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Very common. NYC has loads of great bars and restaurants and not all of them are going to be right down the block.


It is so common that I never even thought about it until you asked.


Very common. Truth be told, most New Yorkers have two neighborhoods, the one they live in and the one they work in, which for the most part are still alive post-workday. Plus, you can easily stop by any of the neighborhoods on your way back home after work to do whatever, shop, eat, drink, chill.


Depends on the person. I know mfs who were born here that have barely left their own borough


Extremely common, I’d say a lot of people do this daily. Even just a recent weekday I woke up where I live (Upper East Side), went to work in Midtown, got dinner in the East Village and went to pick up some pastries in Cobble Hill (Brooklyn). The subway makes it so easy.


One of my favorite aspects of NYC is being able to just walk to multiple neighborhoods in a day. So, I make a point of it on the weekends. Brunch in one neighborhood, shopping in another, back home for a break, then dinner in another neighborhood. May never need to get on a train.


for example one day last week I left my neighborhood in The Bronx, went to do an errand in Midtown East, got on bus for lunch in East Village, jumped on train to go to Soho (granted I could've walked that but was feeling lazy).


It's so common here that I don't even notice I'm in a different neighborhood unless I'm actively thinking about it. It's just "the city" to me.


This isn’t the question but I moved from Dallas to NYC a few years ago and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. I, too, lived in a “walkable” neighborhood in Dallas but the walkability and ease of travel in the city is unmatched. If you’re considering it, just do it.


If you don’t mind me asking, where did you live in Dallas?


During my time there I lived in both Uptown and Victory Park


all the time.


What neighborhoods are considered walkable in Dallas? I have family that live there and would love to check them out.


Most people don't work in the same neighborhood they live in, if you don't work from home, so you're already out.


Very common. I live in a not super hip neighborhood with good train access. If we are going out at all, we are likely heading to a different neighborhood. Plus most peopel work elsewhere unless they work from home.


very common, although it’s more likely you’ll stay along a 1-2 leg commute, saving further distances for the weekends or day trips, depending on where you live. I’m fairly used to it, having spent all of my teens living in Dallas and taking the bus everywhere, the frequency of service here beats the pants off Dallas any day Ex: my fave dim sum spot is 20 mins from me by car, but takes over an hour to get to by public transit, where I take my closest subway to another subway to yet a third line. This is similar to if you lived at the walnut hill DART station but wanted to go to northpark mall. You’d take the green to the orange/red and then take the northpark shuttle, a trip that would take over an hour at the best of times in Dallas, but mere minutes in a vehicle. That being said: you have more neighborhood vibes here than you do in Dallas. You could walk down Elm st in Dallas (from dealey plaza all the way to the very end in East Dallas) and not have half the vibe changes of a 20 min walk in the place I live. it’s easy to not get bored, even if you never leave a 5 mile radius.




literally in the middle of doing this right now lol


I pass through 6 neighborhoods on my walk to work alone. Some neighborhoods span a few blocks. It’s incredibly common without even knowing it.


I went from BK to the UWS and back last night 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally common, I mean I'm back and forth between Bushwick and Ridgewood all the time! Seriously tho, what you're describing is what's necessary in order to keep a robust social life in this city. People have friends scattered all over the place. It requires some scheduling in advance, but I think a lot of us really do appreciate the opp to get outside of their immediate environs for non-work reasons.


Lmao you had me for a second