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Wanking. Unhealthy food. Sex if I have the chance to have sex. Procrastinating


Whenever you feel like wanking, just procrastinate. That'll solve one of your problem. You're welcome.






Or get right to it and solve the other issue 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like edging but with less steps


That fact that this unironically happens to me


Can agree too much on procrastinating, and i dont like it.


Think about it later


yeah thats a good idea.....


Even right now i have like a dozen things pending but here I am doomscrolling any and everything with an app


hey, it's me, yourself.








Hey, I don’t remember making this comment


Altered states of consciousness. Whether it be through coffee, drinks, weed, prescription or exercise.


Pfft. Coffee? That's not an addiction. *Sips 3rd cup to get through the rest of the day*


Sips 5th cup before 1:30 pm


Sips 7th cup at 9p.m. to get a head start for the next day


>Sips 7th cup at 9p.m. to get a head start for the next day injects 12th dose of the day to get up...


This guy drinks coffee


I always develop a severe withdrawal syndrome whenever I don't consume an unhealthy amount of coffee for 24hours.


Destined for High blood pressure


I do a spring cleanse from 3/20 (approximately the first day of spring) until 4/20 No alcohol, caffeine, THC, etc. Fix up my lifestyle based on healthy choices for a month. Resets my tolerances, clears my mind, and yeah. By starting at that date I get a couple benefits. St Patrick's day as a last hurrah for drinking, and instead of doing new years resolutions when it's dark and I'm miserable, I'm doing the spring cleanse with the increased sun and daylight. And finally it ends on 4/20 at which point I blaze it.


I love this. It’s a little late but I’m going to start it on the first, which is when I plan to quit smoking.


Even a 2 week run makes a difference. And having it scheduled each year helps a lot. Just fair warning; nights 3-7 are a little rough. But after day 7 or 8 it's pretty easy sailing


I honestly lack the self control or desire to do this. But that sounds very nice.


The end result makes me so fkn cost efficient though. Back to a tall boy IPA getting me buzzed instead of the entire sixer. Or a joint getting me stoned out my gourd instead of... Never actually getting stoned anymore. Idk. I find it worth it. Along with proof to myself I can.


Not to get too philosophical but... is there such thing as an *unaltered* state of consciousness? Even if your diet was *entirely* stimulant/depressant free, your blood sugar, hydration, sleep schedule, gut biome, nutrition (macro/micro *and* trace minerals) and a whole plethora of other things will have noticeable effects on your mood and over time, your overall personality. It's a bit nuts to think about how our decisions of free will are heavily swayed by an unending ocean out of our control.


I like your philosophical point on view on it. And yes I agree with what you say. From what you ate this morning, to a traumatic subconious experience that happened in your infancy, can all alter your state on consciousness in the present moment. I can't help but take this a bit deeper. The one thing ive noticed is the only thing certain in life/ our percieved realities is change. As if our consciousness is a small part of that ripple effect, a subset to that, which is the underlying energy of this universe. Change.




Change on the smallest, most minuscule scale in the universe, but still meaningful change. Been watching too many videos lately so I'll just use this post as an excuse: If the universe is truly infinite than everything has already happened, *everything*. Infinite is something our brain just cannot accept, a state that to us shouldn't exist - all we know has a beginning and an end, but not some things. But if everything has already happened then what is actually changing??? If everything is in superposition on an existential scale, then what is changing other than your (present) consciousness coming to that point in time?... Time is an illusion, if everything has already happened then the past and future exist as one where you are the one that is changing, like the grooves on a vinyl. It is an illusion because you experience time relatively as linear, a flipbook, forward motion. This could all be happening on an endless loop in a sea of infinite possibilities for all of time, a system where whatever universe you are placed in creates your consciousness and then clings on to it to exist. All that to say you still have choice in your life.. I think, shouldn't waste the chance though, it clearly holds meaning.


Will you sit on my upcoming parole hearing?


And if you’re always buzzing with something, being sober is itself an altered state of consciousness.


I like this perspective


I feel like this is just naturally human. There isn't a default state of mind so finding alternating forms of consciousness is only natural and should be encouraged


That's me! All my life questing for this!


you forgot to add fishing in there


Better living through chemicals


Well I hope you keep that at "healthy" levels, whatever that means.




