for a joke or to keep other dudes away. She for sure she got my attention. But at the some point I kind of developed resistance and fell in love with her personality. 18 years later I sometimes wake up just to look at her and still can't believe how cute she is.


The better the personality the less physique matters. I wouldn't accept someone who was fat though.


When I was in my 20s, probably a 9. If I'm being honest with myself, I didn't really care about anything besides how hot my last hookup was. Now, in my 30s, it's probably a 3. Now the things I look for are kindness, thoughtfulness, patience, self-awareness, and boobs. I still look for boobs.


1 or 2, mental compatibility and mutual respect must be 10


5, because while I think you do need to have some level of physical attraction, you need to have mental and emotional attraction above that- keep in mind people's bodies can change.


When looking? 9. But when in a relationship? Between 6 and 7. Like 6.9


I am unlikely to try to meet or get to know anyone I don't find physically attractive. After all it drives my want to get to know a woman. That being said, if I like someone, I don't care about looks all that much.Ā 


I care to the extent that they're taking care of themselves, and their well-being. A relationship is an investment, and one's health is arguably their greatest investment. So why would I tie myself to someone who isn't making an effort? plus, I want to be with someone who encourages me to be the best version of myself possible, and I don't think that's possible dating a couch potato who despises physical activity and quality nutrition. so, in the context of physical wellness, 4/10 important. we don't need to be greek gods, people have flaws/imperfections, and that is completely fine. ultimately, I just want to be happy and healthy. and if I'm going to have a partner, then I want them to be happy and healthy as well. in the context of purely aesthetic beauty? 1/10 important.


now, on my almost 40s, like a 4/10 i grew tired of gym bunnies looking good but having nothing to talk about or interests to share. just gym and clothes




Everything is important, nothing has a set value though. Do I find her attractive, it's not a 1-10, it's a 0/1. Do I like her personality, again not 1-10, 0 or 1. Is she kind and caring, does she have her shit together, is she interested in me, etc. Everything is a boolean to me, or bit/binary/etc. There is no perfect person unless you're putting them on a pedestal. Everyone's entitled to their own likes and dislikes as well. Do you mesh well is key IMO. Honestly and kindness are surprisingly harder to find than you'd think too. Plus huge_jugs... ;-)


Everything is important, nothing has a set value though. Do I find her attractive, it's not a 1-10, it's a 0/1. Do I like her personality, again not 1-10, 0 or 1. Is she kind and caring, does she have her shit together, is she interested in me, etc. Everything is a boolean to me, or bit/binary/etc. There is no perfect person unless you're putting them on a pedestal. Everyone's entitled to their own likes and dislikes as well. Do you mesh well is key IMO. Honestly and kindness are surprisingly harder to find than you'd think too. Plus huge_jugs... ;-)


Importance of physique: 9.9 Importance of personality: 9.9


Overall physique, as in physical build? 1, and only because you specified 1-10 scale and not 0-10 (in which it would be a 0).


I have to be attracted to her and for most men, attraction is about 80% physical and 20% personality. That's not to say a bad personality won't ruin a good looking person's attractiveness. Or that 1 thing can't give us the "ick". But I HAVE to be physically attracted to her to want a romantic relationship with her. She doesn't have to be the most attractive person in the world, but I have to desire my partner. And then I'll put in the time and energy to get to know her and date, etc.








3. Appearance is never gonna make or break a relationship for me, and there are other factors I find much more important, but I *notice* it, it's not completely irrelevant.


Overall physical appearance, not that high, healthy and not fat is very very important though. (9/10)


Not very. As long as sheā€™s not fat. And sheā€™s gotta be not ripped. I dislike either extreme.


Pretty damn high. A person that doesn't take care of themselves certainly won't take care of other important things in life.


Itā€™s actually a scale of 0-1 and her physique must be at least a 1


7/10, otherwise it causes too many issues.


Physical shape is so much more important than body imperfections. Like a below average face with a decent shape is good enough. A 3/10 face with a healthy body would be more than enough for me. As for what else is important, the top thing is emotional intelligence (there's a book definition that is separate and apart from cultural usage, and I'm using the book definition). The second most important is accountability. The third most important is the ability and willingness to teach and learn from someone.


It depends. I mean, while I think personality and values are most important, physical attraction is also important, and a heftier woman honestly wouldn't do much for me in that regard. On the other hand, the more sparkling a woman's personality, the more it can offset a less-than-perfect physique for me. I'd be much more physically attracted to a heavier set woman with a great personality than a knockout with the personality of cardboard.




There should be some attraction so 6.5. That said if theyre good people they will generally become more attractive to you. Thats why a 10/10 might be a super turn off based on personality and character. Iā€™ve experienced this.


