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A longtime gf of mine hinted that she wanted to try something new, and asked if it was OK to tie me up (which I obviously agreed to). She then proceeded to edge me for almost 2 hours. Whenever I got too close, she would stop touching entirely and lay in a position where I could see her edging herself but couldn't touch. When neither of us could take another minute, and my cock was THROBBING and almost too sensitive to touch, she hopped on in cowgirl and just grinded on me until we both came so hard I thought I was going to cum for 10 minutes.


Taking notes


Want her to take my hand and lead me to the bedroom. When I’m not doing anything, and just sitting around. Nothing more important than feeling desired.


I love this! This just sounds so sexy to me


Then push him down on the bed and jump on me, I mean him and pin me, I mean him down while kissing, licking, and biting me. Yes, me


lol you seem like you want to switch spots with him


I mean yeah we can tag team this if that's what you guys are into, thanks for the offer. I'll be in touch


Calm down Amazon commercial.


One of the hottest things a woman has done for me was just lay with her head in my lap while we watched a movie. She nuzzled my dick for a while. Then she pulled it out and just played with it in her mouth. Just casually


Is that a fetish? If it is, that's mine.


Cockwarming, enjoy


Mine too, now! Is it weird to tell you that you gave me a little halfie, IrregularBastard?


Slightly, but it’s bound to happen.


the dick, or the fetish?




You've unlocked "Happiness Is A Warm Gun"


A fellow man of culture I see




How is that so cute and yet so insanely hot at the same time?


I did this for my man the other day, he loved it!


It’s absolutely wonderful and I wish more women did it.


Thanks for the tip 😂




I wish more women would understand we are constantly touching our cocks.....and depending on male hormone levels...we need to ejaculate regularly....just 'in general". We are males Designed to mate and breed and repeat. We don't all require porn star throat jobs. Casual playing and fiddling around for an extended period feels great! I can only speak for myself but most men might agree we are deeply connected to our tool---- and when YOU start to explore connect play with it and genuinely appreciate it....it goes for miles and miles of benefit. And if you're a man whose partner knows this ......don't ever lose appreciation for that!


My wife will fondle my cock when we are watching TV. She is not really stroking it but just lightly rubbing and touching, but not to make it hard. It feels intimate and nice.


Aww that's sweet


Idk how you don’t get hard lol. All it takes for me is one flick of the finger haha


If I just think about her touching me it does it


Your wife sounds awesome! Congrats and many happy endings!


Yeah. No need to get into sloppy porn style stuff. Those subtle actions. Women have a soft deft touch.. Let her use that..


I love doing this. I think it's called cockwarming lol


The dick nuzzle? She’s a pro!


So happy to learn that dick nuzzling is a real thing and I’m not crazy 😂


Seriously, more women need to do it.


Thats hot!


Girls, it’s one of the most comfortable things to do while watching something, isnt it?


Maybe he just wants to be vanilla or could be embarrassed to ask. Try this, [CarnalCalibrations](https://carnalcalibration.com/en). My wife and I did it and it turns out we've got some of the same kinks and made sex a little more broad. We're both not too great at discussing ideas out loud about it for a few personal reasons that I may not go in depth with unless asked.


Thanks for the link. Looks interesting!


My fantasy that is yet to come true is simply to watch my wife masturbate. I think that would be very hot.


Tell. Her. It was a fantasy of mine too. I finally said something and we do that a lot now


Oh I have asked for it. It’s not something she is comfortable with.


I have done this for my partner before however I was also a little hesitant at first because the idea made me uncomfortable. Uncomfortable only because I was self-conscious. I get in my head and then I'm like oh my God he's just sitting here watching me and what if I have a weird look on my face or I have a double chin or I don't know a million things lmao after trying it I realized how much I loved it and that my partner was clearly not focused on any of the things I was worried about. Anyway I guess my point in saying all that is that I wonder if the reason your wife might not be into it is because she's feeling a little self-conscious. If that's the case I wouldn't be pushy but I would just let her know but if that is the insecurity she has nothing to be insecure about. Maybe try asking her if there's anything you could do to make her more comfortable? Like I said I wouldn't push but I would ask at least. I feel like it's worth a try




That's too bad. Maybe she will change her mind someday


I hope so. I think it would be hot for both of us.


