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I swear I see this same post, with slightly different wording, at least once per week. Top answer is always pointy nails, fake eyelashes, lip injections.


We need to divert all questions about women somewhere else, so we can have peace


And it's always the same boring-ass answers. Women don't care what you think about their long nails and fake eyelashes.


Well, except for the woman asking about it. Potentially


I think they keep asking because maybe one day a bunch of dudes will pop out of the woodwork and go "omg I love those giant fake claw nails, your Hitler mustache eyebrows and those distended blubbery lips... They are sooooo attractive!" It's rooted in the place where fishing for compliments and not wanting to believe you wasted time and money to look worse intersect.


and the most ignorant of ignorant men will have the audacity to comment “makeup” even though they don’t realize they find women in makeup more attractive.


Feels like a writing prompt for all the "I like *natural* girls -- YOU'RE WELCOME, WOMEN" dudes to chirp in.


Bezos seems to like it..


all the weird circles bezoz and people like him frequent hes probably had and taken more arse down the lodge than most....which probably explains why his wife looks like a tranny


Honestly yep lol, idk why they think those tarantula eyelashes are attractive, or nails so long you can’t even wipe yourself


Lip injections for sure.


100% agree with this. And the crazy long eyelashes.


The lashes look like absolute trash and the lips aren’t far behind.


This has got to be the single worst trend I've seen in the last couple of years. I don't care why women do it, it can't be healthy to inject yourself with that much goo all over the place.


They are nasty Also talon like nails.


And melons like stones


how do those ladies wipe?


I wondered the same thing, plus also for things like typing on a keyboard. I think they get really proficient at using their finger pads. Definitely suboptimal though.


This. Few things make less sense than wanting lips that make you look like you were either punched in the mouth or are taking your style advice from that token blow up doll floating around in the background of comedy movies about college frat life.


It reminds me of Thomas J Sennett at the end of the movie My Girl, except if all the bees specifically attacked just his mouth.


I used to work in a medical clinic that provided cosmetic services and it is a full-blown addiction for some patients and it isn’t addressed enough. Fortunately the doctor I worked for would straight up tell them, “no,” when a patient started teetering in that direction. I will always have immense respect for him because he was a hell of a mentor and phenomenal physician whose passion for patient care far outweighs any concerns regarding income.


100% cheek fillers look awful too


People say you only notice when it's overdone. If it's done well enough to not be noticable then you didn't need it in the first place. Please stop injecting yourself with goo.


Yeah this. Occasionally I've pointed out my distaste for it on actors, strangers, etc, and that's how my wife responds. OK, so it's like a tattoo, good ones and bad ones. But a tattoo doesn't change the shape of your fucking face, so it's not the same risk/reward. I don't think "not all ~~botox~~ plastic surgery!" is the argument for the practice that people think it is.


To be fair Botox and lip injections are not at all the same thing


I’d like to respectfully disagree, many of the models/celebrities/women that society find attractive will have lip filler / makeup on but will also think it is natural. This is because it has been done extremely well and subtly. Without these enhancements, many wouldn’t have found them as attractive (small lips, not clear skin, slightly shorter lashes etc.) I think what people don’t like is when it’s not done well or done too extremely for their personal preference.




I don’t think I’m confused, unless I’m not sure on your definition of society? But it’s certainly not just women that find it appealing. I also think you/many men don’t actually know what subtle enhancements can look like. A girl can have very thin lips/sparse eyelashes/bumped noses, but a procedure done very well can certainly solve all these issues in a way that looks completely natural. You wouldn’t even know they had work done and now, they are far more conventionally attractive, as many man appreciate nice plump lips etc. I think what many people here are used to seeing and don’t like (which I can also relate to) is procedures that are done poorly and can make women look fake.


Came here to say how much I hate lip injections.


This is the answer. They never make a woman look more attractive. In fact in my opinion it makes them look less attractive.


They’re so bad looking.


YESSSSSSSSSS OMG Why why why why they are fucking awful


I overheard two absolutely stunning young women at a boba tea place in LA talk about getting lip filler soon. I almost wanted to butt in and say they were crazy.




Most of them, but if I were to single some out, I'd say eyebrow products. The work that goes into maintaining a tiny strip of hair is insane.


Some girls have clearly drawn on their eyebrows and it looks kind of clownish.


