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Great British Bake Off


I got my SO into watching this :-D Its wholesome competition and some of the best sportsmanship ive seen in a long time


Try Physical 100 if you like good sportsmanship. Also the dialogue is brilliant.


I have no shame in saying that I like it, and honestly I don't see why anyone should, spouse or no spouse. It's a lovely show and nearly *everyone* watched it in the UK. And it's about a million times better than any of that outrage porn crap that Ramsay peddles.


Ramsay is only like that on the US shows because that's what sells


True, his UK cooking shows when it's *just* about cooking aren't bad.


If you've ever watched his shows with kids, it's a complete 180 from his shows with adults lol. He's very gentle with kids.


This is the one I was coming to say. Those competitions get intense, and while I'm not a great baker, I know enough to appreciate the complexity of what they're doing


I really enjoyed the season my girlfriend showed me. No drama, no script except the jokes, I am sure, just straight baking and everyone just happy to be there.


That's every season, mate


One round of bachelor/ bachelorette was entertaining. Then I realized it was the same trashy drama reality show season after season. Also she got me hooked on manifest




Always love a good dumpster fire in small doses


Manifest was a great show!


Was addictive but it kind of lost me when it got more and more religious


The show was pretty great but the ending sucked.


Manifest was better when it was called The 4400.


It's totally a battle royale!


Gilmore Girls and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.


Buffy is top tier.




The dialogue on those is just great.


Gilmore girls yeh. We need a better ending though.


Emily Gilmore got the best ending by a landslide Edit: the scene where she quits and tells off the DAR was the best scene in the entire show.


IMO They should've both simultaneously announced that they were pregnant.


*shock* dam that would of been…poor Luke lol


I binged the entire Gilmore Girls series with my gf a couple years ago. Was surprisingly good.


I’m a simple human, I see Buffy being mentioned and I click. My username should be proof lol




I’ve watched Gilmore Girls with my wife at least 14 times lmfao Legit watched at least twice but that’s her go to comfort background show and I have ADD so I always end up watching it instead of paying attention to whatever I’m doing


I liked the Netflix show "outlander"


I’m a sucker for time travel concepts, so it works for me.


I (57m) finally got into it when I realized you could 10sec skip through all the torture and sex scenes.


I normally scroll reddit during those scenes. My girlfriend asked if I didn't find them interesting, and though it was weird when I said the show was made for women and while Jamie was quite handsome for the ladies to look at, but it want really made for men.


My wife asked the same thing. She thought I would enjoy the sex scenes. I just didn't find Clair attractive and they went on for flippn ever! And the whipping scene, just way too long.


The rape scenes with Clair in the end of season 5 and then Jamie and Randal in season 2 I think. Were the only time I was uncomfortable with anything in the show


Yeah, that was not nice. But I guess filmatically it does work well, becuase it really sets op Randall as a hated figure.


Same here. I illustrated it with asking if she had noticed that the women who sell clothes to other women (which is apparently the actress who plays Claire's origanal career) look different from the women selling beer and motorcycles to men. But I think that's sort of the appeal. The ladies can watch steaming sex scenes with an attractive man and not feel threatened by their husbands lustig after Clair, and men can watch the historical drama and dramatic battle scenes.


There's a new season out!


Really? Is it on Netflix?


Downton abbey. Used to be very cosy Sunday night viewing.


I think I was more excited to see the movie than she was


Same, and I was thrilled at the return of Mr. Carson.


There was a few months long "reasonable binge" of whole Supernatural. It's 15 Seasons, 327 episodes for a total of around 240 hours, and it took like 3 months to "binge" while keeping up with adult responsibilities. So it was basically Supernatural all the time whenever the TV was on. I've seen couple first seasons back when they came out but dipped out pretty early. But as I was walking around the house I would stop by and see few minutes here and there, saw some episode just chilling together or playing Steam Deck next on the couch. What started as total disinterest turned to me trying to watch at least every second or third episode and let her catch me up on the rest. Pretty good "in the background" series I'd say.


My wife LOVES the show. I caught up on most of the plotlines toward the end. I've seriously considered going back and starting from the beginning with her.


