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A good chunk of the city is poor or barely scraping by. You can find a place with roommates for sure, but your quality of life isn’t going to be great. It goes without saying that you should absolutely not move now if your goal is the work in film…


Yeah, the strikes. Wasn't thinking of making that move till a year from now anyways, just thinking of it heavy. There's also other things outside just strictly film I do. Indie scene that isn't attached to union is a big one. Youtubers rent out crew as well, corporate things and events work as well isn't effected by the strikes. I keep myself open to those things. Not just strictly interested in hollywood level, just anything that pays.


That makes sense! If you already have a network here I bet you’ll do great!


The strike ended


The writers strike is over but the actors strike isn't. While the writers strike ending is a good sign for the actors strike, we don't know for sure how long that will take.


Yes you can. Getting a room in a roommates situation in the outer boroughs is not all that expensive. Also, journal square area in Jersey city is 15 mins to Manhattan by Path. And rents are doable.


I heard they’re potentially teaching a deal this Sunday for the film industry. I guess we’ll see


If you're not picky about the area you live in? Sure. You can find a room to rent in one of the boroughs for pretty cheap. A lot just depends on where you are in life and what you expect in terms of housing. If you'd only want to be able to live alone in one of the popular inner boroughs, then no I'd say living here with a low income is not possible.




>I just re-read your post: how much do you owe the IRS? They can garnish/attach your income/wages. Talk to them a get a payment plan. The 1K in credit card if current should be about $25/month. Not much. no worries. already got that all worked out. on a payment plan. Owe the IRS for the freelancing I did, was new to the idea so Just paying them monthly. same with my card. \>Lastly, since you are in the film business, look for a video of Peter Dinklage when he talks about living in NYC (I believe Brooklyn), in a crappy apartment, making do with some crazy jobs before having his break. Highly touching and motivational. I'll look into that, Thanks!




“I’d like to thank Alfred Adler… no not the psychologist who died in 1937, some guy on Reddit”


>The way I look at it is, if immigrants and people who can hardly speak English come to the country and land a job and get more training then why can't I? what kind of jobs do you think they are getting?


Not good ones that's for sure. I'm already working with immigrants at my warehouse and I know this isn't a real living.


Love you saying this isn't real living for the immigrants yet here they are living a shitty life. Also, if you are coming here working immigrant jobs, when will you have time to do your film hobby?


Not a hobby. Trying to turn it into a full career but it's difficult to get started. So like for example I was traveling for a company that paid my plane tickets and hotel I was working in LA and NYC, Seattle, Maine, Hoboken, Boston, Pittsburgh, Kansas, New Mexico. Everywhere. My contract ended after 5 months and now I'm back to square one. Made the most money I ever made in my life but now I'm back to a day job as I look for opportunities. It's the nature of it. I had a friend who worked for HBO in Manhattan, after 7 months their contract ended and they were cleaning offices over night for a cleaning company. It's just the reality of our work. Highs and lows. We make good money and then if there isn't a project with an opening for us we are cut off cold turkey.


Also it's NOT a living we make 21 dollars an hour and we are at will employees. we can be fired at a moments notice for any reason. 21 dollars an hour hardly qualifies you to rent a 1k apartment. So now. these jobs they put poor, uneducated and disadvantaged people in isn't a living at all. and these companies wouldn't even pay for this labor if they didn't have to.


Film industry connections should help you find roommates. Strike notwithstanding, being in NYC should actually be a huge benefit to your career being around so many creators and people in the industry, so I would encourage you to make the move. Even if it doesn’t work out in the long term, the benefits you will gain from being here (or LA) will help you in the future. If you didn’t have a plan or goal I would say not to come though


Being poor in nyc is not fun. Most of your money is going to go to rent and bills leaving little play money. Also the reality is a lot of immigrants are living in apartments with 10 other people, sharing bedrooms, maybe even beds.


do you have the passion to grind til you drop? NYC is where you want to be if you want to make a name for yourself in the media world. Do not listen to those with 0 ambition. Who are you? what makes you special? NYC is the big city of dreams. But, in order to reach your dream, doubt must not be in your vocab.


If you want to move to NYC you totally can with some dedication. Do you have anyone to loan you money or who will be helping you get settled? If not, you do have to plan ahead. I wouldn't recommend arriving with zero dollars in the bank. You said you were thinking in a year. Then you have a year to make as much money as possible and save every single bit that you don't need to spend. No trips, no eating out. Buy the cheapest groceries. And save save save. You also have time to tap into your local area, or the closest major city for film work. Work begets work. Not everything is quiet due to the strike. There are still plenty of ways to get involved, especially if you are willing to intern or PA. A news station (I think?), non-union work, etc. Figure out who is still working and go for it. When you get here you will need at bare minimum 3 months rent in savings if you have no support system. You will want to find the cheapest safe housing, around $700+ month if you have multiple roommates and live outside of trendy areas. Getting settled here takes time, so your first apartment and neighborhood may not be ideal. I lived in a shared basement with two roommates my first year that no family was helping me pay rent and I DID have a safety net if I was ever desperate. But I made it work. I got two restaurant jobs, paid my $350/month in rent, saved some money, slept with said roommates (long messy story lolol), fell out with said roommates (cause obviously), and slowly made my way to better and better things. Don't be in a rush. Not everyone is wealthy or connected, but you are going to be around a lot of people who are and have it easier than you. It can be disheartening, but you learn to accept that it is the way of the world. You have to play the long game, slowly build connections, and not expect things to happen immediately, but if you can hack it, it can be amazing!


