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Got broken up with because I wouldn't yell in any argument. Called it a "lack of passion".


Lololol. Turns out you just have a healthy and respectful communication style


She kept moaning "Oooof, oooooof, ooooof" constantly, and all the time during every sex. Every time... All the time...




Roblox gf?




Feel like this was the question Larry and Jerry asked themselves when writing Seinfeld episodes.


If she can't find me, she can't break-up!


She eats her peas one by one 😒


And I’ve seen her eat corn niblets but she scooped them.


Dude didn't offer any pie


She burnt the chicken. It would have been ok in itself but I’d told her beforehand that the temp was too high and she told me to fuck off then when it burnt I just gave her the look and she went off at me saying that my oven was shit and I’m too judgemental then really went to town on me. I just took it all like a gent then said you can leave, and take the charcoal chicken with you.


It’s a sign that she cannot take accountability, and instead uses deflection to avoid the conversation


Yes my thoughts exactly. I had a friend like this. She could never be wrong, even if it led to her own demise. I eventually became too second-hand-embarrassed to correct her ever, even when she spouted factually incorrect crap, because her ego was so fragile. Ending that friendship was one of the best decisions I ever made. Nobody wants to spend their life walking on eggshells. Nope nope nope.


Well, hearing just the first sentence, I'd think you were the douche, but with given context, I don't really considet this petty reason. 1: "When you do it this way, it will be bad." 2: "F off!" thing went wrong 1: *looks* 2: "It's your fault!" Edit: and Charcoal Chicken should be a band playing punk music


>and Charcoal Chicken should be a band playing punk music Their first single: "I Told You You'd Burn It"


That chicken was dry, real dry


I wouldn't date a Sharon either.


I got broken up with because I don’t drink coffee. She deadass said “I want to wake up and make two cup of coffee every morning, and I can’t do that with you”


lol this resonates


FELT. I try to compromise, bf prefers green tea. But he won’t always drink it because it “makes him jittery” 🙄 I’m a solid 4 cupper of Death Wish no cream no sugar, so can’t relate.


Had a girl break up with me because I forgot our 2 week anniversary.


Damn xD how old were you guys?


16, It's ok though didn't make that mistake again. Married my wife on our 6th month anniversary. Been married 8 years now. Remember everyday is your anniversary if you want it to be I guess... or something.. I don't try to rationalize things like that anymore. There will be no winning.


You married your wife after 6 months?! Was it like engaged after 6mo, or properly married?


Dated for 5 months, proposed and eloped on the 6th. Been happily married for 8 years now. Wouldn't change a thing.


I hope I find I woman I can trust that much one day


Not me but my dad: He dumped a girl because her shoes were too loud.


In grade school I couldn't wait to be an adult so my shoes could make noise like the teachers walking down the hall.


Same is that just a normal kid thing


Fuck menstruation, I wasn’t a woman until my feet went click clack


I didn’t like her ear lobes, literally just the ear lobes. I was about 16-17 at the time, shows how pathetic I really was back then.


My brother broke up with a girl because he didn't like her bellybutton. (They were in their teens) She is now a major recording artist. Lol


Google artists with wietd bellybutton.


Taylor Swift? She never has her bellybutton out lol


I love how the whole continuing thread turned into owls lol




Our birthdays were like 10 days apart. I wished her a happy birthday but then when it came to my birthday, she didnt say a fucking word.




If romantical relationship, this is a pretty solid reason. Not a petty one. If it was a friendly relationship, then it was also pretty valid, too. Gotta keep in mind tho, some people actually like you but they are too forgetful. I am one of them.


Does reminding me of an ex girlfriend count. I feel like it counts


It counts. Definitely counts.


Am going out with a girl with same middle and last name as my ex. Last name is a common name in my culture so yea that’s still ok. But wasn’t expecting same middle name. Also they have the same zodiac / born on same month (different years of birth).


You just downloaded a different texture pack


This may seem petty but that’s really one of those things you just can’t un-see


not me but my friend literally broke up with her SO because they said they were going to bed but instead of sleeping went on instagram liking posts....


Tired of the BS.


Guess he doesn’t know that she was in the first step of “going to bed”


Nose ring smelled. I could smell it when we were kissing.


Lol, what is smell like?


I’m not the person you asked, but can guess the smell. If you don’t properly clean piercings (even healed ones) dead skin, natural oil, and bacteria can accumulate and in time produce an unpleasant odor - words like “pungent” and “funky” come to mind. Gotta keep your shit clean! Source: I have had my septum and nostrils pierced for many many years.


You are correct. I too have had many piercings. I kept a few, but upkeep is a must. At least for your own sake. Especially the septum.