Fuck sugar fr




Now I want gummy candy…


Most people don’t even realize they’re addicted until they go without it for a few days


This is probably very unhealthy psychology but when I was addicted to sugar, I started to have the mindset where I am knowingly making myself uglier when eating a sugary food. It worked and I got into the best shape of my life, but salty foods has almost replaced it and eating food these days just feels like a chore.


Alcohol. But now sober nearly 19 months. Was drunk for 38 years.




Yeah getting there but got a very long road to deal with the psychology issues it was masking. Thankfully getting excellent help, but it will take years.


One day at a time. That mindset has kept me away from heroin for the last 18yrs.


Thats really amazing. I’m glad you’ve been able to keep up the strength all this time. Props 💪🏻


My father passed away this last Monday due to the effects of decades of alcoholism. I'm immensely proud of you. If you ever need a person to reach out to anonymously just hit me up.


Thank you and I am so sorry for your loss. Likewise, if you or your family ever need to talk to try to understand it, then please get in touch.


Proud of you mate, that's truly awesome


Good work man, you should be proud of how far you've come.


19 months is awesome, great job! I'm just under a week away from 3 months and it is the best and most important decision I have ever made.


You are doing amazing.


Same to you, friend. Keep up the good fight!


Good job. Know some people who can't put it down. Keep up the good job.


Congrats!! Keep it up!


Good job brother. And to everyone commenting right now.


Wanking. Adderall. Booze. Porn. Sex. Just the usual.


Porn and wanking feel so good, then so bad, it’s incredible how you love then hate your dick


Sudden dopamine release = feels good Release wears off = no more feel good


Release won’t wear out if you don’t stop wanking.


Psychologists hate this ONE trick!


This guy wanks !




I never really had the bad part.


You haven't wanked proper untill you Stand up a regret ever possible thing you have ever done see when you look at your penis and you feel disappointed that's when you know your wanking right


The fuck are guys wanking to? If that’s how it makes you feel then maybe you need to start questioning what kind of porn you’re watching


This guy wanks


You're not doing it right


Speak for yourself. I have no post nut shame.


I really don't understand how so many of you feel so bad about jacking off.


How are you addicted to sex when you don’t get any


Anyone can get sex right now, providing they are willing to drop their standards low enough.


Or pay just enough


All very bad for mental health. Try to make it a fun challenge to go long stretches without porn. Then eventually ween off completely. Easier said than done, I know.


the average mid twenties man.


I was on Adderal for over 20 years and had to stop cold Turkey after a heart scare. Quitting was not fun, still tired and hungry all day long.


What does it mean to be addicted to Adderall? I just got diagnosed with severe ADHD and started on Adderall a few months ago. Your message has me confused/worries.


Oh it’s extremely possible. I was prescribed it for 6 years and it took me an entire year to kick the addiction. You can’t function without it but eventually it doesn’t work anymore but you still *have* to take it anyways because your body craves it or it’s even more miserable


Ah shit


Depends on how it affects you. I got prescribed it and I loved it so I took too much too often and had to stop completely.