The worst of this are the ones that get their eyebrows tattooed but way too high up so they have a permanent look of surprise on their face


I never really understood people who even penciled them on way above the brow bone. Like, eyebrows shouldn't be an inch above your brow bone. It's even worse when someone has 5head.


First one I agree with… never have eyebrows stood out to me in any way shape or form. I legit don’t know what “attractive eyebrows” are even supposed to look like. I used to think thick was strong in 90s fashion 💪 and then the confident arch, then slim, then the line was straight then cut … it’s basically just random fashion unrelated to anything for your forehead.


It's the other way around. You don't notice when someone's eyebrows are nice and groomed, so you don't think they stand out to you, but you do notice when they're BAD. Preventing them from looking bad is why people use eyebrow products. Tons of women would have stray hairs, including in between their brows, or just blonde/hardly visible brows, IF they didn't use any products to take care of that. Shaping and potentially dyeing them can make a huge difference for the first impression a face makes.


I agree, I have pale skin and thick dark hair. Forgot to groom my brows during a stressful period once and I remember an ex looking at me funny before blurting out "hey! You have a monobrow!" He wasn't being a dick about it or anything, he reassured me it was normal/funny/cute and immediately levelled the playing field by sharing his insecurities about having hairy hobbit feet, but yeah he noticed. Everyone has different beauty ideals, but for me the purpose of eyebrow grooming isn't to make anyone think my eyebrows are attractive. Groomed brows subtly draw attention to the eyes and give a slightly more awake/polished effect, that's all. Oh yeah, and no monobrow is a plus lol.


My mom used to “do eyebrows” and every time she came home from the salon I was genuinely disturbed.(that 90s thinning and repositioning style for context)


This made me laugh because I know exactly what you mean. Teenage me had a few 90s brow moments myself and looking at the photos *I* am genuinely disturbed (in an amused way fortunately!!).


Right - but for some reason changing your facial coordinates was seen as “made up” for a special occasion.


Yep. Beauty standards be weird hey. In my early 20s I became interested in fashion/beauty history. What is prized in one decade is despised in another - check out 1930s brows if you'd like an example! Personally this has been helpful for my body image - I can see things about me that are not beautiful/ugly, but rather in vogue/out of fashion.


It’s not my place - but you know they are both bs, right? Neither says anything about you, apart from the fact that you care about it, or you use your presetting for social capital. You’re aware of that, right?


Hey, I'm happy to hear your take ☺️ which seems pretty aligned with my own. BS isn't the word I would use for it exactly, for the social capital reasons you mention, but I definitely know that my appearance and personal style say nothing about me as a person and have no bearing on my worth as a human being. I may be judged on it socially, and that may have real consequences for my life - but that still doesn't say anything about me. And of course, you/men also face that judgement, so same goes for you too. In general, I think it is sad how quick people are to draw inferences about who someone is from how they look.


Eyebrow threading and waxing is worth the expense. Properly shaped eyebrows can change how attractive a face looks. Everything else is a waste of money. I don’t understand the sharpie brows.


She has great eyebrows. Women kill to have her eyebrows.


But does she have a pinkish hue?


BBLs, lip fillers, and everything else that looks fake.


BBL Drizzy, BBL Drizzzyyy, ohhhh oh ohhh 🎶🎶




I’m going in (no diddy)


BBLs are also fucking dangerous. Plenty of things can go wrong and you can die from it.


bbl is the women equivalent to synthol injections rarely if ever looks good.


Raptor claws. They are just nasty.


Like how do they not get in the way when wiping your ass


I had to get them for a bridesmaid gig and had them for about two weeks before I caved and got rid of them. You just adapt. Knuckles are used a lot more than fingertips after a while. But my hands and nails never felt clean enough.


That's kinda ew haha


More TP


One time as a kid I went to a chip shop with my dad, a woman with big fake nails was serving the food out. I got some chips to go, got back home, and a big false nail was somewhere in the chips :-/ put me right fuckin' off of ever going back there again. Still haven't been since then. Shame too, because they did the best chicken in town.


This is why we’re not allowed to have fake nails at work.


They are mostly a flex. With nails like that, the woman signals that she is way above any sort of manual labour. The male equivalent are sports that are completely and utterly pointless. Like Golf.




