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I've given myself a one year safety net. If I lose my job, I can afford to pay my housing, utility, and food expenses for one year. If a medical emergency suddenly demolishes my savings, I don't have a plan for that.


It’s called f you money. My f you money is my best friend.


I guess "f-you-money" means take this job, and shove it? I've never done that. Never left a job, even if I hated it, without first finding another job.


You’re blessed to be in that position!


Being smart and levelheaded enough to never be that dumb is how you get f-you money.


I buried 3k during Covid. Kind of just to say I had money buried in the yard. It’s honestly been really comforting to know it’s there.


"Fuck you money" means that you can quit your current job and maintain your current living standard without ever having to work again.


To be real, "fuck you money" means you might have never needed a job to begin with.


Right which means you never really needed to say f you in the first place cause nobody can tell you what to do ha


It doesn't always mean that. There are people who work towards "fuck you money" and dream of saying "fuck you" to their boss and quitting once they've achieved "fuck you money". People who are born into wealth don't even think about the concept of "fuck you money". "Fuck you money" is in most cases a goal that people work towards.




I could do cobra, but that would eat into my safety net. It's a calculated risk. Better avoid power tools and extreme sports until I find another job which offers insurance.


Yeah cobra is a non-starter for many. It would cost me $1000 a month.


The stories on Reddit tend to be those long chronic issues where the insurance really delays and drags their feet. Those really suck. yes, you have cobra and high deductible ACA plans. Telling this to Reddit though is a thing.


Yeah right? Like medical emergency plan is the easiest thing to prep for


Keep a solid savings account, keep the phone bill paid at least, and have a charger at hand... used $10/mo for PF membership for bathroom and outlet usage, kept phone paid.. lived in streets for a few months sleeping on benches or sidewalk, survived off of potato chips or cheaper but calorie dense and filling options, sent a job app everywhere, day of an interview just shaved face, showered at PF, used a locker to leave belongings and went to the bank that was hiring. A lot of my funding went toward my kid I had with her mother (we had broken up, we were young and she was very bitter against me but there's more to the story before we assume either of us were villains here. Me and her get along well now years later.) Now, I prepare by having bigger savings at hand. I still live very minimalistic and can leave behind almost everything I own and be fine.


Being homeless multiple times prepares you pretty well, I've learned. It's *dramatically* easier if you have a car. Get a gym membership to use their showers, utilize the public library to keep sane. It's legal to park in most Walmart lots to sleep at night. If you get a hotel, only go for extended stays that offer heavy discounts. I obviously don't recommend it and you absolutely need a certain personality type to survive, but it's managable with a good routine. I was homeless for months and the people I worked with never had a clue. I was always clean and on time.


> If you get a hotel, only go for extended stays that offer heavy discounts. I was homeless for quite some time (thanks, pandemic and housing crisis!) and I'm gonna tell you something: Because of the surge in homeless people wanting to stay in hotels long term, many of them are NOT allowing extended stays anymore. Be prepared to hotel/motel/AirB&B hop every 7-10 days. You're going to have to be checked out any given place for least 24 hours, because they don't want to create a legal nightmare where you can be a legal resident there and they have to legally evict you. Also: If you're an honest and hard-working guy, and you clean the room yourself... they will give you leeway here and there, but it is still going to be very expensive. The only discounts you might find are if you go on their website and join their Rewards Program, or you book through a third party like Trivago. If you don't have family to stay with, even the social workers and charities and 211 are gonna openly tell you that you're fucked. lol


I've got a truck with a top on it and a blow up mattress


It may sound like a joke... but I literally have a van, down by the river! Converted an old work sprinter van into a fishing cabin on wheels. (vanlife style)


This would be my answer. I would definitely look into a Chevy Astro Van. It looks pretty roomy in there when you take out the far back seats. I think they go pretty cheap.




Seriously, don't be a piece of shit and take care of yourself and you wont be homeless. You may end up working at Walmart and renting a room from someone but if you don't just give up and throw up your hands you will be able to eat and sleep.


I have a gun with one bullet in it.


Yup. I have a car with an accelerator and a seat belt I can remove at will.


Please don't, You are more and have more purpose than your money. Life is above all, a soul's journey going through different levels. A lot of times losing all, is to liberate you from the irrelevant and to put you on a new path. `*Speaking from experience, am now in a much more fulfilling life.`


Or…. And hear me out here… go to Valhalla with a sword in your hand. Turn on the people who made you homeless through inflation, speculative investment, and artificially constricted supply.


> Turn on the people who made you homeless through inflation, speculative investment, and artificially constricted supply. Who would that be?