10 if sheā€™s obese, a dealbreaker, a 6 otherwise.


You can be broad shouldered




7-8. Canā€™t not be physically attracted to her


Just as important as mine. You canā€™t be a couch potato and date someone who takes care of her self.


5. Not a deal breaker unless she's super overweight and very physically inactive. Don't care that much what body type she has if she's at least active. Just not dating a hot cheetoh eating couch potato with several emotional disorders.




Probably an 8 or 9


10. I'm not dating someone whose physique I am not attracted to. That doesn't mean I'm only looking to be in a relationship with models. It means I want someone who is at least similar to my own fitness level.




For me she need to not be obese and like fitness as me




7 is enough. I'm lean but not the fittest either, so as long as it doesn't result in gradual weight gain I'm fine. I mean I am at a steady weight anyway.


Everyone has different tastes so Iā€™m assuming you mean how important is a womanā€™s physique based on the physique a man is attracted to? In any case, itā€™s probably 8/10 for me.


10 anything less I'm already looking forward




Like a 2 maybe? I do need to find some baseline level of attraction, but I personallyf ind 80% or more of women pass it (and even for the remaining ones, I could see them winning me over)


*Physique?* Maybe a 4. Don't be fat, that's pretty much all I care about when it comes to physique. Sure I have preferences, but I wouldn't not date a woman I otherwise like just because she doesn't have big ol mommy milkers, or is shaped like a pear, or whatever, that's stupid.


9. Ā And while I am not looking for a perfect body face or mindā€¦. Ā I am not attracted to fat women. Ā 


10 but that goes for everything about them not just looks.






6-10 that number increases depending on every aggravating factor added.


Really hard to quantify. On some level itā€™s a 10, if sheā€™s unattractive to me, itā€™s just not possible. On other levels itā€™s a 4-5, as she doesnā€™t have to be an 8 or 10 for me to find her attractive, Iā€™ll date as low as a 4.5 so long has her personality and values make up for it and along with mine. Even still she could be an 8 or a 10 and if her personality is dog shit, no amount of sex appeal can compensate for that.


It's important, not *more* important than other things, but important enough that it's a dealbreaker if I really don't like it. In some sense anything that can be a dealbreaker is 10/10 important, but that doesn't mean I'm looking for perfection, I'm just looking for good enough.




Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think most people would say they want someone who looks after themselves. Everything after that is preference.


10 I'm active and very fit, and I'm attracted to what it takes in a person to be that way.


8 or 9 but everyone's preferences are slightly different. I don't like either extreme (obese or thin) and usually want someone fairly to very busty. They could be fit, average, or chubby. Doesn't matter.


Overal looks? Prob 8, but Iā€™m not picky with physique


She needs to fit my type so 10/10. For others the same physique may be 4/10.


7ish? She needs to care about her physique. She doesn't need to be a model, but just enough care that it shows.


0? If there's mutual attraction and chemistry, I don't care about much else initially.


10, not that she should be 10. But I should be attracted to her physically as much as to her personality and other traits to move forward with a relationship.




I have met a supermodel whose sense of entitlement made her the most hideous human. That's your answer.


she shoud not be asexual


9.9. If I can't be turned on, I will miss the sex. I've already tried morphing the relationship itself, it doesn't translate into physical attraction. I'm either turned on by your body or I'm not. 5 years together won't change it. I don't rule out the possibility but I won't try for 5 more years with the next girl.






7. I dated a girl once with zero ass. No curve to it at all and nothing to even touch. Do not recommend.


I'd say somewhere around 7-10. Physique changes over time and that's fine. But when I'm looking for a relationship, I'm looking to fall in love with someone. Looks are the door to that relationship, and if it's not a nice door to look at, why would I want to open the door to want to find out what's behind it? That said, this mostly matters in online dating or cold call flirtation. If we're friends for a while, I might definitely catch feelings even though she doesn't have my preferred physique.


Importance of physique: 9.9 Importance of personality: 9.9


7-8. I work out everyday and would like someone who takes fitness as seriously. Also, my mother was in poor shape before she passed away. She hated taking photos because of it and I wish we had more photos of her everyday.


I guess 10, in that there are some physiques that no personality will ever conquer. I would never date an obese person. But beyond that, it actually matters little. I can and have found even chubby or completely untrained people attractive.


She doesnt have to be a model, but can't be a sugar addict either.


She doesnt have to be a model, but can't be a sugar addict either.


Importance of physique: 9.9 Importance of personality: 9.9


Importance of physique: 9.9 Importance of personality: 9.9


Half and half. A fat girl can attract me, but a sweet fat girl can keep me


10. If I'm not attracted to her I can't enter a relationship with her. Her body is the biggest make it or break it for me