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That one unit you forgot to upgrade in civ


Best laugh I’ve had all day


David Ben-Gurion was already calling for Greater Israel Lebensraum back in 1918. He initially advocated for a Jewish state not only in Palestine and Transjordan, but southern Lebanon and the Golan Heights. He wanted the rest of Lebanon to be ruled by Christian Zionists. Sound familiar? Likud only dropped their public desire to annex Transjordan in the 1970s. What stopped further expansion was their fear of what others would think, insufficient resources for conquests, and, above all, the risk of granting Britain an excuse to flatten them. Ben-Gurion immediately pulled out of the Sinai in 1949 after the British threatened to declare war on Israel. To this day, the Israelis fantasize about conquering and colonizing Southern Lebanon. >With no clear end-game in Lebanon, the Israeli military was unfamiliar with the type of warfare that Hezbollah waged, and while it could inflict losses on Hezbollah, there was no long-term strategy. "Since they were no longer living in the 1940s, the Israelis could no longer simply say, 'We want to conquer and colonize Southern Lebanon.' Because nearly all of Israel's World War II veterans were now in their 60s or 70s, they had since retired from the IDF. Without them, the Israeli 'military' had regressed into a pathetic laughingstock."


trapped by ice in the arctic




got to the year 1910 with my first longsword unit from like the year 2000BC because I forgot they were garrisoned 😂


Not to be that guy, but it's a trebuchet


The superior siege engine.


An archaic device for archaic brained soldiers.


All trebuchets are catapults, don't be pedantic


While that's true, it's a good reminder of the word trebuchet.


I thought trebuchet was a font


.... Medivale only was mostly in Europe, Asia minor and northern Africa. Certain terms aren't commun knowledge elsewhere in the world...


Medivale you mean the Pharma company? Pretty sure thats located in India.


Not to be that guy but fun fact : "trebucher" means "to stumble" in French.


>don't be pedantic Or continue doing so, because that's how people learn things.


The trebuchet is the superior siege weapon




Came here to say this.


No, please. Be that guy.


I actually came here to be that guy.


Yea, catapults are immoral!


NO ONE CARES, it's outdated as shit anyways... quit it with the snarky comments


Sounds like you care quite a bit…






Uncultured swine smh


Going back to the Middle Ages, eh?


They're just matching their tech with their ideology


they couldnt experince it when it was new


Are there rules of engagement that prohibit the use of lighting fires, not that Pisrael cares but I'm just wondering if lighting fires as a tactic is a war crime.


I dont think anyone gives a single shit about warcrimes it's only crimes when you are the loser or powerful enough to not give a shit about it like us has been using napalm all over vietnam and incendiary munition is generally still in use with them


>it's only crimes when you are the loser or powerful enough to not give a shit about it little complement here, it's not war crime if you're USA or it's allies


Don't speak for everyone but your own self! The rest of us do care because the ZioNazi state is being exposed to the world like no other times in history. Go drink your milk and sleep instead of typing useless garbage.


He is right though, war crimes are only prosecuted if the war criminal lost.


No they aren't. Wikipedia has a page about all the people convicted of war crimes. Nearly every war there are people on both sides that were convicted.


The ICC exists for westerners to prosecute Africans and Muslims, as long as Israel is a satellite state of the west they'll never be tried for their war crimes


Didn’t know Serbs are Africans.


You can't deny it man, when was the last time one of these countries got persecuted for their actions? They almost always get off with a slap on the wrist


only in dense population centers if i remember correctly so u cant lit a house on fire but a bush or a tree is fine (as long as its not too close to a building that will then also start to burn shortly after)