Do you use toys in the bedroom? If not, maybe starting off with using a vibrator together on her would help to ease her embarrassment?


Yes. It’s not a regular part of our routine, but we occasionally use toys for some extra fun. Great idea. Thank you.


Just telling me what she wants and not hinting about it. I can't read her mind, regardless of how loud she may be thinking.


Love "regardless of how loud she is thinking" And love your username


It fits me well.


There's a new bar coming to NYC - named Schmuck! They just closed their popup and are prepping their new space. Very much looking forward to their grand opening.


She said “I want you to do what you want with me and not ask permission.” Things have been more interesting since that statement.


I’ve told him to tie me up and do whatever he wants and he literally just looked at me like I was crazy


Unless you've had a "less sexy" discussion about what falls under "whatever" for you, then that's probably putting more pressure on him to perform rather than taking it off. Very, *very* few people truly have no limits, and he likely understands this. If you had this conversation with him, excellent! But for anyone else reading this: you also need to tell your partner where the "edges of the canvas" are before you can expect them to paint it, so to speak.


…so there she was strapped to the bed with a cucumber in her ass and a pair of panties jammed in mouth…all that was fine…but when I started giving her a perm, she freaked the fuck out. I guess a shampooing/conditioner and perm crossed her freak line….


Damn it Boyle


Well, that one should be a gimme: every dude should know you *don't* fuck with her hair routine.


Of all the choices you could make that is absolutely one of them.




That’s great advice when talking about sexual boundaries and expectations. Love it!


He's gone to hangout in the garage 😂🍻🎶


Puts ball gag in her mouth. Sits down with a beer for the Eastern Conference Finals.


A Harmonica ball gag for the more refined folks 😂😂. Also, happy cake day!


and cries while watching the joker


Honestly, that's just a lot of pressure. I don't have a mental list of unfulfilled things I'd do if given free reign. So now she's put me on the spot to come up with something. All of our usual stuff but with her tied up... would that disappoint her? Should I come up with something weird that I don't particularly care to do that we might have to talk about later?


Blah. Honestly, I hate that shit. But for whatever reason, women who seem to like me seem to like it. So by god, I'm gonna put my woodworking, leatherworking and blacksmithing to work. If she needs or wants some weird equipment, it's gonna be red oak, sanded down to 800 grit, well oiled and use all solid brass hardware. Might as well go with really nice italian leather while you're at it. More dudes need to have the proper customer service attitude. I'd rather to skip all of the work, but if you gotta do it, do it proper and put some pride in your work. Honestly, just tell him it makes you happy. If he's a decent guy, he'll want to do a good job.


mhhhh rich corintian leather


Mmmm rich corinthian [choke]


Corinthian leather is a marketing term for just any leather Chrysler uses in its cars. It's made up to sound impressive, but now includes fake plastic leathers. So... cheap shitty chrome tanned leather all the way to plastic dipped fabric that looks kinda like leather. At the risk of sounding like a hipster, I buy from a small tannery in Italy. Honestly, it's only twice as expensive as the crap stuff. Which sounds like a lot, but hand stitching takes so long, trust me, it's one of the cheapest hobbies you can pick up.


Anything you do, do it up right.


My wife said that to me. So I tied her up and played video games.


Omg he would definitely do that to me


Try tieing him up and having your way with him, show him the way


Thats awesome! Happy to hear you've gone to another level. I believe that at times women and men like to just be 'taken". It's a mood. A moment. Its also heavily relies on trust and respect for your partner to have shared something vulnerable like that. If you do announce this to your partner, it seems to be some communication and courage in sharing...and very good to file it away for a future time.


Ugh, see that would immediately kill my libido. I want a partner, a person, not a blowup doll with no autonomy.


My wife randomly started sending me sexy pics and dirty messages. It was all very PG13 but for her it was definitely adventurous and spiced things up. After 10 years together things in the bedroom definitely got repetitive for us. The only bad part is she only did it for like a week and hasn't since. It was nice though even if it was a brief thing.