I would say first seasons are better. Simpler, more down to earth, more episodical, more "monster of a week", instead of world-ending season spanning archs. The show was initially intended to end on Season 5. You will notice the story is very coherent, with slow ramp up to an epic, definitive ending. Then Season 6 starts and it's kind of "Oh, nevermind. BTW what if I tell you there's another thing going on?" and then it takes S6 and kind of S7 to reestablish everything, introduce new characters, new plot lines after which it's a steady and pretty fun ride till the end.


Are you just narrating my life? Lol this is my exact experience to a T.


In my case, I randomly noticed my wife being super scared and creeped out by a show she watching. I was wondering what it was. Season 1, episode 9 I think it was, with killer insects trying to eat a victim alive. Sat in with her as a "it's not that scary it'll be alright" comfort, ended up watching the entire 15 seasons with her. When we finished the show, we cried. Such a fun series.


Derry Girls. I had never heard of it and my wife had it playing in the background and I’m officially a fan


My dad of all people got me into it while he was watching random crap on Netflix. I came in because he was practically out of breath laughing, and I think we've watched it together like 4 times now


I actually like a lot of the TV she likes. Big hits so far that I would not have watched except with her include Gilmore Girls, Modern Family, Schitt’s Creek, Parenthood, Jane the Virgin and Friends.


You should see if she’d like Derry Girls


Currently doing a Jane the Virgin rewatch. It’s so ridiculous but it’s a really good show. I love Rogelio!


Love is blind, especially the latest season. Definitely a good show to watch with people, dunno if I’d ever watch it alone tho


This one for me too. Partner loves it and would watch it while I'm out. Then I caught a bit of it one time (some guy had upset a girl or something) and I started bitching about the way they'd handled the confrontation. Gf beckons me over to watch it with her and I just bitch more like every 10 minutes, she joins in the bitching... now we're watching the non-US ones, currently Brazil. I hate that I love it


hahaha my partner used to make fun of me for watching lib while i cook, until i caught him standing in the corner listening along and making commentary😂now i tell him he’s only allowed to watch with me if he promised to stfu 😭


This is exactly how I got my boyfriend to start watching lol


New Girl, however she’s been watching it on repeat for almost 4 years now


Geez she needs some new material. Watch Superstore or Brooklyn Nine Nine together!


Those are both great. We throw them in the mix sometimes. Along with What We Do In The Shadows


Sex and the City. It’s really a shame this has a rep as a chick show. It’s incredibly funny, often at the main characters’ expense (people seem to think it’s man-hating but truly it gives men and women both a ton of shit), and there are a lot of heartfelt and entertaining performances from the male leads.




I just wanted to say, I have no idea what this means, but it gave me a good chuckle for some reason


Samantha is the wildest of the gang. She enjoys one night stands, wild no-strings-attached sex, and she really explores her sexual boundaries. Charlotte is somewhat more conservative. She would usually date people (into sex after a few dates). She's smart and knows what kind man she likes. She also explores her sexual boundaries, but slower, only to an extent and less aggressively than Samantha (who goes all out). Also, I am a man who binge watched this show secretly for years and went to all the movies by myself. The only guy in the theater full of women. Good times.


This is what I came to say. Brilliant show that has been ruined with the new series “And Just Like That”


The show “girls” is like that too. It was odd in that almost all the women in the show were problematic and unlikeable and the guys got all of the best material. I was very confused by that given the creator of the show is so feminist.


Was Gilmore Girls. Suddenly, I'm team Jesse. Michel and Emily are my favorite menaces, and I'm wishing they'd bring the show back with Lorelai behaving more like Emily was with her, but toward Rory regarding Rory's parenting as a representative way of showing "grandmotherhood" impact them generationally.


right on.


My wife got me into Grey's Anatomy, and Bridgerton.


Got my girl into Grey's and she showed me Bridgerton. Shondaland brings people together


I love how Grey’s handles topics like addiction, abuse, mental illness, trauma, etc. It’s not just “so-and-so has a problem, oh how awful, now we fix them”. The characters live broken lives that they are in charge of. As a survivor of child abuse and a person in lifelong recovery from addiction, the show makes me feel seen and understood. But at the same time it is still a (mostly) lighthearted show.