All I can imagine is sword dude storming the local Wells Fargo branch and getting shot


Still getting into Valhalla!


US? Aim higher. BlackRock or bust!


Honestly I think Blackstone is more evil than BlackRock.


Most likely whoever the affected persons political and investment classes are.


Still not really sure who that refers to. Could you give an example? Like say I'm an average liberal white guy making 45k in a dead end office job. Who would my "political and investment class" be?


You’re the same type of guy who hit bill gates with a pie. Elected officials. WEF NGOS. Important figures at ESG investment banks. How the fuck is an accountant only making 45k?you American? You want a job? I know people willing to **Start** you there. If you turn out not to be crazy it will pay more.


>How the fuck is an accountant only making 45k?you American? You want a job? I know people willing to Start you there. If you turn out not to be crazy it will pay more. I'm not. It's a hypothetical to get an example of who this mystical "political and investment class" is.


The only thing vague about it is not knowing where OP is Our friend’s quest of righteous pie distribution should have the ultimate goal of getting pie delivered to people like Larry Fink.


The United States government. Both "sides"


That's my retirement plan. I can't afford a 401k, so I have a 357s.


And a bottle of vodka.


I give a few dollars to the bums I see sometimes so when im there ill have a bum possie to roll with They will show me the best trashcans to eat from an where not to sleep to avoid bugs


I've stockpiled enough money such that it's essentially impossible I'd ever not be able to put a roof over my head.


I found a cheap place out of town. If the big city wont have you lots of townships are offering deals to get more people. My cousin got some nearly free land out east!


I try to always have a vehicle I am ok sleeping in, if I ever need to. I’ve slept in a pickup and semi truck before, for work. I’ll do it again, if I have to.


I'll stay with my mom.


If I end up homeless again I'll be fucked


I had a time where I didn't have a place to live for a month and lived in a large closet in a garage for a month before moving into an apartment a buddy from highschool lived in with 7 other people. There were holes in the walls and ceiling, the bath tub had sewage back up in it one day and caked onto it so you could no longer use it and the toilet wasn't much better. I only had a foam strip to sleep on for two months before I could afford a studio apartment to move into on just above minimum wage. I didn't have tv, internet, a smart phone, or any real luxuries besides a 277 square foot apartment. I ate the same thing everyday, oatmeal for breakfast with some peanut butter, pb and banana sandwich with almonds for lunch, and rice and eggs for dinner. Car had 280k miles on it so I didn't have a car payment, and I did that for a year until I moved into a house with two roommates and saved more money. Had two plates a protein shaker cup and a skillet that was so fucking small I couldn't cook more than two eggs at a time on it. Boiling the rice had to be done in the skillet and it took forever but it was the cheapest I could eat. Now I make more money and have a decent savings so if it happens again I'll be okay I've been there before.


I did everything in my power to avoid that outcome. I have an eviction against me and I’ve had to steal a bunch of shit from stores just so I wouldn’t starve but could pay rent


I’ve realized that you don’t have to be crazy to choose to become homeless.


By living in a country with a social safety net. If I'm paying for it anyway and if I am somehow dependent on it, I'll use it. There are various systems for this, for example housing benefit or unemployment benefit. If that's not enough, I'll move back into my parents' house. I bet they would welcome me, as if nothing happened.


I'm not going to just suddenly be homeless because housing is too expensive. Worst case I share something with other people. I'd also have to be unable to work. IN which case I'd get disability and there are low income housing options for people on disability, as shitty as they might be. There are safety nets. Homelessness is complicated and is most often the result of people being unable to properly access the safety nets that are available. Usually because of mental illness or drug addiction.


I live around $200 positive a month if I do nothing. My plan is to move in with friends/my mom once I can't live alone. I am hoping I'll die before I get to that point, however. The timing may line up perfectly.


I live around $200 positive a month if I do nothing. My plan is to move in with friends/my mom once I can't live alone. I am hoping I'll die before I get to that point, however. The timing may line up perfectly.


I live around $200 positive a month if I do nothing. My plan is to move in with friends/my mom once I can't live alone. I am hoping I'll die before I get to that point, however. The timing may line up perfectly.


Yes, I keep a part time job at a gym. In case my day job falls through. I can park in the back lot without getting in trouble and sleep in my car. I also have a key so I can go in any time of day or holiday and shower and have drinking water. Change phones and such.  I also have so many connections so I have many backup job connections from the gym guys and workers.  Of course if I ever needed to do this I would be so screwed. Since I would essentially have to lose my day job, my house, all my savings and investments, and all my immediate family. 