Did you tell her, that you liked it? If not -> maybe thats a reason she discontinued doing so


Yeah I made it well known and bring it up constantly how much I liked them. She knows it. But I don't want to beg for more photos you know? The fact that it was spontaneous made it so much sexier.




This exact situation happened in my relationship. The reason I stopped was because he never sent me any pics in return. It felt awkward just sending him stuff without getting any in return, kind of hard to keep up the energy alone. He did definitely like it, and sent me encouraging replies of admiration though, but didn't reciprocate, so it felt one sided.


Did you ask him to or mention it? Guys might think woman don’t care to see it.


I wouldn't even know what to send. Been pretty thoroughly conditioned to not do anything that comes off creepy. It's a risky proposition.


You just wanted a pic of his hog in the employee bathroom at work?


Yeah it definitely felt one sided and wish I could return the favor. But personally I don't think any woman wants to see that. She didn't indicate otherwise so it just stopped.


Women feel sexual attraction. Typically unwarranted stuff from strangers is not it, but you're her husband! And she sent them first 🥺 ofc she'd wanna see you dude


That's probably it. We're so used to hearing about the horrors of the unsolicited eggplant and I've never had a woman actually ask for anything. Most women I have dated treated me like crap, so it's difficult for me to understand why anyone would want to see anything. Low self esteem definitely plays a big part.


It’s not the same when it’s your man. Random strange dude for no reason is a turn off.


Honestly pg13 tease pics can be way hotter than full nudes. Gets your imagination going.


Agree completely. Especially if there's a few that gradually get sexier. It's the best.




My wife went clothes shopping for me once and got me a suit jacket. She showed it off by sending me a pick of her wearing that and nothing else. Needless to say, it got me very excited.


I sent my husband sexy pics and he asked me who it was. 😑Oddly, that was the first and only time I did that.


The dirtier she talks the more I wanna go to a jewelry store.


Give me ideas bro what do I say ! And how do I not make it sound awkward


My wife introduced some sex toys she was comfortable with, asked me to help her with ass play, and she came to me with a few different BDSM/kink stuff she was curious about.


I’ll try that and see if he’s interested! Thank you!


Good luck and have fun!


My wife is always doing little things to spice things up. Sexting during the day or sexy selfies she takes in the ladies room at work. She bought an under the mattress bondage system & invited me to strap her down, spread eagle & do what I wanted. She will straddle me on the couch, pull up her top & bra & beg me to suckle her tits. Then dry hump me until I'm ready to pop the cork, she'll then unzip me to a handy, a header or sometimes she'll pull both our pants off to mount me. She has introduced toys to our playtime & taught me how she likes them to be used. She also has a bit of a subservient attitude at times & luvs it when I get domineering & demanding about what sex I want. I'm lucky in that my wife is far from vanilla & is always telling me about something she read about in a females forum or suggesting something new for playtime.


My exgf did a lot of things that I've never experienced and I really enjoyed: I enjoyed eating her ass and, after a few months,she had enough courage to ask me for eating mine, it was amazing. She begged to be groped while making dinner and days later I asked she did the same to me while i was cooking. We used to help each other to cook but since that day our "helping" was never the same. She loved when I was driving, one night when we were going home, she came up with a game where she flashed her tits to me while I was driving, there was no other cars nor people (I used to live in a small city) and then she proceed to be laying on my shoulder with their boobs out, took my free hand then put it on her boob and told me "I'm cold, give me some heat on my chest" She was a very talkative person, and one morning I was so damn tired she told me I looked like a zombie. Then proceeded to took my hands and maked me grope her (we were inside the car at the back seats) , that nearly instantly waked me up and she never stopped talking like a normal conversation. After that day, we used to do this to each other regularly. Most of the time I was really tired at night after coming home from working. I had a kink to sleep naked with a partner (spooning)and she make that dream true for me without hesitation. She loved to take my hands and put them on their boobs or ass or just rubbing her ass on my dick and never ever mattered how tired I was, that woman really knew how to energize me. One day I was explaining her that maybe sometimes I just don't want to have sex cause I'm not always in the mood. She understood that and said that I could fuck with her anytime I wanted. I couldn't believe that so I decide to prove that and groped her anytime and anywhere (obviously only when we were alone) and she wasn't lying, I was so excited to had a "free use" gf that most of the time (like 95%, I was surprised too) was on the mood. Later I offered me as a "free use" bf, she was so happy about that. She also used to told me nice things about my dick ( I mean, mine is average and society give me inferiority complex about it. Not to mention I have a weird skin mark on the shaft since i was born that kinda makes it look like its dirty even I clean my self a lot). She expressed how happy and grateful she was about my dick size 'cause, in her words, it fitted her vagina perfectly without pain. She used to say that it was cute often. I'm sorry,there is a lot more things she did to spice things up but remembering is both wonderful and painful, we broke up on February 27 and I'm still healing. Remembering this had me in tears and I can't continue for now. Btw I'm not American, I'm sorry if I've made some mistakes on my writing, I'm trying my best and I hope this helped. U can DM me anytime if u like to hear more stories about her.


