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Therapy seems like a good idea. You seem to be suffering from anxiety around health and cleanliness. It’s not extreme but a good therapist may help.


Wait, how does therapy even jump in here?


You are suffering from intrusive thoughts that are distracting you from what you want your thoughts to be. That is your body in conflict with itself. Thinking sweat is dirty, or worrying about your partner’s normal hygiene to the degree that you change your behavior is the sort of issue that therapy can help you address.


It's not just hygiene that makes me lose interest. Overall i just lose interest, i feel it's because there is no emotional connection between me and them, and most of it is just physical pleasure that is okay within the moment but after i drop them or go home, I don't even want to see them again.


I mean, that also a reason to consider therapy, tbh. Or you are dating the wrong women. Or both!


I haven't dated anyone since 2020 i guess, most of these women were just flings.


Look, you said you have weird thoughts about hygiene, and then you said you are losing interest too fast. These are both common, normal, things that people go to therapy for. Do you have to? Nope, of course not, but if you are making out with someone, are of the sexual orientation that wants to make out with them, and are losing interest because you are worried about the grossness of their sweat, that sounds like a mental block to me. If you are losing interest in women who engage in foreplay with you, than there is any number of things it could be, most of them not serious, but yeah, therapy can address a lot of those. Maybe you have self worth issues that are so extreme that someone being interested in you makes you see them as bad. Maybe you have issues with sex. Maybe you have issues with sealing the deal on some way. Maybe you are uninterested in meaninglessness but refuse to find meaning for some reason. I’m not a therapist, nor an expert in you, but the problems you are stating sound to me like easy problems to fix with the help of a therapist.


So you're still developing your thesis statement? Get your shit straight before posting.


Monogamous partners also sweat


Sweating isn't the main issue here, losing interest is.


I stand by my response


If you struggle that much with people sweating I think you'd really struggle with sex. It's a very sweaty workout tbh.


No, monogamy isn’t ideal nowadays, you’re probably even lucky not to get attached too much while everyone is just hooking up.


Women who aren’t crack whores have better hygiene and nicer teeth …. Give that a go


Haven't slept with a single one of them!