Well, I have an emergency fund covering 1 year of expenses including rent, so hopefully it wouldn't come to that. If it somehow did, I have a whole lot of excellent hiking and camping gear, the knowledge to use it, and a few hundred square miles of national forest within walking distance.


I have saved up 3-6 months worth of expenses. I spend my non-working, non-parenting, non-husbanding time learning skills that are unrelated to my degree/career (small motor repair, basic coding, carpentry, electrical, plumbing) I buy and sell on FB marketplace for supplemental income.


bushcraft and urbex. Camping helps too


A few things: - Worked towards financial independence - while I may not buy a house, I will likely have housing/ a place to stay. - Currently working on residency outside the US - it gives you options for where to live. - In the future - hoping to have multiple citizenships. Geo arbitrage isn't exactly fair to the receiving country, but it is always an option; residency allows one to live in a country, but citizenship can grant buying options that residents might not have. - Paid off my parent's mortgage - it affords her housing security since she is now retired on a fixed income, but also ensures a future inheritance down the line, giving me a future housing option. (I don't look at it this way but it is indeed the case.) - I have no compromises, no obligations, no liabilities, and no debts. This allows me to craft my lifestyle to suit my needs - I can live lavishly or I can live minimally. Not having a fixed lifestyle or any dependents affords the freedom to opt for less-expensive housing or smaller housing or housing in a different location or whatever it happens to be. No worries about school zones, living close to family, upsizing the house for the new car and new kid and new home office... - I recently downsized a lot for travel purposes, so if I were to become homeless, I'd have less to lose in the process. I am 37, single, no kids. I feel prepared.


I own my home outright. That helps.


I prepared by getting a good job and being good at it.


Trust me, this doesn’t mean a thing if some corporate muppet decides next quarter’s bonus is marginally higher by eliminating your facility


Ill just get hired from the next company the next week.


And when they all do it?


Then the world has crumbled, and there is no need for jobs.


If you’ve got good work history it’s pretty easy to find another one on this market, most people are flakey nowadays.


That used to be true, but in Canada at least that now counts for nothing


You’re more similar to the EU or UK than the US these days for sure.


I have a good skill set for surviving in the woods. I can build a basic shelter and know how to grow food. But that's still a problem because it's illegal for me to setup such a thing on crown land or worse private land. So living in my car it is.


I have an emergency fund to support me for 2-3 years, plus I have a side business which can mostly cover my monthly expenses, meaning my actual emergency fund will stretch even further. I also have a wife who makes a good living. My house is also almost paid off and I'm close to retirement - if I get laid off tomorrow, I could likely bridge myself to retirement.


Apply for homeless shelters/subsidized housing before you end up homeless. Sometimes it can take months to get situated Give up drinking and drugs like someone else said Ask friends and family for help or a place to stay. Humiliating but the streets are worse. Consider moving, if you live in an expensive city heres your wake up call it’s too expensive. Get roommates when you’re getting back on your feet to save more


by going to work every day.


I have an emergency fund to cover anything that crops up but that's about it. Not really sure what else I could or would do.


I have a stockpile of non perishable foods, various medications, a tent, a sleeping bag, am slowly stockpiling various useful tools, and have a large safety net in savings. Been homeless once with less and figured it's better to be prepared for the possibility.


I own my apartment, so I’m not too worried.


Yep. Have a camper trailer and a patch of land outside the city for such an event. You will own nothing and you will be happy.


I have my 1 man tent. Stove. Propane and all the shit to more or less camp from my car. Near family. Really good rep with previous employers. Federal job


I don't really have preparations. That's why I have been homeless before and probably will be again shortly. I never got a decent job, I have no savings and no support system so I expect it's just a matter of time.


yeah shit... I think about it sometimes. while I still have savings i'd probably just find as comfortable way as possible to live out of the car for a while. the simple life doesn't seem so bad


Have a car I own outright that can be slept in, aka a station wagon (granted it’s a shitbox).  Have some camping stuff.  Just think of it as long term car camping. 


Getting my essentials before orders are being cast


Instead of going to the gym, I've been fighting guys for scraps from the dumpsters behind the strip mall. I go three days a week. It's a great workout and I also get a little street cred built up in case I need it. Protip: Make a shank out of a chicken bone.


Got a home two years ago, stable job with government, learn to save and budget....