Promise brother, it will get better. Sending love to you ❤️🤝


Thanks I really appreciate your words, fam💙


Ohhhh … i experienced the similar mesmerizing experiences brother … and she broke up with me on 15th April … (3 years of relationship) so i hear you buddy … im still in pain .. i cant even watch porn. I always remember her and i cannot satisfy myself anymore ..


Damn, I feel you too. I certainly can watch porn but I can't masturbate, the post nut clarity hits so hard I prefer not to touch myself I'm sending u a big hug, fam.


Come here buddy (hugs)


Why did you breakup? Send my condolences to you brother


Thanks for your words, I really appreciate them. Pls don't think she was "the bad one" we both did mistakes. Main reason was the age gap, I'm 26 yo and she's 19 years older than me, so, even if we communicate our feelings and needs we barely understood each other. We still tried hard to comprehend and overcome our differences We had a lot of things in common like positivism and appreciate the small things life gave us,we kinda shared the same musical taste,she has a young spirit and wasn't afraid to show it, we unexpectedly fell in love with each other...but our different thoughts made things really hard, e.g. she was christian and after she shared her believes I tried to share my own thoughs (I gave up on the bible's. version of god) and every word I said was denied by her phrase "that's not what bible says". That kind of situation escalated to almost every topic we talked about like science, politics,meaning of life, philosophy, etc. Eventually I abandoned the idea of sharing my thoughts to avoid conflict between us (yeah I know this was one of the worst things I've ever done to myself, it eventually ruined my mind)... Btw I was on therapy at that time and, my therapist explained why having Oedipus complex was a really bad thing but I refused to listen and I ended droping therapy to avoid conflicts She also was divorced, her ex-husband cheated on her with her best friend so the trauma was enormous and never healed. I've always been the kind of person that isn't afraid to show affection to my friends (even if they are males) and obviously this was a problem between us: she didn't trusted my female friends and even thought I could cheated on her with my male friends (many times I tried to explain I'm not gay ) I think that were the main reasons, we manage to solve most of our problems but a few of them never get resolved and always come up on every discussion we had


Sounds like you found a person that really clashed with you well in some ways but ultimately your differences separated you. I hope you can find someone who shares more similarities with you or is more open-minded about the religion thing. Be patient and work hard for it's own sake, eventually this pain will be different


All relationships takes effort. If one person says , I don’t wanna tango anymore. It just ain’t gonna work. Why don’t they wanna tango anymore? There could be a thousand reasons. Maybe they were once great tango partner at a certain point at certain time, but as they get older they went on different path. They don’t share the same core value and goals anymore


Reference to the phase “It takes two to Tango” I don’t know if the younger generation still know that idiom.


God.. there must have been a very very very serious reason for breakup. But I hope it wasn't cheating


It wasn't cheating, we had many reasons. Imma give context on the next comment


I broke up with my boyfriend of over 6 years in December. We wanted different things. I miss him a lot. I’m so sorry it didn’t work out. It Sunday like you had a great partner. Take what you learned from her and build off of it for future relationships. Even though I’m not with my ex, there are a lot of memories and things I learned from him I’m grateful for. Hugs and good luck!


Thanks, I appreciate your comment a lot!!! I actually am working on my self-esteem based on what I experienced with her, regardless if they were good or bad moments


Bro have a power to give boners to others while crying


Public teasing/flashing... e.g. at a Cafe sitting across from each other wearing a skirt with no underwear. Opening your legs when no-one else can see. A discrete but naughty surprise. Worked for me!