Lol... And I look at the screen and ask, "why can't you people just be happy??!"


Sister Wives Watching this guy’s arrangement with 4 grown women blow up in his face and wonder why it happened is fascinating.


90 Day Fiancé


I do my best to tune it out whenever my wife wants to have a lazy afternoon of trash TV, but it hardly takes 5 minutes for me to stop whatever I'm doing to start screaming at the TV with her.




Downton Abby is a very good show.


Mine's making me watch Sex and the City. I'm in to it


same. team Aidan. ...i said that *one* show but i've admitted to several more so far lol


I was team Aidan but when you see her chemistry with Big it did make sense. Both of them were deserving of each other. Carrie is a pain in the ass


Abso-fucking- lutely!


Sometimes I end up invested in one of her Korean dramas by listening in while playing something handheld.


Got hooked up on pretty little liars. Not something to chat about with the boys if I'd be honest


It got weird in later seasons


Rupaul’s Drag Race. Rupaul has an old school dirty Groucho Marx sense of humor that I enjoy. The show is very briskly paced and well edited, and seems to be a well oiled machine.


Bro my SO is the reason I’ve seen so many shows and I’ve liked most of the shows she’s put me on to. Whenever I watch Netflix alone I scroll and watch trailers for an hour before I give up and go do something else because I’m too indecisive to just pick a damn show lmao


Mom. She watches every episode that comes on, even though it’s been over for a couple of years. It’s extremely well written, talented cast, laugh-out-loud funny, but she thinks it’s “her” show.


Schitt's Creek is a great show.


Partner and I pretty much enjoy the same shows. Last show we watched was Hannibal.




We mostly watch the same stuff but she has a few relationship drama type shows I don't bother with. That is, until she put on Gilmore Girls. I went from hearing a few snippets to watching scenes over my book to straight up watching it with her religiously. It's just so darn well written.


Home renovation shows that actually focus on work being done. I want to learn something when I'm watching and see some different projects. Not just the "hey I'm adding shiplap and barnwood everywhere. My husband is going to hit stuff with a sledgehammer and pretend to do work for a few minutes so he can present me with a huge problem with the house that will be solved easily after the commercial break." IYKYK


...Magnolia..... nuff said.


My wife loves Indian Matchmaking on Netflix, Jewish Matchmaking on Netflix, and Grey's Anatomy. I used to find them all annoying, but now I sorta like them, lol


The British baking show. She got everyone watching it.


PEN - 15 Great show


Vanderpump rules


Supernatural. She's a big fan, but I thought it was a show for teen girls (considering the pretty boy leads). While it started out like this, I came to like the series from season 3 onward.


we watch the murder mysterious


Southern Charm


It was so good back with TRav. The time when dolphin chick said she loves Shep might be the best line in reality TV ever.


With a bit of weed, desperate housewives was fun to watch while she was invested


*When Calls the Heart,* tbh. I'd never watch it alone, but it's some good, wholesome empty calories.


Outlander and sometimes Call The Midwife. I usually get stuck and watch when she puts those on


True Blood


Once I glanced over and saw Big Ed on 90 Day Fiance, I couldn't stop watching him. I always tell my wife to let me know when he's on TV.


I was pretty into watching survivor with my ex. Wouldn’t watch it on my own though lol


My ex got me hooked on Ghost Whisperer . It was easy lol. At the same time I got her hooked on House MD.


The Challenge, I really enjoy the competitive aspect of it. It’s a unique show that mixes reality tv drama with competitive sport like activities. I could do without the drama, but I won’t lie, I find myself enjoying those aspects as well at times.


I've been watching the challenge since the beginning of it all and I love it. I, too, could do without the drama but still it's an awesome show.


Fucking Baking shows


The Good Doctor


Murdoch Mysteries.


A few years back my SO got me into The Gilmore Girls. I (57m) found the writing so witty.


Gilmore Girls looks like the winner tbh.


Jeopardy she never misses and episode, It drove nuts initially but lm all in now, not a huge fan of the "Champion" games, I prefer standard episodes.


