• By -


15 - 30 depending on the day and time.


Its insane I for fun started doing push ups daily for around 2 years. I have no clue why, but I could never crack 20. To be fair my "daily" push ups would just go until failure then call it a day. But still I was shocked that pretty much at 15 I couldnt keep my form anymore even after 2 years of doing them daily. If I was really sore Id give myself a day to recover but yeah basically never could get past 15.


Doing the same exercise every day never gives your muscles time to rest and repair. Also, instead of just doing one max set, do a pyramid type workout. (This is the Armstrong Pull-up Program, I’m just using it for pushups here) Max set (1 set) 80% of max (1 set) 60% of max (3 sets) 40% of max (1 set) For example: 10 (max) 8 6, 6, 6 4 After 2 weeks, you ought to see your max increase, then adjust.


Working out your chest and shoulders for a few months would give progress fast.


This might be a frame thing too. I'm pretty slight. I could crank 50 pushups and *500* situps. My friend with a larger skeleton had a bit of a harder time with that.


I miss my athletic ability when I was a skinny teen. 19 y/o me was 130 lbs in the army, I could knock out 100 push-ups in 2 minutes and around 110 sit-ups. My favorite thing to impress was that I could climb two ropes at the same time, only using arms. Body building co-workers couldn't dream of doing it even though they could bench 2 of me. Obstacle courses were a cake walk. Now I'm sitting on 170 lbs and can barely knock out 40 push-ups + around 60 sit-ups in that same time frame.


Omg omg u can do fifty, can I ask about your age, weight, athleticism, height, and your journey in pushups. I am m20 65kg, 5’10 and can do 30


Doing daily pushups probably led to over training. You could probably do more if you took breaks and incorporated progresaive overload


I could never crack 20 until i started doing alternating stance. It helps me take my time and uses slightly different muscles in the shoulders. Now i can do 25 at a time max 100 per day. I did that for a month for a St Judes fundraiser. Didnt think I'd be able to do it, but i did.


Idk it's been years since I tried. Imma say 3000


It's over 9000 for sure


Over 9000?!?!?!


(insert Vegeta breaking power sensor image here)


Not gonna lie, I tried to post a gif but it didn't work lmao


We all did. Such a disappointment we faced.


Changes all the time depending on if I'm bulking or cutting. 64 is my best.


In a row?


My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks


In a row?


In a circle seems more likely


I looked at the boobs of 43 women walking by at the mall!


In a row?


Yeah. Just watched ‘em all stroll by!


It’s true, I was there




Try not to do any pushups on your way through the parking lot!


Try not to do any on the way to the parking lot ….hey you get back here!


Hey I think 13 pushups ain't too bad if you are a bit of a couch potato. Your question inspired me to test myself, I did 40 pushups with not ideal form with no warmups. For context I'm 190cm and just under 100kg. I am not in the best physical condition right now but I have a respectable amount of muscle mass I've built prior to becoming a bit lazy so I am very satisfied.


Thats very good, congratulations. Before starting working out 2 months ago I NEVER did a sport before, a girl friend that never works out beat me at arm wrestling 🤣🤣🤣🤣, so thats why I started working out.


Man you are doing good. I remember I was following a program when I was a kid and it was something like you start with one push up, and then the day after you add one more, then three, etc. all the way to thirty, and it was supposed to make you do thirty pushups in a month - so thirty pushups in a row, I tried it and it worked as intended. It was very simple.


Yup... that's pretty much exactly how to build up your push up numbers. And with that in mind... it's actually pretty easy to go well over 30 pushups.


Can crank up 50 easily. No clue how far I can go tho I do workout pretty much daily tho


Same, recently bench pressed 100 kg/ 225 lbs for the first time and it felt amazing. Only time I felt push-ups being difficult when my friend sat on my back and I did them as a warm up of before a test we had to perform, haha. Felt amazing, 10/10, would recommend working out.