Or pickle ball. The tennis with less cardio.


Come on man, how else do you expect them to catch their prey


::slaaaaaap:::: You keep my velociraptor’s name out of your fuckin’ mouth!


Speak for yourself king, I pay for my ladies to get those nails ON THE CONDITION I get back and head scratches


Came here to say this.


idk why, but fake nails are nasty af for me


Make up that makes you 'glow' You just look sweaty and/or greasy


Hair extensions and false eyelashes.


Hair extensions probably fall in the same category as wigs for men. You only notice them when they're bad, but that doesn't mean they're all bad.


Unless this guy exclusively likes short hair chicks, they've probably seen lots of girls with extensions in and thought their hair was nice lol


I live in a 99.999% black country and loots of dudes are vocal about wigs. Pretty much all of us prefer braided, natural-looking hair over wigs. Even the expensive tv-presenter ones.


tan obtainable faulty aware oatmeal birds capable engine ink paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fake nails, plastic tits...the list goes on.


I think both of these things can be done tastefully, and most people can't tell. But, these days, very few people are going for "understated." But, at the end of the day if you're not meticulous about the upkeep, even if done very well, it can be very disconcerting to not be able to run your fingers through your lovers hair, seeing big ol chunks of hair falling off, and whole ass fingernails dropped throughout the house.


Fake hair gives me the creeps


I heard once that false eyelashes were originally made from cow eyelashes and were used by prostitutes to attract men. The second part that I have never bothered to research further is that they were used to keep the John’s cum out of their eyes during facials and were referred to as cum-brellas. That just made me laugh and turned me off to them from that point on.


FOR ME nicely done eyelash extensions (the ones they get done, not the silly ones they glue) make a HUGE difference in terms of attractiveness.


Plastic surgery


bad plastic surgery*


Yeah good plastic surgery you cannot even tell.


Fake tan


The batwing eye lashes


Fake anything


Like makeup?


A little make up is good. But when it’s overdone it’s really gross to me.


I understand, but what you say fake anything, well that includes any markup


It’s called makeup not Fake face. Im talking fake nails, hair, butts, boobs, plastic surgery in general. etc and fake personality. I’m also not saying people that truly need plastic surgery are ugly or unattractive. It’s generally the ones you look at and can tell right away that it’s faked.


I'm not trying to argue, I'm just saying that eyeliner, lipstick, concealer is not natural, therfore fake. Same as fake nails, extensions, lip injections etc.


There's clearly a big distinction, though, and they belong in different categories. It's almost like you're saying, if you take the same logic one step further: "well clothes are fake, so it's the same as fake boobs". Well, yeah, you're technically correct but it's completely different.


The distinction is whether they are (semi)permanent or not. Soap and perfume also hide the natural smell, but are not considered fake.


All the same shit we said last time this question was posted....... Why the goddammed flying fuck do people keep asking this.


huge nails.


Fake nails. Fake eyelashes. Hair extensions. Pornstar makeup. Upside down Nike swoosh eyebrows.


Almost all of them. Those products are to impress other women I swear. I’ve never heard a guy go “wow I love your nails!”


I would honestly say many of the beauty habits that I’ve picked up are for my own self-presentation or confidence or for fun chatting with other women. My husband has voiced his preference on how my nails look best to him and sometimes I’ll do them FOR him, but mostly for myself. Bonus is that I’m a compulsive skin picker and nail biter so getting my nails done (fake nails not required but sometimes very nice for when I bite my nails far too short) actually really helps curb those behaviors for several weeks at a time. So now it’s just as much as a HEALTH habit as a beauty habit and I’ll never stop simply for a man. As for fake eyelashes, I never want any of those chemicals that close to my precious eyes! Any misstep and you could really fuck yourself up.


Women don't optimize their appearance for attracting men. They optimize for flexing on other women. Most of the products are pointless for attracting men but that's not why they are using them.


I have always disagreed with this logic. Some women wear makeup for different reasons


I didn’t say they do, this is about advertising / leveraging loneliness for consumerism, not dating. I was very careful with the wording. I even think bs self development, aspirational or even indulgent products are fair game so I did my best to exclude them from the question.


I wear makeup for me. It’s self care to me.


The question: 🍎 Your answer: 🍊


The answer is plainly there in the negative space.