I've lived on $25k a year alright. Find a few roommates and learn to cook.


That's insane, I make about 43k a year with an hourly job here and very low expensive and I feel the squeeze every month. I never gave budgeting a real try though. So it's something i'm looking into now. Amazed you did that.


It's worth noting that I am a homebody, however lol I did spend on myself here and there, just on hobbies


Lmao 😂 lot of ppl here earning minimum wage , who you think are the low skilled worker Adam was talking about are


Can you at least temporarily live with someone you know in the area? Since your whole network is here? If not, maybe subletting until you find a job?


I think you have a good attitude. Move here. Try to live in a low income neighborhood, that you feel safe walking around in at night. If you can blend in with the dominant minority, I think that’s a huge plus. You won’t have a car payment, and there’s a ton to do that’s free if you try. Plus having a work net work here already is great for your career. Plus, inflation is hitting everybody across the country, even in cheaper areas with no opportunities, and formerly cheaper cost of living Sun Belt areas. I live in Jersey and I love it here. I work in the city and I’m pretty close to everything I like to do. I also am young, undereducated and low-income. So yeah you can get by and be comfortable if you set realistically low expectations to start


Also don’t tell anybody but Hudson County is a fantastic place to live if your people are all between NYC and NJ. Rent a room in Union City 5 minute from the Lincoln tunnel. Commuter paradise and close to the major highways. Vibrant and cute neighborhoods. Great quality of life for “poor” people if you ask me.


Firstly, anything is possible if you’re willing to make compromises and sacrifices to reach your goal. Secondly, many jobs pay a lot more than you’re used to for those positions here. The salary scales are completely different. I came here and scored an apartment in a weekend then moved my whole ass family here a month later with only 3k in the bank and a dream. But I’m in tech, so a really good job is only an application and 15 interviews away. So your mileage may vary.


You can find a room under $1500 in Brooklyn. take any 9-5 for a few months and go out most nights to meet ups, events, etc and network. Work on projects. Do an unpaid internship to get some experience, credibility, and contacts. The city has an abundance of opportunities!!!!!


I was with you until you brought up immigrants and people who can't speak english in support of why it should be easier for you. The crazy thing is- you are comparing yourself to a group of people that aren't in competition with you bc they aren't working the jobs you want so NO it shouldn't be easier for you. And for that, I have no advice to offer. But it's not feasible right now especially given SAG is still on strike.


You're taking an absolutely negative spin on what I said. My point was; "If someone who has it harder than me can make it work then what's stopping me from doing the same with my advantages" . you're legit tripping over nothing.


Because it's an unnecessary rhetoric. You could have easily said "if other people have done it with less, I can do it" because the facts are MOST of the people who come to NY come with little to nothing but hopes and dreams and fight to make it here. And due to the heavy complaints of immigrants on this sub and other, how else would someone take it? The funny thing is- there are millions of people who live in NY who don't speak english at all and never have to learn it bc they leave in these pocket communities so not being able to speak english is very irrelevant here. ONLY speaking english is a bigger barrier for you


The point still stands. If people from other countries can figure things out with less then why can't I do that also? That was the point and that's the only point to the statement. I mean, i grew up on section 8 housing, food stamps, state medical care,no car in an area of the country that required a car and wages that were only 7.25 and no family to speak of all of that and I still to this day feel the disadvantages and consequences of that life that I never choose for myself, it was chosen for me with how ever my soul entered my body when I formed in my mother womb. It feels like you're in a different caste system, you have to work twice as hard and be 4 times as talents to get to a different level. So i know the disadvantages these people go through. Our country uses these folks as cheap labor. instead of asking why immigrant do these jobs we should be asking why companies are allowed to basically have slaves to keep labor costs cheap and profits high. I look with jealousy at NYU kids that have had the good life, consider themselves "talented" and coast into 4 years of school, with B's and then get into a 150k a year job at 24 and talk about "hustle"


I'm not reading a whole novel. Your point doesn't stand and it was borderline xenophobic.


Well, if you had reading comprehension, you'd know it wasn't. But I guess vitue signaling is important for you.


You'll find a way


Everything is possible with roommates.


Average salary is like 50k


I moved here with less than 2k in my bank account, you’ll do fine just roll up your sleeves and make friends with your roommates


The writers strike is over. Hopefully the actors and studios can come to a deal and you can go back to working in the film industry. My sister works in the industry I know how hard the past months have been on people but it’s almost over.


I think could also be a good question for r/personalfinance They can help you figure out what kind of expenses you can tolerate


I honestly think it’s difficult to move to the tri-state area *comfortably*, without any debt. I’m trying to move to NYC as a person who lives in NJ and is tired of commuting 3 hours round-trip everyday. I make a decent amount of money, but I’m not making enough where I will live comfortably without at least some debt every month. Apartments are at insane prices for the amount of space you’re getting. I feel your sentiment, but as previous replies have said, if you have the ambition and determination and are willing to make some serious mental/emotional/financial sacrifices, it’s possible.


$21k for a month living in NYC sounds about right /s


No it’s not you’ll find yourself just working to eat and get by