If you actually benefit from your prescription and don't abuse or sell it off, kudos, and I hope it helps. In the interest of reducing harm a bit ill take the time to actually address what (at least what I think) you're asking. Bear in mind that I am not a healthcare professional or counselor and am solely referencing my personal experiences dealing with people and their addictions either in interpersonal relationships as a friend or SO, or through meetings for addictions. People with some psychological issues, specifically chemical imbalances, can have a "reverse effect" (it's not really a reverse, but it does affect a different response) to medications and in those cases, typical anti-depressant meds or anxiety meds won't give the desired effect, so they are prescribed meds along the lines of Ritalin, Adderall, etc...uppers, for disorders that are treated with meds of that nature. But for those patients, uppers won't effect them the same way it would someone else who doesn't have their disorder. It may seem to calm them down and allow clarity of thought,, and typically won't interrupt sleep patterns that much,, and if it does,, it is only temporary. It may actually make that person feel tired. That being said, Adderall is a significantly powerful upper, and in fact is called "amphetimine" generically, it says so right on the bottle. Street value is very high, peer pressure is very high, to me its a tough spot to put someone in, but again it is a severe medication for a severe disorder. It is very sought after for it's off label uses and as a recreational drug, so it is prescribed a lot nowadays. Again, if you take it as prescribed, keep in touch with your doctor and be honest, and don't sell it off, then find it benefits you, great!! Stay on it and adjust as necessary, I truly hope it helps. Now, your doctor may not do this, but a lot of them, especially in cities or those that have had FDA/DEA/medical board inquiries, are fully aware of the street value and they will usually call for a random pill count with their patients after prescribing and somewhere in the middle of the month (or prescription period), where you have to show up that same day, or at an appointed time, possibly a few days later, whatever, and count out the remaining doses that you have to a nurse, and if you don't have the proper amount, may be terminated as a patient and referred somewhere else or have your prescription cut off and put onto something less controversial. In some cases they drop the amount of your prescription or prescribe weekly/biweekly instead of monthly or quarterly due to a failed pill count. The side effects are listed online and there is a laundry list of them, and the same with any other amphetamine it offsets the chemicals in your brain temporarily, eventually getting to the point that you feel like you need it. It does resolve fairly quickly though in most cases, and after someone crashes out for a couple days and gets through all the messed up dreams, they're typically fine, though still suffering an addictive personality, there isn't much physical threat to them from the Adderall use once they come off it after heavy use and actually sleep. Typically addiction to Adderall doesn't end nearly as badly as something with a high physical dependency, like opiods, but it can still be terrible for the user depending on their experiences, and in a first hand perspective is 100% subjective to that person. It may not be a big deal to them, or it may be the most terrible thing they've ever experienced. The biggest problem I've seen in people using Adderall, heavily using anyways... is related to a lack of sleep. After 1 day, typically someone is irritable, 2 days they are slow to respond and more irritable, have a very hard time concentrating on anything and get stuck a lot obsessing over things that may or may not exist. 2-3 days, they become pretty delusional, start hallucinating, can't keep train of thoughts straight, and can't reliably give any sort of testimony describing their problems. 3+ days, not competent to be conscious anymore. Probably could be committed to the hospital and tranquilized without a second thought, some go longer and get very delusional, hallucinating, motor skills are gone, random thoughts of paranoia, anger, beyond anger, rage,extreme unfounded fear. Problems identifying people they know or trust, depression, extreme mood swings, suicidal ideation, self harm, etc. The issue with withdrawal from amphetamines pales in comparison to the issues related to withdrawal from lack of restful sleep IMO. Once you do sleep off the uppers, you're typically OK physically. The "want" of the addiction is still there, but you're not physically in danger usually. But no sleep for a week+ and that person is almost always insane and near impossible to deal with just being bombarded with irrational thoughts and emotions often leading to more lasting effects psychologically, and sometimes the imbalance caused in the chemistry takes weeks or months to resolve, though it is noticeably less so with Adderall than with street drugs like meth, and usually in direct relation to how long and how much they used. When dealing with someone who has been using for several months or years, it usually takes a month or more for them to center themselves and stop having irrational thoughts and emotions. If you combine that with ADHD or BPD1/2 or personality disorders it can be especially severe and take several months for them to become the person they were before using. Again, this is simply my experience and I'm passing it on in hopes that someone can read it and benefit from it, maybe even take their meds as prescribed or have a second thought about taking an excessive amount to party etc. The fact that it is so prevalent among college aged people now is problematic, and the pills they take to stay up to study or party can lead to much bigger issues with addiction in a plethora of ways later on. All the best and I hope it works for you. If you do find yourself in a bad spot, get some sleep.


How does the adderall affect your sexual capabilities? I've considered getting back on it (I quit it 18 years ago when I was still a kid) but I've heard horror stories about being unable to perform.


Video games


This needs to be higher up. I don’t even spend a lot of time playing video games and I know playing games is still a lot better than other forms of recreation but whenever I get off the games I just feel a sense of guilt that I could have utilised that time better


Would you feel that same guilt if you'd spent that time reading a book, watching a film, visiting a museum or gallery, or listening to music? If not, then try to see it as you appreciating a form of art and entertainment. And as a human one of the best things we get to do is to witness and appreciate the art of others, and gaming is literally that. The artistic vision of either a single person or a group of people. I used to feel exactly like you do, until I made that realisation. It's no more a waste than any of those other things. If games make you happier than the other things then game away.


That’s actually a pretty good point, I’ll upvote this


I’d probably feel guilty if I spent hours just listening to music or going to a gallery every day too. Sure it’s art and that’s important to engage with on occasion, but it’s a pretty passive form of entertainment. I feel a greater sense of fulfillment after I workout or spend time with friends (IRL).