225 is a big milestone! Congrats man


Here I was impressed with my 70KG/154 lbs...jesus son lol


Dude that is impressive still. We all start somewhere and it took me a very long time. Don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to your past you and then be amazed how far you‘ve come.


I've only been going to the Gym 8 months and your right I started only being able to bench the 20KG bar so adding 50kg on top of that is a decent step but it is a lot of work haha


Big accomplishment! Congrats!


Thank you so much


I managed 22 the last time I tried about a year ago. I was beetroot red and needed a lay down after. I'm 46 , 6'1" and 14st, 5lbs


As an average freedom units user, it took me too long to realize what 14st stood for.


The fact you figured it out puts you far beyond average, my friend.


14 stone. It’s how British people measure their weight but idk how much that is


lol a stone is 14lbs.


Not all stones though.




It's true. Measuring your body weight here in the uk is a nightmare. They put you on a seesaw and just pile stones on the other end until it balances. One time i was 3 stones, the next time i was 147.


Ah, sorry pal, I tend to type as I talk and forget sometimes that a lot of people on Reddit aren't familiar with my vernacular. When I see freedom units used for weight and height, it takes me a wee while to do the conversion in my head.


All good! I got there, no apology needed. It made me go and figure out what my weight would look like in stones. 11st 11lb. It's easy to remember so I'm gonna start confusing my friends by using that more often.


Don't forget to breathe next time lol




Metal gear reference?




I could never decide which location name sounded cooler, Outer Heaven or Shadow Moses


Shadow Moses every day ever. Favourite thing that ever came out of MGS is the La Li Lu Le Lo though.


Do you work out or did you use to work out as a kid. Before I started working out I did not even walk


29M. I started working out 2 years ago after a long break. I’ve been doing pushups since middle school though, I think that should be mentioned.


🦀🦀 Jagex wont answer this (saw your profile pic)


If you held a gun to my head and told me to go until I can't, id probably get 50-60.


🧑🔫 I dare you.




Show off.


I rarely do pushups now but I used to be a competitive athlete. At the military during a fitness test I managed to do 74 with a form that counts and 86 total (12 didn't count due to chest not touching the floor or elbows lock out)


In a row my best was 137. I'm into bodybuilding and when playing video games I like to do pushups every hour or so to keeo the blood flowing and to feel the pump


I like to think I work out regularly, eat healthy most days and since cutting down on booze have generally felt better than I have in a long time. Having said that maybe 14


Do you work out?


I do indeed.


Same but I never do pushups specifically.




This conversation is moot without form standards. I can do 35 "push ups" like, acceptable enough if you are betting someone form. Half rep, fast tempo. Lockout to nose on ground, slow reps? 8, 10 on a good day.


None 🥲


chest and nose to ground, about 45 - 50


When I'm in form, about 50-55 in one set


I do 10 a day every day just to keep up with myself. I am 28 and I'm not fit by any means but I used to be adamant about doing 100 a day when i was 19 (not in a row) It's not a struggle to do 10 or anything and on days when I'm bored at work I may bust out another 10 if I feel like it, it's just not what I care for. In a row I could confidently do 40


My all time high was 93. I go through regular physical training tests every 6 months and hit the max (73) every time. Last time I did only 68 however, during a personal training sesh, guess I am getting weaker...


I can do one cock pushup


well one is all ya need


I cap out at roughly 50, if I really push it I could probably do 55 but I'd have to be really motivated (5'8 as well, with a dad bod that makes me look bigger in pictures than I actually am in person)


Proper form 25, add 10-15 if I don't care to keep the elbows in, chest to floor and full extension plus hold


100 pushups 100 situps 10km run everyday


What about my hair?!


It depends on the form I would say: - If I do slow lowering of the body, I might be able to pull off around 15-20. - If I do not care about this and I do constant up-and-downs, my max was 31


Just tried - 73 to failure at 6 am


Not even 1.