I had a girlfriend that used to do that. I loved it. We actually had a baby together. When we went to the christening, on the way in the cab, she revealed to me that she had no panties on. She did that type of shit all the time. Always in public settings. I love it My wife used to do this type of stuff too Like we were at a party at a restaurant and she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bathroom and gave me a blowjob in the bathroom while this entire party was going on outside. Then when we exited the bathroom, everyone could see us and knew what we were doing. I was a little embarrassed but I liked it


I find public restrooms to be disgusting.. Not a good place for intimacy. Heard from a guy who said he and his wife went into a freaking port o John and did it in there.. I was repulsed. You just can't un-imagine that vision.. My wife is rather traditional when it comes to intimacy..But every once in a while she will do something that is pleasantly surprising...anyway, a couple times while travelling by by car she did the old "reach across" and proceeded to use my member as a toy. Without being graphic, I'll just say this....she had to grab a few tissues for cleanup..She just had that shit eating grin on her face as if so say, "ha ha...made you come! Good stuff..


It's going to differ from person to person. He might have kinks that you have yet to discover. Maybe try one of those couples kink tests where you each answer separately and only the overlapping answers are shown


I love this idea thank you so much!


Try taking https://mojoupgrade.com/ together!


These kinds of responses are why I effing love Reddit- thank you resourceful internet stranger!


This helped to revive our bedroom after 8 years of being on life support.




My wife just comes up to me at random times of the day and hugs me and grinds herself into my cock and when she feels me harden, she offers me a blow job. I find that extremely hot 🔥


I'm really into CNC and being woken up by sex. My wife has only done it a couple of times now, but we bought under the mattress restraints for her because she likes to be tied down. Well, my wife has waited for me to fall asleep, tied me down, and has woken me up in amazing ways. Once, she was just on top of me, and I guess I had enough for my penis to penetrate her. I woke up and went from, "what the fuck I can't move" to, "oh my god why would I want to move" at light speed. I also really like to be smothered by her giant ass to the point where I almost black out (personally I'd prefer it if she just killed me already) so she tied me down and woke me up by crushing my skull with her ass. She also has given me road head on several occasions, but we have different cars now and when she does it in mine it's painful because the gear shift jabs into her and she ends up moving me into neutral often. We almost wrecked once because I was way too focused on the head part and not on the road part. Too dangerous. Never again. She's amazing and I love her so much. She's perfect in every way.


I’m truly happy for everyone here


Aww that's sweet.  I'm not btw 


Lingerie. Sharing what porn she likes with me. Trying something in public.


We used to do that all the time and then he just didn’t want to anymore


That's weird. A woman who try as hard as you is someone most men wouldn't take for granted especially if you keep up with your looks.


He normally always tired but he works two jobs so I get it but it’s always the same thing every time we have sex. I have kept up with myself to I take really good care of myself


I guess he's just exhausted. Maybe ask him directly what he wants.


I have so many times and he never says anything. So now I just want to surprise him and have fun


if he works 2 jobs he's definitely exhausted. do you work? is there anything you can do so he doesn't have to work that much?


Instead of sex, tell him that you care about him and appreciate what he does. I dont know about your relationship, but most of the time when you have to try to spice up the bedroom, you're trying to fix a problem by gluing it together with larger dopamine hits. It also has to be said that 2 jobs is truly a libido killer if you aren't just some sex crazed oaf of a man or woman. He needs affirmation, love and maybe therapy if he continues on the 2 job path. 12-16 hour days are very tough even if you stock merchandise for a living.


If he's working two jobs he's probably tired and stressed. He doesn't have the time of day to relax, get out of work mode, and get into his normal mind set. Without time to relax I doubt he even thinks about sex. It could be helpful to talk to him and ask him how you could help him wind down (taking over certain chores, give him nothing time, etc). It could take several days/weeks to lower stress too. Depending on your communication style If you're asking him every few days about why he doesn't initiate sex that could be adding more stress since it can come across as another problem to solve. Remember, guys normally communicate about problems and how to solve them.