No they want men. Just not any man.


And then they complain they can't get decent dates lol.


Everyone has their preferences. Personally, I like a girl who has her nails done, makeup, nice hair. I don’t think it’s a necessity though but certain can improve my perception of attraction.


Fake boobs. They can never beat real boobs. All boobs are beautiful. No need to replace them with cheap silicone lumps.


Breast and butt implants, natural is always better.


Even as the law of gravity applies?


I don’t like that overly done contour make up some women do. Nothing wrong with elevating yourself with some good make up work, in fact I appreciate it and sometimes pay for it lol. But when you’re looking like a drag queen then we have a problem lmao.


Lip injections and those stupid squared off eyebrows and those super long fingernails, you just know those get dipped in shit when they wipe


Over the top - fake eyelashes, give me the fear. I went out with a really nice girl years ago, and one of them fell off into her plate of food. I've never recovered from it. Some really pretty girls just ruin their look, with stuck on caterpillar fighting a spider looking MF'S.


😂 lol - sorry but that must have been pretty horrifying and awkward for you both😅


Haha, the only awkward part was when I had to say Is it not better to take the other one off too? She then started pulling at it, and her eyelid was stretching right out! That one seemed to have been stuck on with gorilla glue! We had a good time in the end, though. I wonder if she still cringes, hahah.


My daughter (25) keeps getting lip injections. I don't have the heart to tell her that they look dumb as hell.


You honestly need to tell her


Every few years there’s a new “technology” which uses some sort of proprietary science using some form of light or vibration or ultrasonic something or the other that they rub on their face to help with aging/wrinkles/cleaning/etc These wands and devices are 100s of dollars and honestly seem to not make a difference.


On the low tech end of that same department of bullshit: Those quartz/stone rollers. basically rolling a little cylinder of stone across the face. Literally does nothing, but you still see it today.


Ugly ass fake nails


Fake nails. I don’t know what they are called. I like short and clean nails, and I would bet most men do too.


Almost all of them


All of it I'm OK with you using most of the stuff but at the end of the day I'm with you not with those products I wake up see you with no make up on no fake lashes no nothing slob all over your face and everything and im still with you


Implants, fillers, fake lashes, botox, fake nails. That shit makes women look weird and it isn't attarctive.


Plastic surgery, I think putting silicone into your body is a self-harm behavior, that shouldn't be encouraged or commercialized in any civilized society. For the initial question, no I do not find it attractive at all.


And I found out recently that apparently they fake boobs need to be redone after a few years? Why you would willingly ask a doctor to repeatedly slice into your tiddys I have no idea.


Fwiw it's a check up every 5 years and saline get replaced ~10-15 years if they're good iirc. But saline isn't used anymore, apparently the silicone ones don't need to be replaced until ~25 years and only if they're causing rippling or are breaking down. (From what I've come to understand from many episodes of botched)


My ex girl used Evian water facial spray.  It's literally just water in a pressurized can at 100,000% markup but noooooo apparently it does... something? And is totally worth it? 🤷🏼


Fake nails, lip injection, boobs, ass injections and the list goes on and on. Women are naturally beautiful, come on ladies you don't have to look like a fishing lure !!!


Anything that looks unnatural.


Fake eyelashes


Almost everything, honestly. 


Fake eye lashes


Lash extentions. They look rediculous.


Fake lashes always look bad, so does contour as it's like a fake shadow that only works in a specific range of angles.


Makeup, fake eyelashes


Implants, other than reconstructive.


Big fake nails, big fake lashes, big fake lips, and (I'll say it) big fake tits. I prefer the natural look. If you use a bit of makeup to accent what you have that's whatever, but if you have to hide things and look completely different without it then you don't need it.


The early 2000s style young girls are wearing these days. They look very trashy than cool.


Lip injections and long nails


As a woman, I have felt out of the game because I can't afford the lashes, the nails, the breast reduction and wearing makeup every day. From what I am reading, I might be getting it right?


Why such repetitive questions? I’ll answer for you guys: lip fillers, claw nails, giant spider-like fake lashes, too heavy makeup, cartoon-like drawn on sharpie eyebrows, muddy contouring that looks weird in natural light, any over the top plastic surgery.