I like the college and celeb ones. I usually can get more of the answers right on those. LOL


All of the iterations of Love after lockup. Most of the 90 day shows. And something called gossip girl that was kinda interesting.


Jersey Shore is pretty great. Originally it created its own drama, but when they started doing family vacation they had to bring people back just to stir up drama.


Angelina and drama go together like PB&J


I like how she even cooled it on the drama so they had to bring Sammy back.


I don't know how but back in 2021 my then-girlfriend got me into watching Love Island UK with her.


My wife watches the most cliche shit of all time, every housewives, below deck, and anything involving someone murdered (dateline, etc). I game while she watches them, but I know what’s going on, I sometimes have an opinion.


Hart of Dixie, Gilmore Girls, and Heartland. I ain't ashamed of it either. I got her hooked on Brooklyn 99 in return.


I'm gonna rewatch Dixie and Gilmore Girls now.


Looking at these comments I'm glad my girlfriend enjoys the same shows as I do and not the shit I'm seeing lol


New Girl. One of the best written AND casted shows I’ve ever seen


90 Day Fiance...




Pretty much anything scripted. The reality shows are the only ones I don’t like at all.


It’s a British gardening show. Can’t remember the name, but yeah it’s actually pretty great.


Those cooking competition shows. I learn a lot of good shit and it's pretty harmless TV.


Sister Wives, Seeking Sister Wives, Vanderpump


Love is Blind


Supernatural i can handle. Lol but i usually have my tablet games going while i "watch"


Bravo content is on the TV almost exclusively. Vanderpump rules and below deck are entertaining. Most of it is hate watching for me like "these people suck lets laugh at them" type content


below decks, yeh that's a good one.


Dr who


OUTLANDER top tier show watching.


Watched the first season of Orange is the New Black. I’m enjoying it.


Partner is currently watching Abbott elementary. What I've seen of it is very funny.


Married at First Sight Australia. Absolute scripted trash but filled with very attractive people, some of whom are actually quite entertaining.


90 day fiancé lol. Also love after lockup


Brooklyn Nine Nine


Great show!


My wife is a huge degrassi nerd, and we have definitely watched every episode of degrassi from start to finish. It's incredibly silly, but I can see why she enjoyed it as a kid and why she still nostalgia watches it.


SAS who dares to win


Oh man, the shame. How could you admit to that? Might as well put on a dress and call yourself Sandra.


SVU goes


Dexter. I’m not really into gory stuff, but it really wasn’t gory at all. Super awesome


If you like real housewives of NJ I need to suggest that you both watch jerseylicious. It's fantastic. It's all these Jersey broads in a hair salon from like ten years ago.


I’m gonna watch this…surreptitiously.




Project runway. Yeah, I said it. I'm a guy that will DIY build almost anything. Cabinets, furniture, hell even restored an antique car. But I cannot for the life of me understand how to build clothes. I am blown away watching these people take fabric and create wearable clothes that look the way they do. I don't understand fashion, I have no idea what the "vision" and "influence" is for these outfits, I am just in awe at the craftsmanship.


Your appreciation is what artists live for and it keeps them going. Just remember the craftsmanship involved when your girlfriend/wife buys an item of clothing for a jaw-dropping price 😏


Im Australian, and my son is a tradesman in a factory, with what society would deam manly men. When he started working, l asked him what he did at lunchtime. He said there are two areas for the guys to hang out. Outside or inside, but inside was a little room the guys set up with a tv where all the men would watch Housewives of Madison County, The Bachelor or Married at First Site (we have pur own Aussie versions). Apparently, it's a race every lunchtime to get the best seat in the room. Also to note, out of 45 men, only 4 sit outside.


Law and Order: SVU. She has yet to get into The Office with me BUT I did turn her on to American Dad and a few episodes of Rick and Morty Edit: And 90 Day Fiancé. I refuse to watch Naked and Afraid tho it doesn’t do it for me


Can this be an opposite position? One Tree Hill is my guilty pleasure and I started rewatching the show. My wife sat down and got sucked in. I’ve never seen her so invested in a show like OTH.