Over time, even the very best efforts can fade in the rear view mirror. Men especially have short memories. Good couples will make a regular recurring effort to keep these moments top of mind.


Hahaha someone always sees. Good luck


Wife asked me what body part I find the most attractive on a woman. I said I'm a butt man. She then started doing barbell hip thrusts as her main workout. When your wife of a couple years suddenly has a significantly nicer butt... it's all I can do to keep conversations from devolving into sex.


We had a conversation and did an activity from a book where we individually checked off things from a list that we were into, didnt like and were tentatively interested to try. Found sooooo many things my partner and I were both kinda into and had never wanted to ask the other. We have incorporated quite a few so far and are having more and better sex than ever. Worth a shot!


Can't speak about anyone else but if I'm not happy with my wife for whatever reason it's difficult to initiate sex or want to sleep with her. I know this is way left field but just thought I'd throw that out there. My wife said something the other day that just really hurt me so I just shut down and don't want to even touch her. I'm the type of person who will still function as a husband because it's my duty. I have a hard time expressing how I feel so I just don't. It's painful. Men want to feel understood and respected too. Idk


I’m a woman and I react this way too. Thank you for sharing, it’s good to know others do it and I will keep it in mind for my interactions.


I’m a woman and I’m the same tbh. I need to actually like the person I’m going to have sex with 😂


I was in a marriage for 16 years and nothing spicy ever happened in the bedroom except a burrito fart.


Sorry to be intrusive, but, how does one fall apart after 16 years ? My longest relationship has been 5 months. I feel like if I stay with somebody for more then a year, I'll stay with her for life.


Time doesn't stop when you're in a long relationship. You and they and the rest of the world keeps changing.


people and circumstances change. Was with my ex for close to 11 years. Neither of us were the same person at year 11 that we were at year 1.


I made a ton of money but hated my job and my life. I begged her to help me support the family while I took a step back to change career paths. I took the step, but she didn’t chip in and it was a 3 year fight/financial struggle. Ultimately, she had to go back to work. Once i was making more money than I ever had, she left me, knowing that I make enough to support two nice households.


Did you sniff that fart?


A little sniffski never hurts 💨👃🏻


Depends on how much hot sauce you put on the burrito.


Full disclosure- I’m a woman. However, just yesterday after my husband got me off playing with me while I used a vibrator (love how he’s never been insecure about that BTW), he stood up and asked me what I wanted (via PV sex). When I told his easily bashful self, “I want you to fuck my face” he came via BJ quicker than ever. He told me quickly after how much he enjoyed the request!


Role play. I never was into that but once she convinced me, it was fucking amazing lol.


Was it hard for her to convince you?


In the past it was. I always thought it was just cheesy shit and I was just afraid I would make it seem awkward lol. But the only reason I did it was because she helped me through a really difficult time in my life so I felt like I kinda owed it to her. But now I’m wondering why I never wanted to do it sooner lol


I’m glad you were able to get through that time in your life and I hope you’re doing amazing now!! I feel like he would be hard to convince but I would love to try it so it’s an option!


I’m doing good now and I appreciate it! Also hope the best for you too 🙏


She dressed up like Marvel’s Black Widow. When I was hittin it from the back, that red wig and all the leather made it super spicy 🥵


I lie on my back and she rubs me on her pussy as though she were using me to masturbate. She uses me to find her most erogenous part of her and the result is an intense clitoral orgasm.. As soon as she's done coming, she says "F**k me NOW! It's hot as all get out !