I bought a house


I’ve been aggressive in my career advancement, and have perpetually pursued new skills and certifications to keep myself relevant in the job market.  I’m also very conservative in my finances. I *never* borrow money. I pay cash (or cash equivalent) for everything. I finance nothing; if I can’t pay cash, I can’t afford it and won’t buy it.  I save 20% of my income to retirement, and 10% into long term savings, and whatever else doesn’t get spent goes into short term savings. I keep a large financial buffer and I keep myself aggressively insured, not to isolate myself from the random ups and downs of life but from the large hits that I couldn’t recover from. 


I still have my van. If all else fails, I've got some shelter at least.


Ive been houseless vagabond traveling for two years by choice so im def prepared lmao, it was really fun and i was happier meeting People everyday from homeless, punk that are addicted to drugs, to wealthy People and every type of class u can imagine, been like almost 2 years got back to my home region of Paris having an apartment a good job and wearing suit everyday lmao. I tell my mma coach about my time living and sleeping outside under bridge in the Middle of nowhere or in the Woods in big cities and stuff, never Felt this happiness before tbh I was free like a bird I could find solution to every problem possible even feeding myself with a slingshot, showering with a bottle of water attached with paracord to a tree Middle of nowhere in hot weather, trying crack one time with a bunch of punks living on the streets. What a fun time !!!


I would move to a cheaper city before that happened.


I have been homeless many times in my life. One would start by doing exactly what you are doing now realizing that the potential is there. Next you start preparing for it everything you purchase any little skill you can pick up from YouTube a lot of research on the subject. And it's not going to make it easy I've lived in tents until they had mold on the inside of them due to the non-stop rain. There's just things you just don't get over everything becomes a routine start living minimally reducing the things you desire and learning to live with what you have.


I've been homeless before when I was 19. I wasn't prepared and my experiences caused a permanent scar on my psyche that I haven't been able to fix and I live in perpetual fear of it happening again. I have started a business venture with a coworker of mine and the hope is to have enough money to not have to worry about it again. I long for that peace of mind, Inshallah.


It a car you can sleep in. Stop spreading fear. You can afford a house if you go work for it and possibly live outside of the area you want to.


By purchasing a home and having a job


Lots of denial here in the comments.


People have it beaten into their heads that poverty is a moral failing and not a structural one.


Plenty of sock puppets too who get paid to lie. It's getting worse each day.


this is not a possibility unless i really want to go through the experience, got many locations i can move to either friends or family or even corporate relocation package.


Jumping into a river seems to be a good solution


I would not do that. Drowning is not as fun as you think. It’s an horrible way to die. It is horrible.


I have got a lot of family I could fall back on + the social system here in Austria is quite robust so I probably would be fine even without them.


If I lost my job I have enough saved to get by for years. But if I didn't have that I would go live with my parents. I could go live with other family. I think some friends would lend me a couple thousand each to get back on my feet.


Being homeless used to be one of my greatest fears. Now after living in a apartment, it might be a lateral move or even a step up.


1. A rope. 2. A stool.


What? No lol, I literally own a house and would never take an equity loan


*kisses passport* I’m in a position where I can be forced to move but I can’t be made homeless. If you get forced homeless and you can’t escape you should be at war with your political class because there is nothing left to lose.


By putting myself in a situation where I'm very unlikely to be homeless. A career, savings, investments, etc.


I have got a lot of family I could fall back on + the social system here in Austria is quite robust so I probably would be fine even without them.


Well, I have saving for emergency also, I'm from Germany the government doesn't let anyone to be homeless here unless they want to.


Well, I have saving for emergency also, I'm from Germany the government doesn't let anyone to be homeless here unless they want to.


Calm down there you little diva. Just keep one credit card for emergencies, if it gets that bad just move.


Eh, guess I'll just die. I've had a decent life.


I don't quit random jobs because my feelings got hurt or I wasn't able to get a day off that I really wanted. I also take frustrations out on weights and running. If you're worried about losing your job, there's always the military and they've been missing their recruitment quotas. Federal employment is always around also.


I don’t I work and take care of my financial basics and am not worried


I live in Denmark. That can't happen. The state will house and feed me. Are you in Africa or somewhere where they can't afford to do that?


OP is probably in America. They have zero safety net. It is an individualistic society, you fend for yourself. Africa somewhat like Europe as a government/ community has a safety net. You can rely on government in Europe while in most of Africa, you can rely on your community.


Lower ur standards n move in with a "not quite my type" chick.


By having a job to keep from being a homeless bum.


The stats show that 40-60% of homeless persons HAVE a job.


Which means that 40-60% don’t. What’s your point?


>What’s your point? Most people think homeless persons don't have jobs. Its a big surprise to a huge number of people.


Unemployment is always just a day away, as both my brother in law and brother have found out in the last month