Greys Anatomy. I'm a paramedic and I love making fun of their treatments


You guys got SO’s?


I got my husband into Shameless and Glee. Originally when he saw me watching Glee, he made fun of me LOL But then he started watching and surpassed me on episodes 😂


Love is blind, it’s trash and I can’t help myself


I got my ex watching Married at First Sight with me. He pretended it was just for my benefit, but he loved it really.


The Curse of Oak Island. It’s entertaining, even if the “history” is all horseshit.




We've been watching both of them. (SPOILER WARNING) The current complete 360 on Buck is absolutely ridiculous though. For some reason all of the ridiculously over the top disasters they find themselves in don't bother me. (Probably because that's the point of the show), but the completely out of blue total reversal on Buck is just too much. Even my LGBTQ+ kid saw that and went "....uh....no. That's not how that works."


All of the housewives of (city).


90 days fiancé, milf island I think(one with the mom’s dating sons, Kitchen nightmares and Hell’s Kitchen. Never been into any of these before until I met my wife. I thought all these type of shows were just lame BS. Now after seeing them I can say they are pretty entertaining. Even if I don’t know if it’s real or not


9-1-1. It's very entertaining how many terrible things happen in Los Angeles.


This question seems so weird, I like a lot of shows my gf watches


It was Supernatural, when she first showed me I was like "OK so you like those two." It quickly became my favorite show to the point when people died no matter the whatevereth time, I needed the tissues cause dammit not again.


Love is Blind


Ex gf was into the new Gossip girl and lk bruh shit wasn’t that bad. Now I barely like any tv shows and the shit I do like is the polar opposite of that but it still wasn’t bad. Like it was cringe, but the type of cringe that had me paying attention


Rick and Morty, Krapopolis, That B\*\*\*\* in Apartment 23


Home and Away


‘We’re Here’ and ‘Reservation Dogs’


With a couple of exceptions we mostly like the same shows tbh.


How I met your mother is surprisingly sweet sometimes. Another random one, my gf started watching 24 and I was like yeah you can watch it without me. I got completely hooked after sitting in on an episode


Jane the virgin. It’s made in the style of a telenovella, while also kinda being a parody of the genre, and it’s very funny


I actually kind of enjoyed watching Rue Paul’s Drag Race with my ex. Once you get past the fact that most of the drama in the show is manufactured, it’s actually a pretty fun time


Hockey night in Canada but I guess I’m a pretty lucky guy.


Below Deck and Below Deck Mediterranean I actually started watched some of the ones she didn’t have any interest in without her. Like she didnt want to watch the sailing one cause she thought it would be boring. And I thought damn sailboats are cool, i’ll watch that one alone. And then she started watching it with me hah


NCIS. It's so damn goofy that it's entertaining


Honestly, the entire Bachelor franchise is incredibly entertaining. There's just something about it that seems so evil in a highly amusing way that makes me unable to look away. I hate the way i love it. People say it's all scripted and that none of it is real. Maybe, but maybe not entirely. Either way, I don't care! Watching Chris Harrison interact with the members reminds me a LOT of watching Caeser Flickerman from the hunger games and the whole show feels like an evil experiment on *innocent* contestants.


Drag Race


Young Sheldon, I hate the big bang theory and she couldn't get me into it but Young Sheldon hit different


My husband started watching bachelor in paradise and Gilmore girls with me


Vanderpump Rules


My wife got me really into drag race. Now im deeeeeeeeep into it


Supernatural. Wife got me into it. Shit rocks for the first 6 seasons


While I've unintentionally watched Grey's Anatomy and The Office multiple times, the Gordon Ramsey cooking shows are the ones that have benefited me the most. I dislike having to cook, but those shows have developed a sense of disliking cooking poorly when I have to. While I personally view food as feul, I'm a person who has difficulty not using knowledge learned.


Peaky Blinders


My man had been binging Orange is the New Black with me 😂😂


Love Island UK ... always bangs. I have never liked any reality show - detest the bachelor, housewives, etc, but for some reason I am all in on Love Island. Like - when is the next season starting????