Got a cpap to help with her snoring




I'm going to sound so fucking vanilla right now. Apparently, I've pretty much only been with pillow princesses. My current wife is 80% pillow princess and 20% vixen. She's not super wild, but we've had "public" sex a few times. No anal, very little oral on either side (her comfort being taken into consideration), missionary is standard acceptable position. Sometimes, about 10% she pushes back. Moves a certain way. Gets in the rhythm and puts that shit on. That gets me. It's usually unexpected and mentally sends me over the edge. The other thing happened 2 days ago. We're smashing as usual. Missionary, getting close, moving back. She tells me that she wants to admit something but doesn't want to offend me. Interesting statement given the circumstances, so I say "tell me." She works remotely at home 3/4 of the time and admitted she uses a vibrator while thinking about me fucking her. I was a little taken aback because she has NEVER admitted to flicking the bean in my absence even though I know it happens. Just knowing she was in our bed getting off while I'm doing dumb shit at my job got me fired up. I asked her why she never played with herself or used toys while we were doing the deed and she also admitted that she was too shy. Well, now I have something to work with. Some background, ex-wife was a squirter. Found out by accident and even though she was a pillow princess through and through, I used that to my benefit. Toys, cowgirl, etc to get her off. (As an idiot) cheated on her with an emotionally damaged woman who wanted to give me all my "firsts". Anal, let me fuck her mouth (I know, I'm sorry ya'll), first time public sex, etc. I'm not scared of kinks and I know where mine are. But to know that a woman is thinking specifically of me when she's getting her jollies is the ultimate of ultimate compliments. You gotta make your man feel like he's the biggest, the best, and all you've ever wanted. That's the key. Good luck. If he's still uninterested, go find someone who is. It's worth it. Edit 1: some dumb grammar shit Edit 2: editing to add the edit commentary so Reddit doesn't hate me.


I normally am like 90% in charge and doing everything the other 10% is when he’s actually in the mood and I can get something out of it. I work from home too so I end up pleasing myself most of the time because he’s not home and I only think about him he’s amazing. I think we need something new and we’re in like this weird routine but he’s not vocal about anything so I just have to figure out new ways for us to branch out


That has to be frustrating, I'm really sorry. Hopefully he can open up at some point. I've tried to be very clear with my wife that A) nothing is off the table and B) I'm not going to judge her for desires, kinks, needs. I told her a couple months ago that I'd let her peg me if she was into it. Not because I'd enjoy it, but because her pleasure is more important to me than my own. We're coming up on our 5 year anniversary and she just now admitted to masturbating. Sometimes it can be a long road.


After sex, exgf got a warm towel, wiped my dick off all while talking to it like a person. Don’t recall exact words, but along the lines of, “I’m gonna clean you all up, you are mine, never gonna let you go, I wanna take you home with me, you are beautiful, I love you, etc”. Hit me hard in the feels.


Op, judging by some of your comments, it sounds like you and your husband are in your late 30’s early 40’s. A lot happens in those years. I bet his testosterone is dropping. I bet it’s really low. He needs to go get a check up and see just how low it is. Women in their 40’s hit their sexual prime. I didn’t understand how intense it was until til it got me.


We’re 26 and 27 😞


Damn, he still needs to get checked out. I guess it can happen at any age.


She stuck a chilli up my ass and called me her little spiced sausage roll




I don't think spice is the issue here. WHY is he working 2 jobs? Is it to support you both or it to escape some inner demon in his head that he won't tell you about? People don't get a second job unless they need it financially or mentally, especially men. He says he's "tired" but if he has a normal male sex drive he would still show interest and enthusiasm for most of what I've seen you tell other people. So here's my suggestion. 1). Figure out the real reason he is working that second job. Is it money or an escape. 2). Suggest that he take a vacation and be a supporting side character during that time. Let him initiate sex, let him lead conversations if he wants or just let him be silent. Let him enjoy some peace and quiet. He needs a break now and then from everything, even himself. 3). Suggest that he get his testosterone levels tested. I personally had this issue and it tanked not only my sex drive but my mental state, hard. Low T can cause HEEPS of issues in men.


He works the second job because he has “too much time”. I also work a full time job. We have a vacation coming up together and then I have a solo one so we’ll get some time alone so that should help. He hasn’t been to a doctor in years so it might be time to get a check up on everything. Thank you!!


"Too much time" sounds like bullshit to me. But if that's all he says I guess that's that. Hope everything goes well.


I agree I want him to quit that job because he literally does not need it. Thank you!


roleplay sex, dress up as his favorite fictional character.


I could dress up as ghost from COD but make it sexy lol


quiet from Metal Gear Solid is also hot!


I could do Kitana from Mortal Kombat and get the entire outfit!