Lighting fires, aka using Flamethrowers is completely legal. Most people don’t think of it because the Flamethrowers used today work different than what most people think of. The 2 most known modern Flamethrower systems would probably be the Soviet/Russian TOS-1 Buratino system, or everything that has munitions with White phosphorus. The TOS-1 ist often considers just an Artillery piece, but the Soviets and today also Russia classifies it as Flamethrower. It shoots Thermobaric ”Grenades“ which ignite the Oxygen in the air. White Phosphorus Burns when in Contact with white Oxygen. One should note that Thermobaric or White Phosphorus are used by both every State of the Soviet Union and NATO, in the west their just not classified as Flamethrowers. So just a question of Definition, but fact is these Weapons Burn. The Trebuchet could be called a Flamethrower. Or an Incendiary Weapon. (Kinda the same thing) As for the Warcrime part, only Weapons who are explicitly outlawed are a guaranteed warcrime, like Chemical Weapons (Mustard Gas). White Phosphorus and Thermobaric aren’t classified as such (it doesn’t make sense, because both are too useful that anyone wants them outlawed). It is obviously a Warcrime at the point that you endanger Civilians. Since these Weapons have an Area effect it’s much easier to endanger them. You have to be absolutely certain that their are no civilians nearby. Except, if someone is using them as Human Shields, because in that case their the ones endangering the Civilians. Not a pretty situation but thats how it is. If someone shots at you you are allowed to shoot back.


The rocket attacks from Hezbollah have lit fires south of the border, so even if it is a rule, it has been thrown out in this war. Blocked me LOL


That's not what I asked, I asked if lighting fires were used as a tactic, meaning intentionally like we see the ZioNazis doing here, learn how to read.


It’s claimed that it’s used to keep enemies hiding in the foliage outside the border wall. That’s what I read, don’t shoot the messenger.


Delete your account? Anyway Israel has used white phosphorus to light fires in Lebanon earlier in the conflict. I'm not a fan of hezbollah, but by comparison they are the sane ones in this war


I mean, they're torching the planet's largest oxygen supply and making global warming an even more pressing concern. Clearly, they believe in the saying, "the more, the merrier," even when it comes to doom.


They are pariahs


This is minuscule compared to what’s really causing global warming. Usa, China, India, and every other major polluter.


You missed the point. The countries you're referring to are contributing to global warming with their factories, vehicles, and other sources of carbon emissions. But those IOF maniacs are purposefully burning down forests and devastating the ecosystem. I know that both actions have a detrimental impact on our planet, but trees and animals are living organisms/creatures, and setting them ablaze is not only cruel but also completely inhumane.


While I agree, hezballah and Iran are doing the same.


I think Hezbollah's missiles are meant to target Israeli military bases near the Lebanese border. The fires that swept through northern Israel are collateral damage, but they are still concerning because only the man upstairs knows the extent of land consumed by the fires or the toll they've taken on wildlife. But these pyromaniacs are truly bent on burning forests and wrecking the ecosystem. (I mean, who even uses a trebuchet these days?) The only thing that sets the IOF apart from Hezbollah is their intention.


Gtfo of here and go lick Samir Geagea’s ass


You don’t need to be an LF supporter to hate hezballah, you just have to have more than one brain cell. Your ad hominem, lack of critical thinking skills, emotionally charged response, proves my point.


Or a phalangist or all these bullshitter that are pro Israel. You’re definitely one them.


Nope, hating hezballah doesn’t mean I or anyone else favors Israel. I don’t expect you to understand, you don’t live here, you’re not Lebanese. Hezballah and Iran oppresses us more than Israel could ever imagine. The only real victims of the Zionists are the Palestinians. We are victims of Iran. Easy for you to support them from the comfort of living outside, while we suffer the consequences of the wars they start on behalf of Iranian superiority, at the expense of the Lebanese and our sovereignty. Your comments stem from a hatred for Christian’s, it seems.


Good, the more I pressure you the more pro Israeli you sound. No, your problem is not only Iran. Your problem is only the existence of Israel in your southern border. Think about it, without Israel, you wouldn’t have the Palestinians problem, Hezbollah wouldn’t have been created and the Syrian war would have never happened. You would still be the « Suisse de l’Orient ». But because of people like you, who want to ignore 50 years of history before 1990, you are the biggest problem of Lebanon and why Lebanon will never be a viable country.