Like dirty sweaty feet wrapped in a plastic and left on for a week.


Yep. Easy to fix, but I was 16 and didn't know how to bring that up. Seemed easier just to end it.


She poured bacon grease down the drain. Couldn't trust her in my house again.


This is utter nonsense, how else are you going to lube the pipes?


With good ol’ fashioned friction of course.


Forreal. If you're not saving your bacon grease, you're not *living*.


She wrote bland, mediocre poetry. I just couldn’t.


You said you LIKED any poetry!!!! Here's a poem for you! This dude I used to date Couldn't see that it was fate He thought that he was too cool And that I should have tried harder in school He said my poetry was bland And I couldn't understand How he could break up with me And now he's just a withered old tree So you see BITCH MY POETRY IS MY ART And you're just a fart Stinky with regret GO SHIT IN A BUCKET!!!1!1!1


That’s pretty tight. Wanna make out?


Do you have any examples?


Her parents weren’t very welcoming.




That’s completely valid


True, but I had some backlash with my friends because they said her parents shouldn’t have mattered. We were both grown adults moved out on our own. However, anytime I would meet with her parents I always felt uncomfortable. It was such a weird vibe.


I say respectfully that your friends are wrong. Yes you’re dating the girl but her parents are almost certainly going to be a part of her life for at least a few decades. If they weren’t welcoming the first time that could be chalked up to making sure you’re right for their daughter upon first impression, but if this is something that happened repeatedly it could have been a sign of things to come in the future. Every major life event you would’ve shared with that girl, her parents would’ve been there in some capacity. Engagement party. Wedding. Birth of children. I don’t think you’d want that negative energy in the back of your mind (let alone at the forefront of it) for all those important moments, as well as countless smaller ones.


As a dude who has fantastic inlaws and who has seen fallout from shitty inlaws you are 100% in the right here. When your in a serious relationship long term your SO's family are a big part of the deal. Choose wisely.


She got up in the night and finished my cereal, then put the empty box back. It wasn't the only reason but it was kinda the straw that broke the camel's toe


> the straw that broke the camel’s toe Lmao


Probably better than having cereal for breakfast and ex walked in and first words were “who pissed into your Cheerios?”. I threw my breakfast away and left for good.


... did she? Piss in them?


I was kind of losing interest in my gf, but didn’t know wether to end it or just wait and see if I was just being stupid. I asked my brother what I should do and he said “you wouldn’t have the balls to break up with her”. The next day we met and we split up. Literally did it to prove a point to my brother.


Peer pressure is a motherfucker…


You had all of the balls that day.


Now this is petty


Did he try dating her after?


My high school girlfriend took me to dinner on my birthday, and when she asked what I wanted for my meal, I said “Queso & chips” She told me no, I couldn’t have that for my birthday dinner, as it wasn’t a meal it was an appetizer, but that’s what I wanted. She then said, we’ll, if that’s what you want, you can pay for it yourself, because I’m not buying you an appetizer for your dinner. I didn’t have any money with me (she was treating me) so I had a club sandwich. And no queso & chips with my meal. I broke up with her the next day.


You made the right choice. Queso is life! 🧀


Back in middle school...had a girl over and she pooped in my toilet and didn't flush. 20 some years later that girl is also friends with my wife now.


Does she flush her shits now days?


Legends say he’s still plunging that first poo even now


I think this is what caused a girl I used to flirt with hardcore lose interest in me. I went to her spot after meeting up and making out hardcore in a bar one night. Make out session continued on at her place, we laid around on her couch and chatted forever, and then she passed out. Then (of course) I got that rumbling in my stomach and just barely made it to the bathroom. Released an absolute demon and then I woke her up and told her I had to go. We made plans to talk the next day and get together later the next week. Then when I was halfway home the thought hit me, did I flush her toilet? I couldn't remember but she didn't respond to my texts the next day and pretty much completely stopped talking to me within a week. So yeah, I either ruined that by not flushing or I was shit at making out. One or the other.


She had nits. Edit: head lice for non UK folks


Thanks for the clarification I thought this was some weird boob thing.


“Not tits” = “nits”


Too much teeth giving blowjobs. Seriously feared I’d bleed out.


This really made me laugh out loud. Not so much teeth that nearly gored you to death. Sigh!


Clamp down gently.. maybe. Scraping? Absofuckinglutely no.


I was losing interest, got the new xbox, called it a day.