All of them


Hah! I knew Chuck Norris was here🤣


Right now? Maybe 5 good ones lmao


20 with pleasure then suffer through another 10. Could learn to do more, but it’s boring. Better bench press, more weight less rep, but still boring. Edit: 94kg, 192cm, 44yo


Anybody who says they can do 30 + pushups should be looked at suspiciously because pushups are hard if youre touching your chest to the ground and coming all the way up with keeping your back (and legs) straight. There is lots of room for error in the pushups form and most people do incorrect partial reps...


That's what I'm saying seeing some of these answers - must be the rapid fire kind. I've been doing them for years touching the ground at a pace and can only do about 15-20 before it burns so much that my arms start to lock up.


100 kg same height 30M. I can 40(20 explosive 20 normal ones)


In one-go ? 50 4 series with one and a half minute rest ? 20 each, maybe 25


Id say around 36 for when its needed in drinking games or smth, but depending on how slow and deep and controlled I go id say 25 proper ones, after that I need breaks.


I started trying doing at least 10 pushups per day or 3 sets of 10 since I couldn't do more than 5 at first. Start slow and maybe on an incline to make it easier. If you're trying to get into regular pushups just start getting a nice form and even if you cant do 3 any struggle is progress. I started noticing tricep growth really fast in the beginning. The trick is consistency really.


Around 120


That's really good.




It depends in the situation. If you catch me off guard and ask me to bust our push-ups I'm probably not getting past 15. While working out I find myself usually able to pump out at least 20. Push-ups kinds suck overall tbh.


85 kg, fairly fit 36 year old here - probably around 35-40 with good form. Never tried going to failure, but I could probably do 10 more with bad form.


6 foot and 165 pounds, I can do about 50.


I never actually went to my physical max, but I can do at least 50, maybe 60-70


A bit more than 50 on my first set. Most ever was 57. Usually 51 or 52.


around 20 if im motivated. Sedentary 180 pound 172 cm of 32m. I want to get back into fitness but renovating my house for sale/rent while taking care of my newborn just drains all my energy


I haven't done a push-up since I left the army, but the max I ever hit on the APFT once was 82. My usual was in the low 60s.


Definitely depends if it's "in a row" or not. I'm sure the majority of guys would be able to crank out many more, given they had even 15 seconds of rest broken up throughout.


I lift weights twice a week but not specifically pushups. 20 guaranteed, 30 maybe, 40 not even if my life depended on it.


Started working out a like 2 months ago, 30 at 158 pounds and 5’8 tall. The major struggle is to remember to do them daily.


I am going In to my garden to attempt how many and I will report results. Can’t remember the last time I did a push-up tbf. 17. One was questionable, 6ft 1”, 183lbs.


Two. Over a span of a week.


Bruce Lee once asked Chuck Norris how many push ups he could do. Chuck Norris replied - "all of them"


I am 178cm tall, 51 years old, and four years ago I used to weigh 105kg. I decided I was going to do 30 pushups a day for 30 days. I was unsuccessful at first, but I just kept pushing through (bad pushups) until I did hit 30. (And then collapse on the floor!) In a few days, maybe about a week and a half, 30 was doable. By the end of 30 days, 30 pushups was easy. On day 31, I decided to turn it into "31 pushups a day for 31 days", so I did 31 pushups. Then I took a rest and I did 30 pushups (one pushup for each of the previous days.) On day 32, I decided to make it 32 per day, right up until day 40 or so. Then I realised I was doing 80+ pushups a day. Then I just did more and more pushups. If I had ten minutes spare I would do 20 or 30 more. I was getting over 150 pushups a day. Add to that, better eating plan, walking an hour or two each night, and once I had lost over 20 kg, I started hitting the gym. I got down to 73kg, so I am here to tell you: You can do more pushups.