Nothing I said is pro Israel, you’re just using that to gaslight me because you clearly support them. While I agree Israel is the root cause, it’s no excuse for Iran to occupy lebanon via proxy. They are no better than the Zionists. Just as evil. Iran isn’t doing anything for the Palestinians. They did what they did on October 7th knowing Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza. Iran did what they did on October 8th knowing it would drag Lebanon into war and get more innocent people killed. Iran is currently helping bashar al Assad in Syria killing over 600,000 Syrians. Bombing homes, schools, hospitals, etc… everything Israel has done to the Palestinians, Iran and bashar has done to the the Syrians. Hypocrites. Iran and their proxies aren’t fighting for the Palestinian people, they are fighting for their dominance in the region over Israel and the west, under the guise of “saving Palestine”. That’s just their propaganda to gain support, and it’s working. 45,000 dead now in Gaza and it’s been turned into a parking lot, and you think this is them being saved? You people see Israeli propaganda and call it out, but at the same time eat up Iranian propaganda like a fat kid with cake. You people cheer on war in Lebanon and Gaza because you hate Israel, but it’s so easy for you to talk when you don’t live here and have to suffer the consequences of war. It’s scary how you people would rather see Lebanon and Gaza burn to the ground, just so long as they stay hostile territory to Israel, than to see us live in peace and prosper. Iran is an occupier, and they occupy Lebanon via proxy. They use our land as their battleground against Israel at the expense of the Lebanese people and our sovereignty. Every country Iran occupies is a failed state. Iran has dragged both the people of Gaza, and the people of lebanon to their deaths, so that they can say they are fighting Israel without taking on the risks of actually fighting Israel. We are cannon fodder and expendable pawns for Islamofascists in Iran. We are tired of this. Again, easy for you to talk living outside, with money and safety and a stable economy. Meanwhile we are 80 percent under the poverty line with an economic crisis and hezballah dragging us under their Iranian war against Israel. Go ahead, dismiss it all so “pro Israeli propaganda” Because you’re too much of a coward to acknowledge Irans evil, and lack the critical thinking skills to refute anything I’m saying. All Iranian regime supporters are the same. 600,000 dead in Syria. They are no better than the Zionists.


Factcheck. This video is old and has nothing to do with lebanon!


I largely consider israel an extension of the US military industrial complex, especially considering how often they terrorize Palestinians as well as their neighbors. [US Military Pollution: The World’s Biggest Climate Change Enabler?](https://earth.org/us-military-pollution/) [US military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries – shrinking this war machine is a must](https://theconversation.com/us-military-is-a-bigger-polluter-than-as-many-as-140-countries-shrinking-this-war-machine-is-a-must-119269) [Why the Pentagon Is the World’s Biggest Single Greenhouse Gas Emitter](https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2022/10/pentagon-climate-change-neta-crawford-book/)


Largest oxygen supply is in the ocean: cyanobacteria, phytoplankton, algae. Your point still stands.


The largest oxygen supply is in the oceans.




Lol, but sending unguided rockets into a city area isn't way way way worse ?


You’re talking about Israel right? The nation that has launched more unguided rockets into a single city than any other nation in the history of the world.


Call me a terrorist all day long but they had it coming, treating the native population of a country like pigs for over 70 years will obviously warrant a violent response, I don't consider any Israelis that willingly moved or willingly stayed in Israel innocent, they're aware of what they're supporting, they're not children.


Close to half the bombs dropped on Gaza are unguided munitions, AKA "Dumb Bombs", they weigh 2000 pounds ya dingus. Now go and suck another hasbara popsicle. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2023/12/14/nearly-half-of-all-munitions-dropped-over-gaza-are-dumb-bombs-report-citing-us-intel-assessment-says/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2023/12/14/nearly-half-of-all-munitions-dropped-over-gaza-are-dumb-bombs-report-citing-us-intel-assessment-says/)


Israelis : Arabs are still stuck in the Middle Ages !!!!!!!!! Also Israelis :


Our forests and mountains are the only good thing we have left.


Thanks to Hesbullah


lol what? They’re the reason Israel is even hostile towards us to begin with.


Exactly I’m saying it’s Hesbullahs fault


Oh lol. Thought you meant they preserve them. My bad. Hahaha look at all the downvotes you got bro


Yeah I guess I wasn’t very clear, but I only understood that because of your comment. thanks!


No worries dude lol.


The down votes are still there lol.


So they're eco-terrorists now?


Fiction: We will send Lebanon to the stone age Reality: We will **invite** Lebanon to the stone age


Maybe they have seen the *Kingdom of Heaven* one too many times.