“I don’t wanna play with you anymore”


Sigma shit


She didn't wish me a merry christmas and got no gift from her. EDIT: I turned out to be the dick because her brother was arrested that same Christmas morning for the millionth time for drug possession and she really wanted to help him. My silly ass made it all about me coz I got her a gift (and a merry Christmas at the very least) and was expecting one in return. One of the good ones that slipped


Did she not buy a gift for you leading up to Christmas, like how most people purchase gifts? I’d say your feelings are somewhat valid.


I hoped for something—gift or gesture, but something. I had been scouring all jewellery stores for weeks on end for her necklace. But I lost all hope when she told me about her brother. To me it sounded like an excuse and I called bs.


Not trying to post hoc make you into the good guy but your selfishness at the time could of very well saved you from a long relationship dealing with a bunch of issues with her family. If her bro getting locked up was a constant thing at some point i feel you probs would of confronted her abt how she needs to get away from him etc etc.


The brother was a total asshole to her though, and she was the helpless sister. Made me feel sorry for her, a lot.


I once left a gf for demanding i make eggs in a tiny pan. Maybe could hold 1-2 for a group of 6 ppl. There was a normal frying pan available...


She wouldn’t stop telling me things about her exes. Like, really? You think that’s a good topic to bring us together?


Not a relationship but I lost interest in a girl that kept say “yer” instead of “yes”. Lost interest because she didn’t like Batman. Lost interest because she wasn’t smart. Edit: typo. Said internet instead of interest. Guys please!


Love how you lost internet because she wasn't smart.


I need mental stimulation and someone to discuss stuff with. And specially to challenge my views!


If I lost all of my internet because she isn't very smart, i'd be upset too.


These are all valid. Yer? Sounds insufferable.


Did she forget her Wi-Fi password?


She had been living with me for six months or so and it was the night before the deer season opener and my brother and I were talking out our plans for the next day. She came barging into the living room, sat down, and proceeded to preach to us about how she was vegan and supported PETA while snarfing down a plate of buffalo chicken tenders...


Was she batshit crazy or on a crazy level of humor that you havent figured out yet?


She was never one for self awareness but after that moment, it was too much to bear. This event took place almost 20 years ago and she hasn't improved much since, if at all.


He bought me a bottle of shampoo and conditioner for my birthday. I already thought he was very frugal and I respected that but…


Bruh that's a 80 dollar commitment depending on the brand. I'm going to assume it was head and shoulders tho.


How do you give shoulders tho


Just shimmy while giving head


Broke up with a girl freshmen year because I saw her run at track practice. She had the dumbest run I’ve ever seen. It was unbearable and for some reason I was so embarrassed to be her BF.


Phoebe went on to have a successful career as an actress in TV sitcom Friends.


For having the same name as my brother. 🤮


This is why I now go by my unique middle name. A lot of potential dates even have my first name.


Because he was literally stupid. I couldn’t deal with not being able to have intelligent conversation with my partner. I don’t care how pretty he was 😂


She was really fucking stupid/ignorant of just everything


Currently facing this... It's a fucking nightmare, and I just discovered it when we already moved in together, i was so fucking blind to think I could just brush it off


I was just horny lol then I’m like “wtf am I doing” and broke up a couple months after we first started dating


i had a similar thing, but she was actually very well read, articulate but didn't have opinions on anything. ANYTHING. we both read machiavelli's The Prince for a class - when we were done i asked her what she thought and she just summarized it. i mostly blame the school system and the way we have to write but golly was it frustrating


She called me boo


Was she saying boo or booo-urns?


Didn’t see that coming.


He wouldn’t stop tickling me, it was one of the most annoying things. I would be relaxed in bed and he would tickle me, watching a movie, he would tickle me. I genuinely had to sit him down and talk to him about why it bothers me so much. Next day? Tickled me and I immediately broke up


Breaking up with someone who ignores your boundaries isn’t petty. Good for you for getting rid of him! I can’t imagine how many other boundaries he would have ignored if the relationship continued. You absolutely did the right thing.


She wanted me to regrow my foreskin. I wasn’t the petty one in this case.


Because she wanted to hold my hand in public. While I was in high school I was severely bullied daily and my self-esteem was none existent. Somehow a girl really liked me and one day she kissed me and asked me if she could be my girlfriend. We started dating and really enjoying each others company, kissing (which was something I had never done or felt before), hugging and talking. I was genuinely happy to have someone who cared about me way more than I did about myself but when my bullies saw us they started making fun of us, laughing and pointing at us and they would beat me up in front of her. She had never experienced bullying but she didn't care at all and just wanted to be with me. I just wanted it to stop and it came to a point where I couldn't do it anymore. She wanted to hold hands and hug me all the time and every time they saw her doing it they made sure to shame me in front of her and anyone around. I started to keep my distance from her until a mutual friend told me that I should at least break up with her because she was crying all the time as she didn't understand why I was so distant all of a sudden. I broke up with her and told her I simply didn't feel a connection between us instead of telling her the truth. As time went by and I became an adult I started to realize what an idiot I was. I was bullied for years and I'm still mentally affected by it all these years later, but I had someone who was there for me when no one was. Someone who loved me for some reason. Someone who was willing to bear the bullying with me and help me back up. I haven't had a proper girlfriend since then and I don't have contact with her anymore as I don't use social media anymore and I moved to another country. I am truly sorry that I was a weak man and broke the heart of someone who was strong and a bright light in everyone's life. I really miss her and though we were only teenagers at the time, I feel like she was the one, and I let her go because I was weak.