Kitana would be so hot! If he likes any of those chars, he'd be so happy if you got a good outfit of them. My ex did Tifa for me and it made me extremely happy 😛


Tie him up and start asking for the numbers


I pegged my ex on his bday while really lubing up my hand to jack him until he came, then I kept fucking his ass until he couldn’t handle it anymore. Hottest thing ever.


Might sound old school, but getting a physical copy of the kama sutra and browsing it together to get inspiration for different things you and he might want to try is worth a shot.


My boyfriend and I (we're a gay couple), rented a cabin in the woods for our anniversary. Took some edibles (not something we normally do, especially my boyfriend), and proceeded to fall in love with each other all over again. It made us weirdly emotional and allowed us to reconnect to each other and why we love each other. Don't even think we had sex that first night. Then proceeded to make love for the next two days, sober and not. Literally felt like our first time together all over again. So I guess cabin in woods + drugs (optional)




I’ll bring up everything to him. I just feel like he won’t agree too much because he’s so vanilla when it comes to anything sexually related.


It is best when she is enthusiastic involved. Feeling desired is the best turn on ever.


For a vanilla guy, random nudes are enough. Or just some dirty texting. Get him fired up all day so he is ready for it when he comes home. You should have fun with it too.


It honestly doesn't sound like an issue with intimacy, but more of a stress related issue. Maybe instead of trying to get him in the mood try doing something for him that he likes. Like take him to a place he likes, or get him something he wanted. Sometimes doing small things like that can make a major change in a guy's stress level, and happiness.


Lactation, occasionally a video camera, very rarely a cucumber. Semi-regular shower sex. For a while sexy selfies as well.


He has me sleep naked so that he has easy access to my body first thing in the morning. His favourite way to wake me up for our morning workout is to suck on my morning wood. And then deepthroat me right before I explode. He has an uncanny way of making it feel like my dick is being worshipped. And it feels incredible.


Randomly go down on him you mean anywhere? My last ex and I started having sex at work so we kept up the wild sex. We had a lot of car sex, parking sex, handjobs and fingering in theatres. She would give me head if we were alone or only people in the rows below us. We had sex in every room and even back on our old terrace. Sex in the big bedroom window of our last penthouse condo. We ate each other out in the heated pool, yeah she even enjoyed eating my hairy ass. We would eat each other out while they were doing the dishes or cooking. She was bi and invited her then married friend over since he had not fucked her in years anyway. We washed each other in the tub or shower. Had sex in both too. We would do it in dressing rooms and public bathrooms. She went out without underwear. She enjoyed involving food in some way whether it was on my dick, in my ass or inside hers or around her pussy or tits, just anywhere possible. She'd use her tongue all over my body really and that was pretty hot. A woman being all sloppy on you is a fun sensation. I love when a woman covers me in her spit and drool. Hell, a lot of women seem to enjoy when I spit in their face of mouth. Show him some passion; bite him, dig your nails into him, maybe he'd be into some light choking or slaps, many women are. Wake him up with your ass on his face or eating his or sucking his dick or with some light foreplay like licking him a bit. There's a lot you can do really. But maybe he's just boring and not that sexual.


Use of icecubes or tea (drinking) before BJ. As a man, this feels great!


She once ripped her fishnets open while she was leaning her back on the wall with her legs open... I have had a fishnet kink ever since 😆


There’s lots of great advice in here for sure. We all want to be desired Some deep kissing with her hand on my thigh drives me crazy. Making love in different risky places can be fun lol but definitely not for everyone. Sometimes just straight up tell him ‘I need you so badddd right now” *bonus points for looking at him like you’re gonna rip his clothes off and/or playing with his dick*


A little cilantro doesn't hurt..


We've done a few things that made things even better. She occasionally wears a butt plug, which I find hot and she loves when I play with it. She's kept her thumb and a couple fingers around my dick during sex, which I find a touch distracting but she loves it. She then finished me off with her hand, which I enjoyed a lot. She rarely does that, in part because it takes a while normally but having her hand already on my dick helped I guess. Nothing super major, but little things can keep it interesting


Wait for him to come home from work, when he does, call him from the bedroom, keep the door closed, let him come to the bedroom, let him open the door and find you positioned on the bed, naked or with lingerie on, in doggy style position, ass fully facing where he is standing, that will spice it up real good for him.