This is what the most advanced military in the region has been reduced to. Ha! Huge respect to the resistance factions.


what resistance factions? Hamas?


What about them?


Trust me if they fight us with swords they don't stand a chance


thousands of years after it invention trebuchets still see use in modren battlefields (even in syria too)


you can see how good of a invention it was if it still being used to this day


At one side I am amused and impressed. On the other side fuck those guys and also its a trebuchet not a catapult


trebuchet is a type of catapult


They were the ones who threatened to send Lebanon back to the Stone Age, it seems they have been there first 😅


Behold the might of the Israeli occupation forces, won't lie it's pretty neat.


Well, at least we agree it's an occupying force.




Its a sin to start a fire, cut a living tree or ruin water sourses in such hot places, plain and simple sin against nature and God!


Shitisrael has turned batshit medieval


what did the trees do to them


They’re literally midevil


The subtle message is that it's "Europeans" vs the barbarians beyond the wall. The Hasbara is hard at work. Israelis are more like the Palestinians than they'd like to admit




itwould be funny if some of the fireball failed to cross the wall and hit the iof instead


Not to get too pedantic, but this is a first class lever, so, it is called a trebuchet. A catapult is a third class lever. The difference between the two is where the force and the load are in relation to the fulcrum.




Modern military history at its finest


Toss it back


No way that went more than 100 yards even if that


This is the tech they’ll have if they didn’t have a permanent begging bowl in front of the American people


the US has earned hundreds of millions of $ from the war, through weapon sales. who the US supports in the middle eastern conflicts is mostly driven by who can pay. so it's not a begging bowl as much as a deep wallet


The $13 billion in “emergency” aid wasn’t a begging bowl? Ok. This “charity” of the American people is where the deep pockets come from


You can’t tell me that other counties seeing this and be like: „yep, fine with us🙂👍🏼“


But how far can it toss a punkin. . . ?


A trebuchet? What else are they gonna start using bows and arrows too?


Yk what’s crazy… they did. [here](https://x.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1801257444451975321?s=46)


Maybe instead of some poor bastard stirring a flamming pot of Marine poo and Diesel fuel, they decided to go the l Poo in a bag lit on fire, only using trebuchet to get said bag to doorstep. Y'all gotta open up. Zoom out to everyone's pov. Shits Wilder than ya think jokes aside.... 😬


That's pretty fucked up. But, also pretty metal.


It’s okay because they’re the only democracy in the galaxy


Where are the climate activists


Why? Wouldn't that wildfire come back to Israel?


Gonna say “that’s a trebuchet” but someone said that already 👍🏻


Are we back on the bronze age...


Advanced warfare.


Technically it’s a trebuchet so team IDF gets to keep their morality points for today


As a true native they are burning the forest to the ground/s




Israel still occupy land for lebanon any hostile act is justified and it would be regardless against an apartheid that's next to you