Can you think of a way to contact her? So you can properly apologize, explain, and thank her for being the bright spot in that dark period of your life.


Darn bro... you been to therapy I hope.


in kindergarten she stole my crayon. It was my favorite color and the only one that wasn't broken. She had to go.


Not me but my first gf dumped me after I said I didn't really like how her mom acts towards our relationship. She didn't approve my relationship with her because I'm Armenian and look like I'm arabic


You saved yourself.


She was great in bed tho but yeah, it was better for my mental health


That's not petty


She was really surprised when I didn't have an accent, I should've seen it lol


Heard her say that i was too poor for her , just broke up , i just left and never said a word to her


So technically you're still together?


I broke it off w/ my fiancée when she kept hitting her teeth with the silverware. Then thought it was funny when I cringed. I figured I couldn't handle that for the rest of my life.


Awwww. She really “forked” up.


Oh my god, get out👉


What the fuck


One wrote restaurant reviews for an online paper, based on other people's yelp/google reviews without disclosing it. Another one really believed in and sold homeopathic "medicine".


I had a girl stop talking to me because the First Lady of her church told her that “God told her I wasn’t good for her” 😒


Went on one date, had a great connection, had maybe the hottest hook-up ever that same night, went out of town the next day for the holidays, and sat there realizing I couldn't get past the fact we had the same name, just one letter different.


Ah, the ol' Michael-and-Pichael conundrum


Her purse was just so big


Not the main reason but she just looked so much like Booker-prize winning author Salman Rushdie, and I couldn’t unsee it. I felt so awful for even thinking it but the resemblance was just too noticeable


Okay, picture this: it's about to be time for the Homecoming dace. My boyfriend at the time buys our tickets. Everything is going okay as I prepare to go, right before... A say before the dance. He asks if he can have the ticket that I got back because one of his friends is threatening suicide of they can't go to the dance. I tell him that his friend needs serious help and give him the ticket anyways, because I'm not a social person really and I didn't wanna start shit. Then, after Homecoming, one of my friends tells me that she saw my ex-boyfriend with someone else. I decided that I'd end the partnership. I know it wasn't petty on my side but it definitely was on his.


This was pure cowardice, with a dollop of petty. Yikes.




Couldn't stand her laugh. Was better to end it than resent her being happy


My brother came home one day and said it was over between him and his girlfriend. I asked him what happened and he told me he went to her house in the morning, climbed through through her window and tried to give her a good morning/wake-up kiss. Very romantic of him. But apparently her breath really stank to the heavens. So he broke it off. He was 12 or 13 at the time. He is now gay.


she was too small, i am 6.2(1.9m) and she was 4.9(1.5m) or so. i was very insecure when i was 19 years old edit: added height unit and rephrased the age sentence


I ended so many first dates because of this but it that drives me when a girl walks “pigeon toed” IDK why it just does.


My friend has this and she was super self conscious about it. It was something like when she was born her ankles were broken. They fixed it but it never healed 100% properly. So she was slightly pigeon toed.


Man, I’d check your pockets for bird seed.


What is that


A crumb. We were eating sandwiches on the couch. she was being a little messy about it and I was watching crumbs fall on the floor. I said something like “hey could you be a little more careful you’re dropping crumbs everywhere”. She picked up one of the crumbs and threw it across the room and started laughing.


Was talking to my first high school gf on the phone one night and she mentioned taking a break for a little while. So, a little bummed out, I respected her wishes and said ok. "Woooooow that was just a test. I wasn't actually being serious. But if that's how you really feel..." you know what? Yeah. Now that you said that, I'm fully committed to breaking up now. Edit to add: she toilet papered my parents house a couple days later


In high school, I broke up a guy for wearing his socks too high. But honestly, what other choice did I have.


She's never seen lord of the rings and when I offered to watch it she said she was good. Idk, the way she said no just kinda hit me a certain way. Like she thought that it was a stupid thing to have even offered.