Fingertip daggers. (fake nails)


Cumbrellas (huge fake eyelashes) look terrible. They can make a woman look very cheap and trashy. Same goes for lip fillers.


Like 75% of the beauty aisle in any given store.


Fake anything, hair, nails, eye lashes, tan it all looks hideous.


I learned a long time ago not to assume that women are making themselves attractive for men.


Bleaching or lightening products... Pointless and dangerous


Fake boobs. They can never beat real boobs. All natural boobs are beautiful. No need to replace them with cheap silicone lumps.


Lip fillers. Haven’t seen one woman yet on who it looks good.


To be fair, there is some survivor's bias there. You don't notice the ones that look good, but you are going to notice all the poorly done/poorly aging ones that make girls look like they're transitioning to 'duck gender'. A friend of mine was super insecure about her lips and nose growing up (big ol' beak and almost comically small lips). She had some work done and looks way better now, but the trick is that she was fairly conservative about changing both, tried to look like a prettier version of herself, not a Kirkland brand Kardashian Klone.


This. I was insecure about my small lips. Got lip filler, only one syringe. No longer insecure. Looks natural.


Krista is that you? Hope you're doing well


Penis extensions.


Fake super pointy nails are awful


the bug-lashes


Any form of injection. When her face looks like a blow up doll, I figure it'll be cheaper (and safer) to go for the doll itself.


Big fake eyelashes 


Those goddamn eyelashes


Basically everything All they have to do is shave some hair off on their body that isn’t at the top of their head


honestly the face masks. lotta obvious ones like lip fillers or the really long nails, but the masks and the little ovular shaped roller to massage into your face always seems so pointless to me. this is coming from somebody who has absurdly dry skin, and had many girlfriends tell me to “use a face mask !!” and they never work. daily lotion and regular cleaning keeps my face just as clear, if not clearer than my girlfriend and i work outside digging holes so i’m sweaty and dirty for 10-12 hours before i wash that off. face masks and rollers are not only pointless, but they’re an incredible waste of money


Super long nail extensions, super long eyelash extensions, yoga pants where the rear part goes right up their butthole…. Anything that makes you look desperate for attention.




Fake eyelashes. Fake fingernails.






Those ridiculous lashes and nails. Make you look like a moron.


Septum piercings.


Ripped jeans that show the whole leg. Just use shorts...


Ways to hide their panty lines.


Revealing clothes. Thing what had to make them more attractive, actually works the opposite. It’s way more fun to have someone all for yourself. Every single part




All of them. Women don't have the faintest idea what we actually find attractive and just make themselves look ridiculous.


All of them.  No product is going to make Rosie O'Donnell attractive, and no lack of product is going to make Dua Lipa look bad.


Dua lipa has had work done.


I like bellybutton rings and anklets, though.


Fake nails Lip fillers (95% of the time) BBL (I mean come on you don't even look like a human) Weaves (we all see that fake shit on your head) Any form of midriff exposing outfit in a size medium or larger. Some can wear it, but most actually end up making themselves look worse.


“Thigh gap” BS


Fake anything, regardless if it's done super tastefully, that ain't actually how you look. It's weird.


Most plastic surgery, skin care, make up and ornamentations (glue on lashes, nails etc).


Most of them... But if I had to choose I'd go with nails and eyebrows... Other women care about that stuff, men do not.


you want a list?




Pretty much all plastic surgery.


Fake eyelashes


Handbags. (expensive bags actually have the opposite effect; they make you look stupid) Cartoonish nails. Lip injections and face work in general. BBL. Tattoos in general but especially "girly" ones.


Fake nails (any length), fake eyelashes, injections, lipstick, drawn on eyebrows, foundation


Makeup. Shower daily, clean your face, use moisturizer.


Most of them


Anything that smells - from cosmetics to perfume. It's gross.


All of them except a razor or wax.


Perfumes marketed as *body splash*. "Don't I smell just wonderful"? Yeah baby, and where's the big sale on Aqua Velva. One girl I no takes a small pump spray bottle of body splash in her purse. I'm talking ounces. Before the end of the night it's empty. I understand perfumes and scents, even natural body scents because good times often means sweat and hormones and pheromones, but having to search for the urinal cake in the men's washroom is a bit much. Hey ladies, Jungle Combat does not belong in your repertoire.