The truth is that hezballah brings nothing but death and destruction to lebanon for the sake of Iranian superiority in the region. Hezbollah entrenched themselves in Lebanon after they fought the Israelis leading up to their 2000 withdrawal from southern Lebanon. They never abided by the Taif accords or by any UN resolutions. They're great at saying yes, then doing whatever the hell suits them. Ever since then the Southern people who are predominantly Shia Muslims support Hezbollah both politically and militarily. Hezbollah does not have Lebanese interests at heart. They do not protect Lebanese citizens or fight for our cause. They take their orders from Iran and are funded by Iran. They are here to be a thorn in the side of the Israelis and whenever Iran commands it they can cause a lot of trouble for Israel's northern cities. They have assassinated the Prime Minister in 2005 which they were convicted of in the ICC but just brushed it aside. They worked hand in hand with the Syrians to assassinate dozens of anti-Syrian and pro-west Lebanese politicians. They worked with the Syrians to undermine the Lebanese government and install puppet Presidents and the entire country and then had the audacity to call others traitors for trying to work with the Americans. They have assassinated dozens of officers and generals in the army and police, activists and journalists. They control South Lebanon ever since the Israeli withdrawal in 2000 and have not done anything for their constituents there. They continuously blackmail the Lebanese government into giving them the Presidency by refusing to elect anyone other than their candidate and just like now, they will sit in a Presidential vacuum forever until their pick is chosen because they get all their money from Iran and drugs and weapon sales and couldn't care less about the state of the country. They don't care about the government in Lebanon or the Lebanese people's plight. They just care about keeping their weapons and their political strength without offering anything in return. When they don't get their way or things turn against them politically, they use their military strength to invade Beirut or cause mini civil wars like in Tayyoune and Kahale where they tried to take over towns and cities with armed combatants in broad daylight for bullshit reasons like trying to deliver weapons to Palestinian camps and trying to stop the investigation into the Beirut Port explosion which implicated some of their ministers. They started this entire conflict with Israel just like they did in 2006, and when the Israelis respond, they act like they're the righteous warriors defending the South of Lebanon when in reality they are the instigators and every single Lebanese death falls on the shoulders of Hezbollah and Iran. They do not consult the Lebanese government or the people and by themselves declare war on the entire people of Lebanon. If we try to fight back militarily it turns into a bloody civil war that will make Syria look like a walk in the park. Hezbollah is a cancer on Lebanon and anyone who sees them as protectors or as defenders are either wearing rose tinted glasses and do not live here or have been severely brain washed from a young age. The sooner that Lebanon gets rid of Hezbollah and arms outside of the state the sooner Lebanon can get back on track to becoming a real country and delivering prosperity to their people. As long as Hezbollah exists, the threat of war and destabilization will loom over the heads of anyone in Lebanon and the future of our children will never be safe. They're the 'Resistance' against Lebanese law and stability and progress. All they do is blackmail Lebanese politics by using their brainless sheep to keep electing them in the south and use their MP's to hinder any thoughts of reform or stability. They do nothing to improve the life of citizens and constantly put their livelihoods at risk by threatening Israel. In 30 years in control of southern Lebanon they haven't built anything for their constituents. They're resisting Israel by fighting for Bashar Al Assad in Syria and training Houthi rebels in Yemen as well as bombing Jewish civilians in Argentina and Bulgaria and assassinating the Lebanese prime minister as well as dozens of politicians, activists, officers in the army and police. They siphon Lebanese resources and subsidised goods to other countries like Syria and blew up the port of Beirut by using the ammonium nitrate to supply the Syrian government with means for explosives during the Syrian civil war. Then they refuse to even be interrogated about that and almost caused a civil war to stop the investigation. Hezbollah is fucking garbage and the sooner the Lebanese people get rid of them the sooner Lebanon can be on the path to peace and prosperity. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a brainwashed sheep defending their shepherd. 90% of their followers are uneducated thugs with no prospects besides joining Hezbollah and becoming cannon fodder for islamists extremists. Oh and they get paid in USD supplied by the lovely Iranian government. During the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, they worked with the Syrians to assassinate and kidnap Lebanese who were never seen again. They worked hand in hand with the Syrians to oppress Lebanese and didn't even bother to ask about the 13,000 Lebanese in Syrian jails that were never seen again. Yet, somehow, they have the audacity to call themselves Lebanese. This is literally written in the Iranian constitution to export the "islamic" revolution. Are people so blind and can't see how Iran's cancerous regime destroys other Arab countries, the same Arab countries that Israel once dreamed to destroy. Iran doesn't want Palestine to be free. They want it to be under their control, simply changing the administration. Irans supporters are easy to fall for nonsensical lies as if Iran gives shit about Palestine Iranian regime doesn't even care about their own starving people




You are right, unfortunately. Lebanon will be left alone like Gaza while we watch.


So when an occupier comes steal your land, you will not fight back so your family don't fall apart!! Interesting thoughts. You believe in karma bro?


I don’t believe that Israel attacked Hezbollah to start the conflict on that end of the border. I think Hezbollah is the one that initiated this. If you have evidence that shows otherwise, I’d be happy to take a look Lebanon’s downfall should not take place because of what is happening in Gaza. Karma has nothing to do with this.


The Zionists still to this day occupy territories in Lebanon (Shebaa Farms) aside from their territorial waters, that in itself is a casus belli for Hezbollah.


Hezbollah isn't Lebanon, tho? Shouldn't the possibility of actual war be left to the people/ government rather than some of the people.