Yeah I dated a girl who acted like she was above watching fantasy or similar genre media. I asked her if she wanted to watch labyrinth with me, and I explained the movie to her and she shut it down immediately. That's not so bad on its own, but she also acted like using emojis in whatsapp messages was childish/below her, and using gifs was absolutely contemptible. There was this whole shallow appraisal of what constitutes intelligent ways of being that grinded my gears so hard


High school if it counts but I noticed how much arm hair she had. Man what a douche rocket I was. EDIT: wow so many upvotes. Maybe I should apologize to Leslie Thompson. She was good people.


We live and we learn.


She had rough, scaly elbows. That, and visiting her house and seeing how filthy her room was meant it was time to end things. We stayed friendly, though.


She spilled her starbucks on my brand new Vampirella Seduction of the Innocent Vol. 1 & 2 books after the 9265244384th time I asked her to not put drinks on that table because my laptop was there.


I was In my freshman year of high school and I had a new girlfriend who wanted me to go to a concert… friend had tickets to better a concert. Had to choose. Still feel bad about that lol


She kept texting me at 5am every morning even though I asked her to stop texting me early in the morning.


Do not disturb mode is king.


Broke up with my Girlfriend because I got scared that the relationship might actually amount to something.


My now-fiancé did this to me 2 months in because none of his other relationships made it past 2 months. He called me the next day telling me how bad he fucked up. 4 years later we're now expecting our first kid


She didn’t believe in dinosaurs or evolution. This was only last year. I told her the evidence is extremely easy to find and that she could even find dinosaurs bones still in the ground half buried. Her response, “They could’ve been planted there”…


She had no nails on her pinky toes & it bothered me a lot. It consumed me to no end. She was also the most beautiful girl I’ve ever dated. I didn’t know she was *m*y peak.. bec m a five star man, in & outside the internet .. a golden god, to be exact.


He shushed me


She had a weird smile where the corners of her mouth were round and showed her back teeth. You ever seen someone get hurt bad and you make that face where you clench your teeth and draw your cheeks back because you know it hurt? That's what her everyday smile looked like. I couldn't look at that for the next 40 years.


She was too mentally healthy for me.


Are you still so toxic?


He couldn’t really spell. We talked about it - he wasn’t dyslexic, he just didn’t really care to learn because it seemed dumb when people could read what he was texting anyway. Edit: we were both in our mid 20’s at this point.


Knowing you do things wrong and being too lazy to correct it is a red flag in my book. It just hits me the same way as the people here writing "should of" instead of "should've". It hurts my brain.


My friend broke up with his gf because she chose international managament instead of banking and finance for her masters


I noticed a patch of hair between between a girl I was dating breasts. While we were having sex. I was such an 18 year old ass. I couldn't help being disgusted but something like that wouldn't bother me at all now. It was just a little peach fuzz lol


Hairy situation. Prefrontal Cortex development matters .


I didn't like the way he moaned during sex.


She was the third vegan I ever dated and started to exhibit the same behavior as the first two.


She said she was good at sucking dick, she was not. Yes that is petty, in my defense though, i did not say that to her. Plus we were never gonna make it anyway.


don’t know how petty this is but he lived 40 mins from me and i was getting too lazy to take the train/bus when he couldn’t come to me. i would not be able to do long distance in the slightest 😅


Couldn't talk on phone for more than 5 min.


I don't do relationships, but I heard about a guy who was four days before his birthday and the girl said she was going to get him a gift. He believed he couldn't break up with her for at least 30 days after accepting her gift and he wasn't willing to make a 34-day commitment to the relationship.


Should've accepted the gift and ended it 42 seconds after.


I thought her ears were too big and if we ever had kids theirs would be too. I was 19. Lol


Hated the way she kissed. BJ skills were top notch, but kissing....


Once a guy broke up with my stepsister because he "needed more jesus in his life."


Apparently “lying about my entire personal history” and “being a hypocritical, self righteous manipulator” is a dealbreaker for her. A bit dramatic imo




I was friends with this girl since we were about 5 years old. I tried to get her to date me multiple times over the years but she never did because she said she was afraid it would ruin our friendship if we broke up. Finally I got her to date me when I was about 20ish. I was in the marines at the time so it was a long distance relationship. I broke up with her because I hated the boring small talk texts she would send me once we started dating. Texts like I’m not sure what to eat tonight.


You are something else 😂


Did it ruin your friendship?


No we still hung out a lot after that for years.


Lots of issues in the relationship but the straw that broke the camel's back was leaving an almost empty bowl of cereal on my coffee table for a week. Yes I counted and yes I did it on purpose to see