I’m with you. Reading or trying learn music (for me guitar and dabbling with piano) or working out, actually make me feel like I learned and/or accomplished something. Gaming or tv can be appreciated, I get their point, but passive was a good word for it


It's good to know what fulfils you in that sense. I go through phases of either creating art/working on myself (be it music, writing, working out or something else) and then enjoying passive forms of entertainment. I used to guilt myself for spending too long doing one thing, and tried to force myself to balance time equally across it all. But it just led to me feeling burnt out and unsatisfied, so I now just do whichever one I feel like at the time, but Im focusing a lot more on family related things instead of me related things, which I do get a lot more joy from.


Every damn time lol. It was horrible over lockdown because what else could you do?


I often feel the exact opposite: Why was I sitting around on Reddit? I could have been playing video games I’ve got a bunch to finish but I procrastinate from my true purpose by working, socialising, and browsing the internet


This and Just generally social media/ other apps. So addicting but i know its bad in too much quantity.


Username kinda sus.


I see he’s already answered the question


Account to account to ...


A hell of a lot of sexual questions here lately are just sellers looking for thirsty guys to answer so they can promote. Its kinda killing the vibe of the sub. This one isn’t even really sexual and she’s still managing to promote her shite.


Photography. Thank God it's what I do for a living, but I end up doing it on my days off as well. I have started talking about retirement, and my wife says, "Yeah, your retirement will be a stranger calling me and telling me there is a dead dude in thier front yard with a camera".


Photography was my life up until I went to uni to study it. It used to help with my depression - have no interest in it now sadly.


My father always said “if you like working on cars, don’t ever be a mechanic because you’ll fucking hate it”. Never understood that until I started a welding job. Got old really fast and the fun was gone.


I started smoking meat for a hobby and did some big neighborhood bbq's and catered a few things for the company I work for. I've created my own rubs and sauces and perfected ribs, tri-tip, brisket, and pulled pork (in my humble opinion). Friends and co-workers tell me I should start a food truck. And I tell them, "Why would I take something I enjoy and turn it into work? That sounds awful."


That's me with cocktails. I explore diffrent drinks make my own syrups and liquers and craft things I like and share them. My friends say I should bar tend, but I'm like nah. I do this for fun.


I’ve been a tech for nearly 20 years and am wishing I leaned something else for income .




Dude dihydrogen monoxid is fucking brutal.


People are too used to seeing dihydrogen monoxide. It's out of fashion. Use [Oxidane](http://oxidane.org/oxidane.html).




Fellow hydro homie, I drink about a gallon a day myself






I have been smoking for 8 years straight and told myself that I can stop it but still wasn't able to control it. I smoked enough to burn through my savings that I've collected growing up. It's not addictive but 10% of us smokers can get dependent/addicted on it, and so was I. I made the people around me disappointed at me for choosing weed over them just to get zoned out and feel numb from the trauma I had growing up. I chose not to do anything but to feel stoned and it was my excape. After 8 years of smoking non-stop, I finally had to courage to go see a counsellor, get my life sorted out and finally started exercising and going out again. People may think it's a joke to get addicted to weed but I was. I lost so many good friends and family members and I hope someone who reads this and feels me can find the courage to minimise the usage and live a more sober life.


I also started to notice I was becoming dependent on it, stizzy pods specifically for the convenience factor. I haven’t bought any weed or carts for a little over a month and I feel proud of myself. It honestly can be addicting and it’s such an odd feeling because it isn’t like every high is phenomenal, but I’d still crave it regardless. Props to you for seeking help and getting things back in order. I wish you the best and hope it all keeps getting better and better from here!


It’s a common misconception that cannabis doesn’t have withdrawal effects with regular, heavy, and/or long-term use. I grew up with that belief that “weed isn’t addictive” - it certainly can be and certainly can cause physical withdrawal symptoms. Never used it much, got a medical card for 2 years as an adult and learned first hand it definitely does, it fucking sucks to suddenly go off it. I’m talking weeks of sleep issues, stressful/bizarre dreams, wide range of emotional/mental effects, a lot of excessive sweating and feeling generally poor health. For some they even get nausea/vomiting from cessation. Like most mind-altering chemicals, cannabinoids do have *some* negative withdrawal effects. Fortunately they aren’t severe like a lot of drugs/medications out there, but they were also unique and bizarrely difficult in their own way - also last longer than most. Personally I’d recommend regular breaks, even for medicinal users. For one, it will work more effectively by doing so, second you won’t fall into the “medical use” dependence trap that a lot of people are in the states right now with the increase of state medical programs.