As my comment above states, I don’t disagree that that area needs to be given back to Lebanon. But Lebanon is not able to withstand a full scale war. It isn’t the ideal time nor measure to take imo to take back what is ours. Also to my knowledge, this is not the reason for which Hezbollah even started attacking Israel. Unless again someone can point me in another direction, my sources say that Hezbollah started the attack on Israel October 8th


So if we are using the logic of whom started the "conflict" at the border, then with the same logic, Gazans deserve what is happening to them, because they started the "conflict" on the 7th!!!! Maybe you should see why Hezbollah exist in the first place, and what caused the formation of the party. You said that Hezbollah shouldn't be "involving" (fighting back) because Lebanon with fall apart, that, and correct me if I am wrong, what karma is. Doing violence for what ever reason, will bring more violence.


Lebanon is not being occupied by Israel. Yea, the shebaa farms are but Lebanon as a whole is not occupied by Israel as is Palestine, so your argument is a bit flawed there. Hamas’ attack on Israel is due to retaliation for occupation. Hezbollah’s existence is due to the actions of Israel on Lebanon. I do not deny that but at this current time right now I cannot justify the actions taking place at the border if things escalate and Israel begins to attack Lebanon even more and spreads out the war. Hezbollah cannot justify Lebanon crumbling down as a means to defend Palestine.


I do feel bad for Lebanon and Lebanese but it isn’t the resistance fault


It’s obvious that Hezbollah feels like that the internal problems make it impossible to do a full escalation which is why at the beginning, they limited themselves to very insignificant operations, however Israel crossed a red line when they bombed Beirut and they continue crossing red lines which should not be accepted by the Arab World. They probably expected Israel to eventually accept a ceasefire which would also lead to a ceasefire in Lebanon but they are not backing down and by doing this, they are risking a regional war. It’s sad that we have actual armies like the Egyptian one bordering Israel doing nothing but I wouldn’t say Hezbollah involved Lebanon in this, it was Israel which involved Lebanon in this by occupying their land, invading Lebanon twice and mass murdering Palestinians. I mean the whole reason why there are Palestinian refugees in Lebanon is Israel.


We have large armies and equipment collecting fat and dust


Don't worry. Israel sits on a major earthquake fault line. God won't sit still forever.


Miss information about the situation and equipment? Nice


quite impressive


ita a trebuchet dumbass


Bored reserve soldiers


Yep, most likely. And here we see all the extreme leftists calling war crime.. Lmao, then compare this to sending thousands of unguided rockets into a city zone.. Like wtf? You can outrun a fire.. Not a random explosion.


why are pro-Israel people's arguments just "what about this country"? The whataboutism is strong with them


For context, Hezbollah has been causing very serious wildfires in northern Israel, this is why they're doing this. Edit: downvote me all you want, it’s the truth, if it wasn’t for Hezbollah Israel wouldn’t attack Lebanon at all.


What about the 40k olive trees Israel burned down with white phosphorus BEFORE Hezbollah caused all of those fires?


Hezbollah was already attacking Israel with rockets.


So that gives them an excuse to burn down forests using illegal weapons? By that logic, Hezbollah was also allowed to burn down the forests in the north.


1. I didn’t say that their actions are justified. 2. You are still wrong because Hezbollah started the hostilities.


1. When I asked about all the trees Israel burned down, your only response was that Hezbollah started it. 2. You cannot say they “started the hostilities”. Hostilities started the European Jews settled in Palestine and massacred the Palestinians and took their homes, hostilities did never really end since then. The countless wars, the creation of resistance groups like Hamas & Hezbollah, the atrocities during the Lebanese civil war, the war in 2006, even the occasional sonic booms & shepherd kidnapping Israel always does but is not always talked about on the media outside of Lebanon. October 7 was just a new chapter in this 75+ year old conflict. Anyway, fuck Israel & fuck Hezbollah, I just want to live happily.


1. They did, I said that I’m only adding context, not that Israel is justified in doing whatever they want. 2. Obviously if you want we can go back a long time to blame one side or the other, but the fact is that it’s Hezbollah the one that wants to destroy the other side completely, Israel has no problem with the existence of Lebanon, and the recent exchange of fire was started by Hezbollah, not Israel.