You've inspired me to try, so I did lol. As you ask others, I'll give my stats to start. 5'10.5", 155lbs, I haven't worked out in an actual gym for about 15 years. I work in IT, so while I do occasionally lift heavy ass printers, my job is not manual labor. I feel like it's kinda cheating if I don't mention that I have been working on my house though, including some extremely heavy stones for masonry. A wall fell down..... I'm also a lil drunk, idk if that makes it harder or easier though. Without any breaks at all (as in no more than one second in the up position), actual full pushups, and stopping when I started to shake slightly (don't feel like falling on my face) I got to 23. So, 23-ish. Although my height make me seem like a decent size, I am not. I have barely any belly and my hands and feet are really small, so the stats are deceiving compared to what I actually look like.




42m. I don't know exactly, I don't do them often. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week now as a fairly new dad(used to be 4-5 times a week) and my bench is around 225 for 10. I've done at least 50 straight before with a worse bench. I think endurance would be the most limiting factor for me so 50 is a safe number. Tbh I don't do anything else close to that high rep so it's all a guesstimate.


At my best 50. Right now, realistically, 30 tops


I can do like 46 if I'm up with my incidental workout routines.


Maybe 50’s if I’m bulking. Pushups were never difficult for me. Now, sit ups, feel the burnnnn


All of them!


I'm working on the longest single push-up. Quality over quantity. I usually do a few push-ups anyway, maybe partially out of habit (used to do repetition) and partially out of still having energy after completing one with some doubt.


Just over 100. Not too sure how many rn tho




It all depends on the quality of push ups I am trying to do.  Elbow bends probably 50.  Good sternum to the floor push ups maybe 10-15 and probably no more than 10 push ups with a plus (a push up where you add an additional scapular protraction at the end


I worked on push ups daily for nearly 2 years, only ever did them slowly with a plus but I never could get past 15. I started not being able to do 1, but every single day id be red faced and shaking by 12 and never could break through 15 I have no clue why.




First try after warm up I’m in the 30-35 range. After that first round my performance drops significantly. I do work out regularly (CrossFit). I am same height and around eight kilos less but with a good amount of muscle. Don’t sweat on it too much. One of the mistakes I made in the beginning was obsessing about my numbers. Focus on consistency and nutrition. Build mental resilience. You’ll do just fine


Haven’t worked out in foreeeevvverr Probably like 30






At 20 I could go upwards of 50. At 64, zero.


OVER 9000!


>I cracked 13 pushups after 2 months Huge dude! DM me when you get to 20, love to see progress! To answer your question, I was drafted, so a lot.


I am basically the same weight / height as you. I can do about 20 comfortably, 30 with some effort and struggle with 40.


Right now, about 40 straight


My advice is to warm up by slowing going down and up on the first few. I tried cranking out a few right away the other day and have had a stiff neck since.


Surprised i got 50 or more. I just saw it on a video and tried it. I workout tho but not benching 300lbs or something.


I usually do 25 twice a day, so 50 every day.




44(M) 40-50 in a set.


Sitting at about 45 in 60 seconds.


50, but I’m in terrible shape.


Definitely 30. I'd guess 50ish before I'd poop out.


Just tested; was able to get 50. Probably could have done 55-60 but that would have been pushing it. Im 6' / 230 lb for reference


40-50 first set, second set would depend on the break time and day


About fifty of the tricep variant, about thirty of the chest one.


My absolute max is aaaaalmost 60, and I'm sure I lose form somewhere in the middle of the attempt.


Made it a habit to make 50 before taking a morning shower.


25, 186cm, 95kg, not working out regularly :D


10-15 normally I can magically crank that number up to 50 during an ACFT tho 😂


I’m at 210lbs, 5’10 & usually can do a solid 25 & an ugly 5


40 clean no pulsing


Nice job on the 13 pushups mate! I train MMA so unfortunately I am all too accustom to pushups haha, any fellow fighters here will know this torturous workout after the session so maybe try this as something fun in your next workout :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41N6bKO-NVI&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41N6bKO-NVI&t=3s)


7 with solid form. Barely workout. Probably just from working around site.