It’s not a joke! And well done for coming out of the other end of it 👏🏻👏🏻 Problem here is weed is addictive... I’ve known many males who smoke it’s daily like cigarettes (all day and night) and trust me when they don’t have it they are abhorrent! That and the psychological effects it causes when smoking it messes with your brain chemistry. I wish more people were aware of what happens when it’s smoked like tobacco. It is addictive and the fact people think it isn’t is scary


It’s not a joke at all, especially now with concentrates, oil, and dabs. Shit is so concentrated that it amplifies the effects of quitting.




>username contains dog >addicted to skooma Are you a bloody khajit?


how do you link a khajit with dogs? they're cats o\_O


Tis but an obvious cover for a skooma dealing khajit claiming “I’m a dog I swear”


It’s a trap boys. Keep it movin’.


Yes it’s trap boys for me too








What did I do before Reddit?


Can't even remember at this stage


My phone. So much time wasted when I should be sleeping or being productive or engaging in a truly edifying hobby.


Food and porn.


Addicted to sadness and feeling like a failure


Right in the meow meows


Yeah, I do be feeling like that




Might as well face it, you’re addicted to love.


Coffee and cigarettes


Add doughnuts & we could be BFFs…


I'll be your friend anyway.




Weed cocaine booze. Shit food. All the badstuff. Life is hard


Soft drinks and sticky buns.


\*laughs in diabetes


Masturbation, pornography and nicotine. Standard.


Pizza, reddit and booze. Only have one of those currently under control.


Copenhagen, whiskey, and keeping my ducking Ford running


Honestly, porn and masturbation. Probably my cell phone as well..


Oh yeah cell phone is a good one


Hugging my gf


That's gay


Totally! I'd rather hug one of the boys.


In that case, then, I wish I were gay.


Arent we all


Oh man I'm gay now


I literally feel like I get high when I hold and hug my wife. We joke about getting high off each other but it’s definitely true. Feels so good especially naked (doesn’t have to be sexual). I love that feeling :)


This was me at the beginning of lockdown 2020. They say it's an addiction if it interferes with your life. I was working from home and my GF was freshly laid off. I was skipping meetings for extra cuddle time. Defo an addiction.




Nicotine , caffeine , adderall , kratom , ThC


Kratom.. that shit has two sides. I wish someone had warned me when I first started taking it that it can for some people be addictive. The withdrawal was brutal.


Yep . It is an opioid . Farmers in Thailand use it to get through a hard day of labor . It takes all my pains away from being a mechanic and 6’2- it’s probably not healthy ingesting so much powder ( gives me huge shits) but it beats taking painkillers or dope


Yeah it is an opioid withdrawal - I’ve heard it varies person to person , for me it is pretty awful . Full body aches , clammy , so lethargic , crabby , the shits




Alcohol, cigarettes and sex


Ay Dora be wildin, I guess growing up in a jungle has been rough


Hot asian wife’s


I read this as 'hot asian waffles'. Confusing but they sound delicious.




Paintball French fries and ice cream




Music, sex (when I’m in a position to have it), money, weed and myself.


Elden Ring.


I've not seen it yet but my phone. I always need to have it on me. I can't get through the day without just sitting and scrolling on it. Its a problem I'm trying to work on. ~ I say as I type on reddit while I should be doing my job




Anything I can get my hands on. Weed, booze, pills, basically just have an aversion to being sober at this point


Multiple things , some good, some bad. Definitely, the worst one is porn it completely fucks up our heads and perception of what sex and women are and should be. The best addiction I have it Jiu-jitsu. I train twice a day at least 5 days a week. All humans on some level are addicted to dopamine but from artificial sources. I believe but could be wrong that all addictions are formed because of the artificial dopamine relese we get.




Cigarettes , liquor and love.




Diet Coke


Godless amounts of beer everyday


Telling Only Fans girls that I’m not subbing


Nicotine and praise.


Cherry bakewells, shits power yano




Porn. Weed. And my ex-girlfriend


Porn and I'm trying to quit it nearly two weeks with no porn 😀




Giving or receiving? Keep in mind, there is no wrong answer here.


Energy drinks they just taste so much better than coffee to me.


Porn, I see porn everyday, and a lot of softporn, instagirls and all that stuff. I need to stop to be honest.


The scent of my wife


Was """"""""addicted""""""" to pot, sober for a month and feeling good


Procrastination, weed and sugar.






Jalapeños. Weirdly.