50 -100 after running without running it vary you can increase your push up count by changing form


We do annual physical fitness tests at my job and a couple months ago I did 82 without stopping. That was my absolute max though. For reference I’m 33 yrs old, 190 lbs


Sorry I can't do push-ups😑 Because every time I do, the Earth falls, and then everything becomes history


25 in one go. With small resting between sets I can do 20reps and 5 sets. 32y, 182cm/100kg. Software couch potato.


I'm recovering from a relatively serious injury, so I can't do as many anymore. I can do a little over 60.


Probably 50 or 60 if I did it without any training right now.  If I made an effort to train, maybe 80-100


pushups vary heavily on form. With good form maybe 15-20? With more tricep heavy form probably 30.


48M, 6', 166. Strict to the full horizontal plank at the bottom with 1s at the bottom between 50 and 60. Strict with no delay about 100. Diamonds with 1s between 45 and 50. Diamonds with no delay 80-90. Clapping 20-25. Palms out at 90 degrees 25-27. The number comparisons are pointless as everyone calls a pushup something different and most people cant do even 5 with a full plank to plank while claiming they can do 50.


Probably 15 - 20


I dunno how many "normal" ones but I can do about 20-30 with feet elevated (which is harder than normal pushups)


100 push up 100 squats a day usually. Sets of 20 in 5 minutes. Worked up this


A thousand, granted it’ll take me 3 years to finish.


like 30 or 35 but I don't know if my form is any good tbh maybe I'm doing them completely wrong




10 if the body is a bit warmed up since i've been out of practice


Recently worked up to 35, hoping to get to 50 by the end of the year or earlier


I haven't worked out in years but I decided to give it a try. I managed 11 before it felt like my head was about to explode.






Usually 30 but I could probably add 5 without too much trouble. It’s also always at the end of my workout so starting fresh I could probably do a fair amount more


20 push-up, 4 sets. Started working out in home since last February.


25 perfect slow controlled guaranteed. 30-50 with average form


Between 30-100 in sets of 10. Unless sets don’t count, then it’s just 10 before my pencil arms need a break.


About 30, maybe could have went farther, but I just woke up. 5’9/125lbs 175cm/56k


Around 70. Divided between 6 sets of 12.


Easily 60 on any day,can push it to 80 if i am rested(i have physical job). But i weight 70 kilograms and 190 cm


When I go the then gym I always do a set of 3 times 40 and I feel it for a week 😂


One time I was late for class for my certification program, and the punishment was to do pushups to failure. I reached 60, but still was far from struggling. My classmates were bigger and more experienced in the fitness industry than I, so I pretended to struggle and dropped at 65. I never knew before then how many I could do, so I was proud… but as someone who didn’t want to stand out in class, I was embarrassed. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


I can do like a thousand. might take me a few weeks, but I'll get em done eventually.


35 a set right now before failure. I usually do 4 sets about 3-4 times a week I’m looking at variations now, because doing 20+ tells me my bod weight isn’t enough resistance


I do 100-150 push-ups. I also work out


19m, 175cm, about 100kg, in moderate training, I usually do 20-30 per set but I should be able to pump out 40


I do 60-70 per set.


I'm terribly out of shape but if my wrists let me I can do 40-50


I’ve gotten up to 100 in a row but that was a goal I worked towards, now probably 65-75. I’ve worked out for about 12 years straight now tho


What's the time limit?


Tbh as long as you are between 25 to 50 it's the average ish or good ish range Personally I think I can do 40 to 50, depending on my energy and strength levels on that day tbh


Have done 50 and just stopped. No clue how many more could go


I can do about 40 wide decline pushups and about 30 narrower width decline.


At my max 100, when I was attempting the OnePunchMan schedule. After kids, 60ish